Wednesday, June 11, 2014

[WoT] 9.1

Update 0.9.1 for World of Tanks is now live for EU region (NA update is pending due to E3 event).

Give your thoughts on the most recent patch in comments.

1. Tech side - performance, bugs&glitches, stability, network/connection
2. New city map - Kharkov
3. Marks of excellence
4. New historical battle - Battle of Tobruk. The only battle available.
5. Anything else


  1. Damn wargaming, favouring some servers over other ones agin :(

  2. Marks of excellence: Nice new function to decorate each tank separately based on its performance in battle! Grats on that!

    Now use the same function to build up an acceptable matchamking system - same principle - based on each tanks' performance separately.

    1. I agree completely , there are too many 15 to 3 games . I don't mind losing a close game but it has gotten rediculous. Also a one tier spread would be a big plus. The tanks are not balanced enough to fight two tiers above. I've also noticed the arty has got way out of hand as well. No fun playing with a no risk high reward element in the game .

    2. Why can't you understand that WoT is as immensely popular and successful BECAUSE if is just the way it is and not DESPITE it?

      Random MM with +-2 tiers is an integral part in this and changing it carries a VERY big risk.

      Why? Because people like variance. You don't play thousands of games in a game where there is no variance and +-2 MM with good teams and bad teams provides this variance without creating too many games where you get steamrolled hard.

      Don't believe me? Well, then log your game results. 15:0 to 15:3 have not come up for me all that often and I bet you will be astounded how rare they really are.

      It all changes if you view each and every battle as a challenge. If you do not give up before the game started because you are bottom tier in an ARL 44 with a crap team. I had games where I got very good exp in this scenario and even won one or two of them (which is rare but feels all the better then).

      If you take away the pain, you take away the joy. Too many games have failed because they did this.

    3. You morons can repeat the same BS over and over again it doesnt make it true, MM has nearly nothing to do with steamrolls. Your complaint just shows that u ignorants dont understand how the meta game changed in the last 2 years and how that influenced the battle time and resulted in more steam rolls. The skill differences between the players on the other hand didnt change much, you had unicums and noobs 2012 and you have them today.

      What changed was:

      - more high pen guns
      - noob ammo for credits
      - DpM monster tanks
      - sigma change
      - masses of autoloaders and high alpha/pen TDs were introduced

      That often leads to rapid developing local advantages for one team, creating a snowball effect which leads to fast and overwhelming defeats/victories.

    4. In my experience steamrolls happen just as often at tier 5 to 7 (where not much of what you say applies) as in tier 8 to 10 (where all of what you say is true), but this is just a hunch, not based on hard data.

      Might be interesting to log 1000 games each and see if there is a trend.

    5. t5-7:

      - there we also have a good amount of gold flying around, from time to time I also play t6-7 tanks and thanks to a certain mod one can see what s shot at u.
      - sigma change also applies for mid/low tiers and is imo more significant there because mid tier guns arnt that accurate usually
      - penetration (power creep) might not be so strong there
      - "no" autoloader at mid tiers, but that is also changing slowly
      - high pen TDs with idiot viewranges - hell yes

    6. "What changed was:

      - more high pen guns
      - noob ammo for credits
      - DpM monster tanks
      - sigma change
      - masses of autoloaders and high alpha/pen TDs were introduced"

      Yes, it is also part of problem. That changes for example made tier VIII tanks in tier X battles much more useless than in 2011-2012. They also changed derp guns into snipers..... But I am afraid that removing those changes and coming back to WoT AD 2012 is impossible.

    7. That's your opinion and I don't look at this game as a scientific experiment. Just looking for a more fair approach

    8. If any ony of you did not see my boint: Im happy with the randomness of the battle, but my aim would be to eliminate the retards from the veteran teams and vica versa. Everybody would still fight in +/-2 tier battles but agains and with players like his/her skill... how come intelligent players don't get this???

    9. I get what you want - easy mode for noobs, bots and AFKer

    10. @Folterknecht - I get what you want too - to be a retard who, on purpose, tries to be a smartass without any reading-uderstanding skill.

  3. My premium account runs out in five days and I will not be buying any more time until match maker is fixed . I don't understand war gaming not addressing this issue. This has been the biggest complaint overall that I have seen and still no fix. It doesn't matter how pretty the game is if you don't enjoy playing it or it just frustrates you.

    1. How is it broken for you exactly?

    2. I suspect that WF has similar problem with the game as me. I wouldn't say that MM is broken, cause it was designed that way intentionally. But it can be very frustrating. When you log for a few battles to have little of fun, and you are lowest tier in team, then you know that your chances for fun are very limited in that battle (KT in X tier battle can't count on fun nowadays). And if you get a few such battles in a row you are getting frustrated.

      Second problem - mixing experienced players with newbies and those who never learnt to play. It is really painful to watch what sometimes teammates can do... It is really painfull to watch the same mistakes third year in a row! You dream about becoming Hannibal Lecter when 3 guys that were with you on flank just suicided and you are alone against 4-5 enemies. And when you are the lowest tier and 3 best tanks in your team are clueless (they have 45 win ratio, played a few hundred battles) and after 1 minute it is already 0-6 your frustration reaches really high level.

      At least every second day I dream about PvE version of WoT, while quitting game disgusted by what I just saw.

      +1/-1 matchmaker or introducing 2 leagues (rookies/veterans, where rookies are beginners below some amount of battles and players with bad stats - below average) could lower that frustration. Two leagues wouldnt be problem for MM in RU or EU cause playerbase is already divided between servers. Leagues would just mean that some players could not acces veterans servers.

    3. Look at youtube at all the carry games? Notice something? Yeah, right, almost all of them are good players in a top tier tank. +-1 would drastically remove the amount of games you can carry for the (small) prize of reducing the amount of games where you need to be very careful.

      In other words: it would screw variability and awesomeness to spare some noobs the pain now and then - sounds like a good plan???

      About Leagues: the high oranges/low yellows that would suddenly only be paired to better players because they were put in the "upper 50% league" would like have a word with you. All other players too, because they now need to wait a lot longer when wanting to play extreme tiers (good players will wait out at low tiers and bad players will wait out on high tiers).

    4. @Michael Riewe

      "it would screw variability and awesomeness to spare some noobs the pain now and then"

      Ah, so anyone who do not like to be near to useless in the battle is noob in your opinion. Lol. The same way I can call noob anyone, who is afraid to play against average slightly experienced player, that already learned that suiciding is pointless and shooting AT2 at a mantlet is not good idea.

      And about what kind of awsomness are you writing?? Being in your KT killed in 10 sec by T57 or Waffen E100, or almost oneshoted by Jgpz E100 only because you wanted to play instead of hiding? Or maybe watching like your top tiers ruin your game totally and you are raped by four VIII tiers in your VI tier tank only because all of your top were people who cant play. Or maybe watching like your scout and top heavy are sniping from behind a base. Wow, what an awsomness...

      And for me it is not funny to destroy tanks that are 2 levels lower then me and driven by people with a few hundred battles. Cause I know how they feel when they meet my T29 or IS in their PzIVH or KV1 and bounce all shots. I have seen many comments of people who resigned after a few hundreds of battles cause in their eyes game was extremely unfair.

      "Upper 50% league" ???? You really should check what is "average" in that game. 50 is already above average.

      Long waiting times? Already at this moment EU server is divided between 2 servers and RU into 6 (at least when I last time was there) and on each of them there is more people playing then we had on EU in 2011, still waiting times were then ok. And for me vets could still play on rookies servers if they want for example to platoon with friends who just started to play the game. Also believe me, vets do not play X tiers all the time.

      And last but not least. I have seen many players angry on MM and quality of players. Just read other comments in that thread. It is growing frustration of thousand of players, thousand already resigned from WoT. From my WoT friends from 2011-2012 only I am online nowadays. Many of them were good players who raged and quit for ever. I keep playing only because I like tanks and I am too lazy to start in WT from scratch hoping that there it will be better.

    5. If you divide the playerbase into two leagues, one would be the lower 50% league and the other the upper 50% league. I never said "50% WINRATE and up league". Also I said long wait time FOR EXTREME TIERS. How many sub 600 WN8 guys do you see in tier 10?

      Really your reading comprehension is almost zero here!

      And if you don't believe me, ask yourself a question: if skill based MM and/or tight MM is the solution to all woes, then why didn't Warthunder do it? If that is what it would take to dethrone WoT surely they would have gone that way?

    6. Players do not have to be split into 2 equal halves. It is even quite hard to do and I never suggested such thing. So I have no idea why you think that way.

      "And if you don't believe me, ask yourself a question: if skill based MM and/or tight MM is the solution to all woes"

      I have never wrote that it is "solution to all woes". I just wrote that such moves "could lower that frustration".

      Really your reading comprehension is almost zero here!

    7. You make no sense. You reply that splitting above and below 50% winrate would be stupid because that would be unequal and now you say you never said splitting playerbase equally would be the way to go???

      Also where would that help the problem that you now create two groups of bottom feeders instead only one? How would you cope witht he fact that the extreme tiers would pose unsurmountable problems for the averse group?

      Lowering your frustration is obviously not gonna happen because it would make the game boring sh*t on top of breaking the MM, get over it.

    8. "You make no sense. You reply that splitting above and below 50% winrate would be stupid because that would be unequal and now you say you never said splitting playerbase equally would be the way to go???"

      ???? I have never wrote such thing.

      Really your reading comprehension is almost zero here!

    9. Regarding all these MMing ideas, as you can see from the discussion it's already divided. With WoT and its huge audience around the world it's difficult to decide on such major changes the consequences of which are not fully clear. It's mostly about making compromises right now to satisfy the majority.

    10. I would just like to see an even split of the blue and purple players . To many times it seems all the good players are on one team . It is one thing to have a platoon of blue players on one side and not the other , however to many times one team will have a platoon of blue players , a couple of purple players the rest average players while the other team will have average players and below . I look at this and say to myself the y could have swapped a couple of players for the other side and things would be better balanced. Overlord I don't know how much you get to play tanks but the next time you are on pay attention to the teams and I think you will notice a bad balance in over half the games.

    11. @Overlord

      I know that such bigger changes are complex. Only shared feedback what is most annoying for casual player who plays 3 years, plays already only for fun, not for XP or creds, cause has enough tanks (28). I write, why player, who likes the game and WWII tanks in general takes long break and after coming back quite fast starts to think about quitting again. For me watching 3rd year in a row slow heavies climbing Himmelsdorf hill or most of the team camping in lines 1,2 on Cliff is really annoying cause I know how it ends in 95 prc of battles :)

      I suggested in recent posts in a few last topics 3 possible solutions to lower that frustration:
      1. Leagues (2 to make it unharmful for MM on most servers)
      2. Flatten MM
      3. Better rewards for good players in losing teams (not only for getting some medal, but also for 3 best XP-wise places, also some kind of medal for being top XP-wise in a losing team would be nice) .

    12. Leagues are ok, to my thinking. They should be seasonal though, ie should be reset periodically. Also they need to account only for some relevant performance, not all-time stats.

  4. 1. Tech side - performance, bugs&glitches, stability, network/connection

    It seems to me that loading battle times improved. At least it is not so bad for me then in 9.0, but still worse then in whole 2012-2013.

    2. New city map - Kharkov
    I am not big fan of city maps (yeah, I am that strange person, who hates Himmelsdorf while I do not play SPG's at all). Even if you claim in your materials that it is good for all vehicles I see that it is best for heavies and rather bad for unarmored TD's and hulldowners. Mostly flat areas where there is no terrain that you can really use to your adventage in meds, hulldowners and some TD's, so if you get there in such vehicles, you are much less useful for team in big part of map cause you can't perform there on 100 prc. But surely many people will like it, I just dont like cities cause they make big part of my playstyle useless and my favourite tanks are there weaker. IMO city areas flatten skill and tactics a lot.

    But apart from that map is really nice. It looks like theater of war, which wasn't visible in many previous maps that looked sometimes like from Sims and not war game ;)

    Hard to say anything about balance, for that is needed more time.

    3. Marks of excellence

    Good idea, suggested by players already in 2011. I am sad that it took so long to introduce it
    ,cause I now play much less and it will take ages for me to make 100 battles in any of my 28 tanks :)

    4. New historical battle - Battle of Tobruk. The only battle available.

    Good that only one. But again people choose mainly OP in that battle Matildas... Heh, would be best if tank in which you will fight was randomly chosen., but it is hard to do...Or if you want to play Matilda (KT, IS, SU-152, Ferdinand - depends from battle) you have to earn right to it playing in 5 weaker tanks before... But it is also complicated feature. So I am still waiting for changes in whole concept of HB (historical stats, respawn of weaker tanks).

    5. Anything else
    I like new sounds a lot - Turret turning, empty shell..., Small things but they really improve experience, at least for me. Was funny to hear those shells in fast firing T49.

    1. Michael you don't have to be such a fan boy and my comments were directed to Overlord , not you. Every forum has you defending the in defendable . If a player is not enjoying the game anymore and wants to give his opinion to Overlord so that it can be addressed or not then that is that persons right to do so

    2. There was a time when all of the WoT designers got told that they should have made something like WoW instead and that something like WoT would never work.

      I am not a fanboy. I just can't stand that people make assumptions about what would make the game without understanding most of it's principles nor the meta in which it operates.

      That alone would not be a problem, the problem is that on the internets, if an unproven or even a false assumption is repeated just often enough, it sometimes becomes accepted as "the truth" by the uninformed masses, which forces the devs to cave in to these assumptions and change a game. This has killed some games in the past (like Warhammer Online). Now WoT is far from it but it's people like you who steer in this direction (entirely involuntary, because you have no clue).

      The core of your assumption is that the game would be less frustrating if it would be more balanced. Your second assumption is that if the game is less frustrating, it would be more fun (for mostly everyone).

      I say that this is wrong, because the fun of the game stems NOT from being less frustrating but from being so variable and diverse and that a certain amount of frustration is necessary to archive this variability. I claim that you can never remove the frustration that this variability induces sometimes in some people without cutting the fun.

      If you cut the occasional frustration, you make the game more boring. SO less frustration does NOT equal more fun.

    3. Yes, cause people love to be frustrated. They love to be the only tier VIII in tier X battle. They love to feel useless for team. They love to be oneshoted or lose 80 prc of HP in one shot. They love to lose battle cause they had in team many players who can't play. People just love it... Strange that I have never seen anyone complaining in battle chat that he is again top tier... or that all tanks are from the same tier... Strange that I have never seen someone resigning because game is not frustrating.

      Flattening tiers or making a league without beginners and those who can't play will not remove variability from that game. You have dozens of very different vehicles, still will be +1/-1, different maps, RNG, ammoracks and many, many other things. And there still will be many reasons for some frustration. But at least your fun will not be ruined by MM and clueless teammates.

    4. My fun is never ruined by MM and clueless teammates, thats the difference between us, because I know that over a sufficiently large amount of games, all teams are exactly the same and 15 vs 15 ensures that your loosing streaks are very very rarely more than one or two evenings worth of games - unless you are clueless of course, which is the second beauty of the system - it actually pays to be good.

      And no, you can't make a league without tomatoes, because then you'd also have a league of only tomatoes and that, as I already said, would cause a huge amount of problems (all bot teams, tomatoes do not get tier 10 games any more, new players have noone to learn from in the game, WG must track relative player skill instead of absolute skill...).

    5. Simple solutions for your problems

      all bot teams chase and ban bots
      tomatoes do not get tier 10 games any more because they aren't able to get tier X or maybe they magically all become good at tier X? there is a lot of bad players in X tiers,
      new players have noone to learn from in the game ingame tutorial (which could be better), tutorials on forums and other sites, youtube, streamings, clanmates, friends (vets can still enter that server)
      WG must track relative player skill instead of absolute skill...). it already tracks all stats, so no big deal... there are games able to do such thing

      Also "I know that over a sufficiently large amount of games, all teams are exactly the same"

      No! Really! Wow! The problem is that it is not about win ratio and losing streaks, it is about huge amount of stupid, pathetic battles in which half ot team suicides in less then 2 minutes, in which you watch others ruining all your efforts cause they are totally inexperienced or you in which you are almost useless for team cause MM mocked you putting in weakest tank and when your team fails you can only die. How funny...

    6. You seem to be the only one who thinks things are fine the way they are , I don't know of anybody that does anything they enjoy for the frustration except maybe you. I also could give a damn about meta data. I downloaded the game to play and I also occasionally give some feed back to let the devs know how they could increase my enjoyment of the game. I have an eff of 1772 last time I looked .most of the people who want the game to stay the same are the purple players that want to seal club people who have just started the game. I have got plenty of other people to try wot out and half of them said they just can't get any fun out of it because they are steamrolled so fast.

    7. Lol - millions upon millions of people play this game and pay money for it, but I am the only person to like it?

    8. Those who unhappy are always vocal, even though they are minority. Most of the playerbase just plays the game not even reading news in launcher/on the portal.

    9. That is the sad truth lead to the current state of the game:
      - Average playerbase quality dropping e.g.: hard to get an enjoyable random battle, where the battle is not lost in th first 2-3 minutes due to incompetence of high-tiers / bots / rushers / tomatoes .. and the list goes on.

      @Dead_skin_mask - you should try what I do when I have enough bad battles for a day:
      - go play Warhunder
      - or if for any magical reason the server is down, then log back in to WoT and play: W+left mouse button - mode. Just go and drive without stopping and shoot when reloaded... most of these days - with this many retards in the game - I had my best times doing this. P.S.: dont give a shit about WR... only will drop until 12-15 years old players leave the game and (sadly) that will not happen soon.

      @Michael you are not the only person to like this game. Yet the only here to brag about it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1. Tech side - no comment, its to early for that

    2. Kharkov - looks very promising

    3. Marks of excellence - good idea, flawed execution. Pls keep your marketing guys out of development

    - its good, that one can disable them
    - once achieved you cant lose these marks, which is bad

    - top 60% mark - congratulation, you are better than the avg newbie and bot
    - top 80% mark - you mastered the basics of tank driving and understood that pointing the front of your tank and also your gun in the general direction of the enemy, is essential to being succesfull.
    - top 5% - now we are getting somewhere. With a little more effort you might become a really great tanker.

    top 0,1% or at least 1% - WG doesnt care, its like olypics without gold medals

    Seriously even the top5% isnt really impressive with the current playerbase. For a regular t8 hvy tank like the KingTiger that will probably be around 1650-1800 DpB, which is ok but not really that great.

    You had a chance here to satisfy everyone interested in these kinds of things and introduce a cool little feature, but not the balls to really pull it off. What we got is a typical half baked WG solution, no gold medals and making them permanent is where you fucked it up.

    4. New historical battle - I dont really care

    5. Anything else ...

    (1) when will you finally fix Mountain Pass???

    (2) In the event that XVM becomes a paid service, will WGs attitude change toward it?

    1. Agree on the marks here.

      Regarding XVM, it might, since we are F2P and appreciate the free staff.

    2. technical side of things

      1) game performance on client side makes a better impression. I can see improvments there after desaster that was 0.9.0

      2) connection/ping wise - still worse than before 0.8.8 I think was it.

      There you had a cryptic remark in the patchnotes regarding optimized network code ... . Im still not back to ~90ms ingame like before 0.8.8 but instead jumping between 100-130ms with a flickering lag indicator.

  7. Overall, a really nice patch.

    No more 9.0 perfromance issues, the game runs very smooth. Thx for that, well done!

    MM improvement more lights is also really appreciated.

    Kharkow has an absolutely awesome atmosphere, only played it twice so far, so cant judge it gameplaywise. imho its almost too huge, but thats not necessarly a bad thing

    Mixed feelings about the other map changes though...

    Well, Historical Battles... Id love to play them. but i just dont have any of those low tier tanks and especially not the crews for them. And i wont be wasting several garage slots for tanks i dont want to play in randoms.
    What happened to the idea of giving HB tanks Premium status so you can use any crews in them? E50m crew training in HBs? Hell, yeah!
    Would it actually be possible to implenent that u can rent those Hb tanks? similar to the ammunition? (pay full repair costs in advance, repayed if alive)

    1. @Would it actually be possible to implenent that u can rent those Hb tanks? similar to the ammunition? (pay full repair costs in advance, repayed if alive)@

      I think it's open for consideration.

    2. I always though you should enable a person to make any tank they like a premium for a price. The tank stays the same just has premium economy .

    3. The thing is prem tanks are to be slightly inferior than regular tanks in terms of performance. In the case above, it won't be the case.

    4. The "prem tanks are to be slightly inferior than regular tanks" thing is very easy to resolve in exactly the same way as in HB: when you want to turn a standard tank into a premium one, it automatically switches to a preset configuration of modules. The configuration could be decided by WG for each tank individually. (Of course, any moment you would be able to temporarily switch it back to a top config without premium capabilities.)

    5. "Very easy to resolve" is a bit of an overstatement here.

      Some tanks (like SU-152) are totally viable with the stock gun and would be OP as a prem even while stock. Other tanks suck even with the second best gun, some tanks even only have one gun. I doubt you could make balanced prem tanks from even half the currently existing tanks.

      The first "the best tanks to convert to prem" reviews would appear about 20 nano-seconds after the patch and tell everyone which tanks are OP in their prem config. Imagine the outcry if WG had to nerf their prem config afterwards...

      There is a reason why "real" prem tanks are only sold via shop and not ingame and that is because WG can pull the stops within seconds if something goes wrong (Type 59 anyone?). Ingame, not so easy.

      So high risk for not much gain.

    6. Sure, I only meant it as a general idea, not something that could be implemented for all tanks indiscriminately. It would be up to WG to put their own tweaks and restrictions, for example: no SPGs, only vehicles of tier 7 and below.

      Limiting the conversion to temporary only (e.g. up to 3 months, then the tank is back to normal) could be the way for WG to have a possibility to nerf premium configuration if needed (they announce that conversion for specific tank/s is no further possible, wait 3 months so all converted premium tanks "expire" and then adjust it as necessary).

      And what do you mean by "real" premium tanks? High tier premiums that are not available for purchase in garage are more of an exception than a rule, aren't they?

    7. Newly released regular prem tanks wre first sold in the out of game shop only to better control their distribution (if the vehicle prooves to be extremely popular WG can simply take it out of the shop).

      These vehicles are usually put up for purchase into the game one patch (aka 1.5 months) later.

  8. Latest patch is Ok improvement in performance is a good thing. New map nice looking great for tanks I personally feel that arty should not be allowed same with ensk Himmelsdorf Mines. Mines should be tier 8 and down. I agree with Faber or at least to be tried. I know that WG says that it wouldnt work on the NA server because of load time due to low population but I dont agree with that never the less should be tried. Alpha I had a AUF e 100 destroy me in my Maus easily with 4 shots so you do know how long that took. I dont agree with those who continually whine about arty what needs to be done with them is to restore their Trajectory., that would be a trade off for Himmelsdorf and Kharkov but not for ensk and mines. HB needs a lot of work I could never believe that an M4 would pen a Tiger2 so easily but I still believe and see pen values r like rock scissors and paper. 260 pen cant pen an 80mm at 100m at 90 degrees to many times this happens.nuff for today

  9. 1. Tech side - performance, bugs&glitches, stability, network/connection
    NICE! Stuttering when changing to sniper view or when ammo racking that Leo have been removed, my FPS went up slightly too, especially on city maps.

    2. New city map - Kharkov
    Haven't got this one so far.

    3. Marks of excellence
    Haven't got one so far, nice idea though. The rankings are a bit strange though but I like that you keep you marks (for me this is irrelevant as my damage output is fairly stable but it could cause players to stop playing a tank when they archieved a mark out of fear for loosing it and that would be bad for the game).

    4. New historical battle - Battle of Tobruk. The only battle available.
    Will see, I hope to hop on Saturday 16.00/4p.m. CET on EU server for Jingles/Listy event BUT I have no tank except Mathilda (which prolly is true for almost everyone else I guess..) So not sure if I can take part at all.

    5. Anything else
    Gun sounds are nice. I have the feeling that the tracers are now much more accurately displayed. OMG, football mode is a lot of fun, well done! All in all, nice patch, I like it.

    Now looking forward to tank rebalance. I think it was right to make a "balance patch" and give a bit more insight on the why. It is always astounding to hear that a tank like Churchill GC is "ok" when everyone (that knows how to play) would tell you that this tank is a big steaming pos.

    I alos hope for a bit a tier 10 tank rebalance in regards what can be used in CW. Especially for my beloved M48 (which is, as I hear, "ok"...).

  10. Glad to hear they addressed the performance issues from the sounds of things - those "micro-freezes" and huge fps dips on max gfx settings in-game when there are several shooting tanks in frame, especially the "HD" modeled ones from the sounds of things...

    I will withold actual opinions until it hits NA East live, but to say the least, I have a powerful enough PC to play any game out there on maxed out setting both inside the games and in NVidia control panel as well - and even in the most advanced looking triple A title games, I am able to stay pinned to my v-sync rate nearly at all times, same with Ground Forces (which I am not a fan of in terms of gameplay - just in graphical quality and how smooth it runs) - It kinda irks me that since 9.0, not only have I had to make a special OC setting, at literally half the over-stock frequencies that I run literally everything else at (with 100% stability I might add) SPECIFICALLY to play WOT, because it causes my video-card to crash within 2-5 minutes at my standard OC speeds. That alone isn't too bad, I can live with switching frequencies especially since I love the GAMEPLAY of WOT so much that it makes up over 90% of my gaming anymore anyway, and no desktop app even really requires a video-card with my CPU, let alone accelerated video clock speeds... But the fact that IF I run it at 100% maxed out quality settings, not only does it not look NEARLY as pretty as games like the Metro family or the DX11 Crysis games or BF3 or even Ground Forces, and again that alone DOES NOT MATTER AT ALL to me! All I REALLY care about is gameplay, and with WOT's outdated engine that is being overextended as it is, it literally forces me to have to scale back the in-game settings to an average "high" setting for most things in order to avoid MASSIVE frame-rate drop when many tanks are in frame and firing (which is coincidentally the most important time to NOT get micro-freezes and massive frame drop) - even with absolutely everything both inside and out are perfectly customized to provide the maximum detail possible with the least frame drop and micro-freezes, I STILL occasionally get micro-freezes at the worst possible times, like literally almost every time I have to fire at someone who is firing their gun as I zoom in, and every time the frame is full of tanks from both sides firing away, since 9.0 that has always led to a crap shoot whether I would even hit my target let alone pen it! It seems to boil down to the fact that every time I was shooting, so was everyone else in the frame and even though my frame-rate held up fine, the game kept stuttering - and that has frustrated me more than droves of noob-assed donkey teams, because I can USUALLY do well enough that I meet my general goals of 600+ exp on defeat with equal or better damage done to taken and kills/killed, but it has been harder to keep up since 9.0 and the annoying performance glitches came, and it obviously is not just from frame-rates or component stress, I have done my best to minimize the issues since 9.0 went live, but there is something about it that I cannot change no matter what I do to all forms of settings I am able to find.....

    Anyway here's to hoping 9.1 at least has a performance increase from sorting out whatever lines of code were causing the glitches (likely something to do with dividing a single thread among many cores and virtual cores - probably effects Intel chipsets like my own the most as well...)

  11. 9.1 Better overall game performance for me.
    Better sound than the old stuff, if you take into account that they chose accuracy, over hollywood fx-style.
    Love the addition of "Base/Actual" for spec on tanks. Your crew and equipment and modules reflect in the stats now, and was seriously overdue.
    I approve of the new map, although I have yet to play on it.
    I approve of the direction in general that WG took in this patch.
    I would really like to see more map rotation. I really believe they need to adjust the math that issues maps, when you are grinding a tank getting the same map several times in a row, multiple dozens of times per playing session, it wrecks yer attitude and game play.
    I am really ready for MultiCore support(full, not hack-patched, but properly written) I know on my system, it would def gimme a boost.
    Thanks for your efforts Overlord. o7 ntp_ntp[SMELL]

  12. I stand corrected, there is a setting in the engine.config.xml file that says "CPU Balancing "true" so, yeah, ty war gaming. I turned off SLI "false" and am having smoother game play.
