Tuesday, May 15, 2012

[WoT] New in WoT Digest. Part 2.

This is the continuation of part 1 published a few days ago. Numbers in the headings don't represent priority, they represent order. :)

N7. New physics and maps overhaul

The new movement physics has been in development for quite a while. Testing results, after the completion of the first iteration, showed that, on the one hand, falling from steep hills is obviously great fun, but on the other hand the number of cases when your vehicle gets stuck in an unusual way and can't move has increased big time, and those all were new spots, cause the old ones like tops of huge stones and premises of buildings have been successfully fixed and got rid of. E.g. on Abbey map, there is a particular building one can fall through, getting right to the first floor. And get stuck over there. With somewhat simplified models of buildings, it's hilarious when Tiger tank sits on wooden floor on first storey. And there is a number of similar hm.. not exactly faults, but discrepancies that are to be found and fixed prior to the release of the new physics. The majority of the maps are to be adjusted, eg also on Abbey map, there is a sort of drained bed left from the river, quite a deep one. It's that deep that you can't get out of it once you get there. Disappointing really! In this case, it was decided to create a number of so-called "death zones" marked with special textures, where tanks will experience sudden death be destroyed right when they manage to get there, since there is no way out for them. The required global maps overhaul is currently in progress and is expected to last for a few more months.

N8. EU tree

EU tech tree is a sort of all-star team, comprising vehicles from Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Romania, etc., basically each and every European nation that has produced at least one vehicle suitable for the designated time line. Among those nations there are a few quite big ones in terms of tank production, like Italy, Poland or Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia), we haven't really made up our minds on. There is a possibility that separate trees for at least some of them will be made up. However they still can be incorporated into one common, larger tree. The only real problem with that kind of joint tech tree is that there is an obvious lack of high tier vehicles. Having digged up a bunch of military archives we made the issue less acute. However it still exists. We have managed to complete draft EU tech tree, that's of course raw and not polished at this stage, it can and will be changed hundred of times before the official announcement comes. It's quite safe to say that the tree will get its own (oh yes, it was hard) tier 10 HT, tier 9 MT and TD, and top tier SPG. So the tree is going to be quite branchy, though  getting tighter to the top tiers.

N9. Hardcore mode

Having tried some modifications of it during the alpha back in 2010, with no HPs, crits without saving throws for modules and crews, we have come to the conclusion that it is .. really boring. The idea itself hasn't been dumped completely yet, however the priority is set to low. Even though the basic hardcore variation is not that hard to introduce doing away with HP-system and saving throws, making fire deadly for the crew, etc.

N10. Medals and achievements

The set of medals and achievements is being worked on towards its expansion (and some modification as well) at the moment. So the introduction of mastery badges, which was in my opinion rather successful, is not the final step in this direction. We are planning to introduce some stuff, including things that will be displayed during the battle, allowing to tell noobs from pros assess the performance of team mates and enemies. The details on this will follow later.

N11. New chat system

Upgraded chat system with lots of new functionality, comprising groups and statuses, is currently in the works and can be expected after a few updates.

N12. French TDs

As of now, the use of auto-loader for TDs is still vague, however this hasn't been set in stone and even though at first stage those vehicles may manage without it, the feature can be introduced later. Talking about the peculiarities of TD line as a whole, it resembles the existing French tank lines to a high extent, with pre-war models being heavily armoured and slow monsters, and post-war vehicles with almost no armour at all that are extremely mobile and can bite hard. TDs will be pretty much behave like tanks, which is no wonder since they were based on tanks.

N13. Sturmtiger

The vehicle is somewhat special for several reasons. First of, it fires rockets (which means special effects are required), then goes caliber (380mm is more than any of SPGs currently has) - it causes some balance issues related to amount of damage per round, huge reloading times, and extremely limited ammo (6 rounds). Raise KV-2 with 152mm to the X power and you will get the approx gameplay for Sturmtiger. :) The priority for the vehicle is currently set somewhere between medium and low.

N14. 7.4 update

As announced it will include French TDs and SPGs, a couple of prems, and some functionality including two new variations of standard battle mode and yet not revealed features. Public test will start not before long...


  1. No info about German second TD line? :-( It is sad. We are awaiting it impatiently.

  2. Nice. Those new game modes are going to be a make or break for a lot of veteran WoT players like myself.

    I'm very interested in the CW changes as the current system is very restrictive to the average player. I've never been in favor of a game telling me when I had to play.

    Have you ever considered a ranked, ladder type system similar to what Guild Wars had in place? Teams could form up and play when they were able, not when the company dictated they were to do battle.

    Any word on cross-server battles? I miss the European players since moving to North America :)

  3. Cross-server battles are in long-term plans. There is a fear that RU server will dominate the smaller ones having not only population advantage but also more time since release. US server will be in the worst position in this case. Plus there are some tech issues to be solved.

    1. I guess given the language barrier that would be a possiblity that I never thought of. Thanks.

    2. RU players would indeed be a problem, we have enough noobs as it is :P

    3. I can also imagine there being people who go in the those server to only insult and mess with people from the other servers.

    4. Hmmm you raise a valid point there Overlord that I never considered either -maybe you could leave the Russian server separate and just let the Europeans play against the Americans being as we used to be able to play against them before you changed things.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. i am really looking forward to cross-server companies. But gone will be the days where an EU champion company can win 78 battles in a row (over 3 days) - our current record.

      It will be a perfect prelude to cross-server CWs, giving respective servers a chance to get to know each other :P

  4. "In this case, it was decided to create a number of so-called "death zones" marked with special textures, where tanks will experience sudden death be destroyed right when they manage to get there, since there is no way out for them."

    Why not just fence them off?

    1. Because it will be a huge fun pushing small and lighter tanks into the abyss with big and heavier ones. For example an E-50 on very low hp can kill a full T-54 with a right push.
      New tactical opportunities.

    2. It will be interesting to see how will they count dmg/kills for that kind of situations in which you push someone over the edge and therefore you're directly responsible for it's death. If this is left unnoticed there will be an opportunity for unpunished TK's as well.

    3. I expect no dmg or kill count for this, because this is as hard to determine as collisions (both tanks are punished, even the innocent one).
      If a tank will fall then i hardly can belive that the game can decide it was a noob driver's fall by accident or a direct push from an enemy(or friendly in worst case).

      Same for unpunished TK which is existing nowdays, for example friendly tank blocking another friendly in a combat situation. The system cannot recognise the block, you can only report the blocker later. In the pushing scenario you will have to report the (un)friendly push with screenshots or replay, after the battle unfortunatelly.

    4. are you working on multiple tanks pushing another tank too? that would be sweet but i may have just blew the devs brain open lol

    5. "T95? pffff, come, let's push him into the river"

      yup... sounds like fun! =D

    6. I like the idea and it won't take long before certain tanks learn not to go near certain spots on the maps for fear of being pushed off the edge lol.

    7. You'll think physics is fun when you are trying to figure out how to right-side your lee..

    8. Might I suggest a system, in which the last player to collide (damage collide) with a tank that heads into a death zone gets the.kill? Seems simple enough (:

  5. Seeing as you say the sturmtiger might be getting rockets, do you think that you might implement other rocket bearing vehicles.

    1. do i hear stalins organ ?? Katusha all the way :) ( reload of minimum 3 minutes ofcourse :P )

    2. oh and dont forget the sherman Calliope :) which also has a regular gun :)

    3. In russian tech tree you have RBT-5 (a BT-5 with two rockets of 250 kg, 1 in each side of the turret and his 37mm/45mm as a primary gun), i am going to love this tank

      In german tree you have sturmtiger, well you know it

      In USA tree you have T31 demolition tank, a sherman with 105 howitzer in the mid and two rockets launchers in each side, this tank can fire like 20 rockets.

      In french tree you have 28/32 pz38H(f) a pz38H735 with 2 rockets in each side of the chasis (totally 4).

      find this tanks in google

  6. Also since it's only been talked about in one official article and there is still much confusion about it, can you tell us anything at all about tier 10 mediums and TDs?

  7. Yay! Hungarian tanks confirmed! Thank you!

  8. You tell us some information that its important, but the real Sturmtiger can carry 14 rounds. Why put you only 6 rounds?
    I hear news about another developer that said that one of the next premiums will be T26E4 Pershing (Super Pershing), Have you some details about this future vehicle?

    1. Might have been wrong on the number of shells. Guys will doublecheck it for sure.

    2. Maybe it will have 14 rounds capacity, but reload time so huge that you won't be able to use more than 6 shells in a 15 minute battle... ;P

    3. i found that it have 14 rounds, but maybe "Trent" is correct, we cant going to shoot 14 rounds in the map time.

  9. How about asking the community about Hardcore mode?
    Nvm, just give me Public Test and ill be quiet!

  10. A few short questions about "Armoured Skirts" mentioned on New in WoT Digest. Part 1:
    - will it be available for all tanks or just for some that had it historically?
    - will we be able to put armor where we want (on the roof of turret for some tanks, or lower plate for E-100), or it will be predefined?
    - will the number of additonal armor be predefined (e.g. up to 3 per tank) or will it depend on tanks load limit (in other words put as much as you want as long as you have load limit).

    If there is no official info, I would appreciate to hear your assumptions OL.

    1. i think it will just be like a special module -> puts the armour on predefined spots or it's like an upgrade -> puts the armour in predefined spots

      hmm, not much choice there

  11. I know it may still be to early to tell but in terms of the EU tree and having tanks from multiple nations how will modules work?
    From what I gather the tanks in this tree may all use different modules meaning none use the same engine or radio etc useless being from the same nation. Or will you have find away to 'streamline' as it were the research of modules for the tanks like the current tree.

  12. Dear Overlord,
    Would you please kindly give us some picture of British tanks model that you guys created ?

    1. but they havent even mentioned it in the 2 articles..... :(

    2. There is the reason why .. ;)

  13. What about t10 meds and TDs?

  14. Splendid and interesting read as always Overlord. Many thanks.

  15. I think something is missing:

    The faulty MATCHMAKING system.

    The current matchmaking is terrible, it's ruining your otherwise very good game. It is so bad it alone could make me quit this game.
    You've been promising a fix for months now.
    So where is it?

    1. have you realised the main problem with the enjoyability of this game isnt the MM but the ******* driving tanks around without a clue of what to do?

    2. 1. You haven't had streaks of 10+ lost games, have you? When you can do what you want, you can kill half of the enemy team and still lose, game after game. Quite often it happens that the game doesn't let you win, no matter what you do.
      While this is obvious to many players, it is impossibly to prove.

      2. What is easy to prove however:
      - tank stacking: same type of tank stacked on one side, typically happens with type59, but not inclusively. Seriously distorts the game.
      - obvious tier matching fail: when one team has more top tier tanks than the other. For example, 2 tier X on both sides, but only 2 tier IX vs. 4 tier IX. This happens almost every other battle. The system tries to compensate on the lower tiers (for example, the first team has more tier7s), however that is ridiculous.

      And yes, players who don't know what this game is about, are annoying too. But you can't change that and there's no way you can ban them for being terrible players.
      However, WG could take win ratio and efficiency into consideration when tuning the matchmaking system. So in the end, this is also a matchmaking fault!

    3. I really wish matichmaker would be on the list - all these new things are nice, but I feel they're made rather moot without an improved matchmaker.

    4. Matchmaker was on the first list, its in final stages of completion and its currently being tested. Please check older posts before raging.

    5. I checked the following posts:
      [WoT] In Development: Vol. 5
      [WoT] New in WoT Digest. Part 1.

      If I didn't miss it, those posts didn't say anything about the matchmaking system.

    6. @atira

      Check this: [WoT] Questions and Answers. Session 1.

    7. Matchmaking system isn't perfect but also isn't THAT bad. If you would have all tanks of the same tier it wouldn't be fun.
      I think that reducing tier spread of all tanks types by 1 would be a enough.

  16. So for the Eueo tree how will crews work ? Will the italian tank crews be able to drive Finland tanks and vice versa? and what do you mean by "2 new variations on standard game mode" does that mean 2 actual new game modes?

    1. Crews should work within the tree, that's the requirement.

    2. we are going to see a southern italian face with findland name in a czech tank? :P

  17. Overlord I have a question! What about multi-gun tanks?

    When I first got the AMX40 I realized it was the most terrific pain in the ass I've ever witnessed. But now with the B1 and D2 I found out that it's an even worse pain in the ass, since it's armor mostly doesn't work (while the matchmaker thinks we're a scout tanks for higher tiers - and when happy stock KV-2 drivers overtake us) and it's terribly outgunned by anything I have to ask, will we ever be able fire that secondary 75 gun? (I think it is a 75 btw)

  18. I like this new approach: lots of disclosure and detailed status reports, but not a deadline in sight. Success. :)

  19. will we EVER get a tank line from Britain?, we made them first but will be last in the line to get them at this rate,

  20. According to European tree. Maybe you shouldn't try to make from smaller nations tanks one normal tree. I was long ago thinking how I would done such thing. And I decided that it would be best to make many small trees each for every tank producing nation. So we would have small Polish tree with two lines one light/med ending max on tier 5 and TD line ending on tier 2 (I think it is really hard to get more from Polish production and blueprints). And from tier 5 player could research tier 6 from similar line of other country tree (he would have to choose for example between US Easy Eight, Soviet T-34-85 and some British tank to keep it somehow historical), after choosing/researching one tank, option is closed and Polish 5 tier becomes Elite. Similarly from the only Polish TD, player can go to 3rd tier TD of chosen nation. Similarly Czechs or Hungarians at the end of their lines could have chosen between US, German and USSR tanks.

    In this case every nation has own tree (although sometimes really small). We don't have one strange "Frankenstein" tree and every nation has its decals and crews (I was thinking for example about crew names. Will we have people with Hungarian, Czech and Polish names as one crew in Italian tank?).

  21. re: cross-server battles

    How about cross-server company battles then? With the stipulation that one company can have players from one server only. Should be easier to implement than in randoms, I suppose.

    This would largely solve the eternal problem of not enough companies to play. This would mean, for example, that late at night on EU server you only need to form one company to play, because there are plenty of them on US server at the same moment (since it's the evening for them).

    This could even be done in such a way that "playing with companies from another servers" feature is disabled until the number of companies on a given server falls under the minimum required (as I understand that all cross-server things might cause some lag issues etc.).

    Or just as a voluntary option, including choosing the server(s) from which your opponents come from (if for some reason someone prefers fighting RU companies over US ones - or vice versa).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. MM fix asap pls, it getting worse and worse, just had a battle with 1 team having 4 tier9 the other 0...and this isn't even rare...

    1. I think I was in this battle. Enemy team had one x and 4 ix's but we still won with out 1x and NO ix's. I was in lowe platoon and we OWNED

    2. Couldn't be as bad as the 6vs6 rt battle I was in a few days ago - everyone was a scout in that match.

  23. Enable cross server battles with only EU server players on one team & the enemy team would have only RU players + disable the CTRL chat mode for the win?

  24. I have a suggestion for the hardcore mode game type. Make the spotting system manual (tanks are not lit up, but are drawn, so the player has to see the tanks manually). Also, possibly no bullet drop correction, with restriction to firing only from sniper mode.

    This would help prevent the match from becoming a camp-fest, as it would become possible to do sneak attacks/rushes (easier to remain unnoticed and easier for defenders to miss). Has the developer team considered this?

  25. Dear Overlord, what can you tell us about T10 medium tanks?

    1. They are missing in the tech trees :)

    2. exelent, i think we dont need T10 medium

    3. Thank you captain Overlord. :)

  26. Whats wrong with u WG guys? If the new Physics are ingame, nobody will ever play WoT anymore..they all will take 72km/h tank and jump off the cliffs :D So dont waste time in bugfixing the houses! ;)

    1. i agree, i can't wait to push a maus into a building with my E-50 just to annoy him ^__^

    2. Because no-one really knows how much the physics is going to affect the game they should make it a separate game mode (especially at first) so that people have the choice to play using physics or just the normal battles.

  27. My stats for sturmtiger gun

    380- Caliber (mm)
    0,5- RoF(round/minute) (*1)
    190/2500- Penn (mm) (*2)
    3400 or more(HE)/3000(HEAT)- Damage
    0,9- Accuracy at 100m(m)
    9,7- Aiming time (sec)

    Splash with HE (19,12)
    Types of ammunition: HE and HEAT

    i am based in the diference between T92`s gun and typ E`s gun. T92 have 30mm caliber more than typ E; and sturmtiger have 140mm more than T92, 140mm/30mm=4,666..., and make the multiplication in damage, accuracy, spash and aiming time.

    (*1) to take totally of 6 shoots in the game, with time to aim

    (*2)first is HE ammunition like in the game is the half of the caliber is the exactly penn of the HE ammo, maybe can be more (like in E-50), but never less) And the other is the historical penn of the HEAT ammo, this ammo can penn 2,5 metres of reinforced concret, i dont know how much is in steel

  28. Overlord, why you can`t put 170mm to E-100 like a howitzer?
    if you put it i am going to cry of happiness
    You can do a MEGA DERP 170mm with lack of penn with AP (with 150mm avarage penn) and exelent HE ammo with 100mm penn and GOLD HEAT with 350 penn, with really suck in: aiming time (like 6 or more), accuracy (like 0,7 or more) and RoF (like 2), all worst than KV-2`s 152mm

    1. Sorry instead 150mm with ap maybe 180 or 200mm and instead 350mm with HEAT maybe 290mm. And this gold ammo can cost 15 gold

    2. 170mm is considered for E-100 as TD.

    3. like a mega derp? like the powerfull 152?

  29. We really need some preview of tank trees. Even if they are alpha versions subject to change. Brits at the very least...

  30. So, high tier French TDs will be more agile and mobile than their counterparts with fairly armored front and paper thin sides? Can we expect high DPM values?

    1. and maybe good accuracy, not same as jagdtiger, good cammo, good cadence.

    2. Probably will get similar accuracy as the SA46, with DPM values equal to or better than the JT although not my much since it will have a lower alpha than the JT. Camo value is dependent on which chassis it is based off. Either the 50 120 or 65t chassis, I think they may go with the latter. I am hoping for a the Saurer engine to be compatible though.

  31. Can you finally state the fate of tier X TD and Mediums?

  32. Patch 7.4 sounds like it's going to be the best patch yet!!!

    Also glad to hear that the physics mode is coming along nicely, the dead zones idea sounds cool -giving a poor enemy scout a shove into one while driving past in my heavy lol.

    Overlord, you raise an interesting point with your comments about a hardcore mode, what you describe is not what I was thinking of when people say hardcore so obviously it means different things to different people and will make an interesting topic for the forum (which I'm going to go make right now)

  33. Overlord, anything about the british tree? Still coming in this year? After the German TD changes hopefully? any chance we'll be seeing the finished tree anytime soon?

    1. Yes, Brits are to come this year. As well as German TDs.

  34. Overlord can u say us more about updating Clan Wars long time ago when u updated something in Clan Wars...

  35. Hey Overlord, about the cw update. pls try to rethink the tank freezing or remove it all together? :). It may have started looking good on paper, but now, for me atleast, it ruins the fun. Beeing unable to play the tanks that you like more than once/twice a week in cw is kind of sad

  36. What is with Multiturrets/-guns?

    mfg Kolaski

  37. It's really nice to read that czechoslovak tanks will be introduced... those were only ones that could stop Nazi in 1938...

  38. A bit offtopic, but why hasn't the been T110 nerfed? Clearly all data suggests it is overperforming at the moment.

    I'm just wondering, because we all saw how mighty the nerf hammer can be (French tanks)

  39. French tanks were nerfed almost 3 months after introduction. First patch after introducing T110 was just after 4 or 5 weeks. It is a little too early for balancing. In many cases new tanks had good stats which deteriorated with time, when people learned how to fight them and when worser players grinded to them. And T110 is used mainly by very good players because you needed a lot of skill to grind T34. Data collected by Snib shows that T110 owners have better global win ratio that E-100, Maus or IS-7 owners. Only AMX-50B owners are on average better players.

    1. I hadnt noticed it took them so long to nerf them. (I dont take the whole "they are better players" too serious)

    2. If you haven't noticed, so go and check when were patches released :)

      And if you don't believe the server statistics, then I can't help you. Numbers don't lie. T110 are used on average by better players. I showed facts. It is your problem that you can't accept them.

    3. Yes. I could expect, you use almost only Russian tanks. The fact, that T-50-2 (you played 893 games) is OP like hell and unrealistic, is I suppose OK for you. Or the fact that Obj. 704 (almost 400 games) has clearly better stats then other top TD's since release and there is still no nerfs (now T30 joined 704).

  40. Hi Overlord,
    Thanks for all the new info!
    I'm really excited about the "soon" to
    be revealed British tank tree and a little
    troubled by the possible effects the Sturmtiger
    might have, especially because everybody can
    buy them on day one! Including myself ^^


  41. overlord why dont wargaming fix the current ) damage criticals its all because of this "SPACED ARMOUR" i had an exampe in my t 54 an object 704 shot me in the front , no damage done to me but my driver died, i mean this is very frustraiting when you fire a shell like that and it does 0 damage??

    why do ye insist on building new tech tress when things are not working right? MM, 0 % critical etc...

  42. Dear Overlord,

    Why dosent the SturmTiger get classified as a TD that Houses a Derp such as say a Ferdy with a 380mm Howitzer I doubt Sturmtiger can Aim very high Also Whill there ever be a Brambaur? or other similar Assault Guns... SturmTiger was built to Fight in Cities (Due to heavy armor) Not Shoot from hundreds of meters behind the Lines...

    1. Sturmtiger will be an arty convined with TD, it going to have Strategic view like arty and good gun depretion to fight with near tanks.

    2. "SturmTiger was built to Fight in Cities (Due to heavy armor) Not Shoot from hundreds of meters behind the Lines..."

      It's NOT a Churchill AVRE, it doesn't have just 80 meters range. It has around 5 kilometers range!
      Here is also a picture that looks like it's showing the maximum gun elevation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sturmtiger_frontal.jpg

      I kind of hope that it will only be able to fire as far as the Bison can (like a little more than half of the map), for balancing reasons, also giving it's armour more purpose ^^

      But in reality it was a rocket artillery, not a close support vehicle like the Brummbaer.

  43. Hey Overlord! I think last year after the news about WoWP and WoB someone from Wargamming.net asked: "so what you guys think our next "world of" title should be?". Answering that question, I think it could be some kind of World of Space Battleships or Universe of battleships lol. Just saying.

  44. Are you considering ranked queues? i.e. MM taking stats (or some sort of elo) into account.

    I believe it would create more even games and a real incentive to players for doing better.

  45. Overlord,
    you mention new physics, any chance of jumping / flying t54s ? ^^

    wishful thinking I know..

  46. I didn't see any mention in part one or two about the Japanese tree.

    Any hints about it? Please?

  47. Over; wich of this two french tech tree are the correct?


    or this

    In the second you move Renault EU 57mm from premium arty to normal TD. Why?

  48. Hey, Overlord, what's your personal favorite T8 heavy?

  49. Love this blog. Cant wait for rocket arty!!!! according to wikipedia, the current spg are self propelled artys and spg include guns.

  50. I would like to see special slots for gold consumables only. I cant justify using a large repair kit when only one track is red and I have to get out of line of fire. However if I had more damaged modules later in the game I would use it, but I don't afford to spend a slot on it. I for instance would have them on all of my favorite tanks and use them a lot more.

  51. Why should Hardcore mode be boring? It would be great and would really appreciate it when implemented.

    I hit the tank and that's it. No praying "plz no saving throw plz". Clear shot = Clear hit.

    What would be FPS games with a saving throw? "Yeah Headshot" nope the brain had a saving throw. Full HP left...


  52. I have no question for you, to be honest, you are not answering those who deserve that, only those who praise you, so why bother myself. Once you said transmission will not move in E-Series, looks like you're just poor poor lier Overlord :-D

  53. What is the reasoning behind moving the E-50 transmission to the front of the tank? The E-50 is certainly far from being overpowered and this change would make it a great deal more vulrnable on the field for a tank that already has a reputation for being flimsy. (From what I've seen, it looks like my kind of tank, but the change seems like a needless nerf)

    1. Needless? Never. Not until it will not be used in CW under any condition and all owners of this beauty move to russian tree :-D.

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