Wednesday, August 15, 2012

[WoWS] Let the Flood Begin!

Those who are interested in naval warfare has got an opportunity to discuss related stuff and communicate with WG staff working on the World of Warships project.

NA and RU forums went live, EU board is coming soon.

Time to post has come!


  1. "EU board is coming soon"

    EU is as always the latest huh? :D ;)

  2. Eeyup. Which patch came out infamously late for EU ? Was it 0.7.2 or 0.7.4 ?

  3. overlord tell me what time to release 8.0 public test. dont ignore me :)

  4. You are going to start out with na and eu forums split from the beginning this time? :O

    1. Yes, that's the progress, right? :)

    2. I guess :P , I kinda liked a combined forum for na and eu in wowp ;)

      But it sucked hard when it got split up :(

    3. But I think Overlord that dividing forums on EU and NA disperse your resources and causes many problems for community management. Website and forums could be one for all "Western world". Both on NA and EU most people use English, so all things published on NA can be also on EU. I noticed that NA community team is quite active on forum and gives many interesting informations.

      To be honest at this moment EU is worst informed community. If not your voluntary presence on Q&A, we would have almost no info from WG on forum and no answers. At this moment I have most information from RU and NA forums. And I see that more and more EU players checks those places or and publish new information on forum.

    4. The division on EU and NA is really a necessary thing. Each server has its own so-called service team, its own events and such stuff.

      Trying to compensate your lack of info with my (even though limited) presence there.

  5. Once again EU comes last
    but who cares

  6. EU gets something last, what a surprise! :P

    1. Cause they need more people for a minor community (multiple language kills it) :(

    2. Most of the users don't play WoT on their native language but english.

      (Terrible, ridiculous and very poor translations exists)

    3. The basics of a EU server could easily have been put in place at the same time with just English being used as it is for large parts of the WoT EU server, but as has been said (many times before) the EU goes to the back of the queue just as the British tanks/planes have.

      I feel this will never change.

  7. dear Lords please bring us more info on WOWS !!! why did you WG go for planes first intead of ships!!! :)

  8. i cant wait on WoWs, espesialy when i read you changed it from lots of small boats controlled by 1 player to each player play 1 boat each.

  9. This is the one I'm waiting for! Tried the WoWP beta but it's just doesn't feel right. WoWS is the one I've been waiting on since you announced it. Should have done it first!

  10. 1 ship pr player is way cooler than doing a strategy thing with a small task force keeping track of multiple ships at once...

    1. Yes, we think so too now. The previous idea appeared to not be a valid one.

    2. I have 2 small questions if you know:
      1/ From what angle do we view the ship/battle?
      2/ How will you do aiming and firing of cannons?

    3. I'm guessing it will be the same as WoT
      (ie scrolling in and out alog with pointing and clicking unless)

  11. Overlord, since ships obviously have multiple turrets and multiple guns in turrets and since I seriously doubt a ship will only have one working turret and gun, my question now is if tanks will also get more guns operational
    (the m3 lee, and the m3 grant (british Lee), maus, b1 (which seriously needs the 75mm), french TDs, the ac mle 48 could use the little gun on the turret att he back, they should be powerful enough to kill scouts) and so on...)

    1. That's one of the things that is planned for tanks in future.

    2. :D
      i really hope it' sone of the higher priorities cause it wil make the b1 and lee really fun...... and usefull at last

  12. Overlord,

    I've been questioning the existence of the recently added tanks.

    First, the E-50 ausf. M. It seems unlikely that the Germans would ever want to move the transmission to the back, as it provided some additional crew protection. Right?

    Second, the T110E3/4. Do they really exist? If they do, how did you get access to that information? (It is still classified, I heard.)

    Third, the AMX 50 Foch 155. The 155mm version really existed?

    Its not really a problem, but if you start making things by yourself, where is this game going? (Besides, not many people know the T28 Prototype is a WG creation. :P)

    1. My replay about T110 is below (thought that pressed replay, but was wrong :)

    2. Ah, interesting info, but I still doubt the existence (by WoT standards) of the E-50 ausf M.

      The Foch 155 seems a likely project, but I can't find anything on it.

    3. T110s were a series a prototypes, all of them existed at least on paper, we have got plenty of them in-game (eg SU-14, Pz III-IV etc). Yes, T28 is probably our best creation, indeed. I don't see anything wrong with the fact that we have a number of crazy/paper models in-game.

  13. According to T110E3 and E4 (I wonder why you are not asking about T110E5?). These were designes made by Chrysler in 1950's. T110 was a project of heavy tank and Chrysler made 5 proposals. In three of them gun was in superstructure - this is T110E3. One was with turret with restricted movement - this is T110E4. And the last one was with classical turret - this is T110E5. You can find it all (with many more details and drawings) in Hunnicatt's book "History of US military vehicles". Here you can see screens of pages with T110

    1. Uuu, I gave wrong title of the book (was writing from head) it is "Firepower A History Of The American Heavy Tank" pages 172-176

  14. i realy hope the ships is closer to the tank feeling than the air, as i got airsick while playing WoWp :( even if i want to beta play WoWp more but my brain saying no gaming for you!

  15. Thank you very much!

    I have a question for the WoWS damage mechanics: will damage to the armor be localized? As in starboard armor badly damaged while portside armor intact?
