Wednesday, October 31, 2012

[WoT] First Try - Maus Book

"Tactical Press" in cooperation with presents:

  • Authors: Igor Zheltov and Yuri Pasholok. 
  • Language: Russian (for now). 
  • Price tag (RU): ~20 USD.
  • Number of copies (RU, hardback) - 10500.
The book lays down the beginning of the tank series with other issues to come in future.  From my standpoint, this is one of the best tank books in RU so far. And definitely, it's one of the most complete sources on Maus tank ever - images and blueprints were purchased from various private collections from around the globe. The authors managed to dig out the origin and background of German superheavy project and the way it developed.

Translation to other languages and distribution in other regions are currently considered.


  1. Why you publish this book firstly in Russia in Russian , and not in Europe in English ?

    In my opinion , Europe & English language have some more priority than Russia & LOCAL Russian language .

    1. For serveral reasons:

      1. It's our first try, so it's better and easier to test it on local market, that is known and researched - such demand persists there. For sure we are less familiar with EU / NA markets and need some time to find proper partners there to publish (if there is a market for us).

      2. English, even though widely-spoken, is not the single EU language. To effectively cover the region, we need multiple language versions.

    2. Translate it and put it online. The market is here, why do you think "Panzertracks" are so popular?

    3. Again, we are considering this.

  2. Hi, no electronic edition? When it wil be translated to English? Portuguese maybe?

    1. Will be considering digital version in future. No dates at this stage. Sorry.

  3. Do you have a role with the creation or publishing of this book?

    1. No, personally I'm out of this. Some guys from my dept did take part.

  4. This book could be huge (well, hugely LOVED at least) here in America if marketed to our fairly populated scale modeling and historical communities! I was ready to buy it as soon as I saw it and then try to have it translated through a college perhaps, but I saw no way to ship it outside of Russia through the online store? Any solutions there?

    1. At this time - no. Sorry.

      But we will definitely consider translating and shipping it globally afer the preparatory work is carried out.

  5. Great idea, love it! If you need options for the US translation, I know a couple of good ones, feel free to contact me!

  6. This is a great development, as a fan of all tanks I would certainly buy this book if it was in a language understood by me. Since i am dutch those would be dutch or english.
    I can only welcome an entire series of these books.

  7. Is it available now? I'll be in Moscow next week, and would love to pick it up.

    1. Yes, starting with this event -

      it will be available.

  8. umm, slap a promo code on it (the 3 weird ones,anyone?), and sell it with a boxed version please :)

    1. We would like to see how many those who are willing to purchase book itself, not some premium content slapped on it. :)

  9. Damn, one more book! You are killing my poor book shelf with maus books... Where can I buy it? How many pages? Did you dig in THE archive that no non Russian dude have seen???

  10. Amazing idea. Looking forward to the translation.

  11. If you get it translated into English I will definitely buy one.

  12. Would definitely buy if printed in English.

  13. i was going to make a coment about russian propaganda... but figured out it would be to easy

    1. Why is the first book dedicated to Maus tank? Definitely because of the propoganda. No doubt.

  14. How funny all comments - "why are you print this book in russian language?". Because authors are Russians! They write in Russian! You morons.
    "Why are you print it on local market?" - you are realy think, that you are the center of the earth? Pfff

  15. Looks like a very clean and well put together product. (yes i'm judging a book by its cover ;)

    I'll buy if it gets translated to english.

  16. I would definately buy it. English version is needed. I'm from Poland, but i don't care about polish version. English would do just fine :)

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