Friday, May 20, 2011

World of Tanks Tutorial Video Part 5 - Ultimate Conquest (Clan Wars)

World of Tanks Tutorial Video Part 5 - Ultimate Conquest (Clan Wars)

Part 5 of World of Tanks Tutorial is dedicated to the launch of  Ultimate Conquest and gives breakdown for basic functionality.


  1. The lack of tier limits has got to be the worst decision ever? It's bad enough to be facing super skilled opponents with all sorts of modules, crew skills, gold ammo and consumables. Not to mention having to be in a clan. If I was that social I wouldn't be playing a damn computer game now would I.

    I'm at tier 5 an and 6 myself. Don't think I'll progress from there, ever. The curve is just too steep after the KV3 and VK3601. Thoroughly disappointed!

  2. You can be in our clan if you like

  3. overlord is your dev team aware that equipment for heavy german tanks have stopped working since the patch? ive spent gold trying to demount-remount without success.

    emailed support and closed the incident without offering a solution

    sorry ive had to write here but with WG, the devs seem to read russian only

  4. How do you make alliances between clans?

  5. Are the only one big map that all on EU play on?? or is there like 40 clan wars maps??

  6. Q: overlord is your dev team aware that equipment for heavy german tanks have stopped working since the patch? ive spent gold trying to demount-remount without success.

    A: No, it didn't.

  7. Q: How do you make alliances between clans?

    A: This feature will be added to the game later.

  8. 1st was like a kid waiting for Christmas. It worked well with the match organization, one thing is annoying the homepage is very slow though. Now I can imagine your CEO is making interviews and all his announcements, lol, and you poor Dev's have to follow up and do a lot overtime. Even though as a customer you CEO's announcement sound great. As simple employee myself I'm a little torn. I really don't want you guys work too much.. But a fast IPad or IPhone app would be great. Thx love your work guys, not only can you build tanks you actually are able to create a great game. So far I was mor impressed with Russian literature and music. Chapeau !!

  9. Nice :-)
    Thx for that.

    Q: Can we have a big "blank" World Map with all terrains at the moment looks like there ?
    I will print one for my wall at home *hehe*

    Regards Wintics.

  10. Love the new patch, but I am seeing the same error, the equipment on the german tanks is not working, the vertical stabalizer worked worse than it did in the early beta, also, our clan cannot compete in the new clan mode, its nothing but IS4, IS7, and Maus... thats its, we are a mainly tier 8 with several tier 9's and 1 or 2 tier 10s, I agree that there should be limits to the teir, or at least different brackets.

  11. Could someone tell me, what is the ultimate goal of clan wars? I mean clans probably fight each other until there's only one left, but then what? Yay, we are the winners and then it all starts over again or what?

  12. Does your provinces needs to be conntected with your capital if you want to earn gold income?

  13. Are u aware that server lags ? Maybe its time to fix it, afetr all we've been lagging for almost a week now.

  14. Hey overlord, is getting stuck consider a bug/glitch? If it is there's a rock in grid H5 in mountain that player can get stuck on

  15. Hey overlord, is getting stuck consider a bug/glitch? If it is there's a rock in grid H5 in mountain pass that players can get stuck on.

  16. When you have 15 tokens on your province and you're getting attacked. Do you need to have 15 players to defend? or it can be lower?

  17. Can we get compensated with cola, chocolate and food rations for this lag? As i like to be wined and dined before I get F'd

  18. Hey Overlord,
    I've been having trouble finding somewhere public to communicate with WOT Devs, without the fear of being banned by an overzealous moderateor.
    I pay to play and I beleave in and love this game.

    However Im here to express my concerns for the way WOT have handled the recent lag issue experienced by many players worldwide.
    Im sure you have had a massive influx of posts, tickets and emails concerning this issue.
    And Im sure you wish people would stop continuosly posting to topics about it.
    All you need to do is improve upon the way in which people are informed about such issues in the future

  19. Q: Are u aware that server lags ? Maybe its time to fix it, afetr all we've been lagging for almost a week now.

    A: Of course we are. We have reconfigured the servers recently which should bring partial umprovement.

  20. Q: When you have 15 tokens on your province and you're
    getting attacked. Do you need to have 15 players to defend?
    or it can be lower?

    A: Any number. Even none.

  21. Overlord plz, put more lending that is main problem, toomany clan fight before final battle for region...lasti night we fight 4 battles all win, but final battle we lose, its very hard to play good 5 fights in pressure, keep concentration....very frustrated !

  22. yay now 'soviet russia' can conquer the world in their fantasy made up tanks!

  23. Must say, Very impressed with the Notifications and Announcements section on the forums.

  24. The problem with the map tokens is that they allow a big clan to have their best tanks everywhere. No weak spots. Even if only 15 of their 100 players have good tanks, those 15 can be everywhere at once and defend and attack.

    That's just broken.

  25. They stated at sometime the tank will be locked for 24 hours.If you lose a battle.

    I think really they need to go farther and lock the tank to that zone if used until reset win or lose.The reason it would improve WG businness model overall due to Players will need muti Tier 10 tanks and clans will have to us more of there player base to be able to conduct large amounts of battles and not use the same ppl over and over again.

    This will then give small clans a chance to bet the mega groups due to have less zones on the map.

  26. are there any resets planned - like annually? Because I am afraid else a handful bigger clans will just take over the whole map and get all the good stuff and all the other who have disadvantages anyways will have no fun at all...
    How about to create/divide into more regions and put a tier limit on them - e.g. low priority regions (60% of the map) where one only can use tier 6 tanks max; in medium priority regions (30% of the map) one can use any tank up to tier 8 and in the remaining high priority areas clans could use tank without any limits. This way smaller and newer clans also would stand a chance and would have fun participating instead of endless frustration - also this way medium tanks wouldn't get obsolete (I find most medium tank battles more interesting, dynamic and demanding - but that's just my personal opinion)... also I think such a staggered system would provide a lot more dynamics on the map...

  27. Hypernaut,

    resets are not planned currently. As for tier restrictions, we will think them over.

  28. Ok tier restrictions.

    Wouldnt it be more simplier and change the whole flow of the game is to just have at the reset conduct a random tier limit once a day for all zones with diffeant vaules in the zones.By doing this it solves Clans stacking teams and rolling over lesser clans all the time.
    For example break the tiers down to

    Tier 5-6
    Tier 8 or lower
    Tier 10 or lower.

  29. i like the clanwar mode and a tier limit considering the gold amount per region.

    and what i would rly like is a spectator mode like in counter strike for clan members who can't participate - there are 15 slots - what about 5 slots for members to take passive action and watch the game just for fun?

    greetings and hoping to hear sth about my suggestion.

    Greetings Nimativ

  30. Tier limits would be nice, however, we need more landing zones, its getting pretty old having to fight 4 to 8 matchs in a row, which takes about 3 to 6 hours, people within our clan cant play that long at one time, I recamend a limit to landing zones per day, though, this will be annoying it will help a lot of clans maintain full units without taking over 3 hours to complete one territory capture.

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