Sunday, October 14, 2012

[WoWP] Airshow Must Go On

MCAS Miramar Air Show 2012 (57th annual) was the first international air event for me to attend and I must say it was amazing.

Miramar is the biggest US event of that kind gathering several hunderds of thousands attendees in just three days that takes place near San Diego.

For us, WG delegation, the first surprise came with the fact that the show takes place on the active Marine Corps Air Station Miramar (after a brief ID check a bunch of ex-commies are allowed in) with F-22 Raptors standing nearby.

These birds are awesome and hardly have any rivals these days.

Chance Vought F4U Corsair. Second-best US WWII performer with kill ratio 11:1 (after Hellcat).

Another iconic naval warrior - Wildcat. This is the F-2M version by GM.

An absolute must have in WoWP, more than 50 years in service. B-52.

WG-Hammer-booth at Miramar.

Patriots Jet Team (6 IL-39s) is performing.

Farmous wall of fire.

History and modern times: P-51 and F-22. Mustang is nearly blown away. :)

WG producers Serb and ChrisK are discussing what they have seen and how we can use it. 

P-51 Mustang from San Diego Air and Space museum - a real one with S/N, however didn't take part in any action.


A la Art style.

Serb is nerfing RL aircraft.


A la Art style 2.0.

Some nose-art to add in WoWP in future. 

The show was a real fun, I somewhat skipped some of the delicious parts of it in the post, inclding totally crazy biplane performance with nearly-hit-the-ground maneuvers
  • "pop" U.S. Navy Blue Angels show (those guys are flying without g-suits - hell, yes!)
  • epic Marine Air-Ground Assault Demo with lots of vehicles and infantry
  • deafening F/A-18 Afterburner Passes
  • spectacular night pilotage and fireworks
  • and absolutely awesome Robosaurus! (only those who saw it know what I mean :))
Join us during future major aerial events, we wil double the fun together.


  1. Hi overlord,
    how are you going to make sure the gold ammo for credits will not be a deathsentence to well armored tanks? Even if everyone only has a few gold shells, all the gold will be shot against well armored tanks, and for them it will be like everyone spams gold all the time. So armor becomes way less useful.

    sorry for being so offtopic and nice pics btw

    1. I agree. i just got my T95 yesterday, and the moment gold ammo for credits come in, no skill will even stop that gold. According to WG, the gold ammo for credits is to allow people to win using "skill". Don't see a T95 stopping a 88 L/71 anytime soon if thats implemented..

    2. yes, and with skill, the same 88 l/71 was already able to pen a T95, now you only need less skill to do it.

  2. What? No A1D Skyraiders at the airshow? What the hell is happening with the world?

  3. Hi Overlord
    1. plasot's posts in the last topic about E 75M are quite interesting. The german tech tree needs a tier X heavy tank with good mobility (the E 75 supposed to have 40km/h speed on the road). I support that.
    2. The devs intend to change the crew training system at some time? Because the curent one it was ok when we had 3 skills, but now it's impossible to train all skills and perks.
    3. Unfortunately the game becomes frustrating after a while and is realy painfull to play in random even for a good player. The bad idea of this game is that the only team rewarded is the victoyous one, just because you want the bad players to have 50% chances to win, so you sacrifice the old players that, not good. Why don't you remove the penalty of a losing game? Balance the xp and credits, reward the [skill] top 3 players in each team, you can give superplatoons...
    4. A while ago it was released a list of the upcoming updates in WOT. It's possible to get an updated list with the scheduled tank lins?

  4. nice pict.:)

    The most iconic planes was P-51 Mustang and B-52.well we could including here F-22 Raptor,not a secret now for anyone,he's a good jet but now is too expensive and is a part of some airshows.

  5. Were you pulling our collective leg about the B-52 being a must-have for WoWp, or is it really in the future plans for inclusion?

    1. Personally I think it would be a nice addition for some PvE scenario, the thing is that bird might be to fast and have too high ceiling for the rest.

    2. Well, she's also rather weakly armed, with a single 20mm gun.

  6. Hey, it is not Ilyushin IL-39, but Aero L-39 ;) (you have mistaken one of the finest Czechoslovakian airplane creations for Soviet ones...)

    1. For sure, not the Soviet ones. I was copying from here - IL-39s)

    2. Then I am sorry, they have it wrong... ;)

    3. Yes, we have pretty much figured that out.

  7. Soon we will see F-35 airplanes by WarGaming at GamesCom 2013 event .

  8. Ah - the memories :)
    The US have really nice airshows ... have visited a few back when i was in pilots training in Arizona in ´98 and 2000. That "wall of fire" should be from those Zeros doing ground attacks? And the Robosaurus eating cars was indeed fun too see ... awkward, too - as non-US folks are usually not used to those shows :)
    I wonder if they still do these extremely low altitude AB low passes from behind the tribune - completely unexpected, extremely loud and friggin´great the first time you have that :D

  9. I must say WG have great PR and marketing department. But once gaijin start their, u cant compete - primary because of engine.

    1. Some actually say we have got extremely poor PR. It's tricky. Same with the game.

    2. Its not my opinion - its objective.
      Once those 2 games break NDA i will wait for your review. I am(was) alpha + beta tester of both games and WoWp actually dont have one single feature better than WT.

    3. No doubt, you are the voice of objectiveness.

    4. Overlord if it makes you fell better I think WoWP is better since I can't even get WT to run ... ;)

      and besides WoWP isn't even finished yet, improved graphics and sounds will take it to a whole new level and I hope they will be added soon RIGHT OVERLORD !?!?!?!?!


    5. Yeah,

      that helped a lot indeed. :)

      WoWP is far from being finished at this stage. Btw we are bringing HDR in 3.4 (supposedly) next week, plus some other really important features.

    6. U have to work on controls bit more - thats WoWps weakest part in my personal opinion (+ HW demands).

    7. I agree , I mean yea the mouse works now, but I would still rather have a standard one...

    8. Thulle,

      both are among top priorities for us at this stage.

    9. hey overlord

      a week ago you said maybe this week 0.3.4 comes.

      will it still come or is it postponed to next week?

  10. Some informations about the M3 Grant please? When will it come and which tier?

    1. go to WoT... go to the american tree look at the stats of the m3 Lee and wolla !

      the m3 grant will be almost identicle to the m3 lee, main difference will probably be the guns but even they will be almost the same

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