Tuesday, May 22, 2012

[WoWP] World of Warplanes To Go Closed Beta Soon

World of Warplanes closed beta will start May 31, 2012.

Since Global Alpha launch on February 23 this year, World of Warplanes has got more than 600,000 applications for global alpha from players around the world, with 100,000 coming in first 24 hours. Thousands of players have been granted access to World of Warplanes alpha version, and the army of test pilots will be increased drastically once the game enters Closed Beta.

Applications made during global alpha stage will be eligible for priority processing in closed beta.

You can apply here:
NA - https://na.worldofwarplanes.com/ga/new/
EU - https://eu.worldofwarplanes.com/ga/new/


  1. Yay, thanks for the great news overlord!

  2. So the people that made Global Alpha applications will just have there apps ported over for Beta or will we have to do a new one?

  3. Overlord, i am currently in NA alpha, is there bigger chance for me to get in EU Beta since i have same email registered? (Kampfwurst on every cluster)

  4. Overlord...could you and ur WG team pls make a thread where everyone can post if they are on the wrong server? PLEASE :! There are so much guys which are on the wrong server....do sth. good for the community! Help us :(

    1. I forwarded this to community team.

    2. Thx Overlord :) Nice to see you help ur Community :) Hopefully this works and I can still be alpha tester and play with my friends on the EU server :)

  5. Hey Overlord,

    I was wondering, how is the server set up at the moment? Does it currently run similar to a "test server" in World of Tanks, where all experience and credits is multiplied by 10, and gold is given for testing purposes, or is it more like the real server were earning experience and such runs at 'normal' speed?
    To me the first option would make more sense, because the priority at the moment is of course to test and configure the game to optimal settings. If that is the case, my next question is at what point would the server then be reset and would we be able to play (for good) without our progress being reset, as it happens whenever a new test server is up on WoT? Is this when the game officially gets released, or earlier (OBT, CBT)?

    Thanks in advance,

  6. At this moment it is smth completely different. We use only credits to get planes and planes are even 100 or 200 times cheaper then tanks in WoT.

    We also get hard wipe around once a month.

    (hope it wasn't NDA violation :) )

  7. If you're already in the Alpha, is Close Beta access automatic?

  8. He answered this already:
    So the people that made Global Alpha applications will just have there apps ported over for Beta or will we have to do a new one?

    OverlordMay 22, 2012 5:12 PM

    No, the old one is still valid.

  9. No he didn't. Horrorsh0w is asking whether if you're already in the alpha you automatically get access to beta. What has been said is that those who have *applied* to alpha will be of priority when accepting beta applications.

  10. I applied for the alpha not many days after it was announced. A few other friends of mine did it maybe a couple days after me. They got accepted the same day or the day after. While I still didnt get access to it. I've been a loyal WoT player for ages and spent lots of real money on it. I love tanks and warplanes and had hoped to get access to it to try it out and give feedback. Now that the closed beta is almost upon us im considering to just screw it all...

  11. Well, i hope this time i'll be accepted then :(

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Have crew skills already been implemented in WoWP? And do your wings get sheared off if you dive at too high a speed? :D
    Man, I'm so pumped for this game! :D

  14. Hello Overlord,

    This time I trouble you with a request, could you please help me and grand me access to open alpha? For WoT I reported several bugs (visual, map, typos) so I wont loose your time just to fly my plane and not give you feedback.

    I mention the mail I used to join open alpha its the same Im using for WoT and the I just posted here.

    Thanks you,

  15. Sure I hope I get into the closed beta; I didn't get into the alpha despite having over 12,000 games played in WoT.

  16. Any news about World of Battleships?
