Tuesday, May 28, 2013

[WoWs] USS Texas

Since my last post on the Tank Museum seemed to get some attention, I thought I’d mention some of the kind of in-depth research we’re doing for World of Warships. In this case, I traveled to the USS Texas, a battleship permanently docked in Houston as a floating museum. Along with a few developers from another studio, I went on a “hard hat” tour belowdecks to some of the areas too unfinished or inaccessible to be part of the public tour. The volunteers also filled us in on the ship’s history for a total of over 5 hours inside the hull!

The USS Texas served with distinction in both World War I and World War II. In between the wars, she even served as the flagship of the US Navy for a time! In the Second World War, she escorted convoys and supported amphibious landings in North Africa (Operation TORCH), Normandy (Operation OVERLORD), and Southern France (Operation DRAGOON). In 1945, she transferred to the Pacific and supported the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa by the US Marine Corps. For more information on the history of this fine vessel, see this Wikipedia article or visit the museum website.

Once again, I must warn you, there are lots of pics below!


What's a warship without weapons? The USS Texas was at various times outfitted with different weapons than she is now (including torpedoes!). At the moment, and presumably for posterity, she sits with her ten14" guns in five turrets,  six 5" guns in barbettes, ten 3" AA guns on pedestals, ten quadruple-40mm AA guns on pedestals, and 44 pintle-mounted 20mm AA guns.

20mm AA Gun on pedestal mount - note how hard it would be to fire from this position (the shoulder rests are practically laying on the deck!)

Another 20mm AA gun from the front, in a more usable firing position

The sights on the 20mm AA gun - line them up and fire!

Quad 40mm Bofors AA gun - although it can be manually operated, the crew mostly just loaded it and it was fired remotely from a panel on the deck above it

3" AA gun

Yes, the advanced sights on the 3" AA gun were no better than the ones on the 20mm!

One of the six 5" guns in the barbettes just below the main deck

5" guns in barbettes, viewed from the front on the main deck

A variety of ammo was available for the 5" guns

The forward 14" guns in their turrets

View from atop the forward turrets

The safety for the 14" guns inside the turret

14" shells are stowed belowdecks point-down (one of only two ships to store shells this way, the other was her sister ship, the USS New York), and hoisted up to the turrets as needed

Two powder charges are rammed into the breech behind each shell with a rigid chain rammer - each barrel was only good for around 250 shots!


Most of the crew works belowdecks in support of the operations of maintenance, navigation, fire control, power generation and distribution, crew services, supply, ammunition handling, and other functions not directly related to firing the guns.

The bridge, where all of the important decisions are made

Fire Direction Center controis for the main guns

The complicated firing sequence for the main guns

The ballistic charts used to calculate time of flight and drop of shell for the 14" guns

This "computer" helps calculate the firing solution for the main guns

This is one of the furnaces used to run the steam generators - originally fired by coal, it was later fueled by oil instead
The power bank, where the distribution of power was handled manually

Gunpowder charges for the main guns were stored belowdecks in tubes of two. Each charge weighed 105 lb and was manhandled to the hoist to lift to the turrets

Powder charges were passed through this safety barrier in the bulkhead on their way to the turret to prevent fires from spreading via explosion to the powder magazines

A few of the radios in the radio room amidships

Some more radios; encrypted messages were passed to the Commo Chief for decoding, then he would bring them to the Captain

A typical electric call box in the work areas

Assorted Oddities

Yeah, you may not be old enough to recognize these.

Yes, it's a water fountain - called a "scuttle" on board, leading to the term "scuttlebutt", which meant rumors overheard at the water fountain

A really simple old intercom phone - pick it up and talk, it's powered by the vibrations of your voice!

Glad I didn't have to type this post up on one of these...

And a final shot of the starboard bow, showing the majestic silhouette of this Great Texan Lady of the Seas at berth...


  1. Very cool pictures Ovi! On another note..

    Is there any discussion at WG Head Office about allowing players to submit their own modded skins (via a proper process with conditions that have to be met) then having 1-2 of these skins per nation added depending on community votes every couple of months (after WG has screened out the bad and inappropriate ones))

    I know and I'm sure you know that there are a lot of talented skinners out there that make great camos. I'm sure a waiver on submission would stop any legal issues. That way the community could contribute back to WoT because lets face it, some of the ingame ones are pretty lacklustre, yes I've seen the new camo's coming in 0.8.6 (great work, this is long overdue) but they all seem to be variations on the same base design with a different colour scheme.

    I'm not sure how much WG makes from selling gold camo's (probably not much) and it probably doesn't justify this feature but it's an idea, I know it's why myself and my clan mates don't buy a lot of camo because the selection is poor and we don't want to have the same ones on all of our tanks.

    Thank you from New Zealand and the SEA server,


    1. All kudos to ChrisK, not me. :)

      Right now we are not considering this mainly because:

      1) we have more important, I'd say fundamental things, that have to be done to support modding community, right now we are not doing enough (not doing anything practically)

      2) that would require a lot of resources from us: approval process, testing, integration to the server, etc

    2. Thanks for your prompt answer Ovi, I'm glad to hear that more is being done to support the missing community. Are there plans for an insane 'mod store' of sorts? What future developments in regards to mods can you share with us? What about a map editor where players can create as that can be played in training rooms? ;-)

      Thanks again,


    3. The plan is to actually START working with modding community. Probably launch a portal with officially approved mod submissions. Truth to tell, I don't know the details yet.

  2. OL correct me if im wrong, but there was a sitting place for AA gunner i think.

  3. Making virtual model of such ship must be like making models of whole line of tanks? Am I right Overlord?

    1. About right. One battleship / aircraft carrier is approx 6 man-month, which is several times greater than with tanks or planes.

  4. Making a ship takes more than a month. They have about 14 ships rendered when last asked.

    1. More than a month with several guys working on the same ship, yes.

  5. For the 20mm cannon, the mount usually included a sling so the gunner would literally hang from the weapon when engaging high-angle targets. After all dive bombers and high level bombers were a threat too!

  6. Well I do hope to see the USS Oregon being included in World of Warships. If only to be an excellent starting point if you were going to have a line of US Battleships.

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