Tuesday, June 11, 2013

[WoT] Going 360

This might be a bit late cause I'm right on my marathon Los Angeles - San Francisco - Orlando, but

it is finally happening. WG goes really multiplaftorm with with console project officially announced.

Embrace tank action on consoles! Sign up for the beta here


  1. The first questions on everyone's minds:
    Cross-platform gameplay with PC users?
    Shared accounts with PC?

    1. General Direction from the NA forums says:

      No cross servers (childbox in 1 server, Master PC race in the other)
      No shared accounts...

    2. Overlord, did you know that WoT wont be F2P anymore and noone will buy any premium tank on this? (mabye i exaggerated, but still at some point i am right) It's because extra payed option to play online -.- It's called Xbox Live Gold. Besides who will pay double for: Playing online and Buying premium account time? I am not sure but many people when do have premium account time they play games such as CoD's, Battlefields with friends and have fun. World of Tanks must be streamlined to arrtact at least 100 000 people :)

  2. Why 360 exclusive? Especially when the Xbox One and PS4 are both on the verge of being released. I would very much like to see it on the PS4, but unless my tanks etc. carried over to console version I wouldn't be very interested in starting the grind all over again anyway.

    1. We have got established userbase on 360 right now which is a prerequisite for a F2P, while the new consoles will have to fight for audience from scratch.

      The game is intended for new players mostly. Cross-platform play is not planned.

    2. what userbase?! you didn't even started BETA testing

    3. I think Overlord meant an established Xbox 360 userbase as a whole, not Wargaming's :)

    4. and again, XBox userbase will play test their version of WoT because!??!

      why not PS3 userbase? or is it because it's more mature
      why not both X360 and PS3?

      mind you WarFrame and WarThunder went straight for PS4

    5. PS: why not XB1?

      was it because MS denied you, or because your money truck wasn't big enough to pay for that

    6. Zme, if i may adventure a guess it's because i think MS and Sony are requiring a certain graphical fidelity for their next gen console games. And sadly wot graphics are very "basic"/bland even compared to flagsip current gen console graphics (i.e.: no DX10 even, no tesselation, ultradynamic environment, no deformable models -damage just leaves a decal-, and look at the trees/folliage and compare them to cry3 ones for example).
      I know i'd do that if i where them, using an old/bland game is not good marketing for your new console.

    7. It's not about the graphics. New consoles will need some time to establish their positions on the market and make their typical mistakes. 360 suited us better than PS3 or, forgive me, WiiU.

      If everything goes ok, it shouldn't be a problem to go for, e.g., Xbox one version.

      And truck of money should also be a solid reason. We are not do games as our hobby, you know.

  3. All these Fireflies used in promotional videos. Its rather epic teasing by WG.net...


    1. This is the second time the Sherman Firefly has appeared in a WoT trailer. Please don't do a third until the tank has been finally added as this can be very misleading.

    2. Yep, remember the Chieftain video that "The Challenger" did? That got a lot of hopes up, only to be let down shortly after.

      Pretty sure that Serb said that the Firefly was going to come after other tanks that were promised first....

      So that's the German 2nd TD line, the 2nd Russian mediums, the American lights, more French tanks, The Chinese arty and TD's, the Japanese tree and probably the European tree. Something like that?

      Ah well.

    3. Pretty much my take on it. You also missed the British arty off that list.

  4. huge mistake going to X360

    also, the game is no more free2play since you have to be a gold Live member to be able to play on-line

    1. oh, WG .. SONY just won next-gen

    2. I think you mean the PC's just won next gen :P

    3. PC never left the throne

      I'm speaking of next-gen consoles, PC is not a console ;)

    4. Next Gen consoles, then I'd go with the Steam box. Cheap and plays games with none of the attendant rubbish.

      That said going for the 360 seems a like smart move. Very soon the 360 is going to become Very cheap to buy. the only fly in the ointment is the Gold membership cost.

    5. Nothing has been won so far.

      As for going 360, it's totally reasonable. Audience and technology-wise it suits WoT far better. So, I'd say it's either going both or going XboX

    6. audience wise?!
      you are heading to the same audience that plays CoD, Halo, Gears

      remember with the last game that introduced microtransactions to consoles? it bombed
      EA put Dead Space franchise on hold because of Dead Space 3 poor sales

    7. Micro transactions (or F2P) should be an inherent part of game design. That's the only right way to do things. I guess, it wasn't so in case of DS3. WoT is nothing like that. We will see. It's always tricky to enter new platforms.

    8. just a question for you: how many F2P serious titles have you seen on X360 and how many still people play

      I can't think of any, you ?

    9. Someone has to clean the road. Hopefully we will do that.

      Happy Wars has been doing ok afaik

  5. For me Linux support would mean multi-platform. Currently I have been installing and maintaining Windows only for this game. And it is quite tedious to reboot to Windows each time I want to play a match and then to reboot back to Linux.

  6. no... just no.. this is the worst news i've seen from wg in a long time, consoles are the most dumbed down horrible platform ever, and now wot is there... what a waste

    1. your hard earned money well spent .. oh wait !!

    2. 360 is the worst platform? Wouldn't say so. The console has been pretty successful

    3. he said consoles, not "console"

    4. exactly, i said "consoles" as in ALL CONSOLES, period.
      from the unusable broken MMI(games are played with your fingertips and palm not THUMBS) to the lockdown(zero customization) to the hardware being YEARS obsolete compared to any modern computer.

      i do wonder if all these resources wouldn't have been better spent into advancing wot "prime" with stuff that takes too much time and dawdling to be released right now (client physics, deformable environment, full SMP support, UI improvements(dynamic TRUE tank stats), etc)

    5. Well, if you play on PC. Stay there. 360 game is not for you.

  7. In release will Xbox players play vs PC players too? Or this game is as a new different game?
    thx for answer.

  8. World of Tanks on Xbox
    War Thunder on PS4

  9. Still no acceptable tank suspension physics (something other tank games have had years ago already) ... FAIL.

    1. Console version will have Havok

    2. and PC version won't ?!?!
      I don't understand

    3. Console version will have it from the very beginning.

    4. ok, now I really don't understand ..
      since WoT X360 is entering CBT does that mean it already has it?!?!
      or the WoT X360 release version will have it

  10. Good news IMO. The 360 will still be in active use for many years yet, and it exposes WG games more so likely to be a sound decision.

    1. With XB1 launch, X360 is set to die
      like the 1st XBox, MS will discontinue XBox Live services at some point

    2. That's inevitable. However Xbox 360 will live for some time after next generation's launch. That's how thing work.

    3. mind you PS2 on-line play still is alive

  11. Look at Minecraft PC vs Minecraft XBOX...
    WoT going console is just to be there, to say that WG are well established console developer, to advertise more mature and more sophisticated PC version and get more new players to it (everyone has a PC and WoT can run on pretty low specs). It may generate some revenue but don't go crazy about it ;) .
    Consoles are faaar away from PCs gameplay-vise and playerbase-vise, these are two different worlds, so game "looking the same" is still not the same game.

  12. We always see Firefly act in WarGaming's Video
    But they never!! NEVER show in WOT
    please kindly give us the Firefly!!

  13. Overlord, Would WG consider giving Xbox users $60 dollars in free gold or a tier 8 prem. tank to make up for having to for Xbox Live Gold. The game is not really a FTP game anymore if I am having to pay just to access the game plus in game gold to have Premium time.

    1. kinda bonkers for WG to expect people to pay 60EU for Live gold and, on tho of that, ~100EU for a year of premium account

      WoT premium account is more expensive than the subscription for XBox Live gold - just LOL

    2. Cantccolor,

      i'm not that knowledgeable on console stuff, but afaik this is MS's requirement. Only gold members can play online games.

    3. And it will be same with new generation PS4 also will have fee for you to pay. Clean money people pay you for service that they use they own internet connection and game devs servers.
      No work on your behalf just full pockets hm sounds like a fraud but who i'm i to say it.
      Overlord just tell me WG is not required to give part of income to MS!

    4. @zoran
      oh yes they are!

      MS takes their share on every transaction done via XBox Live services, this includes selling of premium tanks, gold, premium time

    5. OMG then that's like money for noting and chicks for free!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. WG please fix the inherent issues w/WoT BEFORE you branch out into new platforms. We've been begging you for 2 years now to fix the problems in the PC game...yet you've ignored our entreaties...STOP before you screw up TWO game platforms!

    1. But screwing up two platforms is 2x the fun...

      In more serious news I think it will work out ok... Is more likely the guys doing the porting actually play on the XBOX and will take care with it.

  15. ...WoT is not even working well on PC and now they release a console version? O.o
    This will not ending well.

    1. No relation between the two. Console version is being worked on by a separate team.

  16. apparently we got this all wrong (!!)
    EuroGamer.Net: http://tinyurl.com/nvmzw2x

    "As for World of Tanks on Xbox 360 - it's a win-win for Victor at Wargaming, who presumably got a fat cheque to build it, but strategically it's about as forward-looking as a rear-view mirror. What's the next World of Tanks, Microsoft? Buy it or build it.

    1. Looks like they know smth we don't. Good for them.

  17. form the gameplay videos I saw, is correct to assume the X360 version uses BigWorld engine ??

    1. havok is just the physics
      unless .. they licensed the whole package

    2. Or they both company and engine :)

    3. Havok is owned by Intel
      WG doesn't have enough money to pay Intel :))
