Friday, November 9, 2012

[WoT] More on the Upcoming 8.2

Below I have listed some of the minor features of 8.2 update for WoT. Some major ones are already known.

Tech tree (UI):
  • the space between tiers will be reduced. The whole tree will be displayed in FullHD mode.
  • hyperlink "back to tech tree" will be changed to a button with nation logo (flag)
  • hint on the remaining experience/credits will be added
  • experience and free experience counters will be added to tank screen (each tank in tech tree)
  • the performance of speedtree render will be improved which should decrease FPS drop in sniper mode, and improve overall performance for maps with lots of trees
  • the performance of South Coast and Highway maps will be improved due to reconfiguration of water. For other maps the improvement is going to be less noticeable.
  • fixed bug with reticle "shaking" aside while aiming. The issue was related to precision loss due to server load management, when one process "transfers" vehicle to another process
  • substantially decreased vehicle vibration on roughness of terrain - via software tuning and fixing hitboxes of the objects. Riding over railroad is more fun now.
  • fallen trees will now impact visibility system. Hurray!
Penetration / Non-penetration:
  • fixed bug with shell disappearing after penetrating spaced armour and then ricocheting (eg sloped spaced side armour of IS-tanks)
  • fixed bug with shell shell disappearing after penetrating spaced armour, and gun making "saving throw" after being hit.
  • module icons in left bottom corner will get repair speed indicator (same mechanics as reloading)
There going to be many more minor improvements, but that's it for now.

Apart from the whole bunch of new features and highly anticipated Chinese tree, 8.2 will bring new 5 US vehicles. See more info here.

Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tank

About T21

About T71

About T69

About T54E1

And finally new top autoloader - T57


  1. I like the Tech Tree changes Overlord for this patch aka the XP/Credits. And the revamped Tech Tree because I was sick of scrolling to the Tier 10s. >.>

    1. Yes. The new horizontal tech tree introduced in 8.0 was not good enough.

    2. Yeah, though this means it'll be BETTER. :)

    3. It's great to see that you bring back options you removed with 8.0 (one screen tech tree, remaining xp/credits indicator). Will this also include one click research in the tech tree? Before 8.0 you could research, buy and mount everything with a left click, now you have to access everything by a right click menu.

  2. Lot's of oscillating turrets there. Do they all have auto-loaders or is it just the T57? Do these boys have better gun depression than the French?

    1. Not all of them for sure, need to clarify, don't remember from memory.

    2. T71, T69, T57, T54E1 were planned (made) with autoloaders.

  3. You guys are amaizing. Good job. Now i asked for some info's on the IS4 and Maus stats last time, do you have them (Winrate/damagep per battle'n'stuff)and does any of them underperform?

    And what about the is6? I personally got a 60% win rate in him, but he seems like a underperformer

    1. Will check it next week. By then we will have a two-week sample.

    2. "underperformer" go buy a SuperP n u wl feel great abt the IS-6

  4. What about active suspension? Vallter said it would arrive in 8.2.

  5. Is the new American Tree tentatively "finalized"? I.E. are those going to be the correct tanks that we will want to start stacking XP on? I ask because Chaffee feels out of place for the long term.


    1. It is probably isn't the finalized USA Tree since the Wargaming people said the Chaffee is not going to be the Top Tier Light Tank in the USA Tree since they need to add 3 other Light Tanks in the True Light Tank Tree. And Wargaming has all the tanks in that area anyway figured out.

    2. It just can't be full. The 2nd heavy line is still missing. And some other tanks, like Christie.

    3. Well M60 Patton Will be a good Candidate For Tier 10 medium Tank.. For Light Tank, i'm sure it's M41 Walker Bulldog

      T95E2 (tier 9) -> M60 (tier 10)

    4. Gigih,

      I've just posted somewhere below my idea of M41 in the tech tree ... and I assure You that there are a lot better and more different from what we have now tanks, that can be fittet into the game, and that match (more or less) the general time frame :)

  6. Do we know the size of the ammo clips yet Overlord? I think these should be a good addition to the American tree. Variety never hurt anything. What are the chances we'll see a branch off of the T20 that includes the T23, T54E2(conventional turret), and T95(medium) in the future?

    1. Currently we are not planning such an expansion.

    2. That's too bad but you guys do have a lot on your plates atm. The M4A3 with the T26 turret could of fit in there too. Oh well. Hopefully we'll see the second French heavy line soonish. Thanks for the reply Overlord.

  7. This combination of American chassis and French turret design looks pretty nice .

    Will they have a autoloader also ?

    1. the autoloader is the only purpose of such a turret.
      also, the americans had these turrets before the french had them.

  8. hi overlord,do you know whrn japs will arrive? the tier 10 heavy will be the o-i? and something else will we you any greek premium armor in future?
    pz. answer!

    1. Most likely smth from O-I series, we have got several tanks of that kind. As for timeframe, hard to say atm. Definitely not soon, ie not within next 6 months or so.

    2. what about a greek premium tank ,there any chance?

  9. So I Saw T95E2 Icon in website, will it be 2nd Tier 10 US Medium?

  10. What about this one M41 Walker Bulldog? Any chance he gets in game?

  11. Overlord, do you know what tank is this?

    1. I do. I will take a little break for all to voice their ideas on it. :)

    2. It's either T71 itself, or T71 turret on a Panzer III hull (which is really odd). Am I correct?
      - Silentstalker

    3. 1. T71 hull in the known models is totally different.
      2. It is not Pz III hull, only tracks look like in Pz III :).
      3. Hull has some similarities to M5 (but it is not M5 hull).

    4. it matches the t71 design.....i think i should gt the Fcm 50t as a prize :P

    5. i think its the t92, cousin of the t71............right?

    6. Hmmmm is it the Cadillac oscillating design? Can't remember the designation (L-7?)

    7. It doesn't match T71 (look at the hull of the models in the Hunnicatt book, totally different) and for sure it is not T92 light tank.

      IMO it is WG's joke. German tracks (maybe gun too), US turret (looks like from T71) and deck of hull, Soviet decals. Please look at the rear wheels specially the hind one ;) It has no connection with hull :)

    8. Ok, think, we have had enough options by now. :) This is a sci-fi creation of our modelers based on Stug chassis and T69 or T71 elements. So a non-existent vehicle all in all.

  12. Overlord: "The 2nd heavy line is still missing."
    This second heavy line is what we will get in the next patch or a completely new line that hasnt been announced yet?

    1. It can happen that we decide to add more Brits. They don't have all branches as of now.

    2. You mean brit heavy tanks for the american tech tree?

    3. Zoltan, Overlord means the Devs might decide to extend the British TechTree, instead of enriching the American TechTree, as the Brit TechTree still doesn't have all the technical branches viz. TDs and SPGs. So instead of the second US Heavy line, the next update (i.e. v0.8.3) could see more Brit vehicles entering the British TechTree. I believe thats what he meant.

    4. I understand that extending the British TechTree is more important than adding more American tanks. I have no problem with that. But this isnt the answer for my original question because i was talking about US tanks.

    5. Yes, I understood what your original question was, and I do feel that either Overlord sidestepped your first question or he overlooked it or maybe it's his english skills at work :D (sorry OL, just jking, no offence ok :P).

    6. Zoltán Mayer,

      sorry, if I made it vague for you. I meant that we might as well give some attention to British tree at that stage, as it is the least compete. US and Germans tanks can be postponed a bit.

    7. Kalpataru,

      no offence I can give misleading comments from time to time. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes accidentally. :)

  13. Hello ovi...

    any news about changes for the lorraine40t ?

    this tank is hard to play compared with other t9 meds.

    1. The Lorraine was okay for tier 8 - very difficult to play IMO, but as tier 9 it's a disaster making people almost give up on the BatChat... I was happy I made the B-Chat before changes because Lorraine was horrible after the patch!!

  14. Hi Overlord,

    A small question, it is because of the new american Line, it has a Medium tank in it, the M7, which has two LT before and after him. This will bring some huge crew retraining problems. So my question is: Can the M7 be change to a light tank, it would be a more logic class choice or?

    As the T7 program was launched to replace the M3 Stuart, so its position in the tree makes sense both from a historical-lineage and from a branch characteristics.

    As the worldoftankswiki says: "If exposed to enemy fire, the M7 can be destroyed rather quickly, so caution must be taken when engaging the enemy." and also this: "The vehicle proved unpopular as a light tank and the original order of 3000 vehicles was cancelled 1943. " So, him being a LT wouldnt be totally out of leftfield.

    1. I thought the exact same thing... and if you have a look at the Chinese tree, it's gonna happen all the time there. I', sorry, but this "jumping between tank classes" is either gonna be very, very frustrating, since you'll always loose 20% of your crew trainig,or (probably in most higher tiers) very expensive, since you'll want to train your crew with gold.
      Please change something about that, since people will start calling you somewhat greedy.

  15. 1: What kind of MM will be those new american light tanks get? Will they be treated as mediums by the MM or scouts?

    2: When can we expect a total overhaul for the tank engine sounds,because the sounds right now are very...subpar compared to the real life tank sounds ?

    3: LEOPARD 1 where are thou ???

    4: Any info you can give us about the new premium tanks ?....couldn't find any info on the INTERNETZ

    1. 2. Yes, that's planned for the near future. Since we share sound team across WOT and WOWP, we need to prioritize what engine sounds are more important at this stage.

      3. In plans.

      4. What you wanna know?

  16. You said you guys were gonna slow down with all this new content; but you're just picking up speed. How is one ever gonna keep up with the grinding. It's like a million branches now. Take some vaccation ffs ;)

    1. I have every tank and TD and SPG researched and it was not that hard to do.

  17. Ovi,

    You guys should really consider a second MED line for US. There is quite a LOT of possibilities, and as far as I managed to figure out, it would be pretty plausible if it would look like this:

    M24 Chaffe
    M41 Walker Bulldog
    T92 Light Tank
    M551 Sheridan

    This is based also on the order that US military did in fact make their research, and most of all all these tanks are more or less actually planned and designed in the order I posted above.

    The last one was a US-German cooperation, but since it was mostly developped in US i thought it's a good place to put this tank in.

    1. Oh ... and one more thing:

      In the T71 description it says it had similar armor efficiency as the M41 tanks, so that only sopports my tree as these two are almost on the same tier (6 for M41 and 7 for T71, but that's the price You pay for a 18 bullet autoloader in T71 :D).

    2. Sheridan will not be included because it uses a smooth bore - Mid-Late 1960's
      XM-803 and MBT-70 are just far too advanced and beyond the time frame of WoT.

      T54E2 and T95E2 Will be the other tier 9 and 10 tanks to be added. (Non Autoloader tanks)

    3. MBT-70 is the same generation and time frame as USSR T-62, and WZ-121 (chinese tier 10) is exactly the same timeframe as the other two. AMX 13 90 was developped in 1966 as well ...

    4. XM-803 and the MBT-70 both used smooth bore gun/launchers just like the Sheridan. The only other gun option considered what a 120mm smooth bore. Smooth bore guns aren't coming to WoT so don't expect to see any of those tanks.

  18. Where's the one about removing premium ammo? Rather than introducing new US autoloaders when the French ones have already proven to be so problematic in terms of balance, you need to get rid of the one thing that's damaging balance (and making armour irrelevant and infuriating a hell of a lot of players) more than anything else - premium ammo.

    And the second German TD line should be a far higher priority than a line consisting almost entirely of a bunch of copies of existing tanks.

    1. Premium ammo is fine, maybe limit it for arty (better nerf all arty, hope that WT will get no arty mode) but for rest its okey.

    2. No, it's not ok. By negating armour the higher tier matches are miserable if you're in a traditionally lower dpm, high armoured vehicle.

    3. All ten tiers are fine only few vehicles got some problems but they also got some benefits from gold ammo i.e. E100. Nothing to change except arty gold ammo and normal vehicles balansing.

    4. At this stage we are mostly satisfied with our ammo experiment, there can be some adjustments of course, but overall idea was good and worked out well.

    5. "At this stage we are mostly satisfied with our ammo experiment..."

      Maybe WG devs are, but hell of a lot of players are NOT. This is the most bitterly debated issue I've ever seen in this game, and a LOT of people want to see premium ammo gone altogether. This game should require skill, not "I WIN" easy-mode nonsense like this.

      "...there can be some adjustments of course, but overall idea was good and worked out well."

      No. The idea was NOT good, and it's NOT working out well; it's deeply divisive for the playerbase, it RUINS what balance there was, tanks that depend on their armour are now at a huge disadvantage, arty is now even more ridiculously powerful at higher tiers...the list of fail goes on and on. This is a BAD change for the game, not a good one.

      Honestly, I think there's a marked degree of head-in-the-sand "Our decisions are always right, no matter what" attitude on the part of some of the devs, to be honest; people who disagree with their decisions, no matter how well their point is argued, are just being ignored.

      And while we're on the subject of being ignored, where is the top gun for the Panzer IV we were specifically told we'd get after the huge nerf it received? The current gun is vastly inferior to what we were told (by a dev on the US forums) we'd get, which should be a gun with similar DPM to the ZiS-4 but with a lower RoF and better pen and alpha accuracy. The current gun has 3/4 the DPM of the ZiS-4; so we now have a German tier 5 medium with an inferior gun to a Russian tier 4 medium, which is obviously seriously unbalanced.

      Which begs the question, when will we be getting the real top gun for the Panzer IV?

    6. I still prefer removal of premium ammo from randoms.

      @ svartmetall

      What you mean by real gun at Pz IV? Look at guns of M7 ( all with penetration much below 110, btw this tanks since release is one of the worst and was never buffed) or Crusader (110 pen, 75 dmg).

    7. @svartmetall:

      The gold ammo in pubs is fine. Over time it will start to fall off due to the high cost. I have had E100's, IS4's, T110's all bounce gold rounds off of my E-75, E-50M, Caern., SP, Type 59 and they are just wasting money.

      What most people do not realize about the game mechanics is, HEAT is the most viable gold round at long range as well as close range. APCR has a huge falloff in pen over distance to the point where standard AP is more viable than it.

      As far as gold ammo negating armor, not really. I still bounce just as much if not more now due to people thinking:

      "I am using gold rounds, I can just point and click and go through."

      For the people that know what they are doing, then yes I tend not to bounce as much. But gold rounds being added in addition to the change in the normalization, in my opinion they cancel each other out ultimately.

  19. Overlord, is there any plans to add the Active Suspension to tanks in the game, if so. When might we get the possibility to see it?

    I always looked forward to physics but with physics I also hoped Active suspensions would come along with the update.

    1. Yes, we are planning to do it. This is a separate and rather big feature however, so it was included into the new physics.

  20. Dear Overlord,

    Can we expect any rebalancing in the Brit tree, or it is too early for 8.2? I enjoyed playing numerous british tanks, GJ there, but for example my FV4202 is a complete letdown, it's absolutely useless for CW in the current form (buffing or replacing HESH ammo with something else, mobility/fire-on-the move buff ?).


    1. Better remove FV4202 and replace it with Centurion Mk7, and for T8 put some Centurion from first production batch with 17 pounder. But as it was stated month ago, WG cannot make proper balancing (i.e. current T10 TD's)

    2. Will see to Brits in 8.2 based on stat data we have got by now.

  21. What is next after chinese line and us autoloaders?
    Also can you please estimate when the leopard 1 line will come?

    1. Most likely, we will add some more Brits to the game.

      In 2013.

  22. Will the mixt euro tree come in 8.3?

  23. Dont know if it has been asked already but anyways, Is there any reason this tree seems to be kinda mixed and by that i mean it has light tanks up to tier 7 then couple medium tanks and heavy tank as tier 10? Are they just placeholders for now or is final and how its going to be? Oh and do you have any kind of info regarding release dates of German 2nd Med and TD trees? I assume they would come around spring 2013?

    1. This branch of the tree is more or less final, at this stage at least. So, these are not placeholders.

      Regarding new Germans, sometime in 2013, can't be more precise as of now.

    2. But admittedly, having to change tank classes within one single tree 4 times (light->medium->light->medium->heavy)is really inconvenient for players that don't want to spend around 1000 Gold for crew training. Is it not?
      And as ScamTraxx already asked (and you did not answer it, Ovi): Is there any pressing reason to do this?

    3. Lack of options to build another reasonable branch.

  24. "hint on the remaining experience/credits will be added"

    Thank god for this ( I mean Thanks devs)

    When 0.8.0 came out my friend ( 12 of them i introduced to the game ) all started complaining about this feature going missing.

    They will all be happy to know they don't need to open Windows Calculator again.

    On another note. I am happy about the Chinese tree. I always guessed their MBTs (Type-59 & Type-69) would appear.

    But I could request that you label the 121 by it's full designation of WZ121 instead of just "121"?

    It's causing quite a bit of confusion for people too lazy to look properly.

  25. Does this mean all countries who has auto loaders will have those sometime in the future? Or will we only have these

    1. We will consider this individually taking into account overall sake of the gameplay. There is such a chance, to be short.

  26. I think it's kind of deceiving to list the Centurion's hull armour at thickest point, the 110m/152mm on the Mk1 and Mk7 only apply to the tiny strip between the upper and lower front plates, Actual front hull armour is far less.
    It's like saying the IS-7 has 300mm front hull armour or whatever ridiculous amount it was they put on the tiny weld strip

    1. That applies to many tanks and can be tricky sometimes. For example, see Soviet Churchill with 170+mm front hull.

    2. True, but on the centurion tanks the thicker part covers a much much smaller area than allot of other tanks which show the thickest part (Just 10-13% of the frontal area)
      And you can easily see on the model that there is extra armour on the machine gun port of the Russian Churchill

    3. Also the "effective" armour of that area is no greater than the rest of the front hull, as it is flatter

    4. Still it's better to stick to one single system.

  27. will the T-25 have a autoloader ?

  28. Do you have a rough ETA when the second German TD line will be introduced?
    Would be nice to see some new info, maybe something on the Pz.Sfl.IVc, assuming they are still going to include it.

    1. Some time in 2013. Can't be more accurate atm.

  29. Overlord

    #1 do you know what the new US tier 10 HT gun will be and what the Tier 9 MT's gun will be or might be

    #2 what gun will the Type 59 at tier 9 get.
    #3 what is the top gun for the Chinese HT
    #4 could you give the Average pen for all the guns if you can spill out the information

    #5 are there any plans for the M41 Walker Bull Dog and the T92 LT

  30. Overlord

    Would I ask if there is a chance to European Premium (Hungarian, Polish rtc.) tank in next year? It will let to train your crew earlier.

    1. There is a chance that prem tank will appear before the respective tree. However the next tree is likely to be Japs.

  31. I was wondering since it's never brought up, but the crew skills are an insane grind you get to about the 3rd skill 80% and you just play and play and get tired of that tank. Will it ever go faster since it went from 3 skills to about 9?

    1. We were considering a few ideas, but haven't come up with anything reasonable so far.

    2. But don't make it too easy though!

      Maybe medals can play a role here - for the tank or crewmen that received it, getting a temporary crew training speed bonus... the rarer the medal the better the exp multiplier or the longer it lasts. Just a thought.

    3. uhhh i like that kenneth persson:D

    4. Wouldn't like to incentivise weird behaviour, cos some of the medals and achievements don't promote team play.

    5. I have seen many times people doing retarded things to get medal. For example in the end of the battle we had only ST1 alive (with lot of HP) and enemy one VIII or VII tier heavy with only around 250 hp. They were close to each other hidden behind some rocks. Suddenly ST1 started shooting at hill. Asked, what he is doing, he replied that he want to kill enemy with last shell to get medal. So when he had only one shell, he attacked... and missed. We lost. So I say "No" to rewards for medals.

  32. All is nice and well but will we see a fix for Mobile NVIDA graphics cards. Cuz at the moment the game is rather unplayable wit the new renderer.

  33. Dear Overlord,

    I'd like to bring to your attention Czech community organizer Tuccy's proposed Czechoslovak tree:

    I'd also like to ask you: there have been rumors (partially confirmed by SerB) that Polish and Italian tanks might recieve a full tree actually. I'd like to ask, whether that's possible for Czechoslovaks too. Czechoslovaks form 3rd biggest EU community (after Polish and Germans) as far as I know and they made a significant mark on tank history, can we get a chance please? :)

    1. For these 3 factions, the possibility of an independent tech tree is rather similar, however somewhat low, I must say. At this stage we tend to stick to the idea of having one huge EU tree with major sub-branches, however, this again is not final .

    2. Alright, there is hope yet then :) Thank You very much four your time answering.

  34. I quit with WoT after 2 years and participating in beta. Why?
    Simply because playing TOP tiers is not rewarding.

    1. just play mid/low-tiers. i also dont like tier9/10.

    2. High-end game at this stage is CWs and eSports mostly. If don't participate in either of them, there is indeed little to do with your high tiers in the long run. We are planning to see to it in the foreseeable future. We have devised a 25-page conept document of WoT - medium and long term plans.

    3. Are there stil plans to introduce a "7/42" tank company?

    4. We are considering options how exactly to implement this.

    5. One thing I'd like to see is an increased reward for companies because as they stand now they're very time inefficient due to the low rate of battles per time compared to random battles, so there isn't a big pool and when people start running into the same people and losing they're liable to quit. The low population of company battles is a real killer for that game mode, and it'd be great if there were companies always up.

    6. We are currently thining of how to make it more popular.

  35. You are still the only connection between game and players. Well done, Overlord.

    1. Thanks, even tho it's not my job, I'm glad you find my effort useful.

  36. I will appreciate the removal of lag due to the trees. :) Thanks for the Info Overlord. And, Happy Veteran's Day!

  37. Honestly and I am sure I am not alone here but the Majority of players could care less about the Chinese tech tree and would of much rather seen other updates to the game considering China never really had much as far as tanks go during the time period for this game. I know that only reason they added this tech tree was so the people in China would stop bitching. Considering months ago they said that there would not be a tech tree for China and now they made one. But Honestly they should have added the tech trees of nations who had tanks first like Japan, European and add to the British line. Maybe they could add Canadian and Aussie tanks in under one of the tech trees. Even though they used other nations tanks they had some interesting modifications. Also when will we be seeing some new crew skills, because to be honest some of the current ones are useless. Some I would like to see would be a gun smith skill for the gunner that would improve accuracy of the gun. Modification skill for the driver that would improve the drive-train of the tank and how it operates, a lot of tank crews did field modifications to their tanks to improve the tanks effectiveness. How about a skill for the loader that would make him more efficient at loading so he could load slightly faster.

    1. Kevin, about the first part of your post - I admit that initially I too, didn't like the entry of the Chinese tanks in the game (yea because I am an Indian :D ... jking) but still I will refrain from openly challenging WG's decision in this matter as I am sure the release of new content for the game is not dependent only on what the player-base would like to have in the game. For a global company like WG, there has to many more factors that affect the release of in-game content, and I am sure that you or me or the rest of the player-base really doesn't have the full-picture of this matter. Hence, I believe there is no point in challenging something when we have very little idea about the factors that prompted WG's decision to release the Chinese tree before many other contents that could be far more appealing to us.
      As for your suggestions on newer crew skills, I must say that I really liked your ideas and I think those skills, if introduced, would be real fun. Also, you thought out some names for the skills that you suggested which I again like very much and I feel those same names could be used in the game too :) Only thing I would like to add is that just as the choice of consumables and equipments vary according to the country, vehicle-type and internal engineering of the vehicle (engine-type for instance), some crew skills should also be there that are based on these factors like for eg. in the current crew skill set not all crew members have skills useful for the Arty, only some of them have skills that influence SPGs directly. I am sure the players who play Arty and spend hours training their crew would like to have some rewards that acknowledge the long hours they put in behind training their SPG crew (I for one, would definitely like this to happen :P). I just hope WG takes these things into consideration the next time they introduce new crew skills.

  38. If you're going to tweak the tech-tree UI again, please add more ribbon filters in the garage as well! It really needs a filter for different tiers, as well as one for premiums.

    1. Will consider the option - we have done it this way in WoWP/

    2. It's a godsend in WoWP, I'd strongly recommend it in WoT. Country, Type, Tier and marked premium are the key filters that really should be there, because without any of them you could have 10 or more tanks if you're a serious collector.

    3. Something I forgot because it was late, another key reason for the tier filter is for when you're platooning with a friend and you want a tank of the same tier, regardless of other characteristics so you don't mess up your matchmaking. Currently this is very difficult and it's a key thing to be able to do.

  39. You better tell us how matchmaker works, because recently i can't get a single team without totally idiots, always there is the same scenario - you enter the battle and after few minutes there is 0:7, 1:9, etc. I'm in the game since closed beta so i can see that the level of gameplay goes downn dramatically, i should say that nowadays the amount of mentally disabled people in the game starts to be a SERIOUS problem, that makes the game almost unplayable more and more often. Matchmaker should randomize teams people according to their ocerall efficiency or something like that. Most interesting thing that with premium account i do not get so much people unable to thinking like i would without prem.

    1. The problem with efficiency based match making is that it punishes the good player by giving him - consistently, a bad team. The better you get the worse the team gets. It's a deterrent, a show stopper.

      Matchmaking should be based on tier and class. Player selection should be completely random. Sometimes you get a good team, sometimes not; but teams are pretty even most of the time.

      Though I get what you mean. Some days are terrible. You just cant get a break. And it can go on and on...

    2. True that, both systems have got their own obvious pros and cons. We have decided not to punish skilled players in our games, regardless of the entire randomization, good and skilled players win in WoT and especially WoWP more often.

    3. Because they choose to play TC's, rather a retarded and painfull random game where your skills doesn't matter when it's 0-5 for the enemy team in the first 2 minutes. The system it's made to give every player around 50% win ratio. So why good players feel punished in randoms, if you do not want that? The randome gameplay it's a problem, it encurage a defensive gameplay, no team work, no tactical play... We need a new gameplay mod, something between random and TC.

    4. In a RANDOM game you will have just as much games where your team fails as where your enemy team fails, and there are also games where you can influence the outcome, your winrate is a reflection of how many battles/how decisively you influence, so with a 60% winrate you win ~12 games more per 100 games than an average player would have done. I wouldn't call that not being able to influence the game. The system isn't made to keep people at ~50% that is just a side effect of having random teams, matching skilled players in a game with and against other skilled players only would keep everyone at ~50% even more because as soon as you improve so do your opponents. So actually with random matchmaking you can influence your games more than with skill-based matchmaking.

    5. But i am fucking pusnished you don't you get it? Each time i enter the battle i get a bunch of totally brainwashed idiots instead of a normal thinking people. To get a first win i have to make 10-15 battles in a row, isn't this fucking ridicolous?! Each new team and after few mins it is 0:7, the amount of completely lacked of brain idiots makes me want to quit the tanks after 2 years, cause i don't have more strength, i didn't even know that living human can be so much retarded like just 3/4 of the server.

    6. Categorical it is! Platoons, no? To increase your victory %.

  40. Hey overlord I would like to thank you for taking the time to come on here and answer all these question, It's really cool of you to do even though you don't have to! So again we all really appreciate it!

    I was wondering if there was a possibility that you guys could add an option to be able to turn off the sticky tab in chat that was implemented in 8.0. I have seen countless people, including me, tell the other team what we were doing because they forgot the chat was sending TO ALL! Thanks for taking the time to read this!

    1. This.

      Very important. You salute everyone in game, forget to change the audience and then you write something like: "Hey you arty on the sigle bush in E2, reposition yourself please" and then you watch it being blown away seconds after.


    2. diet103,

      this is under consideration at the moment.


  42. Please tell me overlord, what is the reason behind low tier magazine guns, being an example the russian 37 mm Automatic SH-37 wich is a tier V gun having a limited range of 350m? Seriously why can i hit a target that is at 350m but if it moves just 1 meter farther i cant because the shell magically dispears? This sucks so mutch... its not enough low tier magazine guns have worst acuracy, aim time and penetration than their counterparts, they cant shoot targets at more than 350m? This is sucks sooo mutch!!!

  43. Concerning so called "fun-platoons"
    Are there plans to limit tiers in platoons? Like only tanks that have the same battle tiers can form a platoon. Or at least display a warning when they differ too much?

    1. After a brief thinking, I like a warning sign.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Could you also consider adding the tank tier to the platoon window? So that people who don't know several 100 tanks by heart can see at a glance tier and type (heavy, SPG, light) of the tank?

      And a tier spread indicator in say green (spread +-1, yellow (+-2 to 3), red (spread greater than 3), would also be a great addition.

    4. There was a poll in the german section of the forum that asked for some action against those platoons, seems it got deleted after I reported some guy stating that he does it with his friends to troll other people with it.

      A warning is ok for those with less game experience, but there should be severe action taken against those troll platoons.

    5. These platoons are accounted for by the MM system, penalization is not appropriate here. Based on win percentages in for such cases, there is no noticeable deviation.

    6. OK, I don´t have your numbers, so I can´t argue about that.
      In my experience the team with the "fail platoon" looses more often than the more regular team.

      For me its just unfair because both teams get penalized, team 1 for the up to 2 tier 1 tanks they have to somehow compensate for; team 2 because they get sometimes 1 tank with a tier less then his counterpart, plus the player that has an higher tier opponent that way.

    7. I will check the new data to make sure.

  44. Hello Overlord,

    Any chance for adding more "MMORPG oriented" features to the game? Like a more active/vocal tank crews? (for example, different crew members reporting in, not just one narrator repeating the same boring messages) Personality-based combat messages (remarks, bad jokes, swearing, etc) and positive/negative perks for crew members?

    Shouldn't be that complicated (as a structure) and would add more depth/immersion to the game.



  45. About US tech tree: today there is a path M7->M4A3E8. Will it be cancelled in 0.8.2 (M7->new line instead of)? What about players who want M4A3E8?

    1. look at new tech tree here:

      looks like u can get to it through M4 then

  46. Hi Overlord,

    I have a suggestion that may improve WGs sales of premium tanks.
    Why don't you make it possible that a crew that is trained for a premium tank can be used in any tank of the same class and nation without retraining?
    So the other way around as it is today.

    This would encourage people to buy more premium tanks to have premiums for the classes of tanks they want to research and your customers would gain the advantage of not having to retrain crews for other vehicles.

    A win-win situation for all.

  47. Hi Overlord,

    I have a suggestion for the garage.

    Going to the training lobby, one can see the existing rooms but there is no sign if a battle is already active. So you have to enter several rooms just to find out that the game is already running, leave the room and so on.
    It would be nice to be able to see that already in the lobby to avoid entering running trainings.

  48. I think the British Tech tree could have been finished off before you add to a allready bloated tech tree.
