Wednesday, August 29, 2012

[WoT] Improving Physics of 8.0 Update II

As many of you already know currently we are testing new physics model for 8.0 update. I have given a small update on the progress here. Below is the most recent things that are being worked on (tuned):
  • Tuned and adjusted ramming damage. The goal to make it predictable.
  • Decreased damage when falling from small heights and when driving cross-country.
  • Fixing issues with tanks stopping close to minor objects (rocks, etc)
  • Increased "drifting" ability. By the way, T-50-2 turning ability was decreased by 20% to fit the current physics model.
  • Increased vehicle turning when being detracked on the move.
  • Increased acceleration (approx by 25%) when climbing hills. There was too much gravity.
  • Fixed bug with tanks getting stuck on bridges (near the edges) and cliffs.
  • Fixed bug with disappearing destroyed tanks and "alive" tanks getting stuck in the spots where destroyed tanks were initially
  • Currently fixing bug with no damage being inflicted when landing on a destroyed tank.
  • Currently fixing the "flood" bar which doesn't work properly in some cases.
  • Currently removing the rest of invisible walls that have been mistakenly left.
Physics is really a key feature of the 8.0 update that is going to affect gameplay greatly, thus we are determined to polish it out 100% before the release. Your feedback is welcome.

PS. Latest poll results (votes / %):
What's the best tier 10 medium?

M48  - 802 (31%) - nerf incoming?!
BatChat - 729 (28%)   
T-62A  - 594 (23%)
E-50M - 444 (17%)
The new poll is up.


  1. Hei Overlord ;) Great to hear you guys are already working on it and take this patch so serious ;)

    But 1 thing:
    There are 2 ways to go on that hill. 1 has this broken wall where everybody loves to jump from...but the other side has nothing? Just a boring wall? Thats really sad :(
    When playing encounter before, there was this little hill on the side where (when playing arty) you could really got shoot the ecounter zone...but now there is just a boring wall :(

    Could you please ask your map designer if they could do a little "platform" where arty players could shoot from and we can "crush" our enemys down?


  2. nice :)
    saw that on RU Q&A as well.
    we'll see the changes after the server stops tomorrow

  3. Are these changes implemented "silently" on the server side already, or will there be an updated test version before they are made available?

    1. We are still working on some points, they are yet to implemented.

  4. I guess that E50 / E50-M will be the best ramming machine by far.

    1.There will be another physics test server? (not the 8.0 one).

    1'. If there will be another server to test physics, can you please remove all ammo? I tried to test some stuff but some people think that shooting is more important

    2.E100 with ELC turret

    3.(pretty off topic) Last time i asked if pz4 will have 150mm pen. You said yes, now people are scared that the new premium pz4 (tier6) will get 150mm pen and the new panzer 4 (tier5 non premium) will have a bad gun.
    Also, Pz3/4 will share the same gun with the new pz4? Doesn't this mean that pz3/4 will get a huge buff?

    Thanks and sorry for being off topic

  5. Sounds like you're on the right track, those touch on most of my initial issues with the physics.

    Do you know if ...

    1. the damage you sustain when sliding down a hill is going to be tweaked? I can understand it being used as punishment when you end up on a slope sideways and should really tip over, but it felt a bit excessive on not that steep slopes driving directly downwards.

    2. the next test will be another physics test or include other new features of the full 8.0 patch?

  6. Wait... is this going to screw with my T-34 with spawl liner and the ramming perk? Right now I can plow into tanks full speed and get away with 0 or 10-15hp damage giving out 200-300 (take out a leopard with 2 shots and then ram it)

    But... in my IS3 currently I deal virtualy no ram damage.

    TBH all I want changed is team ram damage... too many times starting I'll rocket off and someone will just touch my track and de-track me.

  7. "Increased acceleration (approx by 25%) when climbing hills. There was too much gravity."

    +1 from me

  8. Why don´t you just let tanks turn over?? I was looking forward to some realistic physics at last, and now i see tanks changing rotation speed and angle mid flyght... -.-

    1. Turning over is bad gameplay vice, it's too unforgiving.

    2. It's not a bad game play vice nor is it unforgiving. It's proper motivation for not being stupid in your tank. It would also give things like removing engine governors a reason to exist; damaging your engine isn't the only bad thing that can happen from removing a device that is installed to limit your speed for a reason. Slow down in that speed demon, watch the angle of that slope your about to go over or pay the consequence.

      "thus we are determined to polish it out 100% before the release."

      Physics ... rriigghhtt. Poppy-Cock.

    3. Sure in Clan Wars or Tank Companies, but disable it in random battles.

    4. yea. u drive badly you get destroyed. full physics please. you roll - you die

  9. I wonder if they fixed that annoying bug (if it is a bug) in which a tank rams into me on purpose, but I end up paying the guy a large amount of cash than him?

    1. The only bug here is your misunderstanding of the fine/compensation system.

    2. If I'm playing a heavy tank, and a t-50-2 rams into me because he can't play his tank properly, I can fined and he gets compensated. I think that's what he's trying to say.

  10. Overlord PLEASE tell me when the real Public Test comes, not only Physics preview

    1. Hard to say now, at this stage we are focused on polishing the physics. Definitely not this week.

    2. Bollocks!

      Okay, following question then:
      Will there be a second part of Physics testing, with same system that you cant buy another tanks etc?

  11. any ETA on phase 2 for physics test ?

  12. Why is it that every game I play, I always seem to somehow mistakenly choose the class/race/profession/tank that others deem the worst...

    Community thinks the E-50M is the worst Tier X medium...go figure that's the one I just blew all my time and experience trying to unlock. :\

    Only 10k away, here's to hoping the community is dead wrong. :)

  13. anychance drifing could be dependable on terrain? would be fun to drift around corners in snow maps, so u could make a turn without showing your vulnerable side?

  14. And what you think about dear Overlord...with the new low height maps, arty can now shoot in more spots, so there is less artysafe position... do you thinked about to fix the matchmaking so no more then 2 arty/team ?

  15. Awesome though this update sounds, I wish you'd patch in the game mode select and THEN faff about with polishing the new physics to 100% perfect...

  16. Which Phase of Testserver, do we have all Tanks ?

  17. About PS, I agree wiht the poll, but is nerf really necessary?! :)

  18. One thing that I would like to see would be the ability to use tracks that aren't broken. if i break my right track my left is still intact and i should be able to use it to rotate my tank to a more favorable angle that foes are attacking me from.

    maybe there could be a penalty for moving the tank in that each time you move you restart your repair timer.

    1. I really really would like that. It's a great tactic the works really well in Red Orchestra 2, and I'd imagine in real life as well.

  19. +1 I would like to see that as well.

  20. 1) i found that 75L/70 for Pz4 premium (tier 6) is going to penn 150mm.
    Is this increase in penn change for all 75L/70 (that we have in panther, 3601h,3001h, etc)?

  21. Thank you!

    Every issue I had with the Physics is covered in this then, as long as ramming damage is back to normal(pre-physics)

  22. Will the new physics engine affect Gun performance? Shell drop, Accuracy, or damage?

    1. Atm it affects only drive by shooting when trespassing some moderate terian even light one.
      Tanks just shakes much more than before and it affects ability to shoot on the move like big time.

      TBH its more effective right now to just stop and shoot than try to aim on the move.
      Its to much lottery.

  23. i felt like i experienced A LOT more shell drop with the greater amount of gravity maybe i am wrong though, i felt like all of my rounds were falling short.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. If all stated fixes would be implemented it would make it like release candidate not preview phase.

    But according to Ure statment:
    "We will increased acceleration (approx by 25%) when climbing hills. There was too much gravity."

    From what i seen LT are mostly ok and some MT and HT strugle to climb or drive by ( not all of them though ) but giving globally 25% more acceleration by setting less gravity would screw the balance in my opinion.
    Right now some light tanks can jump up on even smal bumps what this gravity hange will do to them then ??

    And like some one stated before me there should be different dmg when lets say faling on the ground according to terian type.
    Maybe u can add some new ground resistance types to the existing one ?? becouse if im not mistaken right now we have only three of them.

    It would be nice though if some more attention would be given to ramming.
    And maybe readjusting some existing crew skills to the new physics like Off-Road Driving,Smooth Ride and Controlled Impact.
    According the last skill i mentioned who cares if another tank was in move or not u should always get bonus to dmg on impact from this skill.

    And last but not least important shooting on the move can be really tricky when ure tank is just shaking constantly.
    So it would be nice of u to simply rebalance this.

  26. WG's way of thinking:
    The tank is good and people like playing it so let's nerf it.

    I talk about M48A1. It's a very good tank but its balanced. Maybe instead of nerfing M48 buff other T10 mediums?

  27. Just to make one thing clear. We voted the M48 as the best tier 10 med because its an all around good well rounded tank. It doesnt have very high speed but thats balanced by its turning rate which is very nice. It has good front armor which is balanced by having plywood for side and rear armor and having a good gun to do its damage before its dead. The tank is a jack of all trades with makes it an excellent choice if was want to be able to do many things. Most of the responses about the tank is that it does its damage but people could also damage it and they never really thought that it was OP just a well rounded and balanced tank. I actually believe its one of the most balanced tanks you have released.

    The M48 can work alone but should be near some friendlies in case it needs some support from its allies. The T-62A can work alone but its most effective when grouped with 1 or 2 other T-62s where they can use their overwhelming rate of fire together and wreck what is in their way. The E-50M is a support sniper which should move up to a position with its allies but hang back after a point and support the forward movement from a distance by sniping and then move forward when their effectiveness drops. The Bat Chat well is a Bat Chat It makes things hurt.

  28. If the second test will be Physic Test Only I have a little wish. Make me a favour and delte ammo from game. Just 15 minutes of Physic test.

  29. Heres something WOT needs to shoot for:

  30. Please cancel Prohkorhovka assault map. Its useless, and attackers don't stand a chance. ty

  31. I invested time, energy and money, real money in my PzIV and you screw it up. Why?
