Friday, May 20, 2011

New Map: Mannerheim Line

The Mannerheim Line was a defensive fortification line on the Karelian Isthmus built by Finland against the Soviet Union. During the Winter War of 1939-1940 it became known as the Mannerheim Line, after Field Marshal Baron Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim. The line was constructed in two phases: 1920–1924 and 1932–1939.

The map is planned to be introduced in 6.5 update.


  1. Release of 6.6 update? Is that correct? Not with patch 0.6.5? Look after your review of Monday, May 16, 2011

  2. Looks nice. I like the tone of the colours.

  3. Q: Release of 6.6 update? Is that correct? Not with patch 0.6.5? Look after your review of Monday, May 16, 2011

    A: My bad. Fixed.

  4. Is this a night time map? :) Looks great!

  5. OMG this is so cute Overlord. I'm loving more and more of you guys making more tactical and diverse maps instead of the symmetrical 3 way attack patterns in the earlier maps. Thank you so much. It looks beautiful.

  6. Great! New cards - but can you please also publish the corresponding mini-maps. So you would get a better tactical overview.

  7. Q: Great! New cards - but can you please also publish the corresponding mini-maps. So you would get a better tactical overview.

    A: The minimap is not ready yet.

  8. Thanks Overlord,

    btw, consider adding gun-armed bunkers as NPC in the future, maybe for different game modes!

  9. Yay, we Finns get a new home map to replace that ugly Karelia. Looks beautiful, like the rural areas of Finland should :)

  10. Q: btw, consider adding gun-armed bunkers as NPC in the future, maybe for different game modes!

    A: For Clan Wars - yes.

  11. Hi Overlord, this map looks awesome!

    Any chance of a sneak peak at the Patton? :)

  12. Finally, snow map.

    Now waiting for shore type with sandy beach and nice sea ;p

    And Stalingrad. Come on, give us more ruined city maps! ;D

  13. I want western front maps, eastern fron is boring

  14. Q: Any chance of a sneak peak at the Patton? :)

    A: Patience please. Will be shown soon.

  15. Q: Any chance to make bigger maps someday soon?? ;p

  16. Hope the tanks can be able to do some drifts, LoL

  17. Q: Any chance to make bigger maps someday soon?? ;p

    A: We are currently testing larger maps, however they have to cotain less objects so as not lead to performance drop.

  18. hey congrats on the work over the new maps, they are looking real good now! keep it up :P

  19. In the long term, will there be a different map for each region?

  20. I want your computer!...

    In other news, the map looks great! I look forward to playing on it.

  21. I'm wondering if dynamic light sources will be added. As this map seems to be fairly dark (not dark enough though...) - wouldn't it be a nice feature to be able to spot enemy tanks by lighting the area with a gunshot? It would result in a big performance drop though :(

  22. Great!, I love snow maps, please make more of them :)

  23. Now, only if they could make snow a proper element instead of just recolour. Looks awesome though ^^

  24. We get to fight in finland :D, I <3 WoT.

  25. It's awesome that you include Finnish tank battles in your game, although they didn't have any tank to tank battles in the Mannerheim Line. First (and the biggest) tank fight in the Winter War was in Honkaniemi area (~15 km south-east from Viipuri), where 13 Finnish Vickers 6-ton tanks got beaten up by 58 Soviet tanks. After that there were only 2 smaller tank battles, also near Viipuri.

    But don't think I don't appreciate your work. I think this Mannerheim Line looks "more Finnish" than that Karelia map. If there will be more maps from Finland, I suggest making a map from the battle of Portinhoikka roadcross. That was the biggest tank battle in Finland's World War 2 battles.

  26. well i hope they make the snow into a game element because i don't want to be riding thru snow and go the same speed as if i was on a flat road

    plus if its i night map you will have to totally rework the camouflage and the sighting

  27. Nice to see you guys keeping us in the Loop, will the tanks be in snow colour too when we enter these maps?

  28. AWESOME DESINE!!!!!! and i think it is coming out This patch. It sure looks awesome. when will the next patch release???? JULY or end of JUNE?

  29. Change the name back to Mannerheim Line. Please. :)
