Friday, November 2, 2012

[WoT] On PzKpfw Т34 747(r)

Is anyone waiting impatinetly for the tank that has been featured in German tech tree for quite some time - speaking of premium captured T-34?

Until there is no actual vehicle in the game, let's dream a bit.

First off, a straightforward option for PzKpfw Т34 747(r) would be the introduction of serial 1941 mod. (old turret) with German Crosses on the turret. However, another variant used by tankers of SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich" (bannable!!!)

So, how it is different. It's T-34 mod. 1943 with 76mm F-34 and new turret.

On the basis of Kharkiv tractor plant Germans created a kind of "tank repair facility".
Captured vehicles would get disassembled almost entirely, then parts and units would go through quality control and replacement (if needed) for the ones of higher quality - those usually came from other damaged and taken ouf of the action vehicles. Engines would get dismounted, taken apart and put back together, tuned on test bench to work as clock. They would mount commander's coppula from Pz IV on regular T-34 turret. Radio, optics including gun sight, would be replaced for German parts. After that, painting German camo, identification marks, and an extra tool box on the left side.

In the end we are getting what one would call: "Actually, those were the best T-34s ever"

So, the PzKpfw Т34 747(r) used by "Das Reich" tankers could make premium German medium tank of tier 5 which would to a high extent interfere with a typical prem concept of being an underdog in comparison to fully upgraded researchable counterparts.

This PzKpfw Т34 747(r), having more dynamic engine than regular T-34 and view range as top Pz IV, Pz 4's radio, decreased aiming time, could be dangerous to other T-34s. Balancing might be tricky.

Would you like one?


  1. Armament should also be considered. I'm guessing 76mm F-34 gun. Hardly OP at T5.
    76mm S-54, or 57mm ZiS-4 would make it a T5 Type 59 though (except for the superior armor and several months of preferential matchmaking) ...

  2. Would buy a premium of it and the captured shermans :)

  3. 1) Yes this's T-34 is nice .

    2) When WG will release the captured Soviet Panther tank ?

    3) Will the German tech-tree have some premium captured British tanks ?

  4. "...., and an extra tool box on the left side."

    so t comes with an integrated tool box? 25% repair bonus from the tank? NICE

  5. Yes I'm waiting for it, I ask you about it more than year ago :) Captured KW-1 with 7,5/48 also could be a tricky one.

  6. I'm waiting for the sturmtiger :)

  7. I wouldn't buy one. Seems rather pointless, as does the Panther/M10. If I had unlimited gold, these would be the last prems I'd buy.

    1. Panther/M10 is actually the most interesting tank right now :) It has advantages that (i suppose) very few know about yet... however; to get it to its full potential you got to use the income to buy premium ammo. If you are a good player you'll break even. So it's a crew training tank rather than a credit tank.

  8. Knowing how bad WG is at balancing I would have to lean towards NOPE, it will be OP when released and after 1 month it will be nerfed hard.

    1. Really? And what prem has ever groundlessly nerfed? Hotchkiss or T59 that got 100% necessary MM adjustments?

    2. QED.

      Hotchkiss is a joke, weighted too heavy in MM matchmaking rules, even in "loltraktor" I have no fear of Hotchkiss.
      Type59 was hilliarously overpowered when released which further goes to prove the point; WG does not understand balancing.

    3. kenny , please shut up, you are making a foll out of yourself

    4. funny how overlord's minions spawn

    5. I've played since April and so far, generally, balance is ok and I see no russian bias. There seems to be ongoing balance/MM issues, as one would expect, but not systematic.

      I think if WG would cave in to all users demand - as in making everyone happy, balance would go to shit since there would be hyperinflation in buffs (eventually killing the game).

      Also the whine about corporate greed, if WG would sacrifice balance for quick money, they would release a buckload of OP premium tanks (eventually killing the game). I am not seeing that. I try most premiums and I find them very interesting with distinct perks but not OP. Now with the possibility to invest the premium income into premium ammo you can get some limitied OverPoweredness.

    6. zMe ul,

      I have got plenty of twink accounts, that's it.

    7. 007 Kenny,

      @even in "loltraktor" I have no fear of Hotchkiss@

      you must be a pro then. Full stop.

    8. Kenneth Persson,

      basically what you've just said. Not much to add.

    9. To be honest I was always against "RU bias myth", but recently I've started to wonder that there can be some truth in it :)

      I have recently started grinding Russian heavy line and after 47 battles in KV1 I have 72 prc win ratio and 1,9 frag per battle. I played only randoms, no platoon, and my crew in that tank is far from being experienced.

      I have usually stats above average, but the difference was never so huge.

      In my opinion KV1 is probably very OP and his average server win ratio is caused by the fact that most players, who use that tank, are not experienced. And I - after using US vehicles for more then one year as my first tanks - can use even almost flat terrain to make myself harder to hit and pen. So using KV-1 like US tanks (hulldown and so on) makes him mega OP. And his low speed is not a problem for someone who has experience in T95 :).

      But still I am not such pro to have no fear of premium Hotchkiss playing in Leichtraktor ;).

    10. Still KV1/2 split made things a lot better. The current KV-1 is more or less ok stat-wise.

      As for
      @But still I am not such pro to have no fear of premium Hotchkiss playing in Leichtraktor ;).@
      you have got some room for improvement.

    11. Now you must rework french TDs line, all TD's from T7 to T10 are OP, only good solution is to kick tier up all TD's - Mle 46 at T8, Mle 48 at T9 and add reserchable 155 mm on Foch. Same with SU-122-44 - better than all counterparts tanks to speed and decent frontal armor - better place for it is T8.

  9. its a very cool tak bt i think we already have a T25 at tier V.

    my question is:- y are the prem tanks underdogs?

    i think if all prem are equally powerfull that wl increase the playing standard.

    1. If the prem tanks were just as good as any other tank in its tier, people will complain that this game is just pay to win, which it isn't :)

  10. I'd be interested in getting that, but really depends on how powerful it would be and what's the price tag.

  11. "than regular T-34 and view range as top Pz IV"
    I know you no longer work on WOT, but you should know that your comrades recently neutered the Pz IV in patch 0.8.0.
    One of the things they nerfed to the ground was it's optics. It now has the exact same view range as the T-34... 350m...

    So your game designers that nerfed the Pz IV for the sake of historical accuracy probably forgot about those better optics the Germans had. ;)

  12. er, this premium is rather weak like prems are supposed to be imo.

    gun is weaker than the elite T-34 [pen is important for me]
    engine is better-ish
    soft stats slightly better perhaps
    big weakspot at turret
    sight radius is the same
    it has a better radio though, which doesn't necessarily make it better than an elite T-34

  13. As always, many thanks Overlord for your splendid articles. I have been waiting for more news about this tank.
    Absolutely - I will purchase PzKpfw Т34 747(r) as soon as it's available.

    1. The greatest expert on the use of Beute-Panzerkampfwagen is Dr. Werner Regenberg. For many decades he has concentrated on research of the units that used foreign equipment and has catalogued the real facts on this subject. I would therefore, recommend his Panzer Tracts (19-2). This is not a technical book but sets out in concise detail the units that used T-34, KV etc. It provides information on the number of tanks in service during various periods, the difficulties of getting ammunition and spare parts and real experience reports from the time.

  14. Overlord; when moving crew around between (premium)tanks you right-click a crew and click "Sending all crew to barracks". Can you implement a safeguard so that one does not misstakenly "Fire crewman"... or move the command because it is just below and one slip away.

  15. "which would to a high extent interfere with a typical prem concept of being an underdog in comparison to fully upgraded researchable counterparts"

    That's already happened - the SU-122-44 is vastly superior to the SU-152 (translation: needs nerfing)...

  16. Hmmm i would co.sider this... Looks nice. Im Pole - hate nazis basically, but i love tanks so... Probably :)
    I have a question to you - when you'll implement forum browser to WoT Assistant client? :)

  17. I'm not sure it'd be that much better then the current T-34. The 76mm S-54 and 57mm ZiS-4 would give the standard T-34 an advantage. You just wouldn't want to go toe to toe against the 747(r) without some distance between. At range a fully upgraded T-34 should win most of the time. If the 747(r) gets within arms reach the superior mobility will come into play and that improved F-34 will start punching holes through that side armor. I'd personally enjoy the PzKpfw Т34 747(r) if that's how it played and would buy one.

  18. I have a good german crew in the barrack that I would train in to this.

    1. You can use medium crews in premium mediums without the need to retrain them to that premium medium.
      Additionally they get no penalties earning crew XP. That is what makes low premium vehicles great to train your crews in, they don´t cost much gold and you can earn credits and XP for your crews in them.
      I own most of the tier 5 premiums and most are fun to play.

    2. Didn't know that. Thx!

      I was thinking which tank would suit best for me if I would buy a premium.

      I would need medium and a heavy premium tank.

      For heavy there would be the löwe but I don't like it and don't want it. Sadly there are no alternatives in heavy prem for germans.

      For meds M10 looks bad, PZ4 bad and also a ripof since it was a good tier5. There are no other lower lvl meds that I would buy not T-25.

      Maybe this T-34 would be just the thing I need if it is going to be tier5 with a good tier spread.

  19. So this is going to be our Christmas present this year?


  20. I love german captured vehicles!!

  21. Overlord will we ever see the t34 with the 88mm gun from Tiger?

    1. It seems strange but there do seem to be some unconfirmed reports of this happening to a single T-34/85. I wonder if it's actually possible.

    2. This page has some info on captured/modified Soviet tanks

    3. Another piece of info
      I think could be an interesting tier 6

  22. This was really cool! I usually am all for the more tanks the merrier, but I really don't feel there should be any copies of tanks in the game. I mean it would be interesting, but I just don't feel like we need more of the same. If it was out there I'd buy it, but I think other things could be focused on:/

    But as far as this post goes this is really really cool

  23. As saurabh pointed out, we already have the T25, S35 and now the PzV/M10 so it needs to offer something those doesn't have.

    On the USSR side we only have one medium crewtrainer and it's painfully slow. I smell anti soviet bias!"¤#!!"#¤!


    1. Hehehehe... True, USSR only has one medium crew trainer, France has none. That cant stand; Overlord get on it :) I'm sure your high-priority to-do-list is only one mile long... but more wants more... chop chop ;)

      Anyways; PzKpfw Т34 747(r)looks fun! Instant buy.

    2. Yup, there are some empty prem slots :)

      That's the matter of time only tho!

  24. Would i like it?? YES, very much. Don't overprice it, i bought matilda bp for 1750gp. You could improve matilda bp, it is pointless as it is, it needs some serious improvements. Currently he is no match for t-34, to slow, not great aiming time for tank that shoots that fast, armor is too weak.

    1. That's weird... never really have a problem with t-34. I try to go and move in places where I can take advantage of the superb gun depression. KV1 can deal a bit of a hurt before dying. KV1S however is a thriller though because if it takes interest in you, you cant really run away :)

      It's so slow that sometimes - despite driving constantly towards the fight, I wont reach it before its over :/ Elsewise it's awesome. The lend lease Matilda is also awesome but poor penetration necesitates investing income in premium ammo.

  25. Also there is 2 other captured Russian tank! Anything about those!?

  26. Not so interresting like the Beutepanzer PzKpfW M3 744(a) ''Lee'' or the russian Lend and Lease M3s (Lee)

  27. Yeah, may be.

    It would be OP at V tier, but quite balancable at VI, I think =)

  28. Talking of crew training

    Any chance in future u could pay to convert a crew type? Say from radio man to a driver for a premium price. On most lines u end up with a gang of highly trained radio men or others doing squat. Id pay to convert them into something usefull.

  29. You answered yourself, Overlord. If the upgraded PzIV is now tier VI premium, "the best T-34 ever made" would have to go the same way, sounds legit. :)

  30. Overlord, please come up with this premium tank ASAP as we've been waiting for far too long! Also come up with a captured T-34/85 as the Germans did capture some of those as well!

  31. Remove the valve cap and fully deflate the tube by depressing the valve ICAbike01 stem with the hooked end of your tire lever. There are two main types of valve stems, a schrader valve and a presta valve. This tutorial is based on a schrader valve, but I will be covering the different valve types in another tutorial.
    Now it’s time to remove your tire,carbon fiber rimsoneside at a time. Choose a section of tire that is away from the valve and hook one of the tire levers under the bead, directly in line with one of your spokes. Pry one side of the tire bead over the edge of the rim, and then hook the end of the tire lever to the nearest spoke. Insert another tire lever two spokes away from the first, and a third another two spokes away. Now the middle lever should fall out, and you can continue the process. When the tire is loose enough you can just run a tire lever around the rest of the rim to pull the whole side over.
    After you have removed one side of the tire, the other side should come off very easily.
    Ispect Tube
    ow remove the tube from the tire, and try to keep track ICAbike01 ofcarbon bike rimswhere it was positioned in relation to the tire. Inflate the tube to approximately twice its original size. This will expand the hole making it easier to find.
    Listen carefully to the entire circumference of the tube; you should hear a hissing sound that will indicate where the leak is. As a last resort you can submerge the tube in water and watch for bubbles, but you’ll want to avoid doing this as you’ll need the tube to be completely dry in order for the patch glue to work.
    Once you’ve found the leak, take note ofcarbon bicycle rimswhether it is on the inner or outer side of the tube.
    I don’t recommend using either motor oil or 3in1 oil to lubricate the chain. Motor oil is too heavy and won’t fully penetrate the rollers, and 3in1 oil is vegetable based and will gum up the chain. I also don’t recommend using wax lubricants because while they don’t collect as much dirt, they are a lot of hassle to apply correctly, and wax is simply not as good a lubricant as oil. I do recommend mineral based chain oils like Finish Line Cross Country or Phil Wood Tenacious Oil because they do the best job of fighting corrosion and don’t wash away when they get wet.
    Chain Cleaning
    For cleaning, first shift the chain into thezipp 404smallest sprocket on the rear. For average dust and dirt, wipe the chain clean with a solvent soaked rag. The easiest way to do this is to hold the chain still at the rear derailleur cage while firmly wiping the lower run of the chain. Then move the chain backward and wipe again until you’ve wiped the entire length of chain. Wipe between the rear sprockets using either a rag or a sprocket cleaning tool. Then clean all of the front chainrings on both sides.
    Shift your gears into the middle sprocket both front and rear. Remember that oil does a good job of spreading itself, so try not to over-apply the lubricant. Lubricate the inner circumference of the chain, on the side that faces the sprockets along the top of the lower run of the chain. Run the chain backwards while dropping oil down both sides of the rollers.
    Shift through all of the gears to spread the lubricant evenly through the drivetrain. Then use a rag to wipe off any excess oil.

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