Tuesday, June 12, 2012

[WoWP] MMOFTW Best Hybrid MMO Award

World of Warplanes is among the E3 awardees here:

And a bonus interview with Victor Kislyi over here.


  1. Know I'm oftopic, but what will now happen to the e series? You posted that no further ajustments would be made. Is this for both e 50/75 or just the e 50 that will get rear transmission in ausf. M tier x. And what about e 75?

    1. E-75 will stay as of 7.4 until the introduction of tier 10 meds and tds, which might require some rebalancing.

    2. sad to hear. guess ill whipe the dust of my bf3. might try out wowp though :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. overlord a question:
    if you see that a premium is under power or it sucks, for example T34, you are going to decrese their price or increased their stats or a better matchmacker?

    1. It depends. Buffing, as far as prems are concerned, is always much easier than nerfing.

    2. Did you just imply the T34 being a bad tank? lol...
      I guess I haven't seen the stats but I know many people who gets results as good as any tech tree tier 8 tank

    3. Yes, T34 will not ruin your stats like some other premiums. Although it is a little hard to use and I think that his global win ratio will get worse with time, when there will be more people, who bought it, not grinded.

    4. T34 is only example, it could be any tank it was hypothetical

    5. T34 is not bad, but still can enjoy hm a minor positive adjustment.

    6. i do not say it!!!, i don`t say that T34 is bad. It is only a example of any tank premium, is the first tank i have in the mind.
      Now other two questions
      if you see JT88 is bad you are going to buff it or going to reduce the price?
      And the same with IS-6, what you do buff or reduce price?

    7. In case you get no answer.

      I wouldn't expect lowering price. It would be unfair for people who bought it. It would made them quite angry, so bad for WG. Most possible in such case is lowering MM. It has been already done with T14, Churchill and (IIRC) KV5. All of them had terrible win ratio.

  4. Overlord dude, On the Gearbox post for E series I click load more on the comments section but they do not load ever, just says loading.

    Any advice on how to get them to load?

    1. Might be a temporary blogspot/google issue. Works for me.

  5. Overlord:
    in an old post i see that the guns penetration stats are made over 100 metres, and it lossing penetration over distance.
    If i put in 50 metres i have better penetration than in the stats? for example a gun wich penn 220 at 100 metres can penn 240 in 50 metres?

    1. Nope, you get the same pen within 100m, accounting for possible 25% randomization.
