Wednesday, August 15, 2012

[WoWP] Gamescom Trailer of WoWP

Check out the new trailer of World of Warplanes created for Gamescom 2012. And visit WG booth, if you happen to be in Cologne these days. 


  1. Question what I have made several times on various different places but lets throw it down here as well since still no answer.

    Does World of Warplanes have a multicore support? Will it have one ? Will World of Tanks have multicore support in near or distant future ? Questimations ?

  2. Why would you look at that! What a feeling of SPEED! Those planes look so AGILE and maneuver so FAST! Boy, i sure HOPE the gameplay will be just like THIS!

  3. @overlord will you and all other wargaming staff dance polka in one of the dance shows?

    1. Hope, they will :) Unfortunately I'm not there atm.

    2. so how long will the multicore support questions to be ignored ? it's like 2012 already.

    3. I have answered it like 1k times by now, looking for my canned reply, hold on please.

  4. Im still waiting the beta key since alpha version :(
    and overlord:
    What time to release 8.0 test ?

  5. The game does NOT looks like you presented it in the video OMG . Stop doing FALSE videos , your game engine is not FrostBite or Cryengine .

    1. It's a trailer which doesn't necessarily feature in-game footage.

    2. Ofcourse , developers like WarGaming will lie to people just to get some more players that will buy gold (!) . (it is not a insult , it is a true sad fact) . Compared to WarGaming , developers like DICE or Crytek would never do thing like this !

    3. Sure trailers have to look great and camera actions has to be action packed. But games should be true to their graphics and game play...

    4. David Diamond,

      sorry to disappoint you (won't even give expamples of other pubs and devs) but that's basially how the entire industry works.

    5. Grow up already David, There is a difference between 'Teaser trailer' and 'in-game footage'. And don't compare a Free game (That no doubt is excellent, esp. with the new incoming Physics and rendering system), with an expensive game. What more can you ask from a F2P game, eh? If you don't like these games and think that Wargaming is just 'fooling' everyone and blah blah blah, then, Please just stop playing the game and simply leave this blog.

    6. oh , excuse me , everyone .
      I love WoT since i was a closed beta tester .
      just as a game and game engine developer saying my opinion about WarGaming and what i think they do wrong .

  6. Will something as awesome be done for WoT or WoWS soon? XD
