Friday, June 3, 2011

D-Day Anniversary in World of Tanks: Sneak Peak

World of Tanks team has scheduled grand celebrations dedicated to the 67th Anniversary of Normandy Invasion for the beginning of June.

Since the scheduled server restart on June 3rd the following bonuses will be available on EU and US servers:

- 50% discount for extra garage slots
- 50% discount for American premium tanks – heavy tank T14, medium tank Ram II, and light tank T2 Lt.

Follow the updates on the community websites.


  1. Cool, Sounds good to me!

    Cant wait to see what else you have in store for D-Day!

  2. Finnally!
    The Garage Slots!!! :D

  3. y not german and russian prem tanks? or will they come later?

  4. ^
    They probably didn't want to half price the new tier 8 premiums. (My guess)

  5. Germany and Russia didn't participate in the Normandy Landings :P

  6. Germany definitely did!

  7. Q: Germany definitely did!

    A: However they didn't land anywhere, right? )

  8. Q: Germany definitely did!

    A: However they didn't land anywhere, right? )

    Retort: They landed flat on their faces! :)

  9. thats not funny - not for germans and not for americans - this landing operation brought a lot of suffering to people on both sides...

    its really not a thing to make fun of...

  10. Too late to ask Severloh who landed flat on their faces...

  11. Q: its really not a thing to make fun of...

    A: Definitely, just like any conflict.

  12. Thanks for this, Overlord.

    One thing I really love about this game are the little events and perks happening all the time. Keep up the good work!

  13. It makes me feel like all the gold that I just spent on Garage spaces was wasted and I just got kicked in the teeth :(

  14. can i buy garage slots without tanks for the future ?

  15. Q: can i buy garage slots without tanks for the future ?

    A: sure u can!

  16. its really not a thing to make fun of...

    Guys, its a game, you take everything so seriously. It was a joke, as you already surmised.

    If it offends anybody, then i make my apologies, but i still think you overreacted to a sipmle pun.

  17. I'm German I was not offended, lol. I like jokes and on the otherhand this conflict is over.

  18. It's actually interesting that controversy can lead to a fruitful discussion as this blog proofs.

  19. Every nation is benefitting of the free garage slots, let's have the Americans their premium tanks half prize, they suffered the most. I think it's fair.

  20. Guys, instead of getting upset with poor jokes we should enjoy this day and the fact that nowadays we are able to concern ourselves with poor jokes rather than a large scale wars which can enter our homeland and endanger our lives ;]

  21. problem with joking is when ur family is affected by it because of lost relatives or sth like that...

  22. The "D" stands for "Discounts"!! Who knew?

  23. [Dave said...
    Too late to ask Severloh who landed flat on their faces...]

    Just had some very good reads thanks to your reference, kudos!

  24. 70th Anniversary of Operation Barbarossa is on 22.june. Some bonuses on Russia, Germany side? Tip from me: Discount for russian, german premium tank ( without Lowe, KV5 ). First winning game 5x. And finally surprise: we can buy Pz 5/4,A32, KV220, BT-SV, Pz2J
