Friday, October 26, 2012

[WoWP] Alpha Gathering

100% unofficial gathering of World of Warplanes alpha testers took palce in National Museum of the US Air Force (near Dayton). Video speaks louder than word:


  1. have u guys decided the preorder packages yet?

    not gonna miss this time:)

    1. Thinking of it at this stage, there is still enough time until open beta starts.

  2. Heheh and when its done? Just dont answer ASAP... That would get me into SNAFU ;) if you know what i mean ;)

  3. sorry to say this, but IMO the whole WoWP is bunch of crap. When I was signing for the beta, there was a question: how many hours a day I play flight sims? What for? WoWP is not a sim, it's (poor)remake of Descent.
    A thought here: you'll take off from an airfield, shoot down some enemies(there are many possibilities creating encounter and capture flag-like scenarios) and land at your home base. maybe this would be game for those who answered: 4 hrs and more. And keep up the good work with WoT! Greetz, Jamez

    1. We have never positioned WoWP as a sim game. As for landing and take-off, they are possible, but we are focusing on aerial combat at this time.
