Tuesday, April 10, 2012

[WoWP] Conquering the Sky

Eastern Europe has become a major center of free-to-play MMO action games under the aegis of Wargaming.net, with the major three development offices: Minsk (Belarus) for World of Tanks, Kiev (Ukraine) for World of Warplanes, and Saint Petersburg (Russia) for World of Battleships.

While aerial and naval games are being developed by two separate studious, both of them can't but benefit from the experience and resources of WoT team, which is naturally the largest one of the three. The Minsk HQ provide both technical and methodological assistance to achieve better quality of the trilogy.

As mentioned before, World of Warplanes is being developed by Kiev-based partner studio - Persha Studia, comprising more than 100 professionals with a huge background in game development. The development process is guided and mentored by Minsk producing team. The cooperation includes regular mutual visits, feature planning, milestone approving, and both managerial and design video conferences scheduled several times a week.

Minsk producing team is also engaged in general communication and facilitation of all project activities, which means promotion, marketing, global operations, video and audio production etc

Technical assistance is also extremely important. WoWP benefits greatly from the usage of shared resources, which includes but not limited to:
  • the usage of joint technical resources;
  • server and hardware maintenance;
  • data logging;
  • joint server and web deployment, ie release of updates for all regions;
  • high-level web resources - clan wars functionality, portal including single account for all WG games and account management tools;
  • misc front-end resources - bonus codes, payment system, etc;
  • misc back-end resources - administration panels, support software;
  • advice and expert evaluation.
Besides WoWP can rely on cooperation with the community and customer support teams of WoT to provide better service for players at any stage.

WoWP is going to be a lesson learned from WoT in every possible meaning. What does WoT lack for?
  • new game modes? There will already be a few upon the release of WoWP.
  • tutorial for new players?  It will be added during the beta stage, so as testers could give their feedback which will allow us to polish the tutorial prior to release.
  • fair matchmaking? In WoWP it will be totally different, the balance of aerial battles doesn't assume that eg tier 4 and tier 8 planes will normally fight alongside.
  • Strong PvE element? Sure thing!
 With the features above and many more to come announce WoWP is planning to be more successful than WoT in both NA and EU.


  1. I really only have one question: when :D

    1. that is the big minus regarding Wargaming.net ...
      they lack the speed ... everything runs so slow here
      i really loved WoT ... but the slow progress killed the action.
      lets hope for faster progres in WoWP

    2. We have reasons to assume that the progress will be faster in WoWP, because of the experience earned in tanks.

    3. Cmon, you know how WoT works, you play battles and gain experience. After enough battles, you gained enough experience you use upgraded parts for your tank. Then you get back on the battlefield and kill much more efficiently. If you want to compare that to real life, the team has gained enough experience from WoT to upgrade their team and techniques to make WoWP very very good at a faster rate (efficiency). They have upgraded from tier 1 to tier 2 :D

    4. What Overlord means is that the xp and cash earned in WoT will be used in WoWP since the game will use the same account(basically a shared Wargaming games account thus the progress will be faster(if you also play WoT)

    5. Single account means that player can have common free exp and gold pool between the projects.

    6. Will that mean premium account status for 1 will be premium account status for all?

    7. I know a few of my tank mates who are in. Alpa they say they dont play alpha that much due to lack of other players.Can you let me in overlord to run along with them i play the living hell out of tanks. So i cannot figure out why i have not gotten an emai. If you can or would a little pull from you could really go along way.
      Thank you wargaming and overloard for the great games

  2. Replies
    1. they plan to add them later.
      Remember UK is a small market when compared to the other nations so it makes more seance to get them out first

    2. Brits will be added sooner than most of the players think. That's 99%.

    3. Good to hear they are getting British planes out faster than there tanks. The Battle of Britain was KINDA important, you know stopping the Nazi invasion of Britain and being the first major Nazi defeat in Western Europe

  3. Congratz :) U are doing a great job ;) Will WoWP also russian biased? :DD Juts a joke calm down ;D

    1. No, it will be US-biased now. We are aiming at US market most. :)

    2. Well you gotta admit, the Americans and the Germans by far had the best planes in WWII

    3. Someone seems to forget The Battle of Britain. I would reccomend the look-up of The Hurricane sea-fighter and Supermarine spitfire.

    4. Dont forget planes such as the P-51, the P-47 and the P-38 Lightning. Sure they had rocky starts, but they kicked but. Plus the ME109 and FW190, those are going to be real killers.

  4. hope you get a fast responding server.
    pings of bout 150 ~200 from your WOT EU servers won't probably cut it for fast paced plane action.

    (no, it is not my connection. Im in Middle east and i get pings of 50~100 from some american game servers)

    1. My ping to the EU server is 30-40ms. I live in Belgium. Maybe it is your connection?

    2. It might not be your connection, but chances are it WILL be one of the many connections travelling across to the servers. and if thats an issue then the responsibility falls to the routing companies that control how you get to your desired web address.

    3. We will strive to provide the connection quality similar to the one of WoT.

  5. Hi Overlord,
    when you say that the following won't be a matter in WoWP:

    "fair matchmaking? In WoWP it will be totally different, the balance of aerial battles doesn't assume that eg tier 4 and tier 8 planes will normally fight alongside."

    It almost sounds like you dropped your "fighting against way higher tiers is a challange many players like to have in their game!"
    position. Can we expect tighter MM in WoT in the future.
    Or did WGN just identify the problem and stopped right there?

    1. It's planes that are different which dictates us MM requirements for WoWP. We can expect tighter tier spreads in aerial battles.

  6. You people are so lucky to have such low ping,I play from Broome,Western Australia,land lines, are about 250 ping and my satalite connection is about 450-550.
    I.m more interested when world of battleship will be ready , and wonder if the sea maps will be bigger in size than current tank maps, as 30 odd battleships on a map will be very crowded.

    1. I think due to the nature of the machines involved they would ofc be larger.. Also I'm thinking that rendering water is possibly easier than land features so also less server work in making them larger...

      no i am not a graphics expert so i might be wrong...

  7. when the world of warplanes start officially?

  8. Whats even more funny, is that people with a long history of combat flight sim and regular flight sim combined with WoT closed and open beta dont get into the alpha, yet the noobs with zero experience make it...Nice tester base you got there.

    P.S. - the application for the alpha was stupid, any ole person can google search those "tough" answers lol

    1. Actually newbs are sometimes a good test base.. If your trying to figure out how to make the interface more intuitive... Not making it all newbs ofc but a sizable portion.. Also you need a group of people who don't have top end machines to see how to set minimum requirements for computers...

    2. We need players of all kinds in alpha and beta, all feedback is valuable.
      @ boggintuff, are you an experienced sim player who hasn't been invited yet?

    3. Yeah true story, was one of the 1st who applied, and still no invite :/

    4. Yeah, im in the same boat, one of my friends got accepted and he has very very little flight sim experience and knows barely anything about planes. Yet i am very experienced with both of them and i didnt get in either.

    5. I agree on that one. The invites should have been given according to :
      1) Experience in WOT
      2) Experience in any other flight sim/arcade games

      Now, we, experienced players both in WOT and in flight games dont get an invite while people who just saw about wg.net projects like a week ago , get the random invite in. Dont see the fairness in this at all. Why should I, who played in WOT beta and still play until this very moment, should be put behind those random players? I think there are many good WOT players who will agree.

      I thought that alpha testing was suppose to be for constructive critisism to make the game better and not for a random nooby to fly around and then post his screenshots in random forums.

      Just my thoughts.

    6. Canlocu,

      here http://eu.worldofwarplanes.com/
      or here: http://na.worldofwarplanes.com/

    7. Ironz,

      8500+ battles in WoT? I can let you in right away if you promise to provide us "constructive critisism".

    8. I have about 7000 battles, that not enough?

      Yeah it looks like it will be, by a long shot the best F2P flight game on the market when it comes out. Maybe even rival some of the payed games.

    9. Yeahhh, i am still waiting too, i am a good flight sim player, and also recently got my pilot licence for ultralight.. getting the others costs too much for me..

      anyway, i suppose that they are first of all trying to gather a lot of unexperienced players of flight simulators, since that is the first public they will be aiming to impress with the game, and the ones who are more likely to bring them some profit too.

      I also play WoT for more than a year now, but didn't expect that to count to be honest :P

      I'll keep waiting, and thanks for keeping us updated, Overlord!

    10. @Overlord
      Well concidering the fact that I do have a family, a job, a life and still manage to have 8500+ battles (not half that bad according to my statistics I might add), I think this number is quite reasonable. Whats the point of having 20k+ battles if they are all "bot-like" battles?

      You might have already noticed that i DO like expresing my constructive critisim, therefore I can promise you will have loads of it from my side if i eventualy manage to receive my invite :)

    11. I played WarBirds extensively and really enjoyed the differences between the types of planes. High altitude planes that excelled in speed and dives...then the slower tight turning planes. Tactics and skill really make DogFights exciting. In Tanks you have skill, but armor is armor. In a plane, any gun can kill you, your goal is to never get shot.

      I'm still waiting for my alpha invite. Love WoT...would love to give feedback on WoP too.

    12. @SonicMonkey
      I Agree with what you just said completely, and i cannot wait for my alpha invite.

      On top of that i have plenty of time to play since i really dont do much anyway, would love to give feedback on the alpha test.

    13. @Overlord
      Thx been playing WoT when I can got about 900 battles in loving the game. Have got about six people playing since then that at least do their x2 xp everyday. One just got a Lowe I am jealous of =/. Play BF3 too, was in alpha and beta testing there. Like WoT because it takes me back to BF 1942 days and the realism of Forgot Hopes detail. Applying now hope to see you in a dogfight soon.

      Canlocu out

    14. Hi Overlord,

      I have over 9000 Battles in WOT, unlocked about 90% of all tanks in the Game and have a 51% win ratio. I have been playing for about a year, and I work in the IT industry.. I could provide a great point of view, please consider me for the beta. I have already applied but of course have not heard back.
      Here is my profile: http://worldoftanks.com/community/accounts/1000579951-_Target_/

    15. Overlord,
      Sent in an alpha invite didn't get a response too. Played WW2OL/BGE, Warbirds, Aces high, Falcon 4.0, Airwarrior, IL-2, etc. Beta tested awhile for WW2OL/BGE. Alpha for H&G current.

      as for WOT, 12k battles, Red Sky CO. Boggin Sonicmonkey and I were looking forward to the alpha more than anyone else in our clan considering the amount of flight sim experience we have. Surprisingly several of our clan mates that have passive interest in WOWP were accepted and we weren't. Maybe the 'P-51 won the war' comment didn't go over to well...

      - Mako26

    16. How can amount of battles in WOT have any influence of getting into alpha testing????? Airplanes are totally different you have to have different knowledge, experience and thinking to cope with them.

    17. @Overlord. I have played Flight sim variants way back when FS98 came out. I did extensive playing in MS Flight Sim, Combat Flight Sim, IL, and Falcon 4.0.

      Plus Closed and open beta in WoT, plus the near 7k games I have now.

      Spent hundreds of dollars on Flight Sim equipment, and thousands of hours playing them.
      Its just shocking that there were no pre-requisites in the Alpha test regarding actual Flight Sim experience....if you answered the questions the way WG wanted...you got a key

    18. @Overlord

      And no I have yet to receive an invite

    19. lots of the new alpha players haven't been active in the forums, nor in WoT or WoWP.
      While lots who is active in the bouth of these forums is still waiting for their invites.

      Sadly im close to give up the Alpha and wait on the Beta, as it seems like i am not the player for them on Alpha.

    20. Some invites have been sent...

    21. Still no invite :( Guess I'll keep waiting. Honestly might have to go reinstall IL-2 to get my fix.

    22. Overlord, your actions regarding this are very much appreciated.

      Thank you very much indeed! Your work, devotion and your decisions dont stop to amaze me :)

    23. yep strange. In our clan myself and 3 others signed up early for closed beta. Now I had a histiry of playing flight combat games and sims for almost twenty years. Two of the guys were interested because of tanks and expanding play in the WG universe. All three of us had played since beta. The fourth guy has just joined tanks and never played a air combat game/sim and doesnt really care about WoWP. Suffice to say he gets invited first and the other guys get invites anday later. Im still waiting for mine. The other three hardly ever play WoWP now. I love playing WoT but now with WoWP ive sort of givwn hope of getting in and im comsidering not playing it now. Such is life.

    24. Just to add that about an hour after my above post, i got an invite. That is surprising and outstanding customer service Overlord. Thank you and you are truly a gentleman and a scholar .

    25. Hmm I've got ~7k battles and I'm experienced WOT player, any chances for me?

    26. By the way link to account: http://worldoftanks.eu/community/accounts/500469432-MarvinNL/

    27. Man that means i didn't get into it =/ , i guess 7k battles and a lot of alpha/beta and flight sim experience weren't enough.

    28. Or you were unlucky, just like myself.

      Overlord, if you happen to have some more invites for us, that would be really really nice!

    29. I have done aply but I have not got invite yet. It would be nice to get one. ;)

    30. Lol, does experience in civilian flight simulators count? :)I have around 5000 hours of flight in Microsoft FS 2004, and have played IL-2, F/A-18 Korea and Lock-on: Modern air combat...
      I also have around 6000 WoT games...

    31. uehey'!

      Almost 10,000 battles on World of Tanks myself, play every day and i love to give critisism with my eyes on details (constructive of course).

  9. I really don't care about WoWP. I do care about WoS. I know I wouldn't be any use in WoWP, but WoS would be about the pace I can handle.

    Regardless of which one comes out, please ban user created skins. With the number of "weak point" skins (I call them "cheat" skins) available for WoT the intent of allowing user created skins is being abused by those who's paper thin justification of using "cheat" skins is that "skinning isn't illegal."

    The argument ignores the fundamental question that should be asked is whether the use of such "cheat" skins is moral? As such skins give an advantage over those who have the moral fiber not to use such skins I cannot see how anyone can say use of "cheat" skins is moral.

    I know such skins are good for clan training, but unfortunately the abuse by the unscrupulous WoT users leave no other logical conclusion except to ban custom skins in all current and future World of games.

    For those wondering how "hackers" could be prevented by modding factory default skins into "cheat" skins I have a solution. Since WoT already scans files for inegrity, the skin files would have to be tossed into the mix.

    The other solution would just make the "cheat" skins the standard skins.

    Better yet, use the red/green silhouette indicators to highlight weak spots automatically as the guns come across them. Then "cheat" skins it cause imbalance as everyone has a leg up. Adjust the "auto target" featuer in WoT to lock onto said components and cut the rest of the effort out of aiming all together.

    Of course hard core tankers who like playing without such aids should be allowed to turn such aids off or participate in "hard core" only matches. Doing so would allow players such as myself to play in the environment they want to play in - one where skill and knowledge pays more than some lazy skin downloading that even a monkey could use.

    1. I'm sorry mate but u are living under a rock, penetration skins are almost useless, since u cant see them from a far, or even hit specific zones from far distances reguraly, and in brawl situation you are the one to blame if u show him your weakspots, so either stop complaining and learn to play or use them for visual aids

    2. At the resolution I play at I usually see enough tank to make a shot long before the tank itself gets a highlight (thanks to good spotters), and I can easily see if the driver is using stock or "gold" cammo. I imagine if I did use "visual aids" I could easily tell where is what and adjust aim accordingly. The only time when I can't tell what cammo a tank is running is when I am hiding in bushes or other visual obstructions are between me and the tank.

      Unfortunately seeing a tank a long way off is rare since more than a few maps end up into 10m or less brawlers where such skins will have a huge impact on where such users aim. I'm sorry but playing down the impact of cheat skins just points out a general lack of experience with WoT.

      BTW, I've learned quite a few weak spots and find some matches I can blindly shoot at them with a 50% hit chance and still get a solid weak spot hit, but other games I have 100% hit chance (the enemy tank fills the entire sniper circle) but hit ground. Either such matches the hit chance seems to be consistent for the match (I can hit whatever I want on one instance, and hit nothing but air in the other instance.) Using the same tank. So I am left wondering if there isn't some pub team global adjustment that adjust hit ratios.

  10. Need a release date before I start caring.

  11. it almost seems like you are giving up on WOT.. I hope not! How about putting in the things you learned from WOT in WOT also?

    1. Sure thing, we will be adding new modes, tutorials, and such stuff in WoT. The point is that we are determined to deliver them all in WoWP at an earlier stage of the game development.

    2. ok, sounds good. Thanks for the reply

  12. Put all your chips in balance and matchmaking, i think the greatest fault in WoT has been those two elements.

  13. If you even point it out yourselves as a plus of your new game that the matchmaking in WOT is questionable at best, why dont you change it then and give both games a similar system that avoids a great deal of the frustration for players ?

    just saying

  14. From my experience playing WoT for around a year, Beta ~ Release, Matchmaking is probably the most difficult. True, sometimes there are people on with similar skills, however, most of the time, I get tiered up with people 3 tiers above me. This really bothers me. Also, I'm not a tank person. What I love is flying planes- planning to become a pilot- and I've been searching for a shooting game involving planes, for I will never be tired of that.

    There should also be new game modes, for usually it's all "Capture the flag", but how about something like "Annihilation"? You respawn and kill others trying to reach a certain "Kill Goal". That would be entertaining!

    Well, That's all for me! Thank you for reading this!

    1. Also, how do you get 'invited' to this alpha testing?

    2. @Overlord
      Can you please help me? Thanks!

  15. @Overlord
    when will the multicore support present in the game client of WoWp will be added to WoT?
    basically, it's the same engine

    1. True. Same engine, however slightly different technologies. Umbra technology used in WoT for rendering of multiple small objects prevents us from enabling full multi-core support at this stage. In WoWP we don't use it, since we have less objects to display. We are working on the issue to improve our render.

  16. I find it funny that the U.S. has the most advanced plain. The variant of the Me 262 never got out of prototype stage and the La-15 wasn't produced until about 2 years after.

    1. Then again the prototypes do make everyone able to mach the U.S. tanks.

  17. @overlord.....first the team has done a fine job with WoT - good graphics and seemingly superior server performance. I played from bot Hawaii, several locations (hotels) across the US and from Washington DC area. My concerns overall from all three projects is that it seems to have a Russian spin to them. WoT - understandable - Soviets produced some great tanks - T34-85 was the best overall tank in the war. However getting into WoWP it has been done already.....I am perplexed why not move into the warship one and as it has not been done to this extent. The Russians had a coastal navy. Several BB designs on the board, some construction started but nothing ever went to sea. Will the Russian Navy be treated appropriately in this game with the major Navies, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Japan and US being the principles? Love to help on that as I am retired from the US Navy and worked on some games in the past for Taldren.

    1. We will do our best to minimize the amount of "russian bias" feedback in WoWP by tuning the ingame planes properly. As for starter nations for WoBS, we are still thinking. Soviets were not a leading naval power that time, thus it's stil open.

      Thanks for appreciation. Would be nice to have you around in WoBS community.

    2. I would recomend starting WoBS in 1912/1913 time frame with the rise of the dreadnaught

  18. WoWP is really looking like one of the best games on the market when it comes out. I can tell that WG is putting a ton of work into this one. There are still some concepts that need to be worked out. (like CW and other things that have been promised for Beta and release) But I am really enjoying where WG is going with this one.

    1. Thanks a lot. The project is extremely important to us and we are seriously determined to actually beat tanks. )

    2. Looks like to me its going to be great, tanks was great and this one will be to

  19. Over loard, would be there only two controls, game pad or joy stick? Will be their key board as well?

  20. Gamepad, joystick, mouse only, keyboard + mouse, almost anything :)

  21. I see you, guyz at wargaming, acting like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyiEaSzpdMk

  22. From the comments I see you say the MM on WoWP should be better...lets face it overlord Wargaming said they would fix the MM they have yet to do that, I have a feeling teir 5 planes will be going against teir 9, and we know just like in WoT some one is going to have it hacked and the plane will disapear in front of you just like the Camo system in WoT especialy when they are out in the open. I am also gona belive that the XP system is going to be slow as WoT is you have to play every single day of your life and have no job and win every single match. Over all any thing that is going to come out of Wargaming.net is going to be dumb and broken.

    1. So as not to start a word-of-mouth battle here, I would recommend you to wait and check everything for yourself, otherwise it would be just your opinion vs mine/ours.

      WoWP is being developed by another team, give them a little credit.

    2. at for wowp and i dont think they are doing a bad job, even in alfa it looks and feels better then some "finished" f2p games out there
      if they keep it up like this it will be a great game

  23. Seeing as the last decent flight sim came around some time ago, I really believe WoWp will be a complete market success. That being said, can you make it so that the credits/exp is easier to get than WoT? As planes are fast paced, I think that grinding should be faster. To compensate you could add a lot more planes to the game i.e higher tiers, more trees etc. And from what I hear the game is being developed a lot more extensively than WoT. I really am looking forward to the game, as I'm planning to get my pilots licensce when I can afford it.

    Anyway Good Luck with the development, hope it'll be a success with the community, and not the whine fest that is WoT

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Overlord, as you have seen in the comments above many people with much experiance in flight sims, WoT and other such games haven`t received invites for the GAT yet. Can`t you do something to speedup the proccesof accepting people?

  26. Games that tank either a Week of Grinding or a 2 Months of Casual playing to get the next level up quickly die and they lose their rate of fun very quickly who wants to have to play one game for a week???? sounds boring yes... I might just be leaving WOT due to this very fact I Hope WoWPs will increase speed so that you will have more players and that means more Profits $.$

    1. Also the Longer it takes some players the more players that are going to leave (Excluding those 100% addicted people) 2 Traits:
      -Addiction is needed for Long time= Lvl up
      -Fast Pace is needed for Short Level up
      If the game is exciting and Addicting youve got them hooked

    2. fast pace means the noobs get to high tier fast and screw the game up for the addicted paying gamers

      good balance is needed

  27. @Overlord

    I replied to your question in my previous post.

  28. Overlord your answers are different to the ones say half-one year ago, they are much better and professional. Did you attend any trainings lately? I know you can't (and shouldn't) answer that. I'm just happy to see you still around despite of the tough online customers environment and all the negativity. Thanks for being here for us and being a link between company and the consumer. Keep it up!

    1. Why not. I don't mind such a question. Yes, I have attended some trainings indeed. Plus the exp is going up. :)

  29. ya, cant wait for WoWP, I sent an App in back in September, havent heard anything back yet, kinda bummed I cant play it, REALLY want to start playing WoWP and I cant wait for World of Battleships either :P

    1. You stupid fool, there is no way you posted it in September because back then WoWP wasn't even having a forum

    2. We started the application campaign in late February btw :)

    3. im sorry lol, I was thinking of the initial alpha stage with the other questionaire, ya now that I remember, I did send it in back in feb (i got 8100+ battles as well :P); and btw kampfwurst you dont have to be a total dick about it...just goes to show your incompetence that you have to try to put others down to please yourself, go somewhere else with your stupidity

  30. Sepember? think the forums came up in November.

    and the Applications for Alpha that time was only contests.

  31. Ahh, I cant wait. Ive been waiting for my invite for half a year allready. After 7k battles in WoT, I think I need a break, gues I will start playing Battlefield 1942 again. Unless Ill get an ivite to alpha test of WoWP :D

  32. I have send my app like two weeks ago but didnt get an inv.
    So i drop the idea but yday i was again at this blog and looking at some new content made me realise that i really want to find a way in :) and tbh couldnt stop thinking bout this since then. Today i realised that i could made an mistake in app poiting that attidute is increasing when diving LOL not shure that i did it tho but was making it after a loong sleeples week :)) any chance for an reconsideration of my application if needed ?? :)

  33. "OverlordApr 10, 2012 11:09 AM
    8500+ battles in WoT? I can let you in right away if you promise to provide us "constructive critisism"."

    I think we can make a deal too. :o)

    richmi (EU)

    1. I'd like to make a deal too. To be honest i would sign a contract with the devil to get in! Just kidding ;) So i guess 4.9k battles in WoT is way to less to be taken serious. But could you take into consideration that i reported 3 NDA violations (videos) via PM to smuuthy and James_White on the WoWP EU forum? BTW: which umbra products do you use? Umbra3 or predecessors?
      It would be nice to get an answer, if not ... well that's life :)

      Thanks in advance and please keep up the good work u guys are doing.

      Best regards,
      ABLE0815 (EU)

  34. Hi Overloard!

    I would realy appreciate it if you would dedicate on of your next blog entries here to the current status of WoT Clan Wars, there is much to discuss imo:

    - No Landing Rule
    - Tank Freeze (personally have enough top tiers ...)
    - No real development of the game (the impression you get since the game went live) regarding CW
    - still missing features: mercenaries, diplomacy within CW-Interface ...
    - servermerge and related problems (RU clans will have HUGE advantage regarding timezones as it stands now)



    1. Might be a good idea indeed. Thanks for the suggestion.

  35. What about 15200+ battles in WOT - for me play in WOT now its kinda boring :D waiting for Stumtiger ^^ maybe its possible to speedup alpha access for WoWP ? :)

    1. My recommendations for this guy :) he is definetely worth it to make it to alpha. Now players like these should realy be at the top of the list when concidering the candidates :)

  36. would also appreciate access to WoWP, my joystick hasn't been used for some time :-), been playing Sturmovik, Lock On and other plane or helicopter sims, but my first sim I played was LHX and Aces over Europe, good old times :-)

  37. Hi,

    I have 9000+ battles on WoT (NiK on EU server). I'd love to try WoWP and of course I will provide with my thoughts and feelings about it. Could you please let me in? Thanks a lot!

  38. Hi Overlord!

    Clan wars:
    Some Americans are Sleeping others are getting home from work, Others are going to work Clan wars around 8 i not a Friendly time because quite a few of players are Students (Including me) and often are required to go to bed, if CWs started around 7 Everyday much more people would be able to join I have no clue how it is for the RUssian Clans but since it's from RUssia I bet they have the best advantage so naturaly they will always win

  39. This definitely isn't Overlord I knew, this blog got boring ...

  40. Overlord

    Can you spare a slot for a dedicated skinner and tester? I'm familiar with managing and writing bugreports and I do like to give my input on projects. I signed up for the EU Alpha but since a lot of people applied (I guess just to test out the game), chances are probably low.


  41. applied ages ago for wowp alpha. i see you are passing out a few invites. throw one my way if you are not busy
    Fragit = ingame name

  42. Hello Overlord. Me and my friend are playing WoT since closed beta (me over 5000 battles, him 10000). We did our best to test your game, and continued to play it until now and definitely forward. We love warfare games, mostly flight simulators (but since you had only tanks, we went with that). I promise I will post any bugs I encounter if you pick me and my friend for WoWP. I'm not forcing you though, I heavily understand there are many more people waiting for invitation. We would just really love to play :) Cheers!

  43. Man, I would love to get a spot on for WOWP testing. I remember helping out testing Planetside during alpha all the way to it going retail how fun and more enjoyable the game was to me knowing the efforts i put in helped develop the game further. Played a lot of WWII online, IL-2 series, Arma series. Aviation is always been one of my favorite game genre's just not a whole lot of it out there.
    *Crosses fingers waiting patiently for invite.*
    Only biggest downers for Testing is when people complain of gameplay during public beta stages yet never send in bug reports or compile their findings and post them for others to concur within forums.

  44. @Overlord,

    Sent in an alpha invite didn't get a response I played IL-2 and naturally the WoT since beta. please sen for me an invite. :) Thanks.

    WoT account: Attiska

    1. I've been reading this blog, and from the other posts from Overlord, he has over 400,000 applications for joining the Alpha testing phase. Just wait for closed beta or open beta and I'm sure you'll get in. I've also been playing WoT since Beta (Happy one year anniversary!) and ahve around 200 hours in flight sims (Trying to become a pilot is tough I hear... and true). So be patient and you'll get in one day!

  45. Hi Overlord. I'm looking forward to your new game (WoWP) since the first announcement. I just love flight simulators. I've been caught in playing WoT recently too, but it's not my thing. I've heard many good comments about the game, and I can't wait to play it. You probably have a ton of other invites, although I still hope you'll consider my request of joining me into the bucket as WoWP beta tester statys is! Best regards, Roki!

    WoT account nickname: Roki

  46. Been reading the blog since a very long time + playing since Beta (even thou I don't have the beta signature in-game).

    6k+ battles and several good posts in the Bug's section of the forums + sent several tickets to support in order to report various players for unsportsmanlike conduct/racism/etc...

    Have a very low experience with flight sims, but you must be looking for people like me as well. :)

    I can provide very solid feedback and not just be another alpha cannon fodder!

    Metallic = ingame nick.

  47. It feels like it has been a long time since the application process started the first time with the email alpha application. I wonder Overlord is the process for accepting alpha randomly computer accepted or is it chosen by a human?
    If by a human then I can understand us that have 4k+ games in WOT and have a lot of experience in flight sims haven't gotten an invite yet. I only hope that us that have been waiting for 6 months to get alpha access will be rewarded soon.
    Oh and cheers to Overlord for bringing the blog back!


  48. Not even going to consider it until they have launched the British tree, WOT is an ongoing disappointment in this already.

    Warthunder will be first because they'll have the Brits from the start.

  49. Hi Overlord.

    Would you speed up my WoWP application?

    "EU" "Epicolor"

    I signed up when the website started at about january and still waiting ever since patiently.

    If it matters I have over 11k games in WoT so far and played in the beta too.

    I would play on keyboard mouse combo, but i have a gamepad and joystick too to try it out. (also have pedals and car wheel set, dont know if the pedals would work out for wowp, would test that out too).

    I would test the game on my 3-4 year old PC, and on my 1 year old notebook.

    PC: c2q 2.6 intel, ddrII800 4G, ATI HD 4850
    Notebook: CoreI7, 8GRAM, AMD Radeon HD 6570M

    Also it is nice to see your blog alive again.

  50. I've never seen more than 30 ppl online in alpha WoWP... is impossible to test anything when u can't play with other

  51. I dunno I'll test it if they ask me too. But what comes across as wargamings anti-British attitude stinks. I won't play WoP in release until the British planes are in and if that takes as long as has it in WoT, I'll never play it.

    I'm still half expecting wargaming to go "Sorry guys we're just going to put in, luxemborgs ships first in WoS before the Royal Navy".

    I'm British and I feel let down by wargaming in this regard. But the only response I've ever received about this subject. From a wargaming employee sounded like it was coming from someone who despised me just for asking.

    Sorry for sounding whiny, but how can a series of games focused on WWII and the immediate pre and post years. Launch not one, but two games without a single British tree.

    Ok well I had to get that out, bit tired of being an afterthought to wargaming.

    1. Well I m a Kraut but here we are of the same opinion exceptionally. While british tanks didnt play "that" role in armored warfare during WW II, planes like spitfire and hurricane vs. Bf109 is much more important than some russian biplanes - until 1944 sowjet russian planes, tactics and training were no match for Me and FW - only vastly superior numbers were on sowjet side (compare number of victories on eastern and western front for german aces ...).

      And a naval game without the Royal Navy from the start is just boring. I mean who is realy interested in fighting the russian cruiser Aurora, when there are ships like HMS Royal Oak and HMS Hood to sink ;-)




      If you will introduce british trees from the start now, I will scream sowjet-british conspiracy like Wembley '66 ...

    2. James,

      there is nothing anti-british really. You can't deliver everything and at once. WoT British tree is to be added later this year. In WoWP ..., hm it will appear much faster than most of the players expect.

  52. Overlord please give us more info about WoB too! Anything! Please! D=

    1. WoBS is a bit beyond my competence at this stage. If something curious pops up, I will make a brief post.

  53. Hi Overlord i recently found WOT and have only played 1400 games but i found that WOWP will be even beter than il2 since you dont have to start all engines separately or fly multiple minutes to your target destination or other boring stuff but still it will be realistic enough to be a good flight sim.
    Could you consider giving me GAT acess?
    Vesa95 (eu)

  54. Dear Overlord,

    I'm an experienced player both WOT and flight simulators. Could I please get an WoWP alpha test invitation.

    Ingame nickname: Fedain


  55. Hey Overlord , did you know maybe the date when closed / open alpha for WoBS will start ?

    And a short question:
    at 5:30 you can see a patton killing a bird and so on .
    It is real ? bacause it is a random battle . ^^

    Have a nice Day , maybe we see us again at the next GC , so we can talk a little bit more than last time ;)

    Greetings Banelord

    1. 1. No, at this stage can't give a date on it.

      2. Sure thing, it's not real. :)

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. 3rd time gotta be a charm!
    Almost 10,000 battles on World of Tanks myself, play every day and i love to give critisism with my eyes on details (constructive of course).

  58. Hey Overlord,
    I was reading the Forums and some Seniors said that everyone who cope the criteria and applied at 23rd Februar or before got an alpha invite. I just wanna know what the criteria was since i got no invite although I participated in the WoT closed beta since the first day and gave good feedback (atleast I hope I did).

  59. We are inviting more testers these days on all servers, since we had an update, 0.2.4, a few days ago.

    1. How many are you inviting now?
      I just want to know if i have any chance of getting into alpha

    2. Everyone who submitted the applications has the chance to be accepted, don't give up if you were not lucky this time, since we basically inviting more people after each update.

  60. Hi overlord.
    Will WOWP have only airplanes that look like airplanes or will it also have planes like Heinkel Lerche or Focke-Wulf Triebflügel or Horten Ho 229?

  61. Such flyiing objects are not planned.

  62. Hey OL.

    Which is coming first - British tanks or WoWP?


    1. If the release of WoWP is meant here, then of course British tanks will come first.

  63. And another question - are you worried that WoWP will be dominated by those with experience flight sims, and those that have joysticks compared to those using keyboard and mouse?

    1. WoWP is not going to be a sim game. Of course the skill level will havet quite a lot of impact in game, however we are focused on balancing all types of controls. Mouse and keyboard are goung to be competitive.

  64. Hi overlord.
    1 Will there be a closed beta before open beta at E3?
    2 Will WOWP have maps with long narrow tunnels to test your flying skills?
    3 Will the plane that alpha testers get be beter than other planes or will it only be a trophy plane? (i hope not, even if i somehow manage to get to alpha testing)

    1. i just noticed that global beta is not open beta :(

  65. Dear Overlord (lol )
    I have no idea how the controls are going to be. But please take this in consideration: you could use the mouse to control the pitch and yaw while using w and s for trottle like wot system (r and f) nd a and d for roll. Allowing all players to perform real -as possible- combat manouvers and keeping a good aim system for every one. =p
    I really hope we're not going to fly ufos that cant even do a barrel roll lol

    1. Those planes i said are not ufo's and i renember doing barrel roll wit Heinkel Lerch in il2 only hard thing to do with henkel was landing

  66. This www123rat btw
    I know I only have a few battles compared to some of these guys and I didn't play beta WoT but if I could play in Alfa WoWps I would really appreciate it. If I don't thougth luck I guess=]
