Wednesday, June 4, 2014

[WG] At E3 2014

My personal excitement is a major announcement on WoT Blitz which is due at E3 next week. 
Make sure your idevices are ready for mobile tank battles everywhere and everytime

While we are awaiting more substantial and ground-breaking updates for WoWP, here is the next step - 1.4 with HD client, matchmaking improvements and a number of minor but still important enhancements. Check out the trailer and give your feedback (on the update).

As for WoT PC, there is a 0.9.1 update which is heading for release. 


  1. nice trailer, and with gaijin screwing up warthunder, you might still have chance with thi one

    1. Not giving up just yet. No doubt it has been bumpy, however we still have ideas on further improvements for 2014

    2. It seem they have lost something I stopped playing myself.

  2. CGI trailers are a thing of the past, so why is WG spitting them out one by one? Promote the game not the skill of your CGI crew, this is getting very tiresome

    1. I dont mind cgi. You just need to understand its a marketing asset. Same as gameplay based video even though more abstract

    2. Soft Launch my arse, stuck in the Scandinavian Mud Launch more like!
      The only way one can play WoT Blitz is if one pretends to be Scandinavian, what a ruddy Joke!

      Been Months now since soft launch, how many more Weeks, Months or Years do we need to wait for Worldwide Launch? Sorry Android Players you should be expecting a very long wait!

      I expect the same old answer ……… Soon! Or when next Major Update released, whenever that will be!

    3. Ah! But wait there’s to be an announcement on ‘WoT Blitz’ at some event called ‘E3’ next week.

      Why wait? What’s so special about E3, that you can’t make the announcement now?

    4. It's been one month only - launched on May 5. Not that long for an open beta / soft launch.

      Android is all good if it wasn't for its fragmentation

    5. You could make the Android beta at first available only for Nexus devices. (Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 10 and Nexus 7) Fragmentation problem solved.

  3. I just came home to try it on the NA server and was curious to see how the old P-51A fared(just under 900 players at 7:15 PM EST...not good at all).

    Finer points of the update...
    Lead-compensating aim is nice for new players but damned annoying for Alphas and Betas.Should have thought to put in a way to retrograde the thing.

    New maps...they have not cycled once since I no comment.

    New modules...making the otherwise tedious grind more so. I don't know who was asking for this crap but you guys should ignore them.

    New tier VI Premium planes....not a great idea to sell stuff to a already jaded population that is shrinking while other issues remain ignored(new game modes,increasing player base,fixing MM...that skipped the NA server?!!!!).If you want a road map on what doing stuff like this will get you...say hello to MechWarrior On-line.No one is going to buy into or invest in a game that for all purposes seems stagnate if not declining.

    Cinematic countdown...again who asked for this? It would be nice if you could zoom and take pics of your aircraft like you used to be able to do.

    Spectator mode,,,again who decided that this what was needed in the game? This was your priority?

    P-51 balance changes..Well I only have the P-51A because there seems little point to go above tier 5-6 on the NA server due to the direction of the game and population. A plane that had already been cut back has now been effectively neutered to the point that one might as well sell it and go back to a P-40. I find this oddly curious that the US P-51 gets de-balled when all of a sudden you have the chance to buy a premium UK P-51A and Russian planes are now out-turning Japanese planes(absolutely worthless now).Bad bad bad idea.

    I see this update as neither here nor there and more like slapping a new paint of coat on a rotten shed.You still have some serious problems with this game that were only confirmed to me by Chieftain when in our last meeting I asked him a question about it and got a "Glomar Explorer Breifing" type of answer(seemingly wanting to put as much distance from WoWp as humanly possible...and I can understand why).

    1. I totally agree I revisited to see if the changes were good but I just cant give a good report on it either. I literally hate the gun sounds they still sound like wash boards. Attitude Bans seems to be still an issue with this one as well truth is it need to go. You guys keep making planes unrealistic from what they were historically P51 nerf again you guys get all wrong maybe you guys need to refresh yourselfs on facts.Russian planes now out turn the Japs < this doesnt surprise me.

    2. Rad Y,

      more substantial changes to gameplay, including new modes, are in the works. It's not something that is easily done. Prototyping right now, which doesn't involve the entire team and doesn't mean we should stop doing anything else, including putting out new planes.

    3. The biggest problem that these substantial changes are going to face is...who will be around to see them.If things keep heading the way they might be able to deliver the game that everyone always wanted but I fear it may be a day late and a dollar short. People see the odd prioritization of "updates" coming down the pike and are just throwing there hands up in the air and leaving.I really hoped to be able to try out the new patch last night but the population just wasn't there to make it even feasible. I log in at 7pm EST...barely 900 people on....I come back at 11pm EST and now a whopping 950 people even Tier 3 matches were less than half full.
      I expect the weekend to be much of the same as the inept WG NA team has yet another lackluster event...most will be doing the D-Day special at WoT.

      I am still barely holding out for this one(I am the last player left of the 37 I came into Closed Beta with)...but in the end you have to look at the cold hard facts.

  4. For some reason I started playing more WoWP just a few days ago. What I found:

    a) The individual contribution is less than in WoT. If you are lucky your team forms a lemming train that kills everything in its path. Otherwise the enemy does it and no matter how good you fly, you get killed fast

    -> Any chance to find some mechanisms that enables more tactical options than just lemming train?

    b) Not all control options seem to be equal. Now and then I see people doing things with their plane that I don't think are possible with keyboard + mouse. The advantage this gives to a good player is significant if he can avoid getting killed by superior numbers.

    -> Any chance to make all options equal or am I doing it wrong?

    c) Ground attack planes seem to be useful, if the team is able to use them (most often it is not... ) by using them as bait or to gain superiority.

    -> good development

    So overall I think the game is nice and develops in the right direction. But I am not sure how you want to keep this up in the long run with the low number of players.

    1. @Any chance to find some mechanisms that enables more tactical options than just lemming train?@

      by all means it's not an easy fix. Player education is the key here. It's smth we are not really good at, however will be doing more attempts.

      -> Any chance to make all options equal or am I doing it wrong?

      Stat-wise different controls are balanced, ie for the majority of players. Expert players can achieve more using joysticks, which is ok.

  5. NA players will expect WoT Blitz to be released in...............?
    Will beta testers that are Canadian get the Ram ll or maybe the T14 cause we count(what you think) as USA? Will we get something else entirely different? T34?

  6. I just got an idea that it would maybe be cool if we had sort of a free roam cam after we get killed? To watch the scene of planes fighting would be kinda cool for me.. like a move.. hell like that whole your trailer!

    Also to have an option to swiftly jump over to any location we want to observe, like ctrl+click on the map to jump to area

    What do you think?


  7. Overlord mate, can you please tell me the name of the song?

  8. OVerlord, please tell me the WoWP UI will mimic (completely) the WoT one...
    I find it hard to use. True, it is superior to War Thunder's UI, which is so bad that I will have to start using bannable language to describe it, but it is currently much inferior to the near perfect UI of WoT.

    1. Or you just get used to WoT UI that much?

    2. It is just faster to use. I have obviously gotten used to WoT, but I do know how to use the WoWP one too.
      I just always measure how good a UI is by how fast and logical it is to use. For an example, WT is pathetic, Mass Effect 1 is pathetic, Skyrim is bad and WoT and Call of Pripyat are Excellent. WoWP is above average.

    3. It is considered that wot ui is not novice friendly. In wowp we attempted to create so called layered ui to cater for both newbies and veterans. Didnt exactly work out.

    4. I disagree, one of the reasons why I played WoT in Early Closed beta was the good UI. It made learning it easy and intuitive.
      The game DOES need an actual tutorial though.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Overlord, any word on the Asia server for WoWP? It's been nearly 7 months and I'm still having to cope with 400+ ping playing on NA server. Gaijin has already established their own server in Singapore. =(

    1. As far as I know, there will be one. However the dates are not yet clear.

    2. Asian server for WoT Blitz will be available at global launch by the way

  11. mr Overlord,

    I was discussing 'community' with a friend who plays LoL. He claims that LoL's community is the most toxic of all MMOs (Dota2 being the best), I of course provided ample samples from WoT ("best" stuff comes from the test server). So we started arguing and later searching for reasons behind this phenomena. Do you think it is a problem that MMO developer has to address via incentives&punishments? Do you think better tutorials would lessen the amount of newbie mistakes which often are the cause of aggravation? Or even better - does WG consider it a problem that players are leaving not because of the technical state of the game but because the bullsh!t that flows? Or perhaps you dont consider it an issue at all...?
