Thursday, June 2, 2011

General Patton Medium Tank

The M46 was a medium tank designed in the United States. It was named after General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army during World War II and one of the earliest American advocates for the use of tanks in battle The M46 Patton was an improved M26 Pershing tank and one of the U.S Army's principal medium gun tanks of the early Cold War.

M46 Patton is going to replace M26 Pershing as tier 9 US medium tank and will be introduced in 6.5 update which is scheduled for end of June - July 2011.

Players who have a M26 Pershing in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with a M46 Patton, with the respective module setup (possibly with some renaming) keeping their progress and old crew.


  1. I can say only one thing - I WANT IT!!!

  2. How are you gonna deal with the stats? They hopefully stay with the old tanks. So the Patton should start with 0 wins. Thx. I'm looking forward to all your future changes.

  3. Huh...Overlord-seriously...The E Series, can we have pics, info..anything about the progres even if soon?
    Just dont say as you always say : when they are redy?

  4. If you want to test this, American TD's and the E-Series first please apply to supertest:

  5. Russians should get T-55 or its not fair!

  6. DO WANT

    Still a little miffed that you, the developers, chose the M46 instead of the M47 or M48...

    And still not happy at all that the T23 is being removed. Ridiculous.

  7. supertest, i have read the requirements and i fit in...but i have no gameplay recording program and i m not using voice chat ( i have it but dont use) my comp is brand new, plays the game on highest settings with ease...and i have no computing superpowers like you guys, i cant edit videos etc...never had to so never learned:-)
    I have the time, am reliable , have the will...u think i should aply ??

  8. Nice pics.

    Any chance the 105's accuracy (Pershing-future M46) will ever be improved? .37 is a bit high. .35 would be nice :):)

  9. he wont answer u! and we all know how WG treats paying customers! Their ETA's are worth the same as east european lives! dig em down in a ditch n hope no1 finds it!

    E series aint due til earliest, mid september, august!

  10. And what about T23? Someone said it will be completely removed, its true? Or it will come back as premium?

  11. What a short gun... :D

  12. Uh... did you guys not model the distinct looking bore evacuator unique to the M46?

  13. Nice looking turret.

    Choice of going US mediums justified.

    (still only at T20 though ...)

  14. Anonymous said...
    Russians should get T-55 or its not fair!

    t54 is already over powered. dont need a other that over powered

  15. Just one word... AWESOME :D
    I see already the shells bouncing on this turret *_*

    Please give us some details about the modules of the M46 Overlord :)

  16. Q: How are you gonna deal with the stats? They hopefully stay with the old tanks. So the Patton should start with 0 wins. Thx. I'm looking forward to all your future changes.

    A: Stats from T23 will be transferred to Pershing, from Pershing - to Patton.

  17. Q: Huh...Overlord-seriously...The E Series, can we have pics, info..anything about the progres even if soon?
    Just dont say as you always say : when they are redy?

    A: The details on E-series will be available after the release of 6.5.

  18. Q: Please give us some details about the modules of the M46 Overlord :)

    A: It is likely to get the same modules as Pershing, and 2nd turret will make the only difference.

  19. Hmm sounds good for me :)

    Take the game on like this and we will all be happy Overlord ;) This small contend patches are great :)

  20. Finally some decent looking tracks. Looking forward to this pretty tank.

  21. Complaining that it is an M46 instead of an M47 is silly, because at stock the tank is an M46, but once you do all the upgrades it becomes an M47 in all but name - and even ends up with the M48 gun to boot!

  22. Hi Ovi, do you think you Dev's can keep up the timetable for the tree changes? I really like the game, but I think the current imbalances are at fault that the game has not as much players on the NA and EU server compared to the RU server. The bugfixes of the German tanks make them more playable. But XP generating wise american and German tanks are still lagging behind. I see your work and future plans that you like to make it more even. I know to many players who are not playing after release because of the imbalances. I think you would be more success in the west if the tree changes give equal opportunities. I guess for the NA market the tank destroyers will have a big impact. Looking back to the release this was the only thing I think was needed the most. I hope one day the NA and EU server have as many plAyers as the Russian server.

  23. The T23 needs to be replaced, you grind 100,000 xp on a t20 to only get a t23, and the only difference in the 2 tanks is hp. I say put the M26 where the t23 is and get ride of the t23. All I can do in a tier 8 T20 really with more hp is use he and do 2-4% damage a hit.

  24. Q: Hi Ovi, do you think you Dev's can keep up the timetable for the tree changes?

    A: 6.5 and 6.6 should arrive as scheduled. 7.0 is too far away to be sure.

  25. @The T23 needs to be replaced...

    This is exactly what they're doing.

    Also, T23 may be the weakest tier 8, but it is still a good tank. If you're using HE you're doing it wrong.

  26. T23 is NOT the weakest T8 tank, far from it lol.

  27. After browsing the internet for info and pictures, it seems like the tank in the images is actually the m47 setup, which is just the m46 chassis with that turret. The gun that the m46 had is a 90mm, but the images seem to show the 105mm that the Pershing in the game currently has as its top gun. The real m46 didn't get a 105mm gun until it was redesigned as the m48 Patton.

    Basically the images show an m46 with an m47 turret with an m48 gun. o_o

  28. I noticed the flames coming out of the barrel in the one picture, is that a new feature? I've never noticed flames in game now even on the really high calibre cannons.

  29. Love the model, especially the turret slopes. Disappointed that the stats will be identical to the current M26 Pershing.

    Was hoping for a little more.

  30. are those firing effects new? 'cuz holy cow those look awesome!

  31. Q: are those firing effects new? 'cuz holy cow those look awesome!

    A: Improved them a bit in 6.5.

  32. If the Pershing is coming down a notch to effectively replace the T23, will you also be swapping out peoples T23's with Pershing's like you're doing with the Patton for T9?

  33. I hope it keeps the pershing's defining features: Its ability to pivot turn, its advanced vert stabalizer, and its great view range.

  34. Still dissappointed. The M46 Patton is the same tank as the M26 Pershing. Check AFV or Wiki. The ONLY upgrade will the the M47 turret.

    The US heavy line was changed to get away from having so many models of the SAME tank, yet this is happening to the Mediums? M47 would be nice, and the M48 would not be unfair.

    Note to Wargaming...if you want this game to succeed in the NA market, MAKE THE CUSTOMERS HAPPY.

  35. Overload, what about the Public Test Server 0.6.5? you said last week "things will be clear next Week" ... so,will there be an announcement on WoT Website/forum when the Public test start?

  36. Q: If the Pershing is coming down a notch to effectively replace the T23, will you also be swapping out peoples T23's with Pershing's like you're doing with the Patton for T9?

    A: Yes, T23 will be swapped for M26.

  37. Hey Overlord,
    Pershing's will be replaced with M46 Patton but whats with the T23? I heard some rumors that it will be a premium tank. Does it get replaced with Pershing then or removed from garage?

  38. stats should remain on what tank they played

    i want my T23 stats to REMAIN on the t23 even if it is removed. The stuff i did on the t23 should REMAIN on the t23 not moved to the new pershing.

    As for the Patton , what upgrade are you geting from the pershing as teir 8 , a new turrent? as stated by overlord above it will keep the same stats , so its going to be heavyer then it is now without an engine upgrade?

  39. we want Public Testserver start date pls :)

  40. Please Overlord, let the Devs prepare a full M47 Patton... There will come up cries on the testservers about the same weakness in armor like pershing.. Cause the slope is just bad :(
    Please just give us the M47... It would be so nice :)

  41. Overlord, after the tech tree change to the russian tree, do all those with IS-7 lose their IS-7 and get the IS-4?

  42. @Overlord

    If the t34 is being made into a premium tank when swapped out. Why not do the same with the T23, Its about the only tank thats getting completly removed from the game.

    Any chance on this happening or is it going to be completly removed for sure?

    Hope not... My favorite tank!

  43. So the only difference from the M26 to M46 is the turret? That hardly seems like a good reason to scrap the T23 and downgrade the pershing. Are there any other changes due for the M46? Gun? Engine? Hell it's going to be heavier so without an engine upgrade it'll be even slower?

  44. The reason for them to scrap the T23 and insert the Pershing and M46 is so we have a worse Tier 8, as we get speed nerfed with the Pershing and can't upgrade it further.

    So basicaly this is a nerfing of the Tier 8 US tank and a really slight buff for the Tier 9, which still can't kill a T-54.

  45. I'm having no problems killing a T-54 in my pershing, so I don't see me having any problems killing it again in the m46

  46. any news overlord about stats of second turret gun etc? :)

  47. Cool skin, but i'm really desappointed. It keeps the same stats of the Pershing. I was waiting for an improvement, as all the Pershing players were.

  48. American tank players can't have nice things.

  49. So... when is the patch day coming up? ;p

    Crazily excited,


