Tuesday, July 30, 2013

[WoT] 0.8.7?

The 0.8.7 update has been live for a while (especially for EU server) - waiting for feedback in this thread. Share your personal pros and cons - already heard fair amount of negativity tbh. That means 0.8.8 will definitely be better :)

Personally, I haven't checked out the new (0.8.7) version yet because of the vacation. Going to do that later today. 


  1. All i can think of that could cause negative comments would be the end of the 50% off on consumables and the T-50-2 switch, tbh i'm very happy the 50-2 got switched, imo it was a "fun" tank for bad players, they are better off playing NFS World.

    1. Agree here. The thing is that the switch should have been done long time ago.

    2. Totally agree that the dash two needed to go but they could have done it in a way that didn't screw over those who had earned it.

      The mt-25 is a completely different tank for a completely different kind of player. If I wanted a German light tank, I would have ground the German light line.

      I want my time (xp and credits) back.

    3. I entirely agree with Yarcod. The two tanks are so different they are not even comparable.

  2. Negative??

    It is of course one of the smallest patches ever, but it has some positive influence.

    New map is very nice and great for my playstyle. Best new map in long, long time. Lot of fun there. Lot of different terrain. More such maps please :)

    T-50-2 removal was good decision. It was a motorbike, not a tank.

    Brits got SPG's, so we are closer to Achilles and other things that I am waiting for.

    Finally after such long wait we have E-25. Sad that I do not need more premiums. If E-25 would come one year earlier, I would buy him for sure, cause I wanted it. But now I do not even use those premiums that I have.

    We now have less obstacles that were dramatically slowing down a tank. It is always good change.

    The only negative thing that I see are new colours on Port (too bright) and Highway (too... strange).

    1. Yup, the update is relatively small. Especially comparing it to monstrous 0.8.8 and 0.9.0 that are in the works now. Plus 0.8.7 contained some very important architectural things for the new chat system and unified account.

      Going to buy E-25 first thing I update the game.

      As for refurbished maps, sort of agree here.

    2. hmm....
      Quot''Especially comparing it to monstrous 0.8.8 and 0.9.0 that are in the works now.''End Quot
      I get you don't want to spoil whats coming in 8.8 that is so huge compare to 8.7, (do have some guesses tho).
      Any chance you can revel when roughly announcement of the content in 8.8 will come?
      And if you wood accidentally share some more info of 8.8 i promise not to tell WG :P

    3. Not now. I think the contents of 8.8 will be gradually revealed starting mid August and right until the end of the month.

      I'm not saying that 8.8 will be revolutionary (no new game modes or smth), but it is going to be large.

    4. Depends on what you consider to be a fix actually.

    5. You know, bring the relative standing of top tier arty to alt least the middle of the road of top tier tanks.

    6. Arty's pretty much spot on right now - decent arty players agree for the most part. The only people who want arty back as orbital nuke platforms are those that loved the broken and ridiculously overpowered arty mechanics prior to 8.6.

      I've had SO many good high tier battles since 8.6, it's wonderful to have the game focussed back on actual tanks again.

    7. @Nynja, you're one of those, eh? Do you even know a decent arty player? I do, I'm one of them. I'm also a number cruncher and stats analyst. If you think that were arty is right now is by any means good you need to get a new sense of "good". You're probably one of the same people that rages when he's getting shot at by a TD that hasn't been spotted, blaming unbalanced mechanics instead of thinking, "Hey, maybe I should have been there for him to shoot me."

      You want real numbers? The 4 worst tier 10's in ranking right now are, from 4rd to 1st, Object 261, BC 155, T92, GW E-100. If arty isn't bad, then why are they the worst tanks in the game? Incidentally the JP E-100 and FV 215b 183 score consistently low as well, especially the JP E-100, it's down in the arty range half the time. There's a pattern here, big guns scare people, they run two WG crying, "Dat big gun over derw scawred me, make him not so scarwy," and WG just says, "Of course my little child," like an irresponsible parent that doesn't know how to tell their kid no.

      If you want some proof, here's where I collect my numbers. http://www.noobmeter.com/tankStats/na

      Look at the recent win rates and enlighten yourself.

    8. Arty won't be the same as before 8.6. That's for sure.

      We are monitoring the situation right now. Everything is possible. Including rebalance.

    9. Arty still can be annoying like hell, one Hummel focused today on my Tiger and hit my twice in a row. By the way in the place which is usually quite safe from arty and usually shells hit hill above tank.

      But now it demand more skill and it is one annoying arty per same battles nto whole battery shooting at you every second battle.

    10. I hope not, cause honestly, before 8.6 it was still crap. Arty needs a full on rebalance; faster aiming time and more splash radius across the board for the most part. Arty A: needs to be able to shoot at targets, hence the aim time buff, and B: close misses still need to hurt(as a T92 player they do, but close misses are about as rare as hits for me, so near misses still need to hurt).

      If you want to make that arty meta possibly even less frustrating for tanks for tanks than arty has ever been, reduce the damage that splash damage does to tracks by 50% or more; simple, done, arty fixed.

    11. The idea is simple, if you have a long reload, say, about 50 seconds in the case of my T92, no shot can be a waste, so if you're firing on a target on a flat plain and they are in the center of your aiming circle you should be practically guaranteed of doing at least some damage. With the current model if a shell, even from the T92, drops around a tank length from an E-100 it does absolutely nothing. Even with an arty magnet like that putting a round close in enough to deal damage to it is about a 50/50 shot. That should be an 80/20 ratio, however, the chance to deal moderate to high damage should be about the same 50/50. This is where the model needs to change, arty needs to be about damage maximization, where almost every shot does damage but only well aimed shots can do lots of it. Currently, it's just too random. There's no reward for skill or effort, especially in the costs of running an artillery platform.

      As it stands, to me, having arty be the class with the highest running costs and the lowest win rates in unacceptable.

    12. @Coldt. No, I'm not one of those players. I HAVE a tier 10 arty piece and it's fine. Arty was too powerful, too fast and too accurate. I spent the entire closed beta in arty pieces and have been up many of the arty lines since then - and I'm perfectly fine with their role as is it today - as a support fire that has a CHANCE to change the battle, rather than being the easy way to win one. I also have multiple tier ten TDs and heavies - and I'm fine with TDs being able to shoot from cover and stay hidden. The game right now is good - no BatChats running roughshod over everything, slow heavies CAN break cover without instant, accurate rain of death nuking you from unseen locations, and you have a chance to bounce high-penning meds too.

    13. Then you failed to see the real picture, the numbers don't add up. It doesn't matter what YOU personally think, the proof is in the numbers.

    14. Are you saying it's perfectly fine to have a class based on random chance that scores the lowest while have the highest repair bills and running cost in a competitive online game?

    15. I agree completely with NynjaSquirrel, arty as it is now is ok. About all the changes made to them in 8.6 was spot on. Arty is and should be a support vehicle not the main damage dealer. That is just a fact, arty has never been anything else in RL. And if WG strive to mimic RL as they claim they do (T-50-2 swap as a good example)they did a great job in 8.6.
      Artillery pre 8.6 resembled something more close to modern laser guided missiles than WW2 era artillery.

      I for one enjoy playing WoT allot more now than i did before. And being here since beta with almost 18k games after release i think i could say i know what im talking about.

      One thing that needs attention is the MM for arty, alot of battles we are going without any arty at all, and while that can feel like vacation at times, truth is we need arty.

      I have the GWE-100, OBj.261 and would have had the T92 if i would have grinded a little more before 8.6. And as NinjaSquirrel said, good arty players still do good with them. Its the bad players who were used to laser guided missiles of doom that are crying the lungs out atm.

      Please lets not forget, we are playing World of Tanks. Not World of Artillery.

    16. You're forgetting one thing, if arty is indeed a factor in games THAT will show in its win rate. There are plenty of people, like you, who think that arty is fine, you are wrong. There is no logical arguement for you to make. Arty is a vehicle in the game like every other vehicle, its values should show like every other vehicle but people LOVE to pick on arty simply because arty is different and doesn't "deserve" to be treated equally. It sounds a lot like some other debates going on.

      I'm a good arty player, a damn good one, and I want that to show in my stats. The trouble is, it doesn't, because I play a T92 and currently a T92 is a machine based on random chance, like all other arty. When splash radii are non existent and shells don't go where you're pointing half the time you end up having a brick that just becomes a big waste of money, especially since each missed shell is 2500 credits down the drain and if you get shot ONCE you're down another 30k, more if you happen to just barely survive and have to use a consumable. But I digress, it doesn't matter how good of an arty player you are, if your shots don't go where you point them and your team can't spot for shit then you're holistically fucked. I don't know what god I pissed off but since 8.6 (probably overlord since I've been here bitching about arty since 8.0) I'd been averaging about 3k damage a game, pretty damn good for an arty, yet a 46% win rate. I was finding that I could no longer make the saving throw shots that can turn the tide of the game reliably.

      Anyway, I shouldn't have to explain that even a support class' value will show in its win/loss rate and right now, arty sucks. It doesn't matter if YOU think its good, when the win loss rate sucks, it sucks and needs to be fixed. Argue all you want against that if you wish, I'll be the brick wall of logic standing in your way to tell you you're wrong.

    17. If your average damage is 3000 and your win rate is 46% that actually proves you are doing good in arty and its fine. But do you honestly think that you should be able decide the game singlehandedly in your arty? Because if your saying you do good damage but your team still loses.... Win/loss will always be decided by the skill level of your team, no matter how uber you are in your arty/TD/tank. Specially if you are the only arty on your team!

      So that brick wall of logic seems to crumble already.

    18. I can do it in my e-100, my type 59, my t110e3, my t71, my t69, all my other tanks with good positioning and accurate fire, why shouldn't I be able to do the same in my arty?

    19. Delusions of grandure?

      If you seriously think you alone can change the course of any battle then i have nothing else to add to this discussion sir.

    20. A single person CAN change the course of a battle, and I on occasion do. If you find yourself in the right cover looking at the enemy's flank you can pump shot after shot into their sides and force them to either A, retreat while taking fire, or B: push forward, likely into friendly guns, because C: not doing anything = death. That and unlike many people here I'm actually a good player who knows how make use of his tanks. There's some proof in this, never once have I complained about arty being OP, because I know it isn't, since I can effectively negate its usefulness on me.

      All that being said, are you saying that never has one man stood himself out in combat? The reasons we have medals like the Victory Cross and Medal of Honor are because sometime, in the real world, men have stood up and out and changed the course of history. That being said, they faced much much stiffer odds then we do on world of tanks. There aren't many people who could have stood up to face of hundreds of thousands of German guns with only a couple hundred men at their back and lead the way with an all out terror campaign marching over the River Rein. However, in a game like world of tanks, where the numbers are even and the chief opponents are some teenagers and old guys with a superiority complex and little to no knowledge of tanks, standing out gets pretty easy.

      Face it buddy, some people are better than average, some people are even pretty good.

    21. Yea your right, there are one game of a thousand where you will win single handedly against 8-10 enemy tanks. Sure it can happen. But WoT isn't known for its historical accuracy, never was and never will be.
      That is why arty was more of an orbital nuke cannon than anything resembling that existed in the real world.

      On a side note and I don't want to make this into a bashing contest, but your stats are not much better than average.


    22. So, you don't want to make it into a bashing contest but you immediately turn it into a bashing contest. Mature, mr. 49.66% win rate and 1.27 kdr. You're not bad, but you're certainly not that good, talk to me when you're at 52.83% and 1.66, then we'll see what you've learned. I'm on the verge between good and GREAT player. That being said, I don't think you've had enough games in top tier arty to have a valid opinion about top tier arty play. When you've played about 800 games in the second worst top tier tank in the game you will know my pain, and why I'm pissed.

      Call my scores mediocre again, I have the internet and I can find the truth.

    23. Then look up Rocksolid on the EU server who happens to be me.

    24. Hey, I'm truthful here, my name here matches my name in game, I don't spout random names of good players.

    25. Whatever man, but to make you happy i changed my nick to my in game name.

    26. Yeah, you do that, when I'm on the test server and I get a PM from a RockSolid_EU that says "I want to procreate with blueberry pie." then I'll believe you.

    27. It's not like it matters though, arty is getting buffed next patch, even if it's just a token buff. All the anti arty hate and the devs are still buffing it, I wonder what that means?

    28. It means that whining pays off.

    29. What, like all the whining about how arty is still OP?

    30. Artymade the difference in a match when they were more of them when they capped at 5 that ratio went down most matches were decided by the tanks not arty. If they had chosen to capp at 3 then all things would have been better. But take a look for a moment and see what WG has done to create the imbalance, introducing T8 arty as big as they were then introduced the scouts to balance out the arty but that didn't work either because it just created another imbalanced. Players that sit in steel coffins were the ones whining for their thinking was that should be able to sit in cover and not get hit. So WG rather than fixing the issue of reducing the numbers to a cap of three they listen to the whiners and nerf the arty.
      So now when you go into a match its very rare to see arty at all, I have had 7 matches were no arty and of course tankers who sit and camp still when no arty won it over with WG so now since 8.6 I have not and will not play arty nor will ever pay for a premium account. until they FIX arty

    31. Whatever the reason, if ppl whine enough some kind of change will happen. WG wont ever admit that they listen to the community and for the most part they don't. But the massive criticism against the game breaking arty finally sprouted seed. Majority of the community only had to whine for a good year before the said arty nerf took place.

      A good stealth nerf example would be to the FV183.
      When it was first introduced it sucked so bad that even the JPZE100 was better. But in 8.6 patch when the noobfrindly aim help was introduced the FV183 also started to pen as it should with HESH.
      Ppl whined their guts out how OP the tank was, and voila! Aim was stealthily nerfed in 8.7.
      The TD is still very good in the right hands, but this only goes to show that whining pays off.

  3. This isn't my favorite update, because I HATE the artilleries. The new, and the reworked maps are nice, but I wanted to see more useful features.

  4. I just uninstalled a couple of days ago after playing 8.7 in testing. I can't believe you'd nerf arty so badly then give us this trash of a tier 10. My hope is gone for World of Tanks and World of Warplanes, here's hoping World of Warships isn't screwed up too bad.

    1. Just as a note, I still do relatively well in my T92, I'm just tired of having 6k damage games awarding me a pittance compared to my t110e3 or E-100. Arty, even good arty players get nothing for what they do, no appreciation, half money, half xp, highest expenses, and the highest repair bills by class. That's the worst part, if you get shot ONCE in a tier 10 game there's an 85% chance you will lose money that game no matter how well you did.

    2. That is not really arty-specific. All tier 10s are somewhat similar and have very narrow margins.

      Try Object 263/268 - they perform better.

    3. @OL:

      6Kills and 4K damage in a GW-E giving 1158 XP (prem account) in a GW-E ... do u really consider that fair?

      I consider that BS.

      want replay?


    4. I'd say should be at least 1.5k

    5. It SHOULD be, but it ISN'T! Arty has gotten the long end of the nerf bat for the past YEAR! That being said, the new british tier 10 arty is as close to useless as any tank can be. It CANNOT counter batterr, and it is REQUIRED to sit in a forward position in order to fire on enemy positions, this at a time when tier 10 mediums are the most overpowered bunches of nonsense out there. It has 152 mm of hull armor, sure, but that's in a square with the angular dimension of a toothpick, the rest of it is a giant "shoot here" box like every other arty. If my intuition is correct, which is usually is, in 2 weeks when I have a sample size in for the CGC it will be the worst tier 10 in the game... period.

    6. OL wrote:

      "I'd say should be at least 1.5k"

      around 1.5 - 1.6K is also my expectation for a game like that. It was in no way outstanding damage wise for a t10 arti but for sure above average ... .

    7. More than once have I been the highest damage on the team, yet middle of the XP chart in my T92... more than once... Actually it's a common occurrence, who am I kidding? That's kind of why I uninstalled the game, too much frustration knowing that I was being artificially made into a shitty player, since with my arty I literally couldn't compete with anything else.

      I'm a competitive person. I LOVE to be able to say that I'm better at something that someone and have the facts to back it up. I also like to say that I can still beat anyone regardless of what I'm driving... but I can't... cause I drive arty... aaaaaand arty just isn't good... This is why stat whores avoid it like the plague.

      I'd like to say that since I've been playing there was some point when arty was balanced, but I can't. Top tier arty has been perpetually underpowered since I started playing WoT. Granted when I started they would hold down 52% to 53% average win rates which really isn't bad, not as good as the heavies at the time but not bad. It was a hell of a lot better than the 50.8% average now. 1% of win rate with that many samples in that many games is about the difference between someone that goes out and shoots a few rounds at the enemy and someone who starts every battle by driving off a cliff.

      WG needs to say to the community with videos or blogs or whatnot, "Arty is bad, if you're stilling getting owned by it YOU are bad, then this is what you have to do to fix it. Now that you know how to not get shot by arty we're making arty better. We're sorry arty for shitting on you for so long." That's what I think about the whole thing in a nutshell. I want some kind of apology, and a fix to the problems. Then I'd consider reinstalling.

    8. thread with even more exampels


    9. Will forward to guys who are doing balancing for clarification.

    10. If you sit far away from enemy your dmg is worth less in XP. This is how system is build.

      Tanks or TDs sniping from long distance will also get less XP for their damage then those in first line. There is some XP premium for damage done if you are close to target (it is reward for taking more risk), there is also XP for spotting. And I hope you will agree that SPG rarely spot enemies.

    11. 4k damage - I can do that in my Maus in a tier 10 match. Hell - I can do that in a Churchill in a tier 5 game - you really need to look at what you're doing.

    12. @NynjaSquirrel: No one cares about what u can do ...

      @Dead_Skin_Mask: I know all that. That doesnt change the fact, that arti is getting not enough XP since 0.8.6 ... just try to level up your crew with 800 XP games for a win ...

    13. XP, credits, appreciation, arty isn't getting enough of any of it.

    14. IMHO the "problem" is, how the whole system is built. You have to share 50% of your xp with the teammate who's actually spotting your target. Means you have to do twice the dmg to get an equal amount of xp. (And I hope you will agree that as a SPG you rarely spot enemies yourself).

      Although kinda unfair to the spotters/light tanks, you could wait until your target is unspotted again. If you hit an unspotted target, you'll get the full 100% xp/creds then ;) ...

      You will also barely get the brawler dmg bonus (distance < 200m), which meds/heavies get most of the time.

      But don't forget that camping/sniping TDs/heavies have the same 'problem'.
      Had a nice game with my T110E4 severals days ago.
      I was tired and already kinda drunk. So I was sitting behind 2 bushes most of the time, waiting for red dots to pop up. Fortunately we had really good scouts, so all I had to do was point'n'click (leaving my left hand free to open another beer ;)
      ...long story short, I was camping. (shame on me)

      Had ~8k dmg 5 kills ... got 786 xp (1179 with premium).
      Was only - NOT myself spotted - sniping damage. Our scout got about double my xp with only 1k dmg dealt. (Can't remember how much spotting dmg he had.)

      But I have to admit, heavies and TDs at least could brawl at the front line and get a great amount of xp. Arty certainly NOT.

    15. BTW, game was on Malinovka. I'll try to find the replay...

    16. Right now we are still monitoring the situation. Can't say that we are fully satisfied with it.

    17. Don't get me wrong, I prefer playing meds/lights/fast heavies anyway, so I can't blame the system how it is right now. Don't wanna shoot myself in the foot ;)

      But in fact it is far easier to score a high amount of xp with front line brawlers than with for example arties.

    18. zenobs wrote:

      "Although kinda unfair to the spotters/light tanks, you could wait until your target is unspotted again. If you hit an unspotted target, you'll get the full 100% xp/creds then ;) ..."

      u would have to wait more than 5 sec after enemy vanished to shot, otherwise u will share XP with spotter. And 5 sec are a long time ... .

    19. Oh well, didn't know about this 5-second delay. Thanks for the enlightenment :)

      Reject my advice then. 5 seconds is in most cases too long to predict.

    20. There are alot of factors that only WG can identify for sure. But as it stands now i can do easily better in any other tank than arty. Doing 7k damage in arty right now (that was already a fantastic round before the patch, now it might be one in a million after the nice accuracy nerf) and getting less than 1k xp with premium is a kick in the face. And I'm not talking about a nice girlish kick but rather a roundhouse kick Chuck Norris style.

    21. Are is fine as it is atm, with damage, aim time, spread, tier spread but i do fully agree that they need to get more XP the very least for their efforts. Credit vise, nah they are not supposed to earn allot. None of the tier X's do.

      But i just have to add that playing the Tier X TD's aren't very satisfying xp vise either.

  5. I think, for a small update its pretty nice.

    I like the new map.

    There is no need to grind the artys, cause there are better toptier ones already in the game.

    I dont know what to think about the dash two thing.
    I didnt have one, but i am pretty sure, if this would have been one of my favorite tanks, i would be pretty upset.

    You invest a lot of time to grind the crew, you buy the camouflage for minmax and style, and after years of use, you get a crappy scout you sell imediately after trying it, instead of the one and only!? Doesnt feel right.

    Maybe there should be some form of compensation for those that had it.
    Will be too late now anyway.

    Yesterday i had my first hightier artyparty after the 0.8.6 patch, with 8 artys.
    I am truly hoping that the bad economics put in place for artys prevent more players from playing, after they recognized that arty is still decent. I still fear it will be played a lot again, after some time, when people get aware that the "arty is bad stuff" is bs.

    I highly enjoy the artyfree matches. :-)

    1. People tend to adjust - that's true. However I would not expect any major spike of SPG usage now with no changes being made - it has been quite a while since 8.6 now.

    2. 8 arties? wasn't that tier X battle, in the evening? (cca 9 PM Central European Summer Time?) and wasn't one T110E5 and three arties from CSK clan in one team? because if it was, then I was there, too :D

    3. Nope. It was at 9:44 pm, and we had other clans like -GLS-, ZOP, SERB (yes, thats a clanname), etc. but also with mostly tier 10`s.

      So, now we know these matches still happen occasionally.

      In this game, everything is a process. So we will see
      how this pans out in the end. I am not too optimistic for longterm,
      but i have to say i really underestimated the effect of the taken measures to counter arty useage. At least for now, it worked well.

  6. I notice a increment of fps. And now the game launch very fast.
    I'm dissapointed because since the 8.6 the new and reworked maps have much bloom. The terrain is white. In the new map of 8.7 you can't see the irregularities of the terrain because doesn't have shadows. I'm looking for a mod for correct it, but at this moment there aren't.

  7. Lets see ...

    1) WG promised fixed MM for arti beeing top tier taking spot of regular tank ... failed

    2) Promised fix for aiming bugs (on objects and "hanging" crosshair when aiming over hills or ridge lines) ... failed

    3) T50-2 -> MT25 move was good, while the implementation crew wise was ... fail (now I have a decent starting crew for 2nd russian med line - doubt that was WGs intention)


    Sold that MT25 before even making a single game in it - crews like that ...

    Would it realy have been such a big problem for WG to average the crew training level for the already existing T50-2 crew and put that value of XP on the radio operator for free distribution of skills and perks?

    1. It wouldn't. Personally, I supported this option.

      MMing fix is likely to arrive for 8.8. Appeared that more work on it was required.

    2. and btw that MM in general still sucks, like in 2010/11 sometimes ...


    3. I'm glad to hear they recognize they didn't quite get the MM fixed. I've been seeing a lot of mismatches since 8.6 and it seems like 8.7 may have made it even worse.

      I don't have any screenshots handy but a match where one team has two extra tier 10's and one extra tier 9 has a pretty predictable outcome.

    4. Folterknecht,

      there are some issues related to the balancing of top 5 tanks in each team. Your example is far from being the worst.

    5. MM still sucks? Here you go: http://abload.de/img/shot_001e7utk.jpg

      This is how Beta players fought back in the days ;)

      We learneed not to complain about MM, instead we just fought, like in this one, where we killed nearly all T-54s. We lost that day, but only because our 3 T10s(T30 was a T10 heavy a that time) ragequitted right at the start.

    6. i see ALLOT of people complaining about MM these days, but mostly its players who are fairly new and doesn't really understand how the game works. I for one think MM is very good atm with a few exceptions mentioned above.

    7. Mostly it's people that don't know the pain of tier 6 tanks getting into tier 10 games.

    8. What kind of MM do you have on the NA server? Because on the EU server you will never get higher than tier 8's if you are a tier 6 unless your a light tank.

    9. That used to be everywhere, I guess I've just played longer than you.

    10. Tier spread was like that in the beta. But not now.
      Perhaps Overlord can give an exact patch when the tier spread was changed to how it is now. But id guess it was around 8.5

  8. Since there is/was a new test3 for 0.8.7 on the test servers, can we expect a hotfix for the 0.8.7 on the live-servers?

    1. We are mostly testing unified account there. Afaik, there going to be a minor update for live servers quite soon.

  9. Hello Overlord,

    Will I be able to spend tokens on Open Beta WoWP for premium account for both games or I will need to buy in Official release gold? Month ago, or more, it was said that we will be able to buy premium accounts for both games...

    Btw 0.8.7... I am good with it, no problems, I always like new looks of maps, I want that Devs create maps similar to Ensk, Abbey and Himmelsdorf.. And I am pretty interested in that 0.8.8 I wonder what will exactly bring to us, SerB said many things that are confusing us already...

    Kind regards

    1. I'd recommend to read this - http://worldofwarplanes.com/en/news/8/world-warplanes-approaching-open-beta/

    2. "Ensk, Abbey and Himmelsdorf"

      For me none of these maps is good. Domination of heavy tanks and heavily armored TD's, other vehicles are in disadvantage there because most of the fight is on short distance in narrow passages, where heavily armored vehicles reap others into pieces. Skill becomes less importent there, luck and kind of vehicle are crucial.

    3. Not true.. TDs aren't dominating there, they are easy prey.
      I have success in all kinds of tanks on those maps, except with arty.

    4. Oh yes Foch or other TD with great front are not dominating there, I wonder why T95 players love Himmelsdorf... Lol

      I have successes on all too, but in many vehicles I can do more on other maps then on these stupid maps with narrow passages. On those maps lightly armored TD's and meds have much less chance to influence battle outcome. They need lot of luck to do that. I play more then 2 years, I play mainly with such vehicles, so I know smth about it. In Himmelsdorf, Abbey and other such maps I am like bird in cage in such vehicles, on Malinovka, Steppes or new Severogorsk I am predator.

      Btw you have 49 win ratio (account Rovikiller on EU server). I am deeply sorry but it is far from success for me. Although it is not bad :).

    5. Well, I currently have a higher win rate than 49 if that's your criteria for having an opinion - and he's right - TDs don't dominate those maps, but they ARE maps that favour heavy armour and short range fighting. That's why we have varied maps for different playstyles. Now take your elitist 'omg you have 49% win ration so you don't matter', and stick it firmly up your arse.

    6. I see that none of you see that I wrote "heavy tanks and heavily armored TD" yes they dominate, I have T95, I see how it dominates in such places. I meet Foch, I know how it is unpleasent to meet him in place where you can't flank him. It is much easier to fight against them on open maps.

      Elitis?? Do you have some emotional problems? Did I called him "noob"? Did I wrote him "learn to play"? I even wrote "Although it is not bad :)." Holy shit I am really so elitist, I crushed him, uuu.

      He wrote that he plays with succes on this maps, I checked what is success for him. For me achieving 49 win ratio is not success at all, because it is like flipping a coin. I like to win more battles and it is harder to do in lighter vehicles on such maps full of narrow passages, where guys with big guns and thick armor have much bigger advantage. So this are not good maps cause they put some vehicles in disadvantage.

      "stick it firmly up your arse."

      Wow, high culture I see.

    7. I killed a KT with my E100 ... success ... .

    8. What I think needs to happen is Ensk Abbey Himmelsdorf Province and Mines need a size increase so that they are similar in size to the new maps. Also would like to see Himmelsdorf gain passages on the north side similar to the ones on the south side and both sets need to be made easier to move around in so scouts can slide through and promote more dynamic gameplay. Also you could take out more of the tank bunkers overwatching the center field and shift the remain so they can overwatch the sides of 3 and 6 lines rather then the field entrances

    9. My culture is not in question Dead Skin, your elitist attitude is. You dismissed a 49% win-rate player's opinion simply BECAUSE of his win rate.

      ALL maps disadvantage some vehicles - you picked three that don't suit how you play - there are plenty more maps. Not all maps need to favour your preferred tank, the rest of us are just as important as you, regardless of your reliance on W/R. So yes, try being less of a dick to players with lower win ratios than you. 49% is still above average, and his opinion was sound.

    10. Lol, man what a BS. Where did I picked these maps? You even do not know, who picked them. And again this "elitism". Guy wrote that he plays on them with success, I just check what he calls success. So he started to use personal achievements as argument. Not I.

      The only "dick" here is you. Your culture do no exits. You show it clearly in every your post. No more feeding troll.

  10. Hmm Well here I go I am not impressed with 8.7 Prem TD E25 is a joke at its tier for ^&)) gold?? really? The T 50-2 should never have been put in game at all especially knowing what you know today? I am sure you knew this from the jump. Players that put their time in got screwed over big time, the addition of the radioman is the question you people never adjusted for it I never had one never choose to go that route, I have thought that they were brought into the game to somehow bring balance to the game after you brought in T8 arty. Patch is no better than 8.6 you folks are going the wrong way. I have yet to play my arty or any tank above T7 maybe once in a while I will play my Panther 2. Maps are always nice this one is somewhat better than the previous 2 Question is when are the maps going to 2k by 2k do you remember that you once talked about that? Go to NA forums and you will see a negative rating. http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/262322-87-update-arrives-monday-july-29/

    1. Bigger maps are now not being worked on.

    2. You know this does not surprise me at all.

    3. Wow.... That is quite sad to hear. Larger maps is exactly what I have been looking forward to for nearly two years now. Well. Hate to say it, but that has kinda ruined my day. In actual battle the AVERAGE distance that tanks were destroyed from is beyond the WoT render range. The compressed battlefield in WoT has always been its biggest weakness.

      Now what is there to look forward to?

  11. Hi Overlord,
    as strange as it is, although WoT was never better (arty nerfed, more accuracy for everybody) I haven't played much since 8.6 .
    But the good news is, that it's because of WoWP, that I'm playing a lot with friends now!

    The only interesting thing for mw in 8.7 was the E-25, but as a tier 7 ?!?!?
    I was astranged by the buffs it had to recieve to make it a tier 7 TD.
    Here, take the full speed that was projected into this project!(something that was denied for the E-100 and E-75 as utopic nonsense) Here take 20 rounds per minute RoF (In a tiny cramped tank that you could barely move in!)
    I would have loved it as tier 6, but as tier 7 I will get it, when it'S 30% off, because it would just be a fun tank and certainly not a money maker.

    Waiting for the 2nd German TD tree now...I know, I have a lot of time left to wait, but I have WoWP ;)

    1. It was a tough decision whether the tank was going to be tier 6 or 7. Balancing guys voted for the latter.

    2. I would actually liked it if were to be a tier 8 with the same stats (perhaps more hp) and the money making abilities for a tier 8 premium.

  12. sorry for my english and especially for polemical tone of my post... BUT ...
    wg must stop only create new tanks and begin to introduce new game systems and somehow limit players that burn teams with a ridiculous playing.
    the suggestion to play hight tiers battle or clan war or also company team is not the solution for this problem.
    players who have interesting in rankings or love play a good battle have 50/60% of their fights ruined for this stupids players having 30sec. media battle time.
    another big problem that wg never try to solve is that of the afk tanksor disconnected ... others battle lost for poor players ever more and more angry.
    so the question is not 8.7 is a good patch but when wg will begin to bring order in their fantastic (at the beginning) game?

    1. I am sorry, but there are thousands of players, who wait for new tanks from many nations.

    2. Actually the larger percentage feels they've done enough grinding and want more maps and more modes of play, but then as your previous comments imply, only your opinion is relevant.

    3. Who is that larger percentage I wonder? :) Some portion out of 10% of the entire playerbase involved into forums/blogs/etc ?

    4. @NynjaSquirrel

      Larger percent? Did you make some scientific research that you know that it is larger? And again personal attack. You really have some emotional problems.

    5. Do you want to tell me that larger portion of players do not want German TD's? Larger part of Russian do not want second line of meds, larger part of Brits do not want Firefly and Achilles? Larger part of Poles, do not want Polish tanks, Czechs - Czech tanks, Italians - Italian, Hungarians - Hungarian?

      Do you know how often people ask devs when will be release given line or tanks, or if it will be ever released?

    6. Yup, that's one of the favourite questions for sure.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. any rough release date for the Japanese tree?

    1. another question:What is the next big thing after physics?

    2. Sure:

      1. 2014
      2. In-game quests, cybersport, reshuffled CWs historical battles, garage battles.

  15. Will 8.8 bring us the Super Pershing changes?

  16. I have "love" and "hate" for this patch. Hate that you guys got rid of my beloved T-50-2. However, I love that you gave me the E-25. We are even-steven.

    I actually also like the new changes to the maps. I am looking forward to the 112 however expect a Type-59-like flood on them. I can envision matches with all 112s. The "legend" of the 112 is growing with the playerbase every day. Be prepared.

  17. For me the patch itself is not bad... but it was shadowed by how WG treated players, your customers. There are distinct notes of soviet era customer service.
    - T-50-2 -> MT-25: I understand that calculating average team experience may be too costly, but just give enough exp to that poor radioman for 2 full perks and reset Commander and majority who cries now will be happy;
    - T-50 nerf: I sold it... With all inscriptions/signs... - as result I'll not spend any more gold on any of that, till you guys start reimbursing inscriptions when nerfing tanks. As in any moment your favorite toy may become junk, why mark it? Had the same problem with SU-26 before.
    - British arty: my kids liked it, I'm just slowly moving with Soviets... My biggest problem with arty - unreliability. Before 8.6 it was compensated by higher DPM, now sometimes you feel like you put your team down, but can't do anything about, arty now more luck depended than before, what I don't think a good thing for that game.
    - New map: haven't been yet;

  18. I love the low tier british spgs, especially the Bishop is a great MORTAR :D
    It's kinda sad that higher tiers are more of a hybrid mortar/regular artillery.

    I already had the chance to outrun a scout long enough in my Crusader to
    reload ;P

    As for the T-50-2 to MT-25 change...

    Joking aside I like the MT-25 so far, it's a great tank it's just annoying
    that the radioman is lacking the skills the other crewmembers already have :/

    The new map is just as expected easy to win in a platoon at the moment.
    Especially when starting south, most of the players starting north that
    have no idea about the map or tactical deployment lemming up the nearby
    mountain path and get shelled from 4 directions:
    front, side (other hill), side (from below) and from above (spg).

  19. The design for the new map is excellent - the river bed makes for some very interesting challenges, especially when you're pushing a Maus down it. The town provides strong cover from the sniping points around the hills, I've had several really good games there already.
    E25 isn't worth the gold - it's about double the cost it should be for its performance.

    1. +1 - I playd the E-25 on the Test Server a lot, loved it, but wouldn't spend that much on it in a thousand years.

  20. What happened to big&heavy missions ?
    t57 special is over, how long will we have to wait for next one ?

  21. For me, the patch brought nothing much interesting, but I like it in general, no performance issues, I am having fun - everything seems to be alright.

    But I am a bit confused about the 8.8 - from what we could see in last few days, there will only be 3 new regular tanks (T6,7,8 Russian meds) + the premiums? Or did WG decide to postpone the whole RU branch afterall and go for something else (other content/technical patch)?

    1. 8.8 is going to be functional/feature update. There going to be 5 Soviet tanks to research afaik, tier 6-10.

    2. Actually, SerB wrote just recently that they are going to postpone the Soviet hightiers because they are not happy with the tier 9 (some sort of Object 430 rear turret variant). But I really hope they won't :)

    3. This must be a bit dated and now things are reversed. At least that's how I heard/

    4. So 8.6 had about no content but a nerf to arty that made it almost unplayable for everyone but masochists. 8.7 added arty that noone will play because of 8.6. And 8.8 will have hardly any content and mostly technical stuff. That makes 3 almost content free updates in a row. Is this now going to be the norm?

    5. Cause you dont like the added content (Maps, Tanks, Artys) you say there is hardly any content in three patches?

      Does make sense. Not.

    6. Burdy,

      you already have researched all of the tanks in-game? :) 8.8 is going to be feature update mostly while 8.9 will bring some very exciting content.

  22. I really like that new map.. it's almost a same type of the map as the Sacred Valley and that's what I really like. The map is much more open than majority of others and it forces quicker reactions and more aggressive "actions".. otherwise you will get wiped out because there is no place to hide.

    So.. keep that in mind with future maps.. keep them all widely open :P

  23. Matchmaker still didn't regain pre 0.8.6 functionality so I guess WG is just clueless how to fix replacing X tier artys for X tier heavys and it suddenly became fine...

    1. The issues are purely technical. The plan was to optimize MMing a bit to decrease server load. Wasn't a good thing all around.

  24. Happy with T-50-2 switch. Find new brit SPGs to be ... interesting, so far. At the least, it's one of the few (read: two, the other being the french) SPG trees I've actually been bothered enough to try going down.

    Not much else to say, as it was a small update. Slightly annoying that NA server keeps getting the patches several days later than the EU/RU servers now. Hoping the Chaffee will get some rebalancing love soon - really hoping it will lose the ridiculous upgraded turret.

    Arty overhaul from previous patch has done wonders to reduce the amount of bullshit to direct-fire tankers, which I am extremely happy about, and the changes to aim time/shell travel have made even matches with tons of arty less of a shit-show. Still, I think the solution was ultimately sort of dodging the problem; SPG gameplay is still very basic, not a very high skill ceiling and not very deep - it's just nowhere near as rewarding as driving direct-fire vehicles. This is part of the reason why I barely ever play SPGs - they just aren't that interesting to play.

    Would love to see some effort to deepen their gameplay, either through additional features (direct fire for example, or barrages) or fundamental changes in how they work.

  25. Thanks a lot for E-25. it is very unusual and confusing, it is a lot of fun to figure out right gamestyle for it. Keep releasing such riddles in future, please.

    WG has managed to bring some intresting arties in British line. So grinding another top tier in forth tree isn't so boring.

  26. Overlord,
    are there any plans to review/touch the T95 stats?

  27. Replies
    1. It's quite lacking compared to the T34, Type 59 and JT88 despite being the most expensive tank in shop.

      The T34 has better pen, better damage, same DPM, much better turret, better frontal armour, no frontal transmission and only a slightly worse accuracy all while being 500 gold cheaper.

      The Lowe needs a buff. PLEASE HELP US OVERLORD :(

  28. Still waiting for the 2nd German TD line. I've been waiting for the Sdkfz 139 and Panzerjager 35R for ages now. Underwhelmed by British SPGs when the Firefly and Achilles are still missing. Really don't see the big deal about this upcoming 2nd Russian MT line, when the likes of the T-34, T-34-85 and T-54 are already in the game.

  29. Nice patch. Game hasn't crashed once.

    I have to say that I really like E-25. Game needs more tanks like this. Niche tanks, with huge disadvantages and advantages. I will have really good crew when Waffentragers are released :)

  30. So, anything on the PzKpfw Т34 747(r) you talked about almost 9 months ago? Still waiting for that premium tank.

  31. Is there any possiblity that we will be able to buy wz-112 in 0.8.8 ? :)

    1. It was shifted from 8.7, so, I think, yes. Need to check with the guys though.

  32. The tank i most desire is the 17 pdr. armed T-34. That would make an awesome tier 6 premium

  33. Arty nerf: I agree - however, I've sold all my SPG's since then.
    New map: Map of meds. Way too small.

    In the near future I expect:
    - T10 TD rebalance
    - Foch 155 is way too armored, frontal armor is too thick.
    - Jagdpz E100 has terrible winratio compared to others. I think lower glacis plate should be smaller/thicker OR gun elevation could be wider.
    - FV215b 183 is really unpopular, I guess it needs to be slightly better armored.
    - German 2nd TD line is promised since... 2011? I'd expect lightly armored TD's with precise guns, huge alpha and low reload speed, low speed and acceleration.
    - Big city maps
    - Please support more than 2 cores...

  34. OOh, I almost forgot: mixed EU tree?

  35. Any news about my beloved T23? Once I was told that T23 has a splendid future. Only as volatile memory?

    1. I'm hoping that it will become a premium and i can sell my super pershing for the gold (as the said they would do before) to be able to get the T23

  36. I want to object 263 in a 180 mm cannon. It would be much more popular second TD line.

  37. hi overlord, so I've seen the Sturmtiger Easter egg on the new map so does this suggest it is coming in 8.8 and can you tell us if it will be a premium or it will have its own line? also, as other people have said, i would really like an other city map, like himmelsdorf. i think that on the NA server WG did a questionnaire about what peoples favorite map was and himmeldorf was the most voted map. there are so so many places that could be maps, Paris, Stalingrad, London, Warsaw etc. thank you for this blog as i find it very interesting and it is good to be able to talk to a dev :)

  38. I do hope the MM gets properly fixed. Entered a match tonight where a team had 3 extra TDs, AND 2 extra high tier vehicle. Everyone knew who was on the winning end before the 30 second starting timer was done. Seen a lot of very one-sided battles since the patch.

    And wow, you really hate higher tier SPGs. Subtlety is out the window... A lot of time and effort going down a line of vehicles to have them made useless. Can't risk the same happening to me with planes and/or warships.

    Nice work on the new maps. A lot of work paid off well, and I appreciate the developers who made it happen.

  39. I like the new map in this and the new map in 8.6 but now that physics has well and truly been bedded down can we look at some old classic maps that are not available any more? Komarin and Swamp are two that would really be interesting now.

    Komarin was interesting with the blocking bridges tactics but now that you could go through the water that is less a game determining tactic than it was. The island in the center screams Encounter map. http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/244191-komarin-come-back-i-love-you/

  40. Whoever said the Lowe needed a buff was right. The accuracy buff to all tanks has actually significantly nerfed the Lowe's only key advantage i.e. very good accuracy.

    Do we know what the changes to the Super Pershing are going to be yet? I wouldn't mind the armor being somewhat nerfed if there was a very signifcant increase in mobility, almost to level of regular Pershing.

  41. Hey overlord i would like to ask for a probable date when the NA 8.8 test server will be online.

  42. I see a lot of people are happy with the fact that the T-50-2 is now more. Whilst I might not be the most experienced, nor the best, tanker (about 4k battles, 51% win rate) I think I am reasonable enough.
    I worked hard to get the T-50-2 and if I wanted to German line light tank, I would have gone there. But to replace it with the MT-25 means that all my hard work in getting my crew skilled, etc. has been lost.
    I have hardly played since the new patch. Sadly.
