Saturday, December 22, 2012

[ALL] Happy Holidays 2012!

The year 2012 has been amazing and extremely eventful for us. I tried to make the summary short, but..

Minsk, Belarus
In blossoming World of Tanks we have seen 9 major releases bringing huge changes and massive improvements, from those I would especially mark out the legendary (yes!) 8.0 with new physics and updated graphic render and the long-awaited introduction of British tanks later in 8.1.
The upcoming year is going to be similarly successful with all the stuff planned.

Kyiv, Ukraine
Second major product of the series - World of Warplanes entered the closed beta in late May. The game had its own ups and downs, natural for its early stage. The massive and extremely secret (!) overhaul of the many persistent issues has almost been finished by now and we will definitely be glad to present the results some time in Q1 2013.

World of Tanks Generals, a collectible card online game, is currently at alpha stage and doing very good. Expect lots of new from this side in 2013.   

Saint-Petersburg, Russia
World of Warships was only announced in mid 2012 (even though had been in development for some time before that) but has done just awesome progress since then, the feedback from various focus tests has been scarily positive so far. And believe my word, the game will come up to your expectations. The first testing stage is coming in foreseeable future.

Somewhere in WG's basements in Siberia
Above are titles that have been announced by now, which doesn't mean we are not trying to broaden our horizons soon. For sure, you are going to discover a lot new in 2013.

Now to the key point. Thank you for staying with us throughout this period. All the best to you and your families!

Merry Christmas and happy New Year! Stay around in 2013 and see you in battles - ground, aerial, and naval ones. May luck be on your side:)

Always yours,


  1. Good Job! You are making great games !

    Just one request... Pls show us something like a plan, which things are "likely" (Doesn't have to come for sure) to come this year, like you have done some years before :)

    1. I think you can understand our unwillingness to announce long term planes. They are pretty much subject to change.

    2. Really Overlord ;) I don't care for things like when and whys....

      I would just love to hear what your future plans are :)

  2. Merry Christmas, Overlord... and thank you (You personally and all the WG staff) for bringing us this wonderful game. It is very much appreciated.

    With kind regards

    1. Thank you, mate. Keep up the great work you are doing.

    2. Merry X-Mas to both of you.

      just a smaaall question:

      There was the rumour that the british tier X heavy FV215B will be moved to the tank destroyer branch as tier X. Can you elobarate on that? Will it be just another model like in the T110-series or will the current tier X heavy be moved to the TD branch?

  3. I've had my ups and downs with World of Tanks and though I've criticized it in the past I still think it's a good game and that you guys do a wonderful job. Happy holidays!

  4. Can we get a tank release timeline? I know that 8.3 - Chinese HTs & MTs, 8.4 - Brit TDs & SPGs, 8.5 2nd German MTs and/or TDs.

    But what comes in 8.6? 2nd French HTs and/or MTs or Chinese TDs and SPGs or the Euro or even Japenese tree.

    1. Japs are planned to go first. Thi I would not expect them till late 2013 at least.

  5. I hope 2013 will bring us garage battles and new maps (and new kids of maps?). After over 13000 battles played I do feel bored with maps i play. All new maps are not that new anymore, old maps are redone, but still I know them like I was there forever ... maybe it's time to make something more advanced with various parts of maps available only under certain circumstances, or environment that can affect the gameplay (like flooding some parts of map to make them "shallow water" with speed reduction etc. after some sort of dam has been destroyed)?

    Just one thing:
    In garage battles one of the main issues is getting rid of destroyed vehicles that might block the way, but I guess some sort of getting rid of them with arty or HE shells would be possible? (just leaving a pile of metal maybe?). Anyway ... do what You can to bring the garage battles before i YAWN myself to death :(

    1. The wrecks might actually bring some diversity because the most used routes would clog up, forcing players to find new ones.

    2. I do agree, but on the other hand there are some maps that 6 to 9 wrecks can turn into umplayable blocked area, like 3 bridges on Erlenberg, or 3 railroad crossings on Prohorovka (here I think total of 8 tanks could block both northern and southern passage).

      I do agree that wrecked tanks add a lot to the gameplay, but they are a risk that can as well make a whole game mode unplayable.

    3. Some map overhaul may be required. Just like we did for adding physics.

  6. Many thanks Overlord for your hard work and Happy Holidays to you and your family as well.

  7. World of Tanks 2 for cold war MBTs?

    Happy Holidays Overlord.

  8. That year was surely crucial for WoT. You improved game greatly - we have finally British tanks, more realistic physics, UI is much better (but not tech tree), MM is tighter which was probably greatest move.

    There is also much more new players, which showed, how wrong were those people, who in summer 2011 and later started writing that WoT will die in one year cause you do not care about players and develop game too slowly ;). When these profecies started to appear (also in comments to your posts on this blog), we were celebrating only 50k record on EU server ( ). Now it is normal that there is more then 140k players online on EU! For me it is great news, cause I want that game to be alive long years :)

    Merry Xmass nad Happy New Year :)

    1. Yup, we have almost tripled our numbers on EU. And the amazing 617.000 CCU on Russian server were also great.

  9. Have a great holiday season. And may your blog contain much information we, your readers, actually want to know about!

    (hint: A "leak" of that 25 pages master document of the future of WoT would be highly anticipated. perhaps you can post it on wikileaks ;))

  10. merry christmas overlord, your blog is much appreciated bro.

  11. All the best wishes to you and wargaming also. Thank you for the great games and keep it up :)
