Thursday, December 6, 2012

[WoT] Proof or Never Happened

The results of the most recent poll made me wonder why so. Below are the results:

World of Tanks on mobile platforms (Android, iOS, etc)?)
Totally ridiculous! -  566 (37%)
Sounds weird to me - 404 (26%)
Why not, I could give that a try - 269 (17%)
Definitely interested! - 259 (17%)

So addressing, first of all, those who given the most popular reply: what was your reasoning behind this? what mental game concept was on your mind while thinking of mobile tanks? what could change your attitude towards that, in other worlds how such a game should look for you to accept it (if possible)?


By the way, the new poll is up.


  1. I think the biggest problem was that there was no details about the idea (i know, not so easy in a poll), and people may have been thinking of something like "Farmville" for tanks? Which in itself might not be so terribly bad as a marketing and recruitment tool, as I presume your purpose was? Additionally, a Facebook/tablet App tank game that would allow XP and credits to be one-time transferred to the main game when they create an account, might not be a bad idea to tap into those massive markets ;)

    But more immediately, what I would love to see for tablets/phones is the WoT Assistant App be able to navigate my actual Garage, do all of the things I can while in the client's Garage (except hit "Battle" of course), so when I'm out at work or wherever I can still do things in there like research, purchase, convert, etc. Minor, I know, but would be nice for those times I get a crazy idea about what to do with a tank but can't get to it right away.

    1. Got your point on WoT assistant, however it's not exactly what I am asking about.

      I meant a hypothetical idea of how could WoT looked if being mobile, eg what changes, ie simplifications, might be necessary, what features are added etc.

      I don't mean a direct port from PC, but a totally different product.

    2. I've voted "Why not, I could give that a try", meaning a client for the same good old WoT :) With downgraded client for tablets, for sure, and screw handies (I doubt they fit for those who wish not to be a training targets).

      But a totally different product, hm... I have never seen a bit of Panzer Generals, but idea of a tank card game looks totally weird for me. And I cannot imagine anything but the variation of it.

    3. Btw, current poll ("What annoys me most...") results shows that the majority of players do not understand game mechanics almost completely :)

    4. To some extent, yes. But it also indicates that the mechanics is a bit complicated.

  2. WoT is just not designed for mobile platform. "WoT" on mobile would require to do a whole another game.

    So how to being tank on mobile ?

    -Strategy game with all the tanks from WoT, linked to your WoT account so you can use only tank you have in your garage.

    -WoT generals for mobile (This is a perfect game for mobile platform)

    1. That's what I meant, it should be a totally different games but with tanks and all required simplifications. The thing is what exactly those alternations should look like.

    2. I imagined the simplifications would mean removing a good bit of what makes the game enjoyable now: tactically (penetration, manual aiming, upgrades, less choice in tanks), socially (platooning, ease of communication), and strategically (smaller maps, loss of physics, smaller teams).

      Losing even half of what I listed above would dumb the game down to a point where I'm just not interested in it anymore.

      However...if this were radically different. Some sort of single player with AI or maybe even a turn based wargame variant using your garage against someone else or something like that - in other words, an entirely different game using the World of Tanks branding - then, yes, I might be interested.

  3. Well:

    Strategy game (real time or by turn doesn't really matter), with the ability to use the tank from your WG account. and maybe the ability to grind credit/xp (with rate balanced to the platform indeed)

    Or, a 2D game like those first tank games, again using tank from account and maybe credit/xp grind.

  4. Here you just dont reach the audience for such games, i think people who already play WoT would rather have a more complex game with more freedom than something even simpler than the already simple WoT. There are already plenty simple games, i wouldn't even take a look at another one.

    1. I don't really agree here. At this stage we are losing a lot of players, especially on EU and NA sides because of the current complexity of the game which may sound strage to players who actually got used to the game by now. In terms of complexity, WoT is not really that easy. Ofc, it's not a hardcore sim, but we are aiming at the widest audience possible.

    2. Well complexity is all the time growing for example due to number of tanks. I started playing one month after realease. It seemed then to me that there is many tanks, but it was probably half of the current number or maybe even less (only RU GER and US trees, the last one without TD's and all with much less lines, only a few premium tanks). I managed after some time learn all tanks (which can oneshot me, which can penetrate, which I can't penetrate in given tank, which has slow turret, long rof and so on).

      At this moment new player has low chances to collect such knowledge, there is much more tanks, he meets revolver magazines, also more numerous premium ammo makes situation more complicated. And there are many nuances in the interface, strategies, equipment, crew skills, and many, many more.

      For me that complexity is rather good, it is hard to get bored. But for many people, who want only drive some tank and have fun it can be hard, specially for young children (who in theory shouldn't play that game ;) ), which do not have patience and do not know English (in which is most information about game).

      Some simplified WoT could be good idea for WG and also there would be less players with low skill/knowledge.

    3. Overlord if I may ask... Where you losing those players, I mean which Tier?

      I could Imagen that Tier IV and VII are maybe a place where people more quit as on other Tiers; because the next tier, like Tier V is such an evolutionary step in-game, that I would say the gap between the previous Tier and Tier V and VIII is a little bit to big.

      P.S. I vote also for "Totally ridiculous!" but I hadnt something like WoT Generals in mind, I thought about the actual game.

    4. Most quit at lower tiers, up to 3/4.

      I did mean actual game, not smth like Generals.

    5. Well, you made in tier IV tanks which are total "fun killers" - A-20, Pz38nA or M5 (and maybe some others fit here too - people often hate M3Lee, AMX40, B1). I was playing recently Pz38nA and M5 and I get pissed off with them so I used free XP to get PzIV and Chaffee. And it was after 18 months of playing that game and I am player above average (56 win ratio then and more then 1500 efficiency). For new players these tanks are hell and I always suspected that you are losing many players because of them. So it would be good to buff those tanks or give them easier MM.

      And from those tanks XP needed to go further is much bigger then one tier earlier so it seems for new players that they have to spend ages in tank in which they can do anything. It could be slighty less XP to get tier V tank and those XP should be moved IMO to tier III (as cost of researching tier IV). Cause tier III tanks are easier to use for new players then tier IV. And the difference between XP cost of tier IV and V is huge. For example Pz38nA costs 3800 XP, while PzIV 15000 XP. I would move 2500XP one tier lower, so it would be 6300 and 12500.

    6. maybe they just find out that they don't like the game concept at all? Or they already get bored from the lack of gamemodes?

    7. @ Dead_Skin_Mask. I thought exactly the same. I mean the 38nA was on the beginning just horror. I remember how unfun the those tank were. And one thing, as you already mention is the MM. The MM puts you in battles were you as newcomer cant do much; and if you dont know the spotting machanic even less (almost nothing). I had later "fun", as I bought the 38nA again, and I know how to spot and to scout etc.... But asking it to do by a newcomer, is just asking for trouble.

      You cannt send a new player out, to do something which isnt fun without having the game-machanic knowledge. What happens is than suicide rushes, QUITING OF THE GAME or camping (because of dont knowing how to scout or even that it is your ROLE).

      The second point that you mention the XP. I will add, that the most hate tanks (in low tier) are also often those tanks which a split to other branches (like the M3 Lee, 38nA). So you "force" if you dont want act uneconomical to play those "unfun" tank even longer.

      So I agree that tier IV, is a problem. But also think there is most likely more. I was just curious. By the way thx for the fast answer Overland... big thumbs up and hug form me :)

    8. To some extent it's generally typical for F2P market, you invite a lot of players, and they eagerly try your game cause it's free. The whole mastery boils down to how to keep them playing in medium and long run.

    9. Yeah, it's no surprise to me that the tier 4 Pit of Suck is what drives away the most new players.

      You see it time and time again on the forums. Someone new with thier first post at tier 1 or 2 talking about how much fun the game is, and then a week or 2 later ranting about how terrible thier tier 4 tank is and that they're leaving. Assuming that rant isn't thier first and only post.

      It's not as bad now as it was before the MM changes in 7.5 (M3 Lee vs tier 7 heavies is NOT fun) but you still see a lot of it for the scout tanks. Particularly the M5, A-20, and Pz38NA which you HAVE to go through in order to continue that branch of the tree. The tier 4 scout hole is usually not much fun, and it definately isn't if you aren't someone who actually wants to scout, but are being forced to do it anyway because of how the tank progression is arranged.

  5. Uuu, I see that in the new poll, people are heavily voting on 0 dmg hits. I wonder how many of them have idea what cases that hits, and that most of those "0 dmg hits" can not disseaper cause they are in reality nonpenetrating hits (at spaced armor, tracks, gun), but crew is giving stupid message (by the way how is it possible that this massage is not repaired after more then one year?).

    Still it would be nice if crew and radios stopped "eating" shells. These is rare, but terrible annoying, when you aim perfectly, hit armor, penetrate it your shell gets inside the tank and... nothing happens. Had two such shots in a row in T110E4, fighting alone against 3 enemies. Instead 2 frags (they had low Hp) were two huge WTF.

    1. how to disable a tank: hit its crew or modules
      how to disable a tank in wot: hit anything else inside the tank

    2. Dead_Skin_Mask,

      it's not that one-sided at the moment (regarding the poll), however I do agree on your points.

    3. When I started writing, 0 dmg had 48 prc of votes :)

  6. hmm let's see ...

    Arty parties - neah

    0 damage hits - are you fucking kidding me!? this has been around since CBT! why isn't yet fixed?

    Insufficient optimization and bugs - meh, multithread FTW! ..oh wait

    Visibility / spotting system - this is No2! the spotting system is BS

    25% randomisation roll - to much roll

    No skill-based matchmaking - you don't have a proper MM in place, so asking for a skill based MM is LOL!

    Ramming / TK damage system - I guess

    Lack of tactics in random - too little too late with those "lessons" in tanking

    lack of game modes - grind fest ... yay!

    smth else - quite a couple of some things

    1. @25% randomisation roll - to much roll@

      you have got a much LARGER randomization with your aiming circle in most of the cases, it can vary from 70 to 250+ mm of armour - the potential spot you can hit. Comparing to +/-25% of pen or damage, it's far more significant.

      @No skill-based matchmaking - you don't have a proper MM in place, so asking for a skill based MM is LOL!@

      Not even asking. It's a no-go.

    2. I think the match making has been greatly approved over time. I remember when I first started this game how ridiculous the spreads could be on match maker. Over time this was diligently worked on and they did what they could. but in the end a lot of what seemed to fix it was more players.

      That being said I voted for improving matchmaker. I feel lack of control of skill on teams is the only thing in the game that seems to truly arbitrarily detirmine outcomes all the others don't really bother me.
      I have been very satisfied with the responsiveness of the wargaming staff to customer concerns and how diligently they have worked to address them. To me those who blindly criticize like above, just discounting all of the progress made and the validity of the core functions of the game are not fully appreciating what has been done for them and the detail built into the game.

  7. While I agree that 0-damage hits are annoying and might be solved by improved crew voiceovers (which are in need anyway), the lack of skill-based matchmaking is what drives me to disgust with the game.

    I'm pretty good, with a ~72% month-by-month winrate. I'm not saying that to brag...but when I get on a team that is clearly sub-par, with nobody else with a positive w/l ratio, whereas the other team has numerous good-to-great players, it's nearly impossible to win. People will say that w/l ratio is meaningless and is entirely the result of luck of the draw with your team...I disagree, as one player's skill can easily make the difference, but not when your teammates are that bad. Leaving flanks totally undefended, rushing to their deaths, camping in the back and contributing know what I mean.

    I've heard suggestions and rumors that the game already incorporates skill-based MM. Sometimes you go on a streak, be it win or lose, when you seem to consistently get in stacked matches. If I go on a winning streak, 20-5 or so, the next time I play it'll be the reverse. I give up if I lose more than 5 in a row, but the streak seems to persist the next time I play. Everyone at WG dismisses this, of course.

    One last observation. I have seen a big influx of probable bots/idlers over the past month. Either they sit at base and never move, or play in a suspiciously robotic manner. Having a high-tier bot that doesn't do anything is a hard handicap to overcome. Are there any plans to introduce features to combat bots? On the other hand, the expression "be careful what you wish for" comes to mind, as the common method for detecting bots in other MMOs seems to be a process scanner that snoops in your system while the game is running. I don't care for that at all, but if its between that or bots taking over, I guess I'll put up with the privacy invasion.

    1. they can do a lot of things server side to "catch" AFKers and other type of bots but that need work and by the look of things WG is least bit interested in doing
      client side, they can lock the sensitive files from tampering; not even WOT.exe is safe from code injection

  8. Overlord, I know that Android, iOS, etc. era is comming sadly. But WOT, WOWP, without keyboard and mouse is ridiciluos. I'm looking forward to WOT generals it has no gameplay as my knowledge. However it looks like playable without mouse and keyboard. ( I know that Android, iOS, etc. have keyboards, but still).

    1. Ofc, it would be madness to target only those who have extra keyboards for their tablets. What I think is that may be both iOS and Android do lack a good slow-paced shooter.

  9. I think voters assumed that it would be the same product, or more importantly - have players on mobile devices having access to the same matches?

    As a completely different product - I think a tank game based around WoT could do very well as a mobile game.

    1. yup, this is exactly what i tought so thats why i voted against it. silly me.
      now that i do get it that u mean a completly diffrent game, yes i would sure give it a try, but it wouldnt be on top of my wishlist (pc gaming only for me, rest is casual)

    2. Got your points. Ofc, a direct port is hardly possible and necessary.

  10. Let's use our "mobile devices" for communication and use our computers for gaming. Enough people have died already from being distracted using these types of apps and texting....etc. I mean where are we gonna draw the line....I guess today there is NO More Boundaries on anything.

    1. I'm afraid (sincerely) that there is going to be NO line at all here. Regardless of our attitude, mobile gaming will grow larger.

  11. My biggest issue with the idea (though I would be interested in trying it out) is that for most mobile games, particularly on smart phones, the user's thumbs seem to end up taking up most of the screen when giving inputs, and World of Tanks is a very input-heavy game when it comes to moving and firing.

    It's partly not as much of an issue for me because I have a keyboard that slides out of my Windows phone, so I hope that a portable World of Tanks would be able to clean up some of its HUD if the user has a keyboard.

    Also, how would the commands for move and fire be made, unless you put either a drag for look and tap for fire, or a designated "Fire" button on the screen, and even then, how could you prevent accidental firing? (I would hope the space key in my case).

    1. Yup, it might be a problem to make HUD for that kind of game without overcomplicating it. Guess, there should be separate buttons for fire and joystick-style movement controls.

  12. Naturally it won't be a 'simulation' of tank combat anymore - but more a tactical/strategical level type game without a math model for penetration, module damage etc as extensive as WOT is now.

    But even as a single player game it would be interesting with a smaller mobile platform game using unlocked tanks in your garage to do battle with.

    Something that would allow for me to waste 15 minutes on the train blowing things up without the need to setup my gaming laptop to get 10 minutes of battery time to do the same.

    1. Length of the session should definitely be shorter, as for online component, I guess without it WoT would be hard to imagine.

    2. I'm sure you can have a 'online component' to pick either online battles from your garage or pick tanks from your garage to do battle against computer waves. I don't want to play against others every single time of the day; being able to use my tanks just to blow up the computer would be nice too. Plus that allows me to quit anytime without screwing my team over.

  13. "I don't really agree here. At this stage we are losing a lot of players, especially on EU and NA sides because of the current complexity of the game which may sound strage to players who actually got used to the game by now. In terms of complexity, WoT is not really that easy. Ofc, it's not a hardcore sim, but we are aiming at the widest audience possible."

    I can explain this real easy.

    First - to many arty. I know. Old gripes. But people like me like tactics. And there's no tactic in hiding behind rocks to be obliterated by something that does massive splash damage. 1-2 arty is enough. Otherwise your heavy tanks become nothing more than once spotted and done.

    Second - visibility rules that boggles the mind. It might not be the biggest reason why people are leaving but it is one. The rules seems so fickle and require a mind bend that makes things boring.

    Third - Gold ammo for credit. One of the worst ideas ever. Here you have people who have invested in heavy vehicles and expect them to have some leverage. But they don't. Everything can in principle penetrate them. Some anywhere, others with just slight aiming. When you dumb down tactical aspects of games, you turn off people who feel that they got cheated on their hard work.

    Fourth - lack of variation. What is there beyond standard, assault (HORRIBLE game mode) and encounter?

    No faction battles, no ability to turn off some maps that you simply can't stand and progress beyond a point is trivial (why am I using my tier 10 big hunk of easily penetrating steel anyways when it can't make me credit?)

    So revise visibility rules, limit arty in battles (I had a 7+ arty on each side battle last night in my E4 - I simply gunned one flank, shot something once and died. We still won because I used my expensive tank to spot with).

    Remove the gold ammo for credit; horrible idea.

    Add some new game modes that make it feel like progress. Like faction fights - pit nation against nation. Or battles where you link battles. You pick out 5 tanks you want to do battle with. And you play a domination type battle until one side runs out of all the tanks. Meaning You do one battle on one map. Fight until last tank is standing or base is taken, move to next and people who lost their tank get to pick a new one of the 5 they picked. Then battle there. Until you've battled enough maps that no one have any tanks left to pick from.

    And for the love of Gosh - base the MM on eff rating. This game is mature enough now that some players are really good and others are not. And sometimes you get all the good players on one side and bad on one and you're royally screwed. It makes for as fun of a game as if you have 4+ arty on each side.

    1. patang,

      none of the above explains why would one leave at early stage. Those are issues that are not noticeable for beginners.

    2. I think the one thing that could make beginners leave is the Hetzer, PZIV, and Sherman using HEAT rounds with the DERP gun (105 on the Sherman). Those tanks will be typically paired with Tier 3, and 4 which are new players coming up through the game. If all of a sudden a new player is getting killed with one shot it could be frustrating for them.

      Personally the gold rounds being available for silver have not bothered me even though I was concerned at first. I do not feel like for me it has greatly changed the game outside of the above mentioned vehicles. With those above mentioned vehicles I am seeing people running around with the DERP gun a lot more often then with their other guns. I would be worried that new players getting killed in one shot would get frustrated and quit. The new player needs to have the opportunity to learn how to play the game and develop their skills. Once they are more skilled it is not as great a problem.

      Also since I just started really playing a couple months ago here are some other things that were rough at first:
      - The whole concept of the crew was very confusing at first. Ideally you find a way to educate the player about how the crew works, moving the crew around, etc. This is especially important when it comes to Premium tanks and being able to train our crew quicker on a premium tank. I was very nervous at first to move my crew as it was not very clear how that worked.
      - The visibility system can frustrate new players. Getting shot by an invisible tank and not being able to do anything about it can easily frustrate a new player. Ideally there is some way in game to demonstrate and teach the player how the visibility system works and why certain actions on their part may cause them to get hit by another tank that they cannot see. Once you understand this system you learn ways to be careful but if you do not know or understand it a new player will get frustrated.
      - Most players (even myself) start off being very aggressive. That results in you dying quickly. If there was some way to teach new players a couple rules to living it would go a long way to improving their initial survivability.
      - While I am against skill based matchmaking for the reasons you have mentioned in other posts it may make sense for the first couple tiers to avoid highly seasoned players with crews with 2 skills taking on a new player. The skilled player will kick their butt which won't be fun. I have definitely seen skilled players do this.
      - You may want to look at a mentor system similar to Team Fortress 2. In this system a player can volunteer to be a coach. They then watch the player from a third person camera view and can provide commands/tips to help the player. A seasoned played can provide a couple tips and guide a player which will greatly improve their experience.
      - Maybe taking the approach that League of Legends does to introduce new players. Start off with a simple tutorial, move to player versus simple AI oponents, then several players on the same team versus AI, and finally graduating to player versus player.

      Hopefully the above provides some perspectives from a recently new player.

      You guys have an awesome game, keep up the great work.

    3. it gets time for a very good tutorial then, that explains the game very well, or do that special reduced tier spread MM for new tanks you once proposed for the first 10-20 games.

    4. Thanks for the feedback. Tutorial is on the way.

    5. @John O "- Most players (even myself) start off being very aggressive. That results in you dying quickly. If there was some way to teach new players a couple rules to living it would go a long way to improving their initial survivability."

      Especially on Malinovka - they drive to the first bush and wait and wait and wait. Seriously on Campinowka should special Encounter mode with base on hill to teach players to flanking and not camping.

    6. I actually started about 1-2 years ago but quit because of my first game on Malinovka. I saw everyone hiding in bushes so I went and hid in a bush too. I sat there for what seemed like an eternity until finally I saw a tank approaching. I fired at the tank with no penetration. That tank blew up (from other fire) but then I got shot and killed by a tank I could not see. It was a very frustrating experience and I quit. Fortunately I tried again recently and discovered a game I really enjoy now. For beginning players Malinovka can be a challenging. It relies a lot on not charging but also on how the spotting system works.

  14. I think World of Tanks is perfectly suited for mobile but on the surface it is probably not apparent to most people.

    When you look at the average survival time for a match it is only 4-5 minutes which is perfectly suited for a quick mobile session. If you lower the size of the maps those times would go down because less time would be spent navigating and less time trying to find your enemy.

    Navigation is not that complex until you actually engage in tight battles. Most engagements are me driving, stopping, aiming, then fire. Where it gets complex is in peek a boo type engagements or driving around a lot of tight obstacles (dead tanks). In those situations you would need a a virtual stick to control your vehicle. In other instances it is not as necessary and there are touch methods to make it easy.

    I would love to see a mobile app that gives me access to all my tanks as well as my experience. If I could sit on my couch or on the bus and grind through some battles it would be great. Then when I am home on my big gaming PC I can utilize that experience for tanks I want to unlock.

    There are other ways to make the mobile app more accessible through style, PVE, and other methods.

    I definitely hope you guys pursue this route.

  15. I would love to see WoT on console, such as XBOX 360 or other type. This would make for an awesome experiance.

  16. You guys can make any game you would like! What I do not want to see is resources going from the World of Tanks or World of Warships or World of Warplanes into this new game. If you can promise that there will be no shifts in any aspect of these games to the mobile one, then it is ok.

    1. Guys from the current big teams can't do mobile anyway :) Most of them don't have any relevant experience. :)

  17. I voted "no" to this - for an entirely selfish reason. Truth is, I know nothing about this mobile tech, nor do I care. My smartphone is for calling, SMS, PDF and Doc reading and occasional internet, when I need something quick. My pad is for work. My laptop is for work too and my PC is for gaming, simple as that. Why bother to make a game for something that was never even designed for games? A complete waste of time IMHO. I could understand the desire to port the game to the consoles, but as far as I can tell, that would be very hard and expensive. So why bother with this?

    - Silentstalker

    1. Prolly because it's a huge market with 300.000.000+ devices

  18. It could be useful for fapping on your new tanks in the garage, showing off, no real use, my vote is no! No Real point, you can't play WoT on your Sphone, end of story I guess

  19. Ideas for hanheld game:
    - strategic game based on provinces from CW. Turn-based with bases/fortifications, combat and building turns, combat with rolling dices modified by terrain strenght of units, veterancy.
    - angry birds/scorched earth style game.
    - hex based combat game similar to combat mode in Heroes of Might & Magic (you know special abbilites instead magic).
    - WoT mini with graphic similar to Killzone on PSP - platoons figting each other on short distances, one hand controls movement (point and click or virtual fouraxis) another shooting (point and click or fouraxis)

  20. Maybe a game like a jousting (
    - Player chooses tank from his garage.
    - Map loads, MM must be equal by Tier, not by class (L, M, H, TD).
    - Player can decide to stop for aiming&shooting (gunner-aspect) or navigate through a wire of given routes (commander-aspect) while it shouldnt be a seek&destroy but a constant visual contact of both players
    - Main task is shooting and hitting enemy tank or reaching target (some minimum time advance needed to make it vic instead of draw).
    - shooting is done by calculating distance, leading the gun etc.
    - Players should be able to identify some spots with bonus situations (hidden, covered, hulldown...)
    - could be a best of 5 if its fast-paced enough (and in this best of 5 it could be maybe a garage battle)
    - lights are swift, hard to spot and to hit and should cap (breakthrough) / heavies slow, much punch...

  21. Actually ... CW map screen both in-game and on mogile devices (with clan and global chat also available on mobile) would be an app I would instantly download. The real problem is how to make it more interesting and entertaining. Maybe some sort of auction house with crew members for tanks we no longer own, but don't want to send our tankers home ;)? That could also be an in-game feature.

    If we're to consider more advanced gameplay I think that players on tablets have enough power to run a simplified graphical engine of WoT and/or WoWP. Mobile controls are not enough to let You drive/fly machines, but manning defensive structures is totaly possible. In WoWP we have anti air guns, and for WoT we have heavy canon bunkers that we can turn into operational firing positions. And mohile controls should be enough for that!

    The last thing i that utilising these as operational positions can give tankers "secondary objective" that just adds to he game and at the same time stays optional in terms of victory.

    1. WoT is rather slow-paced, so controls could actually be doable.

    2. You're kidding, right? ;)

      Only TD and arty play is relatively static. Every other type of tank requires more or less doing 3 things at the same time. That is driving, aiming and managing ammo and consumables. Not speaking of map controls and team messages.

      In other words: only camping is possible on mobile devices IMO ;)

    3. If there are consumables and ammo :) Camera can be rotated automatically most of the time.

    4. Agreed, but how is that gonna connect with PC version? No cross-platform interaction? That would kill a large part of fun.

      If we were to consider only mobile app I guess that would work, but one of the biggest things that keep me playing is the fact, that all games are gonna be connected in one way or another. If we are to consider two tank games on different platforms I would rathee see a lot of connections, or the whole concept of common global war universe with battles of all kinds going on simultaneously in all games "involved" will fall ino pieces for me.

      That is a serious issue to me. To make it all work together as one big system. There are many people I know that want to play two of the big trio, so most likely my current clan will become a multigame group connected by a common universe and cross game elements like chat and world map.

    5. Mobile game(s) due to platform difference could have little integration to his (their) big brothers.

  22. Oh man, such a tough choice. 0 damage hits are obviously a major frustration, and the spotting system has long caused WTF moments.

    The team damage penalties are insane at higher tiers (I have a screenshot from last week where I had one team damaging shot in my Ferdi, because the teamate drove in front of me during an ongoing firefight. That one ~360 damage shot zeroed all my credit generation for the match and halved my XP generation, as the 3rd most productive player in the match and nearly 3k damage to enemy tanks. That is flat out insane. But I didn't select it because it comes up so rarely.

    In the end I went with the large random roll spread, partially because I'm sure many others will cover the 0 damage hits and partially because I think it's an underlying factor in those.

  23. Difference in game controls.

    You can not make WoT on mobile without aiding aiming/moving for those players.

    So it would be separate game.

    Common branding, common concepts, but different game :P

  24. Hmm.

    Strategy game, tactical game in WoT universe on mobile. That could be good.

    T50-2 "sport car" racing, could work too. ;)

  25. It seems to me the best way to go in the short run for the francise would be a very simple arcade shooter. One in which you are in place and targets come in front of you to shoot.

    I agree with one of the above posts in that I would also appreciate a major over haul of the Wot Assistant app. I too would like to be able to do most of what you can in the garage in game.

    When WoWP and WoWS come out will wargaming unify WoT assistant and turn it into Wargaming assistant and be able to look across the three games or will you develop individual apps for the new games.

    1. We have hired a guy who is now in charge of WoT assistant, he has lots of ideas on how to improve the product and resources are at his disposal. So, it's a matter of time now.

  26. Just keep in mind that mobile phones even with "big" screen are very poor platforms for gaming. This is the fact and truth. Only very simple games with some jumping or some simple movement are posible. And mobile phones have ping times longer that 400 so WOT simply don't work on mobile platform.
    Players say that yes it is nice to see WOT in mobile platform but they do not see and thing about the basic technical fact, the ping times will be averiged some 800 in any part of Europe and in Russia in most parts some 950. And when ping times are that long you cannot play a game like wot in acceptable manner.

    The future of WOT lies on the absolute truth that the game needs to have totally new dimensions. New maps and new tanks is not enough anymore. Now is needed clan wars with several maps hooked together and tactical plannig for several maps with the ability to move troops between maps and so on.

    Match making and tierbalancing is more or less ok and fine now. 95% of games are well balanced. Huge majority of players accept arty in the game and so called "arty parties" sometimes makes battles interesting.

    Random play needs also new totally fresh winds and ideas other than new tanks and maps. Ideas are there and WG people do not see them as their minds are focused for existing WOT but I rather discuss directly with developers than shout my ideas here. I remind Overlor that I as WOWP alpha tester have commented WOWP and all my statements and ideas have come truth and all my suggestions are done by WG competitor. And yes WOWP is dead even before it is launched.

    Kolobanof (some 20K+ battles)

    1. Thanks for the feedback, however I can assure you that tech limitations are possible to overcome. That's not a big deal. Gameplay would be a much tougher challenge.

      Again on WoT, we have devised a huge concept doc on how the game would improve in the few upcoming years, ofc it's not about content.

  27. One more thing. I play WOT also on Russian server. I find it interesting to play also on the Russian servers and as I live in Helsinki the ping times as as short/good in Russian server as in EU server and often even much better.

    Well, first of all. In Russian random battles I really feel more like a team member than in randoms on EU servers. This has to do something with the fact that we are very far from each other in Europe when thinking of culture, way of life, team play ideas, not to mention lanquage.

    Secondly I find and experience on Russian server much more high quality random battles than in European servers. This must have something to do with the fact - one lanquage, one nation, Russia. Random battles are much more high quality on Russian server. Much more team work in Russian Randoms'. Much more planning and team monouvers on Russian randoms'. And not at all any "noob" or similar statements, not even in Russian lanquage. Actually I find gentlemen players on Russian server.

    This all has led to my new hobby. I study Russian lanquage now and already has learned something so I manage in Russian teams. I recommend. It is very interesting and maybe actually very learning feature of WOT. The lanquage learning tool :)

    1. I have run into similar feedback when comparing RU and EU (even tho I played a lot on both myself, and have my own opinion). Btw, RU server is not 100% unanimous, players from Russia account for about 2/3 of the population, however I do agree that EU is more, hm, diverse and unpredictable.

  28. By the way, if somebody from Russia reads:
    My player name on Russian server is "x1950x".

  29. You know what annoys me most? The feeling I get when I realize that I must be the only WOT player that isn't really annoyed by any of these. At least that's the impression I get when browsing the forums or reading in-game chat.

    Naturally I voted for "smth else", and that something else would be the general negativity that resides within the community.

    1. You know, sadly, the above is mostly applicable to any F2P game.

    2. I really feel much the same way. none of the options bother me that much. And I feel that anything that I do feel needs improvement gets improved eventually or compensated for otherwise. I appreciate everything that the game makers have done to make improvements and it bothers me sometimes when people don't give them credit where it is due.

      I also have to give the game makers credit for what I see as a brilliant business model. They have managed to create a game that is free to play that still gets a great deal of players to pay without over incentivisng or weighing those players too heavily. I for one have no problem giving them my money and they have already gotten far more than most other traditional game franchises.

      good game all around :)

  30. On huge problem you have right now is South Coast. Anyone with a 7000 HD series card (and there are plenty out there) will get to that map and as soon as it starts will decide the game is fundamentally broken. When you have a computer you spent nearly a thousand GBP on a few months ago, which runs every game on max settings, and then get less than 8 FPS on some areas of your game, it looks very bad and amateurish.

    Your second issue is abusive idiots in game. The griefing, teamkilling, and constant insulting and abuse of other players gives the game a very nasty atmosphere at times.

  31. I think:
    a) Screens for mobile phones are too small
    b) Mobile network speeds are too slow and unreliable
    c) It would lack tactile feedback that mouse&keyboard represents.

    So I don't think there is much future for a mobile WoT, at least I see no point in playing it as long as I can play the desktop version.

    1. a) Yup, tho tablets are somewhat bigger.
      b) The requirements for traffic are less strict.
      c) Imo, that's doable with some camera and speed adjustments.

  32. hey,
    i'd like to start by saying that since I dont really own a proper "mobile platform" myself my understanding of it's limitations are rather restricted...

    but from what I've seen (good 2d, simple 3d graphics; touch screen imput based on analog stick/wheel, button emulation etc) i cant help but think that a potential wot on mobile devices could not be so much different from what the pc version already offers.

    I realise you've made it clear that you see complexity as an issue here, but personally i think that with the flood of extremly simplistic games already avaible on mobile devices some limited complexity could be exactly what you need to get people interested.

    anwyays some ideas:
    1. 1st person camera, 3d enviroment game in which you control the tank through a wheel and a a simple gearox (3 gears forward, 1 backward - all in line like in an automatic) using the left finger and control the canon/turret rotation by moving your finger in the vicinity of the middle of the screen. Alt. you could opt for 2 analog sticks in lower corners of the screen.
    -this way you can have very simular gameplay to the real thing (altho due to diff. ppl on mobile devices could not compete with ppl on the pc obviously), and you can add as much of server controlled complexity as you please (proper armor penetration mechanics, spotting mechanics, maybe even limited physics)

    other alternatives:
    2. As someobe already mentioned above me - a strategy game. I'm thinking tile based, turn based strategy in which you field tanks from your garage using some sort of point system with leagues based on either artificial tiers or production years. Think something like "front mission" games.

    3. This one's the most fun >but< admittetly a stolen idea: As in "Heroes and Generals" an integration could be made beetween the mobile game and the original - mobile users could send troops/tanks to consistent, long lasting battlefields in which players from the real game could respawn and use those resources. It would add a new element to the existing game and would interest a big part of the existing playerbase (since plenty of ppl would love to send tanks to their own battles obviusly =p) but special care should be taken to offer proper, interesting feedback to the players sending the troops on their mobile devices so they dont feel "left out" after they send their troops.

    Anyways that's just a couple of ideas I had, hope some of you find them interesting.

  33. My instinct tells me that mobile applications will grow largely the next years and it will be a stupid move not to develop a simple android tank game. Ofc you cant develop something big in mobile apps but you can attract more by this move and satisfy the loyal members in the same time. There is many times that i have been searching for a good tank game in android store, to kill some time, and there is only a few.

  34. The reasons behind me choosing the answer "totally ridiculous" was a failure at English on your part. It is a totally ridiculous idea that may or may not where it to actually happen.

    Flying and Going into space was a totally ridiculous idea until they actually achieved it.

    1. Porting WoT to a console version would be a far more successful venture.

    2. But this would only work if the game was greatly simplified, similar to that of Battle stations Pacific/Midway. Where the MMO element of the game was removed for the most part.

      But this would never happen because WoT is an MMO, not an arcade battle simulator.
      Also MMO's never make it to consoles without a complete overhaul.

    3. Desert Rose,

      still I don't get how it was my failure at English. :)

    4. Console project would require a lot more resources including an experienced team. Our Eastern European devs haven't worked with any of the current gen.

  35. I would only like to be able to manage my garage in a mobile app.
