Thursday, October 3, 2013

[WoT] WoT 360 Stream

Those who are interested in console version of World of Tanks for Xbox 360, you can check out Microsoft's stream over here. This gives pretty good understanding of how the game currently looks like, especially combat elements which are almost polished by now. 

The game is currently in open beta.  


  1. Yees, yees, very nice. So How's the progress on Warships ?

    1. Pretty good. Testing the game internally. :)

  2. Hi Overlord,

    sorry but i cant be happy about this. IMHO the "consolization" of WoT was the beggining of the end. That meant that the game would go mainstream and easy mode to apease all audiences. I was not wrong, accuracy increase, useless armour, faster tanks and bigger guns soon followed.

    Still playing but not as enthusiastic as before.


    1. Actually, WoT 360 is a completely separate version of the game that is being developed by a separate dev studio which is located in the US.

      What makes you think that console version will somehow affect PC version? All the changes are done for the sake of PC version as it is with no consideration of other platforms.

  3. Since you have someone obviously who knows how to make the 360 controller work with WoT on the 360, how about making the 360 controller usable in the PC version?? Sure, it is workable with keybindings now, but some might prefer dedicated support, even if it were for ONLY a 360 controller.

    1. Guess mouse+kb layout will have an advantage.

    2. The advantage would most likely not be as large as it is now in WoWP for those using joysticks versus those using mouse and come on, if possible do it, with the note that it may suffer a disadvantage.
