Monday, May 14, 2012

[WoWP] Me-262 HG III: Hochgeschwindigkeit

German aircraft manufacturing corporation Messerschmitt AG started the new program  named Hochgeschwindigkeit on February 16, 1944. The program aimed at development of high-speed modification of Me-262 jet. The research was carried out in several directions simultaneously ranging from Me-262 HG I, slightly different from the basic model, to really drastic metamorphosis - project  Me-262HG III. The latter had been worked on since December 1944. 

One of the main differences between Me-262HG II and Me-262HG III subprojects was the shape of the wings, namely wing sweep was increased to 35° and 45° respectively. Also both prototypes got lowered canopy, borrowed from Me-262HG I. It reduced drag, however made visibility somewhat worse. Me-262HG III differed from "prototype II" in terms of layout of engine nacelles. Having gained aerodynamically perfect form, they were located close to fuselage. This decision, on the one hand, reduced drag, on the other hand, the designers had to rework the construction of left and right gears (chassis). They were made to retract into the fuselage, in addition to that the "much beloved" narrow gage from Bf. 109 appeared on the new creation of Willy Messerschmitt as well. Another problem related to the change of engine layout was loss of air on its way through intake tube (the same issue popped up during the development of promising single-engined fighter - P.1101).

During the development of Me-262HG III several tail assembly and engine options were tried. As a basic decision it was planned to use the same tail assembly from Me-262, also the designers considered V-shaped tail assembly and even a truly exotic layout option with cabin being in rear (fin). 

Normally it was planned to mount 2 Heinkel HeS.011 engines, however this relatively compact motor, making draught of 1300 kg / 2870 lbs, had never been good in mass production thus an option was needed badly. And the alternative was found in most common German jet engine of that time - Junker Jumo 004. On of the Me-262HG III prototypes allowed to mount 2 Junker Jumo 004 engines with draught of 1050 kg / 2310 lbs each. However future modification of that motor promised some outstanding draught of 1800 kg / 3970 lbs. Models with the highest thrust-to-weight ratio allowed Me-262HG III to reach transsonic speed. Me-262HG III project was also used in development of night fighter that was in intended to replace Me-262B.

Unlike Me-262HG I model that actually made it to the sky and Me-262HG II that had been prototyped, the most perfect modification of "Swallow" remained as a scavenging duct model. The project started too late to have a real impact on the WWII outcome.

However there will be a chance to change things in game, piloting the tier 10 German fighter creeping the enemy planes and dominating the sky. 

Me-262HG III in blueprints

Me-262HG III rendered


  1. Ok...the devil can I know what I wanna have for my soul :D

    1. Whats more it is already available in global alpha :)

    2. Time for me to join in :P :D

      oh man..this plane....HOT :D

  2. Overlord thats just taunting to say its in global alpha :(
    Have allready given up hope to ever get into global alpha and i still think that the joke on april the 13th was a bit cruel. Well still looking forward to fly it when the game comes out and thx for all the news you keep getting us.

  3. any news from WoP? where is going to be in close beta?

    1. WoP? Its the wrong place to ask, mate. :)

    2. ovi you forgot the troll face on that one so here it is :D

  4. Any chance for people who didn't got invitation to alpha to join? If not, can you tell me when closed beta starts?

    1. The current applications will be valid for cbt, which starts in summer.

    2. Does this mean people who signed up at the first days are much more likely to get invited to closed beta than new people?

  5. Now this is some sexy bird...
    I didn't want to play WoWP... but this makes me want it want it want it!!!

  6. Ive flown this twice in Alpha and I enjoyed it. I hope this doesn't violate my aggreement but jet dogfight is waaay different from the prop planes.

  7. hmm now this might actually interest me in WoWp

  8. Unrelated to WoWp..
    But any comments on the Multi Turret system for WoT?

  9. I see in the video's from wowp that you are going for a third person + sniper view as you do in wot. What is the reason for this, i know you dont want it to be a sim, but no cocpit view at all could make it to arcadish! Care to eleborate Overlord?

    1. Cockpit view requires a lot of visual work with high textures as it is so up-close.

      We all know how hard-working WG is.... trolololol

      [think of game modes promised last year and second german/russian TD lines promised by christmas]

      Also, I know this is a diferent development team but if they are employed by the same cossak sluts, we can expect this game to be released same as alpha stage with balance fixes due any time 'soon'

    2. The absence of cockpit view is one of the simplifications we have to make balancing somewhere between sim and arcade, at this stage we tend to include more of action and arcade elements to the game.

  10. SO its called already "Hochgeschwindigkeit" it the fastest plane in WoWp?

  11. What was the criteria for being accepted into WoWP? Just signing up for it on the site? If so shouldn't it have gone to folks who have actively tested in the past for wargaming? I was testing WoT back in 2010 and have held a premium since launch. Those things aren't a factor I'm assuming? Sorry if that came off as rude, I'm just curious because I don't know.

    1. I was an alpha tester of WoT and got into wowp alpha 2nd round with 6k wot battles, not sure if any of this was a factor but I assume so.

  12. So... No horten229 ? O: D: O_O Kill me, then

    1. patch kit Remove the valve cap and fully deflate the tube by depressing the valve ICAbike01 stem with the hooked end of your tire lever. There are two main types of valve stems, a schrader valve and a presta valve. This tutorial is based on a schrader valve, but I will be covering the different valve types in another tutorial.
      Now it’s time to remove your tire, [url=]carbon fiber rims[/url]oneside at a time. Choose a section of tire that is away from the valve and hook one of the tire levers under the bead, directly in line with one of your spokes. Pry one side of the tire bead over the edge of the rim, and then hook the end of the tire lever to the nearest spoke. Insert another tire lever two spokes away from the first, and a third another two spokes away. Now the middle lever should fall out, and you can continue the process. When the tire is loose enough you can just run a tire lever around the rest of the rim to pull the whole side over.
      After you have removed one side of the tire, the other side should come off very easily.
      Ispect Tube
      ow remove the tube from the tire, and try to keep track ICAbike01 of [url=]carbon bike rims[/url]where it was positioned in relation to the tire. Inflate the tube to approximately twice its original size. This will expand the hole making it easier to find.
      Listen carefully to the entire circumference of the tube; you should hear a hissing sound that will indicate where the leak is. As a last resort you can submerge the tube in water and watch for bubbles, but you’ll want to avoid doing this as you’ll need the tube to be completely dry in order for the patch glue to work.
      Once you’ve found the leak, take note of [url=]carbon bicycle rims[/url]whether it is on the inner or outer side of the tube.
      I don’t recommend using either motor oil or 3in1 oil to lubricate the chain. Motor oil is too heavy and won’t fully penetrate the rollers, and 3in1 oil is vegetable based and will gum up the chain. I also don’t recommend using wax lubricants because while they don’t collect as much dirt, they are a lot of hassle to apply correctly, and wax is simply not as good a lubricant as oil. I do recommend mineral based chain oils like Finish Line Cross Country or Phil Wood Tenacious Oil because they do the best job of fighting corrosion and don’t wash away when they get wet.
      Chain Cleaning
      For cleaning, first shift the chain into the [url=]zipp 404[/url]smallest sprocket on the rear. For average dust and dirt, wipe the chain clean with a solvent soaked rag. The easiest way to do this is to hold the chain still at the rear derailleur cage while firmly wiping the lower run of the chain. Then move the chain backward and wipe again until you’ve wiped the entire length of chain. Wipe between the rear sprockets using either a rag or a sprocket cleaning tool. Then clean all of the front chainrings on both sides.
      Shift your gears into the middle sprocket both front and rear. Remember that oil does a good job of spreading itself, so try not to over-apply the lubricant. Lubricate the inner circumference of the chain, on the side that faces the sprockets along the top of the lower run of the chain. Run the chain backwards while dropping oil down both sides of the rollers.
      Shift through all of the gears to spread the lubricant evenly through the drivetrain. Then use a rag to wipe off any excess oil.
