Wednesday, November 13, 2013

[WoWP] Live!

After more than 2.5 years of development second title of the "World of" trilogy goes live - World of Warplanes has already hit RU, EU, and NA servers.

Having been a part of dev team for ~1 year I'm especially proud of that fact.

Join the live servers and provide your feedback. Release is only the beginning.

PS: haters go to hell! :)


  1. Hi, not the game for me and, that being said, I will not give feedback on it. Yet I would like to give feedback on your attitude, quoting: "Join the live servers and provide your feedback" and "PS: haters go to hell! :)" are two sentences that I can’t figure out how can they be on the same text. There are two ways to deal with criticism, the first is declaring the critic (whiner, hater, whatever) your sworn enemy and fight him, the second is to listen to all criticism (or, as you put it, hate), filter it and try to improve based on it. Obviously you chose the former!!! Unfortunately you chose the former.

    1. there is a difference between haters and feedback. haters are people like zmeul who just spam negativity without much reasoning behind it, just for the sake of hating.

    2. True that, there is a huge difference between hating and criticising.

    3. Also, Overlord is human and you know, might also joke about it a little :P

    4. Even haters can be right you know. Maybe a little but thay can be right.

    5. The smiley in the end clearly marks it as a joke.
      So dont take this seriously, when its not meant that way.

    6. I provided enough feedback on WoWp forums - it launched, case closed
      as for being a "hater", at least I don't lick WG's ass every time I post something - if they do something they're to be praised for, I'll praise them, if not .. not

      @angry banana
      yeah, I've noticed your attitude towards me on WoT forums, don't worry, I've added you to my ignore list; you can talk to the screen all you want

      ps: I really like WG's attitude
      if you provide strong feedback, they call you a hater and dismiss you - it has always been and will always be
      WG pays their testers, so they'll always receive positive feedback no matter how stinky the turd is

      seeing the shit WoWp turned out to be, I wonder how WoWs will develop .. but fraid not, WG has 2 new mobile oriented studios ;)

    7. I fail to see how zMe ul is a hater and how he doesn't provide feedback. His interventions, even when they are criticizing, are argumented.

      @angrybanana you make just as much sense as your name if you dont use arguments

      @ Overlord: "true that....", what does that mean? you agree that zMe ul is a hater? Or that there is a difference between hating and criticizing? Pls don't use ambiguity.

    8. Overlord: Doesn't really answer to any point, merely enforces and proves the attitude problem.

  2. Congratulation on going live!

    No matter what a few hellbound people say you have made a enormous amount of work for us to enjoy.. thank you.

    1. Thanks! The guys in Kiev did an astonishing amount of work in relatively tight time frame. We practically rebuild some of the major parts of the game several times. Glad, that the game is now much better than in beta days.

  3. "PS: haters go to hell! :)"

    made me lol :D

  4. Sadly I can't play wowp, because I huge get fps drops on my laptop after 15 mins of play. in wot it is fine on lower-medium settings.

    1. That's truly unfortunate. Guys did a ton of optimisations, however it still requires some work.

    2. "however it still requires some work. "

      Understatement of the year.

      When a i7 3770K @ 4.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, SSD and GTX 570 still arnt enough hardware power to prevent frame drops (FULL HD res) while this game isnt even using proper MSAA, you guys still have a shitload of work to do in that department.

      That aside - there is still no option to safe/export crontroll profiles and every patch is resetting all usermade adjustments.

    3. I'd doing good on a far less powerful PC. Might be a specific issue related to a particular component/mode.

  5. Have to say I was incredibly impressed with the turnaround displayed in Open Beta. Enough to put my money where I never thought it would go and order a heavy package. Congrats to the dev team, hell of a job.

  6. I've been tester since Closed Beta and I loved the game back there. Now the game has grown into a big size, which is great.
    Gj Wargaming!

  7. have been testing WoWP since the open Alpha stages. I am truly proud to have been given the opportunity to participate in testing and submit lengthy reports after each major update.
    Thank you very much Developers for your hard and excellent work.
    Long live WoWP!
    Proud Alpha tester,

    1. Thanks for being with us for such a long time.

  8. Well i am currently downloading the latest patch, and will try it out with a good friend.

    Although the incentives were there to play the beta, i only played it like 4 hours all in all,
    but i am hoping the game is ironed out good enough to enjoy it now.

    Will let you know in the next days/weeks. :-)

  9. well, I am not following you from the beginning but.. since I've started it came a long way up. Especially for the optimisation.. the very fact that now I can even play on almost ultra graphics with the same configuration as earlier on is really encouraging [ Can't only put shadows on very high ]

    I am look a lot in forward for the future updates (:

    PS: Can I please add something for that "[WoT]Nasty little things" list.. something that is really irritating me and I see no one suggest it :P

    1. When you "skip" to a new tank.. why does the price pop-up stay? I mean this..

      So.. you can see that I've skipped those two tanks [ What I regret ] but the "price icon" is still active on them? Why is that?

      I think that same goes for the modules which aren't on the tank or in the depot..

      i.e. last weekend I've bought those tanks, B1 and D2, just to play one battle with them and remove that pop-up.. but I don't know what the hell will I do with SU-14-1 and BatChat 155 55 :D

  10. When can we find out what is happening to those of us on the ASIA server?
    The clock is now ticking. All my earned Premium account time from playing in the betas is now being thrown away because it is not added onto my real 'unified' account.
    Having two separate Unified accounts, both with individual premium time is very discouraging. I am paying twice what others are, when the whole sales pitch was about how we would not need to.
    Tickets were raised months ago, posts were made on the forums, and here. We were told we had not been forgotten about, but I have yet to see anything further stated on the matter.

  11. Game clien frequently crashes at the start of the battle. I am not able to log back in to the battle as I am able in WoT - says - plane is in battle.
    Installed yesterday evening had 4 crashes within 2 hours. Game crashes and due to the crash I had less xp or none what so ever... nice experience. Uninstalled the client after 2.5 hours, for me it is way to arcade and those client crashes just ... ahh never mind.

  12. Congratulations to this launch, competitive to WarThunder and that is good, so both companies have an opponent in the market.
    Personally, I like WT more, but this is especially because of the smoother way to steer the planes and fight with mouse and keyboard. For me WT has an advantage here. But this is just my personal opinion as an old player with bad relexes.

  13. So far mostly T1 games. I still hate T1, the aircraft are too quick to turn and that does not work with 300ms ping.

    1. Think it would be hard on any tier. Try attack airplanes. :)

    2. T 4-6 energy fighting is suprisingly playable.

      I tried the Me 210 alpha reward out, it seems to have a pretty substansial credit multiplier. I didn't expect that at all, thanks WG.

      Pity about the post requirement for WoWS alpha or I'd sign up for that, WG does test phases well.

  14. So this is why the WoT servers are going to hell in EU? Lagspikes/packet losses especially during cw time since around 8.8...
    Anyway, good luck with the launch.
    I hope the game is better than I heard, but Im holding on to my chips for the battleships ;-)

    1. Investigating connection stuff. It's a complex issue.

      WoBS has just gone closed alpha in RU :)

    2. WoWs should be good. Have heard nothing but what looks like and sounds like serious work from the Devs at getting things right the first time. It's one of the few things from WG that has really impressed me. (Communication, attention to detail, thinking ahead about how things could/would interact, seemingly learning from WoT mistakes/issues.) Not much more to say. It will be a truly different play style and there will be a lot more for the player to process but I think it will be very impressive.

    3. As I wished that WoWp was something like the Battlestations series, I wish WoWs (better than BattleShips because everyone knows what BS means) would be like that same franchise. I hope WG surprises me in WoWs since they didn't in WoWp.

      P.S: Its amazing that a post from september 2012 is still on the "most popular recente stuff!!!" list. Those were the days, when you can get in (huge) advance from this site what would be the next steps, and plan ahead. Now it is secret...

  15. Might have to try WoWp although I have not heard the most positive feed back from friends. they all have different complaints.

    On another note.

    Any chance the M18 Hellcat could have the 105mm Howitzer added to it lineup of guns. The M26 has it (M45 version of the T26E2 had it). The Hellcat was tested with the weapon in the form of the T88. Was doing some research into the Hellcat and I ran across it. On an old FTR Blog QA post SerB did comment on it but it has been silent since.

  16. Congratulations Overlord! I still remember that sad day when you moved to WoWp. This won't change anything, but you were doing better PR job that whole "EU server staff" that we have now.

    On topic
    I'm glad that WoWp went live. Sadly, there are two factors that will prevent popularity similar to WoT:
    - Flying and fighting planes is harder than driving big-ass war machine;
    - There is good competition for WoWp (can you hear the thunder?). WoT has none.

    Cpt. Obvious signing off!

  17. On one hand, this is not a game for me, the flight model, damage model and ideas behind the game are too arcadish, for me WW2 planes need to be a FULL on-cockpit SIM with full realistic instruments.
    Leaving that aside, and speaking on the implementation of the game from the near 1K battles i had in CBT there's one CRIPPLING PROBLEM:
    Hangar interface SLOW, so slow i hated playing it, leaving a battle takes 10s of updating hangar, changing planes is SLOW: takes SEVERAL SECONDS to switch planes, pressing battle and NOTHING HAPPENS for several seconds until the queue appears. This is terribly wrong, why couldln't you make it like WOT which is practically instant?, the wait is so painful that you simply quit and don't play anymore as you spend more time waiting than figthing

    and crew progression is very bad, even with premium on extra XP days/5X/triple 3X the crew advancement is a joke, slow as molasses, why should i bother with this game?. you should CUT the crew XP ceilings in HALF of what they are now to say the least (i.e.: with 30K XP you should get 100% of first skill)
