Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thoughts on the Upcoming 7.0. Vol 2.0

To speed up the development and release of 7.0 update, it was decided to partially remove new content from it.

The first victim is tank horns. Doubt, there would be much regret over it really. :)

What's definitely more important new crew skills and perks won't arrive in 7.0 either, the technical complexity of the upcoming update leaves little time for testing of the new features. Most likely the initial package of the new crew skills will arrive in 7.1 along with French tanks, M103 and other tempting content.

Damage per round for 8,8 cm KwK 43 L/71 and 8,8 cm PaK 43 L/71 guns will be increased to 240 (test value, will be proven at supertest and public test). The gun is available for a number of tanks: PzKpfw VI Tiger, PzKpfw VIB Tiger II, VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B, Panther II, E-75, E-50, VK 4502 (P) Ausf. A, PzKpfw VI Tiger (P); and TDs: Jagdpanther, Ferdinand:, there will be multiple RoF adjustments to maintain the existing DPM.

7.0 update has been on supertest for some time and already seen several revisions, when the major faults are fixed it will be pushed to public test. Hopefully, next week.


  1. No horns, very pleased! In fact, I hope it has been scrapped from the development plans altogether, all the people abusing the map-spotting system is enough!

  2. Hooray no horns!

    Seriously, I think its a great move to axe those!

  3. horns Could be nice, but at the moment, we dont miss something we never had.

    it Seems the 7.1 is gonna be the biggest patch in a while on noticeable Gameplay changes, with now more perks (maybe) and skills for the crew, USA; M103 (rly glad to hear!) and ofC the french tanks.

    Any chance you will thos in game modes with some of the first 7.x?
    like the: escort, assault and more.

  4. Is the tank destroyer version of 8,8 cm KwK 43 L/71 not being changed? Why not?

  5. Q: Is the tank destroyer version of 8,8 cm KwK 43 L/71 not being changed? Why not?

    A: Excuse me, which one?

  6. So what WILL 7.0 have? Two maps and camo skins? This isn't going to delay 7.1 (and the much-needed M103), is it?

    Also... why do shells cost credits in training matches? It makes me not want to train.

  7. I bet 7.1 wont make it this year.

  8. Overlord said...

    Q: Is the tank destroyer version of 8,8 cm KwK 43 L/71 not being changed? Why not?

    A: Excuse me, which one?

    8,8 cm PaK 43 L/71, of course.

  9. He is thinking about this gun:
    8,8 cm PaK 43 L/71

    It is with the Jagdpanther

  10. @Kuntz
    he meant the jagdtiger premium.

  11. bit dissapointing 220 > 240 damage increase for KWK version of 88L71 so PAK is left unchanged?

    if they want to maintain DPM RoF will be lowered to 7.33. which still puts it 200 points below IS

    Tiger 1 now 220 * 8 = 1760 new 240*8 = 1920
    IS now 390 * 5 = 1950
    T29 now 320 * 5 = 1600

    i only used whole shells fired per minute.

    conclusion for me, increase damage without decreasing RoF on 88L71 and increase RoF of T29 topgun to 6

    then all will have same DPM by different means;)

    stil leaves 88L71 with low alfa but cant have everything right.

  12. Q: 8,8 cm PaK 43 L/71, of course.

    A: PaK version as well. Forgot it.

  13. Hello Overlord,

    I am writing to you as a simple customer with an aching heart of seeing so much potential go to waste.

    I started playing just a couple of months ago and was drawn in by the sheer complexity this game has, or more exactly could have. However again and again game design decisions or just simply marketing and management decisions are pushing me away from the game, frustrating me during my playtime.

    You have a great concept here, a true golden goose! Tanks are cool, everybody likes rolling in a 50 ton monsters hurling hot steel at your enemies! However your company does not seem to know how to handle such a concept and as such i feel this game is relegated to a niche of diehards with just a few new players sprinkled here and there.

    I'm gonna try and move down my list of concerns regarding this game and see if i can expand a little more on each one:

    1. Lack of developer attention - right now(and mind you, i am only playing this game for two months) i feel that this game is somewhere on a back-burner just churning out a modest profit and as such the development budget is a small one. Deadlines get pushed back further and further and when they come they have in them features that nobody wants, and in some cases will probably exacerbate existing game problems(i really really urge you for example to give a second thought to introducing camouflage in a game that has major issues with its spotting system, there are many many complaints of invisible tanks, tanks dissapearing right in the open, and so on). I understand that new projects have probably drained your resources, but i can guarantee you that while cool ideas, both World of Planes and especially World of Battleships do not come close to the appeal World of Tanks has.

  14. 2. Lack of significant gameplay improvements - premium tanks are all fine and dandy but there is a single game mode available from the game's release. A single mode, for crying out loud! Gameplay messages are cryptic or unexplained("We hit them hard!" for 0 damage... really? What did we hit so hard? And why do i, as a new player, have to go to your poorly mantained wiki to find out?You lost 2 out of 3 potential customers by this point, by the way). Gameplay features are unexplained, or when they are explained they are so sketchy because sometimes nobody really knows(Not even your wiki knows if radios chain or not!). People like it when success is a direct testament of one's skill, but even the most skilled player can be randomly killed by tanks that he should have but did not see when his shell should have but did not do any damage.

    3. No community involvement whatsoever - while other developers struggle to build communities around their games you only make their existence harder(While i can sort of understand the reasoning for gold payment for creating a clan there is absolutely no excuse for limiting the clan numbers to 100). There are no tools whatsoever to make interacting with other people fun and profitable(You should not have the premium barrier for platoon numbers, maybe the a pre/post battle room). Sometimes i feel that we might as well play this game offline with some bots. Futhermore, you are ignoring any and all ideas and requests coming from the online community(come on, at least ONE measly CM for each forum that maybe replies more often then once in a blue moon? Being totally shut out is frustrating)

    4. Pay for convenience, not pay to win, or squeezing the golden goose to death - if a new player feels that the game is stopping him from being competitive to do a wallet check he's gonna feel frustration and rejection. Gold ammo should not ever exist in a game, anything and everything should be reachable by the guy who does not pay a dime..... only it should be much harder to get. There is a major difference between "This will cost you 25$" or "This will cost you 25$ or 2 months of savings on your earned in-game money". The people will resent you for the former, but they will not mind the latter. Riot saw this, they won Best Free MMO on that contest a few weeks ago, remember? Do you think fantasy midgets can hold up to a King Tiger when it comes to coolness factor?No? You don't say..... then maybe they see something different when it comes to the business model. Maybe you'll see it too.

    Ok, i'm done now.... in the end i'm just a frustrated customer with a bit of spare time and you.... you'll do whatever you want.

    Thank you.

  15. i would sign dsandrei's post and all 4 points

  16. Q: So when do you expect 7.1 to arrive?

    You keep pushing things back and it sometimes (even most of the time) seem like you have no idea at what time things are ready and you think: "Hey we will just push things back and still milk the game for all its worth". I love this game but Im starting to loose patience waiting for all these so called improvements that never happen or gets pushed back time and tme again. dsandrei is right in everything he says...

    Lets just say these days its easy not to log on to WoT because the crawing is not there as it was before...

  17. Q: Is the PzKpfw VI Tiger ever going to get rebalanced / buffed in comparison to PzKpfw VI Tiger (P)?
    The Gun adjustment really helps both tanks but the (P) version is better in almost every aspect?

    As Baske_74 already said buffing the damage of the 8,8 cm KwK 43 L/71 slightly is appreciated, lowering the ROF is imho not necessary as the Tiger performs sub-par to other T7 heavies.

    Anyways thanks for the effort of the dev team! introducing new back-end technology (effects explosions etc) is often a demanding pain in the butt. Hope all goes well and we see more improvements soon!
    Personally can't wait for 7.1 baguette ftw :)

  18. Overlord,

    You mention the crew skills and perks being delayed. As far as I know I have not seen an official post on the North American portal about what is coming. There was a post translated from a Russian post about it. Can you please post what is coming, even though it is delayed?

  19. @Baske_74
    bit disappointing in your suggestion
    you want all have almost same DPM... but, you didn't think about penetration value... IS gun have only 175mm, far lower than Tiger and T29. IS with higher DPM means nothing if shells cannot penetrate

    you might want to suggest they change pen value in IS gun??

  20. Will be there any change for 8.8 L/100?
    The gun was already useless, even though it had 240 dmg, but now that 8.8 L/71 is being buffed, L/100 will be even more useless, as it has now the same alpha damage as L/71, but it is much more expensive to run.

  21. I'm worried by that sentence about the RoF to be adjusted accordingly.

    I think at the comparison between the two T7 heavies and still there's a HUGE difference between the damage of the IS and the two others. Moreover the RoF of IS tanks surely don't reflect these worries of yours about this MINIMUM buff. If 122 and 105 guns RoF will be modified as well, then i'm fine with it.

    Damage increase is good but without nerfing something else, unless you don't care for another year of complains about the 88.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Im lovin dsandrei's comment addressing all those problems as if they are Overlords fault :P

  24. As long as I have my M103 by the end of the year...I'll be happy.

  25. dsandrei's comment is legen… wait for it
    dary, true story

  26. when will the 7.0 patch finally come out i heard something about the 15th november and now something about the 21th november i just jope its the 15 th november because the next day i have free^^

  27. @Bashotokoro,

    true IS,IS-3 122mm does have 175 pen which is lower but enough to hurt T7, higher is mostly the problem.
    i am glad i dont have to make these changes but to me all vehicles should have the same damage potential, gather by different means but in the end balanced.

  28. Overlord,

    is there a slight chance that the idea of horns as been cancelled completely and we will NEVER see (or better: hear) horns at all?

    Thanks! :-)

  29. And people are already complaining. They don't even look at the stats m(
    122mm D-25T got only 175mm penetration and 0,4m Accuracy at 100m. This gun is REALLY REALLY BAD. It does not - by any means - need to get nerfed.
    The strongest IS gun is 100mm D-10T.

    Be happy, that the Alpha-dmg of 88mm L71 gets buffed and that u keep the same dpm.

    I'm sorry, the community seems to me like a huge load of whining children who have never even driven the 'OP-Russian' tanks. I don't even get why they are comparing IS dmg with Tiger, since T29 is the best Tier 7 HT.

  30. Overlord,

    sorry, I forgot to ask: what happens with the gold ammo for the 8.8/L71 guns which have been bought from users in stock? Currently, I have about 200 gold shells for my 8.8/L71 guns in stock (bought during a gold ammo discount event).

    With the introduction of a new ammo type for the 8.8/L71 guns, the gold shells in stock become useless.

  31. I meant to write: 'stupid whining children'. Thx FrankyK to remind me of that. :)

  32. Will M34 replaced this patch,

  33. Overlord, as Warstore already asked, what will happen to the 88/L100 on E-50?

    If L71 gets DAM buffed to 240 as L100 has now, the L100 gun will become even more useless than it is now :)

    The only difference would be slightly better accuracy, penetration and suprisingly from the stats in some cases better RoF. And kinda horrible shell price for its performance :)

    The shell price on the top 105 gun is kinda scary at first too, but after all it is the best 105 gun in the game with wonderful stats, so no complaints here. In fact together with stabilizer and gun laying drive it actually rocks! :)

  34. @komaracpd

    M34? you mean T34? in that case read the post ONE more time, it says 7.1, along with the french tanks M103 comes (which is replacing the tier IX Heavy Tank T34)

  35. And one more time M103 is pushed back...

  36. @dzan

    M103 was never announced for 7.0... infact, in this post; that it comes with 7.1 is the FIRST specific date, last time it was 7.x (which can be 0>9+++)

  37. @General_Jack_T_Ripper

    Why do you accuse me being a stupid whining child?

    My question concerning gold shells is reasonable (and has nothing to do with whining), since the introduction of new shell types for the 8.8/L71 guns makes old 8.8 gold shells in stock useless after patch 7.0, if you don't have tanks with 8.8/L56 guns in your garage. Since gold shells cost real money, the new shells may cause a monetary loss for some customers...

  38. Q: Soonly I will buy a T34 tank. If my garage will be full (or not), will you give me 1 free garage slot as well with T34 tank replacement for M103? I just want to be sure about that...

    Q2: Will be a "new" premium T34 tank comparable in money making to the others T8 premiums? Or it will be some way nerfed (for people who bought it by credits and not by golds after update)?

    Cant wait 4 your answers to my questions :-)

  39. What about the 88L56?

    The damage has never been a problem with the 88L56 its the 132mm pen it too easily pings. Especially concidering its the top gun of a 3002db (tier 7). I'd swap the 20 alpha for 20mm pen anyday.

    (Discounting of course pay to win ammo)

    Please listen to the player base - no horns :)

  40. I look at it from a developer prespective:

    Devs usually overestimate their velocity meaning the tasks/features they can develop in any given time. Usually things are implemented very fast until their 80% done and the actual fixing of bugs and implementing the last 20% takes a lot more time. This is the case in all development environments.

    So the task of the product management is not to rely on the devs estimates and prmoise the customers things that probably can't be delivered on time.

    My approach would be an agile. Tell the users what's in the backlog with priorities (let the community mabe even vote on some priorities). A certain ammount of devs capacity is reserved for bugfixes. During a development period between the releases items with highest priority are moved to a sprint log. You can then have a transparent process where people see which item is finnished and what had to be moved back to the backlog due to issues.

  41. make 88mm L/71 235 damage please

  42. you should put in sound when moving turret

  43. Q: Any news on account transfer feature? ETA maybe?

  44. No horns? ho tanks very much. we will play in peace. I never see horns in war.

  45. Q1:
    Overlord said: 7.0 update has been on supertest for some time and already seen several revisions, when the major faults are fixed it will be pushed to public test. Hopefully, next week.

    Does that mean that 7.0 has a chance to come out in 2 weeks? Public is usually out for a week.

    Overlord said: Most likely the initial package of the new crew skills will arrive in 7.1 along with French tanks, M103 and other tempting content.

    With 7.1 being smaller than 7.0, can we see it here right before Christmas? That would make a great present!!

  46. Q. When do we get an option to turn off ping sound, radio messages(audio) and horns ?

    And, Can we get an option to stop radio messages: "Attack!", "Help!" "Ping:" etc from displaying in chat log ?

    Or, Could we have it so when we ignore someone it also ignores radio messages(audio, text, ping sound, map indicators, etc) aswell as thier chat?

  47. Aww.. now I can't get my Lee to play Dixie.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. "Baske_74 said...
    Tiger 1 now 220 * 8 = 1760 new 240*8 = 1920
    IS now 390 * 5 = 1950
    T29 now 320 * 5 = 1600"

    T29 actually gets exactly 6 RPM with the upgraded turret, putting it at 1920dpm.

    Overlord, thank you for confirming that M103 will be in 7.1 (though previously you had said it will be with French anyway, it is good to hear patch number). Is 7.1 still expected in December as you had previously said also, or does the delay with 7.0 push it back? As I'm sure you see from one of your recent polls, there are many anticipating M103 :)

  50. @FrankyK:

    There are no new shells introduced. The current shells stay where they are. They'll a bit more damage (yes, your gold shells too) that's all.

  51. dsandrei,

    thanks for the feedback. It's not the right place (and time) for me to give detailed response. To some extent I do agree to your points.

  52. Q: So when do you expect 7.1 to arrive?

    A: Hopefully by the end of the year, though it's not 100% ofc.

  53. Q: Is the PzKpfw VI Tiger ever going to get rebalanced / buffed in comparison to PzKpfw VI Tiger (P)?

    A: To some extent Tiger can benefit from imroved hitbox.

  54. Q: Can you please post what is coming, even though it is delayed?

    A: What is coming in general? or in 7.0? Try searching this blog.

  55. Q: is there a slight chance that the idea of horns as been cancelled completely and we will NEVER see (or better: hear) horns at all?

    A: For now they are just delayed. Will see.

  56. Q: what will happen to the 88/L100 on E-50?

    A: Will see, probably nothing.

  57. Q: Is 7.1 still expected in December as you had previously said also, or does the delay with 7.0 push it back?

    A: 7.1 hasn't been affected much, if there are no more delays with 7.0, French tanks and M103 will arrive this year.

  58. "Overlord said...
    A: 7.1 hasn't been affected much, if there are no more delays with 7.0, French tanks and M103 will arrive this year."

    Hooray, thank you :)

  59. I absolutely agree with dsandrei.

    Only, i already stopped playing because of these issues... and i was thinking into paying for game at the beginning, but i got frustruated too soon.

  60. Q. What new crew training and perks are coming. You mention they are delayed but I don't believe we have ever seen a list of what is coming.

  61. And it'll always be fun to look at:


    TDs pushed back, now a couple of features of 7.0 update are going to be pushed back. I seriously doubt that French tanks will make it in January.

    So here is my question Overlord, why do the WarGaming publish such release plan? To pump up the hype?

    Players were hyped, myself too (as hell), I admit. Although if you cannot step up to what you innitialy announce you may as well not publish such thing at all. It's for your own good. The constant whining won't stop till you change sth in the way you 'communicate' with the WoT community.

    PS. I knew I'll get MA before British tanks appear in the game in 2013. No chance they will show up as announced.

    Not happy but still playing


  62. Overlord please clarify following.

    Is M103 certain for 7.1 update. And when is the earliest possible date we can expect 7.1. (I understand it will likely be a broad spread of time but please any time frame will help a lot)

  63. @mzabalazo:

    This is why developers often don't provide roadmaps and release information until right before a release is made. Customers often don't understand that, due to any number of reasons, features may or may not get released when scheduled, or at all.

    I'm a software engineer and we rarely release information about upcoming changes, specifically for this reason. Feature and feature sets change a lot behind the scenes due to time constraints and other limitations.

  64. you just made me wana stop play wot

  65. I have to agree with dsandrei

    I'm playing this game for over a month, already spent more then on average AAA title (2monts premium + garage slots). However, as I've got to T5 and T6 I'm more and more pissed about the state the MM is in.
    I'm tired to be a canon fooder for T8 (with T5) and T9-10 (with T6). like 80% of matches are like this, in past days i just turn on cruise control, shoot 2-3 shots if I'm lucky and get blown up. It's faster than just camp 15minutes being afraid that if I move and/or shoot I'm dead within seconds.

    For me it's end of paying and I'm also considering end of playing. I'm just really sad, because I see that this game has a LOT of potential. I think that one thing would make this game great - just listen to the community, what is burning them (I'm sure, it's not horns..)

    /end of rant

  66. the fact i have to scroll 67 comments to reply sucks...

    anyway my comment

    horns? MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY! I SAID GET OUT THE WAY ... meep meep (its me in a wittle PZK III lol)

  67. why this update will be called 7.0 and not 6.8?

    wich is the mayor change that the new 7 means?

  68. @General_Jack_T_Ripper

    I've read some time ago in the RU forum about this matter, where Storm talked about higher damage values for the 8.8/L71 gun (compared to the 8.8/L56 gun), which could be achieved by using different ammo (shell) types for these guns. I don't know if the situation has changed and if they found another way to implement different damage values for two guns using the same shell types.

    Let's wait and see. Nevertheless, that's no reason calling me stupid. ;-)

  69. So a gun tweek, a couple of maps and the removal of horns (removing something no one really wanted and people go hurray is a typical cynical move to curry favour and mitigate disappointment from the lack of getting anything). Is that it for the first patch in months? Not to mention the complete derailing of update schedule before its even got under way. WG company management really is not very good. I'm sorry i predict the worst for this game unless you guys pull your fingers out.

    And finally lame courier event that only a few people will benefit from for the worlds biggest day of remembrance day. I mean wth. What an insult



  71. stop calling that patch 7.0!!!
    it's 0.7.0!!!
    for the rest i must agree with dsandrei.

  72. To counter-point dsandrei's points

    1. Deadlines pushed further and further back? Happens with nearly ALL game companies. Period. Look up "Valve time."

    And the Opinion that World of Planes and World of Battleships does not have the appeal that World of Tanks does is strictly that, an opinion. I know dozens of people personally that have little to no interest in armored warfare, but give them wings or give them 16" guns, and they will be throwing cash at you.

    2. Additional game modes will be nice, and it seems you already have that in mind. There isn't much more you can do with Tanks other than what you have planned (and honestly the first person who brings up DERP CAPTURE THE FLAG!!!!! should get permabanned), other than have tanks fly around and shoot zombies and rescue hostages. Obviously not on the menu here.

    You already lost 2 or 3 customers by this point? LOL, At peak hours, this game (A Russian Game) has roughly 230 Thousand players in Russia/EU. At peak hours for the North American server. Perhaps 1/10th of that. Obviously you guys have a winning game, and altering the chemistry drastically to please a small few could endanger your other hundreds-of-thousands of players. Pay no attention here.

    3. Developer attention: It seems to me that Valve, one of the kings of online games, pays far less attention to its playerbase than this game does. They flat out ignore many petitions and threads about vital bugs and broken games, and prefer to let trolls eat trolls while they do whatever the hell they want. Kudos for being more involved with your community than most other game companies in the US.

    4. I hear lots of people complaining in game about "Wallet Warriors," and maybe this is just Occupy Wallstreet leaking over into the game world, but I could care less. If someone wants to blast me with gold ammo, I'm not going to complain. I'll simply exit the battle, join a new battle, and keep on having fun without feeding the little green monster of envy.

    Honestly, the numbers tell. It is hugely successful in Europe and Russia, and people are getting to know it in the US and are not familiar with the Korean/European "Freemium model," and is typically the angst of people with no money. People will honestly complain to high heaven unless its free, and they win all the time. But as smart developers, I'm sure you know this.

    World of Tanks has become my primary game of choice, and I eagerly look forward to being on World of Planes and World of Battleships, and a continuing customer and supporter for years to come.

    P.S. - THANK YOU For tossing the horns. Theres enough grief and spam as is.

  73. Hi Overlord,

    Thank you for your blog and your answers to our questions. We really do appreciate it even if sometimes we don't seem to. Now for another question...lol.

    There have been hints at tech tree changes and I'm having a hard time finding solid information (often it's contradictory), are any of the planned tech tree changes going to be implemented in 7.0?


  74. Seriously. 88/L100 is not getting buffed in any way shape or form? Hasn't it been complained enough about already that this thing is useless in every possibly scenario? I think the only buff the gun needs and would appease everyone would be to give that thing some nice penetration. It's an L100 for cryin out loud! I beseech you Overlord; take this to any ear with power that will listen: Buff the 88/L100's penetration.

  75. Hi Overlord,

    Thanks for the updates. Two things to add for feedback.

    1) The game is getting a little expensive to play. I can maybe justify $100-$150 per year... maybe. Once you exceed tier 4, you must have a premium. Once you exceed tier 7, you almost need a gold level 8 tank to grind credits. Adding gold tanks, slots, and paying premium gets to be a little much.

    2) Match making. Seriously this needs fixed. I'm ok waiting an extra 30 seconds, even 60 seconds to find a battle where I can actually make a difference (and some profit). Entering a match with a KV that has a basic gun only to find the 1 arty in the match is the only vehicle I can penetrate is super depressing. Match making NEEDS to consider penetration and the potential to do damage and earn exp and money.

    ... perhaps.. just perhaps, fixing the match making so that you have a chance at exp and credits in each match goes a long way to solving many problems which exist from the players perspective.

    That's my 2 cents.

    btw, I'm into this game for $100 ATM.. I won't be adding to that for several months.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Guess this needs to be done. Looking forward to the tiered company battles and the French tree. I just pray this doesn't mean the British tree is put back too painfully far.

    On a related note Overlord can you please confirm the British tree will not have its name changed. The whole idea of Britain, one of the most significant tank developing nations of the world being co-opted by near-enough one Aussie and one Canadian tank into a hybrid so-called commonwealth tree is as ridiculous as it is unfaithful to history and reality.

  79. Q: So, what you're saying is that you are going to delay the release of M103? Again?

    Damn you guys at WG. If you set yourself a target that's to big and then fail to give it to us... it just looks bad on you... I'm steadily loosing confidence that investing in your company is a good idea. The amount of disappointment I as a consumer receive is not proportional to the amount of entertainment I get for what I pay. Not to mention you have failed THREE TIMES to fix match making... It is still ridiculous.

  80. Not sure why people think 88L100 needs any improvement, already it has best pen, acc and RoF for Tier9 med, and E-50 has option for 105 if you want alpha.

    Q. Overlord, can you please advise when we could expect to see some specific detail on stats for M103 tank?

  81. Game isn't worth paying for, barely worth playing anymore. They push things back further and further, give us less and less, and expect us to pay more and more. WG is building a horrible reputation in North America.

  82. Sory for little off topic Overlord but i was wondering about one little thing: while loading the map T32 is placed under King Tiger on the list, but during the battle T32 is placed above King Tiger on the list of vehicles. This issue makes a little chaos when comparing both teams. Is it a bug or is it purposeful?

  83. Questions:

    1.- Can you describe some of them skills? I'm curious on what kind of skill will be.

    2.- The ping on the map when someone ask for Help with the F7 will still be in 7.0 or they removed that one too? (I find that one useful as arty, easier to know where they need help)

    3.- Still no date on the update or test server?

    4.- What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

  84. Good counter points THG, I agree with you.

    Some people focus too much on complaining. I play much, much longer than dsandrei or that guy who whines that V and VI tier tanks have such difficult life.

    Dsandrei in my opinion you are focusing on minor problems. Game is great and very funny. The most pissing thing in WoT for me are people who can't play, not problems like strange spotting system or 0 dmg critical hits. I got used to this small shortcomings.


    Tanks in tiers V and VI are in my opinion one of the most funny. I have 2 X tiers, 4 IX tiers but I still keep some tanks from V and VI tiers. And I have even Boelters (former Wittmann) medals won with V tier tanks. And there is one very important thing. With this tanks u still make decent money. With higher tiers it becomes more and more difficult. So believe. This game will not become much more funnier with higher tiers tanks. Battles in higher tiers are more difficult. I have seen many people who had worse stats with higher tier tanks than with V and VI tiers. Even Maus or IS7 can die in seconds. Even Object 704 can bounce on arty.

  85. @WP
    I agree with you that tier5 is most fun - from my point of view due to nice RoF, the action is fast and furious. It is fun.
    But this is valid ONLY if you play against tanks that you can actually hurt and won't be single shooted.
    I'm really happy if I see that with my t-34 I'm against t4-t6, even if I die due to some stupid mistake from my side.
    But just sitting there and watching all those T8 camping with t-34, when you bounce even from behind is NOT fun. It's boring and its basically just a grind. From my point of view, grinding feels like work - and I really don't understand concept of paying to do a WORK. I pay to have FUN. Grinding was reason I quit WoW and EVE, doing repetitive things all day just to.. what? Get another meaningless virtual thing? I play games to have fun, nothing more, nothing less.

  86. dsandrei , nice post dude!!! I agree 100 % its the same reason i got away from EVE . lack of dev participation will do that. i hope they listen !!!!!!!

  87. Hell yeah THG and WP, taking the load off of people like Overlord who have much better things to do with their time than appease the critical and very vocal minority. Good stuff.

    The assumption that some people make that devs aren't working their asses off is just insulting to the people who have put a lot of time and effort into making this game as awesome as it is. I can't believe I'm hearing people justifying their "expertise" by saying they have a month or two of play time.

    Lastly it's silly how much I hear about invisible tanks, as if this is some gargantuan flaw. Has nobody heard of Google? Search it, spend 2 minutes learning how it works, and deal with it.

  88. @g1bbs
    so your point is I have to play for a year to have the right to express my experience with a product I pay for? I'm sure that the business owners where you buy stuff are really happy with your policy. Paying and not complaining..

  89. Hello OVERLORD.
    1st and foremost, thank you for always trying to answer everyone's questions. I for one appreciate it. That being said, I really love the game, but its true that it is very very difficult to move up in tiers after level 6 or so. I am into this game over 300.00 in the past 3 months, I have a premium account and even then its taking me forever to move up from a t32 to a t34 as I am trying to get it before the m103 comes out. I understand you are here to make money but the exp needed to upgrade things is way to difficult. I can only imagine how hard it is for those that do not have a premium or the money to spend on converting experience. Love the game but if it does not change I will be playing BF3. Thanks again for all that you do.

  90. I sure hope that you haven't scrapped the horns, but only postponed them to speed up the release of 7.0 because in my opinion horns will be a very useful addition to the game. That "it's enough with people spamming the map" is not a valid argument because that needs to be dealt with as well (for example being able to mute the sound of the ping while retaining the flashing square). Currently all the retarded players who don't realize that they're blocking and so on is pretty bad for my blood pressure. Horns will give a handy solution to that, as it will make it possible to signal to someone in a split second, while right now far too often I suffer death at the hands of artillery while politely writing in the chat "Sir, you're blocking me. Would you please move out of my way so I can get in cover?"

    Please make sure those horns make it into the game at some point. Currently Standard Battle is hardly playable without an option to quickly signal to people that aren't on voice com.

    If you however should decide to not add horns at all, you should instead make it a bannable offense to block other players, or force players to get a World of Tanks-driver's license before being allowed to play the game. To get stuck in a game of bumper cars at the start of many games ruins game experience.

  91. to clarify: playing for 5 months, premium, extra slots

    ok...i know that you have to update the graphics, but i think that this should be on the back of the list of things to do...

    look at my(and i think lots of players are in the same position) position:

    -i have 8 slots...all are full...3 of them are waiting for patches to come(KV,KV3, T34), so i can get new slots and tanks(if all goes to plan with the russian tree split, and the T34 going premium).
    -now on almost all my tanks crews are on 100% skills, waiting for new skills(dont want to select new one, becouse i want to see new options)...

    ...of 8 tanks, im down to playing 2, becouse i have nothing to do on others(one tier 10, tier9 waiting for slot to buy tier10, tier9 med, arty elite, waiting for slot, KV,KV3,T34 and a löwe)...

    so PLEASE work on improving gameing experience, not graphics, sounds and so on...people wont play JUST a nice looking game, but a game that is fun to play...

    and to all those who will say: just buy a slot ect.: with premium cost every month, i dont want to give any more gold for the slots...if devs promiss to give you slots on tree splits ect.

  92. @ neviem

    I agree, grind sometimes is difficult and boring. But you don't have to grind. There's a lot of tanks in II, III and IV tiers which are also very fun to play. People can achieve them even in one day.

    When i was bored with grinding, I was using this more fun tanks and after some time was coming back to grind.

    And grinding with T32 is pure fun ;)

  93. So let me get this straight. The best Tier 8 Gun there is, better than the 105mm T5E1 Tier 9 American gun by leaps and bounds, is getting a HUGE alpha increase? WTF MATE?

  94. @blingcustoms You're doing something seriously wrong then. I believe it took me around 3-4 days of grinding on premium to get t34. I don't play WoT all the time, just weekends really.

  95. "JSW225 said...
    So let me get this straight. The best Tier 8 Gun there is, better than the 105mm T5E1 Tier 9 American gun by leaps and bounds, is getting a HUGE alpha increase? WTF MATE?"

    I think maybe you must have read it wrong? The 88L71 is going from 220 to 240 alpha damage, with a slight RoF reduction to keep it's DPM roughly where it is. Not sure how that's a "HUGE" increase, nor how it is "leaps and bounds" better than the T5E1. I personally still prefer the T5E1 because it fits my playstyle better.

  96. Then you need to let me in on your secret. I don't see how you got 180,000 exp or so in 4 days. I have a premium account and I am also converting experience. Also, im not going to spend 8 hours a day playing. I play for about 3 hours. More power to you.

  97. P.S. Overlord, if you look at most of the replies regarding the horns, they will not be missed. I can almost hear all the kids beeping there horns like idiots and annoying everyone. I feel that the most important thing you could add to the game is voice over i.p. I know you can talk in tank companies or platoons but if you could in any game that would be great. If someone is annoying then you could disable there voice. This would help with team playing as well. Its a pain to have to type while playing, driving etc just to get a message across to a team mate.

  98. Nice, the sooner the better.

    I was looking forward to being able to reset crew skills for gold, cause I don't care for firefighting on my Type 59. (my left index finger > firefighting skill)

  99. @ All the whining about how much they've spent to get to higher levels, etc etc.

    I played 3-4 months of the beta before the switchover, then finally came back to WoT in about May/June.

    I waited to buy gold until one of the really awesome weekend deals came in: 150g per slot. I bought the lowest amount of gold ($7), and bought over 10 slots. I bought gold one more time, and I bought the retail package on sale ($9).

    I now have 15+ tanks, 6 of which are Tier 6. I don't buy premium tanks (other than what came with the Retail), I don't buy gold supplies or ammo. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but I always have fun.

    So thats, what: $25 over 5 months? And that was completely voluntary. So the people going "oh woe as me, I spent $300 in 2 months" need to realize that what they did was ENTIRELY by choice, and not the fault of WG. Sorry, but eat it.

    And yes, keep horns out. The playerbase in the US is not all that mature and blocks, spams, team wounds, etc. Giving them an obnoxious horn that will, what, MAKE someone move? If someone is being a twit, no amount of noise you can make will push them out of the way. Sorry.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. why boost the dpm if your adjusting rof on multiple vehicles and it will continue to be basically the exact same dpm. why even bother if it isn't going to be beneficial from what i feel is happening is that i see it as nothing more than a chance to nerf or insignificantly buff it. it just feels just like yall just wanna nerf it. i just don't get the point in increasing dmg if it barely makes it worth wild. seems like an excuse to nerf something this change seems to be anything but a waste of time and seems to not be beneficial at all. i hope the change to normalization doesn't screw us guys using tanks with the short 88. it seems to me the moving of the current conicle is nothing more than a hopeful ploy to get people to buy gold rounds other than that it isn't just a worthwhile gun to use on something that can be tiered so high. you can be annoying and be just an easy kill. so what a pen nerf to the version on the 3601? yea guess i'll just sell it and not bother cause the short 88 in high tiers fails to perform.

  102. I agree with Dsandrei on his points too. So far only one of the seven people I brought to the game have stayed. There all FPS players so its not the format. Everyone points to MM and Vision Mechanics as the reason for giving the game up for more polished products. I myself have begun to slack off the game too, more and more deaths by invisible tanks [yeah i know the usual counter speal to this]. Tanks firing three or four times from less than 100 meters away and still not seen etc ...

    Before anyone barks about my statement please look up my stat's ... not a new comer play wise. I have over 26 tanks in garage [mix of premiums and earned - No premium's over tier 5]. Four Tier 6, Three Tier 7 and One Tier 8 atm with plenty of battles in all of them. Numerous crews ground to 100% and nearly secondary skilled up. With all that said, there are far too many invisible tanks.

    As too the money needed to maintain or earn the higher tier tanks, its not nearly that bad over all. Just get in the mind set of not caring how the battle goes, get in ding people, die, exit to garage and do it all over again. Credits collect quick enough. I use my Tier 5's to do this, they seldom if ever loose credits so every battle regardless of outcome is money. Just bought by KV-3 this way, took just over a few hours.

    Horns = PLEASE kill this idea.

    Variety seems to be an issue that beginning to plague the game. Lots of tank varieties [impressive in my opinion], but no variety in game play [drive till dead]. There is no feeling of actually progressing with a crew, more or less you buy new ones every time you get a new tank [most cases retraining cost the same as just buying the 75% instead. Would be nice if the crews had a way to be trained in multiple vehicles [say four types] that they don't have to be retrained in every time to be effective.

    Player base wise ... meh not sure either is more adult than the other.

    Its sad to see delays again, won't really be surprised to see more as the french line's date approaches. Gun tweaks and such are expected.

  103. To dsandrei:

    I'm signing your post anytime, anywhere, along with all your points.

    Well said.

  104. "I think maybe you must have read it wrong? The 88L71 is going from 220 to 240 alpha damage, with a slight RoF reduction to keep it's DPM roughly where it is. Not sure how that's a "HUGE" increase"

    Because every shot has a +-25% damage variable, and the L/71's potential damage just went up to 300 potential damage. That means it will be hitting as hard on occasion as the T5E1.

  105. Some good news about 7.0 finally arrived.

  106. Overlord said...

    Q: what will happen to the 88/L100 on E-50?

    A: Will see, probably nothing.
    November 8, 2011 9:36 PM

    Overlord, if the penetration of 88 L/71 is going to equal the current penetration of the 88 L/100, then the latter gun needs to have its penetration boosted. Longer barrels mean not only better accuracy, but increased velocity, as the gases in a longer barrel have more time to act on a round and propel it to greater speed than in a shorter barrel. Greater velocity equates to better penetration. This is a simple fact of reality and the laws of physics.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Hi, thanks for the news :)

    Is some "sweetening up" of VK4502A under consideration? I.e. better gun deppresion? - The design itself asks for it.

    2 windwardman - completely agree. Better pen would make the gun an option. Not just gun on the way to L/52

  109. Couldn't care less about those damn horns, either. Let's see some of those TANKS promised, fuck the horns, fuck new maps, fuck new camos and shit!!!

  110. 88 L71 definitely need to reduce RoF if alpha damage been buff..if not, Panther II will completely dominate tier 8 meds.. compare to Pershing 90mm T15E2M2, if RoF on 88 L71 remains like what it is now, it has higher RoF, far more penetration value, better accuracy and what's more is the tank itself bounce better than Pershing

    so, as Pershing lover, i'm not happy with the suggestion you folk made

  111. Since the game run's fairly bad even on the high-end gaming rig's I have few questions. With fairly bad I mean that game doesn't give anything to be awe at graphics wise and adjusting graphics settings in high end computers doesn't change a thing. With fairly bad I mean 50-100fps + FPS drops in certain situations. Even on full graphics my rig should be able to push out steady 120+ FPS easy for the smoothest gaming possible. So my questions:

    1) Are we ever going to see multi-core support? - cmoon it's soon 2012. Everyone has at least Dual-Core CPU. It's not even fun how much this bottle necks things when game utilizes only one core.

    2) Are we ever going to see SLI/Crossfire support?

    3) is the amount of memory game uses limited somehow? it seems that it doesn't utilize memory much tho.

  112. Hi there, and thank You for this blog. I dont know if anybody from the W.O.T. devlopers is reading this, but i try to express my experiences about the game. I found some minor but still irritating bugs in the game. I began with W.O.T. 3 months ago. So, the bugs. Im hiding behind a house or a rock and i see the red sign of an enemy vehicle on my display who is well scouted from an ally of me. Now the red sign of him just disapeears and 1-2 sec later appears again. Weanwhile is the enemy in movement, and not far away. This phenomenon is repeating and therefore i cannot aim well. The second bug is a little nerving one. The terrain stucking spots... Sometimes the Tank get stuck on places where my Mazda 323 type family car would easly jump over. Man and we talking about a TANK! You prehaps saw photos like this: http://href.hu/x/gfnv
    Tanks dont care about level diferences, they can easyly avoid this minor obstacles, and is nerving to get stuck or drive 200 meters to avoid a simply ditch. This phenomeon is shame for every single vehicle in World Of Tanks. Thank You to reading this! The game itself rocks! Prehaps take out the premium ammo for gold only.

  113. I hope this is Wargaming realizing horns break the immersion factor and thus a little bit of gold earned from those buying them isn't worth the loss of reputation and brand value.

    Although personally as long as you can mod to get them removed, I'd rather my opponents spend gold on horns and not gold ammo.

  114. just get rid of gold ammo - please...

  115. It's very naive to think that spawn and blocking problems will be solved with horns. Player either pay attention or they don't. The latter don't react on ramming nor being shot at so they surely will not react to you guys hunk the horns. These will only make the game more ridiculous.

    @Overlord: Please make a simple "Horns: yes or no" poll. Don't waste a single minute developing them.

  116. Just as Dsandrei said and many others I will also say that I have stopped playing dispite still having around 4k gold in my "bank". Im a 6 months player reaching all the way to E-100 , Gw Tiger , Panther 2 , vk2801 and Jgdpanther. From the german perspective of tanks , I have an idea of game mechanics for all the tank classes , playing over 4k games and with a 53% win ratio.

    First of all I do not blame u Overlord , so pls dont take it personal, but I am sick and tired of this game. It has such a beautiful concept of driving metal monsters , alongside with ur friends ... but wait... that doesnt deliver !!! Cause unless u have so few friends (2) or so many friends (14) u wont experience this joy ! ..also dont get me started on CW !!!

    Also ... yey , I got an E-100 which Ive been farming for months of premium account ... but look a tier7 tank can fully dmg me through some very realistic observation device point and when I hit him with my 15cm gun , I crit and do 0 dmg ! ..so much joy and realism. Now I know u said this wasnt a simulator , and Im not expecting it to be , but ur damaging system is a joke even for an arcade game !!! Not to mention ur matchmaking system which even still now is a another joke due to arty-parties and not being able to equally spread the tanks (4x E50 on one side , 4x Obj704 on the other)... and I wont even mention the great spotting system...

    Ive played many mmos , including WoW and EvE-online and Im so sorry to say that WoT is by far the most frustrating game on this planet. Adding all I said above about the dmg system , matchmaking and spotting ... and pairing with the great TEAMMATE team (which MUST be mostly random ppl) , u'll and up raging and hatin' on ur fellow teammates instead of realizing it isn't their fault either.

    Why do u bother with so much new content ? Why not first FIX and IMPROVE that which u have and ONLY adding that which is needed (like M103 , etc) ?

    I really really loved this game for the first month... than slowly I began getting frustated, and now after 6 months and reaching that T10, Im done. I'll watch from the shadows how it progresses... but with a heavy heart I know it will just go to waste being another crappy game in an endless line of em.

    Overlord , pls dont feel offended , I know that ur hands are tied due to the chain of command .. but srsly... if this game doesnt improve in quality ,neither will the graphics and all the new content SAVE it.

  117. Hey Overlord, can you tell us what will happen to collectet xp on the is4 when it moves to tier 10? Will it be transferred to its tier 9 replacement?
    Keep up the good work

  118. So much complaining about invisible tanks. But in real life you also often won't see where is the enemy who is shooting at you.

    Frustration of some players is not problem of game but of players. I have more then 14 k games and I am still not frustrated (but I admit that during grinding some tanks - especially while they were stock - I was sometimes quite angry ;) ). I had premium account only for 2 months, so I grinded mainly on standard account and without premium tanks. Now I have 15 tanks in garage - 6 are IX and X tiers.

    And it doesn't mean that I love everything in this game. I don't like tanks suddenly disappearing in open field or in the city streets, 0 damage crit, or bouncing with Object 704 on arty :D.

    I also don't like some changes in historical tanks (why Tiger has only 30 km/h, why PZIV and Panther have Schmalturm, I would like them looking more historical accurate, the same with Chafee, beautiful tank with his real turret but with M41 turret is just ugly). One can say that I can use this tanks wuth their first - real life - turrets. Yes, but this makes this tanks cannon fodders. So I am waiting for historical battles with patience. I don't write under every Overlord post "gimme historical battles" ;)

    And I still have much more fun than frustration playing WoT.

  119. I think wargaming listen pretty much to the community. Or more like: they listen to the whinebags! German tanks are the most played tanks and lots german tankers whining on this blog, forums and ingame since the game has released.
    And now look what they did get - best tank in almost every tier!

    So my point is: how can they know to who/what they should listen.
    I've seen amazing mmo games die cause the devs started to liste to whinebags and forum trolls.

  120. Hi Overlord!

    It's really nice that you keep us informed about upcoming developments. What I really want to hear about:

    1. Multi-core CPU support? Better graphics (no FPS killer effects)?
    2. Improved physics? (I know, under development.)
    3. Improved combat log? (I play sound turned off. There are not only colorblind people, but deaf as well.)
    4. Improved Garage UI? I want to see actual values on my tanks, not the theoretical values. For example, actual RoF and view range?
    5. Improved MM with rating and/or module setup filtering? Lower tier spread? Limited artilleries (2-3/side/battle)?

    The game is great, keep up the good work! Balancing is a very hard work, I know. BTW I'm waiting for new tanks, maps and game modes as well!

    P.S. for whiners: No, you don't need to pay to win. I bought a Löwe (it was 7500 that time) to avoid credit grinding, and some extra garage slots for lower tier favorites. Tried out some other premiums as well, but sold them. I found gold ammo and premium account unnecessary. You can call me wallet warrior or even a noob, like my enemies, after I killed them and stopped their flanking attack.;)

    In-game Pedropal

  121. The long 88mms, both the Kwk and Pak need to have cheaper ammo. They are WAY too costly and make running german vehicle lines difficult due to the costs.

  122. @ saplala

    Trolls whining is here confronted by numerous polls. For example trolls where crying that E-100 is weak. Now we see that other X tiers are even weaker ;)

    And in previous post I forget three important things which also makes me a little angry (maybe Overlord will read ;) )
    1. Komarino and Malinovka
    2. New players in tier VIII premiums. I lost many games because Lowe, KV 5 or Type where top tanks and have no idea what to do (maybe there should be the rule that u can buy VIII tier premium only when u get at least one normal VIII tier tank)
    3. More then 3 arties per team in battle (especially in higher tiers). I hate it both as a tank player and as a SPG player :D

    But I still love this game :)

  123. Pedropal said...

    1. Multi-core CPU support? Better graphics (no FPS killer effects)?

    As far as I heard current engine is not supporting (and propably will not ever) multi core technology.

  124. I wonder, why has 88mm ammo different price. ammunition is still the same. long gun has 3x expensive ammo, but damage will be the same?
    and is possible to cheap 105mm ammo? more than 1000 credits per single shot make tanks unprofitable. for example KV use 107mm gun with 270 credits per shoot.

  125. Q: I don't know if the situation has changed and if they found another way to implement different damage values for two guns using the same shell types.

    A: Different types will be used for L56 and L71 guns.

  126. Q: There have been hints at tech tree changes and I'm having a hard time finding solid information (often it's contradictory), are any of the planned tech tree changes going to be implemented in 7.0?

    A: No, 7.0 won't bring any tech tree changes. 7.1 will.

  127. Q: Overlord, if the penetration of 88 L/71 is going to equal the current penetration of the 88 L/100, then the latter gun needs to have its penetration boosted. Longer barrels mean not only better accuracy, but increased velocity, as the gases in a longer barrel have more time to act on a round and propel it to greater speed than in a shorter barrel. Greater velocity equates to better penetration. This is a simple fact of reality and the laws of physics.

    A: We are not changing penetration values, only damage.

  128. one quick question, will cammo have any passive effects? ie cammo boosts, or is it just for looks?

    and also is it possible to leave the old 88 in as well?? i just think that like the panther 2 would suffer from lower ROF, sorta like kv-1s, or just make both available?


  129. Q. When will ignore also stop us from hearing ping sounds, radio messages(audio and text) and horns(when they added) ?

  130. @ Joseph

    Some camos will have effect on your visibility.
    From "In develop,emt" page:

    "You can also buy an additional type of camo for Gold: the adaptive camo, which will be introduced as a special consumable in the store. The adaptive camo will "repaint" the tank into the relevant battle map colors. Additionally, the tank will get a special bonus to in-game invisibility."

  131. Q: will the normal camo (that is purchased with credits) also get a bonus to invisibility or is it just aesthetic?

  132. I really, really hope gold camo doesn't give a 'not being seen' bonus.
    But then again gold ammo isn't used much outside clan wars - I don't do clan wars, and won't pay for gold ammo so I can't imagine many people paying 10+ Gold a battle to use the adaptive camo.
    My gold is used to gain me prem account status/slots/tanks and occasionally 100% crew, or farming...but never, never gold consumables or ammo. And that's not going to change with adaptive camo.

  133. I would sign dsandrei's post and all 4 points as well ... WELL SAID!!!!

  134. so many whiners...
    this is a game.
    Invisible tanks
    Spotting system is explained. Some of you mentioned that tanks goes invisible on open field. Yeah...if someone who spoted him has died or moved away from him.
    you would not have a chance to see that tank at all in first place.
    as for premium tanks and constant whining...nerf them, nerf them... what do you expect?
    WG is not non profit organization, they have to make money somehow. or they should offer everything for free, i dont even want to imagine how the game will look then.
    Every single tank in this game is destructable.
    Some of them easier, some of them harder, but they will all go "blown up" eventually.
    constantly i meet players in random game who whine about "what do i do here"...not realizing that on the other side is parallel tier as they have.
    dont go on e100 with IS...find your match.
    Another "whining"situation...
    Oh, this tanks is soooo OP... dont want to play anymore, etc etc.
    Again...find your match... Dont expect that if you have IS7 you will be God on the battlefield.
    You wont! Period! The same is with every other tank in the game.
    Nobody will stay terrified and in shock when they see you... they will hunt you and try to kill you.
    Master your tank, build your crew, put some modules on it...and play...practice..and some day, you will became good.
    as i read your comments, the same thing is comming trough my minds... that we, the PLAYERS, will ruin this game with our suggestions("i want to kill is7 with my t34"), at the end.
    So...WG...dont let us ruin this game.

  135. and another one...
    People who play this game strictly with money (buying premium tanks, gold ammo and consumables) are in fact BAD PLAYERS.
    Gold ammo would not help you if you dont know how to lean your tank when an enemy is ready to shoot.
    Even gold ammo bounces...and bounces allot,let me tell you.
    Money for premium acc is a MUST if you want to build your garage up to level ten.
    and even when you buy your first tier 10 tank, trust me, you would not play with it except in CW or for doubles each day...even if you have premium account.
    They are expensive to maintain if you loose, and in random, you will loose allot.

  136. Overlord there is no link to your blog on new EU community portal (but link to useless Developers blog is in two places).

    If you have problems with getting agreement for putting this link on new website, cite the players (i.e. me): Overlord blog is one of the most useful places in all WG sites. ;)

    I also can't find "In development"

  137. No horns! Thank blessed God! Now just forget you ever thought of the silly concept in the first place.

  138. no suprise that your not going have content that u promised us in the next update, you guys are slacking maybe if you knew how to code better, or had better work ethics, 600 people working on this game sssaaddd how slow the content is coming out. ill be suprised if this company makes it to WoB

  139. Overlord, I found In development :D But its quite strange place and I omitted it previously ;)

  140. Those of us who have played the game enough know damn well the difference between a tank spotted in the open field less than 100 meters away and one spotted further away by others. Stop acting like there isn't an issue with the vision mechanics in the game.

    When I see a tank just fine hit him twice and track em he should not then get his camo bonus and disappear. That's a fault in the mechanics. The same should be true for a tank that fires at 75 meters on a fence row with five tanks in it, someone IS going to see him firing after the third or fourth shot. Thats not happened in a number of instances. The present system allows for tanks especially TD's to remain hidden well after they should be visible. Watched a StugIII fire from 61 meters at my KV, four hits before he even showed up. He showed the shot before I died, he was in open terrain near a hill edge, when "uncloaked" he was fully in the open. That's a story that repeats FAR to often for FAR too many players.

    I know how to fire on a spotted person, I get it when a scout or spotter has me and I take fire from other sources. But that's not as often as you guys seem to think. More often as I die the offending tank shows up literally in sight, again the common type is the TD but some times it is a normal tank.

    Invisible tanks and the corresponding vision mechanics that make them possible are a HUGE problem with the game and have been in DIRE need of overhaul. Fan boy all you want, everyone knows that it needs fixed.

  141. "ramp4ge said...
    Because every shot has a +-25% damage variable, and the L/71's potential damage just went up to 300 potential damage. That means it will be hitting as hard on occasion as the T5E1."

    It already was hitting as hard on occasion, there was already a 35-damage overlap range that both guns could hit within. Yes, it's an increase, but it's nowhere near HUGE. The T5E1's minimum damage value is the same as the 88s new average, and the 88 now has the same damage range as the 90mm M3. 62% of your possible damage rolls are still higher than the 88s maximum.

  142. Overlord,

    When is the revision of the Soviet tree taking place? Referring to KV, KV-3 and IS-4 changes..Is it to be expected in 0.7.1?

    Thank you

  143. Overlord,

    You stated that the M103 will come together with the russian heavy line in Q1 2012. What changed it to come earlier in the 7.1 patch?

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. Dear overlord:

    How all know the is-7 suffer a strange bug in the armor, a tiger can penetrate the front tower, even the hull and lower hull.

    What changes or improvements can we expect?
    Thanks in advance.

  146. You really should have an "Undo Transaction" button for those that accidentally sell a tank with crew or sell the wrong tank. It wouldn't hurt anything. Allow 1-2 undo's if you haven't played any more battles or something.

  147. Damn M103 and some really new things just Chrismas or New Year caming m0+#3rF~ck3R WG ˛|˛˛

  148. Overlord,I hope you guys fix the 128mm kwk 44/L55.
    We made some tests and its a nightmare,accuracy is like 0,40 or maybe more.
    150meters 2xE-75,front me with 105mm my friends with 128.
    Result:I manage to kill him and I never miss(3 bounce)
    He:3 miss 1 bounce)
    How its possible 150meters 0,33 acc weapon miss so much??
    Well,use google and type this:WoT e-75 128mm

  149. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  150. You should make items for gold easier or/and faster to get, not better. Angles and penetration values are the best aspects of the game. With gold ammo this part of the game is broken.
    If not you can just make option in traing room to disable gold ammo (competitive play is dying because of gold ammo usage).

  151. Sooo, changing the name to 6.8 right? I wouldn't call this a major patch anymore, lol

  152. For those who can't find the blog here, look under the 'community' tab. There is a big banner for this blog on top of the page.

    And yeah, the spotting system seems wonky. Like those times you see a tank sitting there and when it starts moving it disappears, even when it's not driving behind or through a bush.

  153. I totaly agree with THG'spost earlierm i too am a little dissappointed by the lack of the french reinforcements but I would like to say Thanks.

    Thanks for making a game that can be played for free, by the majority of people.

    Keep up the good work, new maps and improvements are always welcome, however frequency of these improvements does influence the commercial quality of your product and in turn your wages ;)

  154. Q: When will you be adding Bergetiger?

  155. I think, the 88mm Pak L/56 and the 75mm PAK L/70 need more a Penetration-Buff :/

  156. @ evolgrinz

    Wow, its really well hidden. No chance to find on main page. Thank you :)

  157. @overlord: will the LB-1 gun for the T-44 get inside 0.7.0 patch or later?

  158. Hello Overlord
    A question about multi-turetted tanks
    will this feature will ba avaliable in 7.0 or 7.1 update? later? never?
    thanks a lot for your answer

  159. speed and agility of tier 7 medium tanks:
    T-43 - 51 km/h, traverse 40deg/sec
    KV-13 - 60 km/h, traverse 38deg/sec
    T20 - 56 km/h, traverse 37deg/sec
    Panther - 48 km/h, traverse 28deg/sec

    is planed to boost panther on speed or agility?
    yes, he has better front armor, but it is biggest, and penetrate it from front side isn't problem at all. about guns, tanks haven't much more better gun than other, only KV13 has slightly worst.
    so here isn't any reason, why panther must be unagile.
    and ovi, you didn't reply about ammo price

  160. Q: A question about multi-turetted tanks
    will this feature will ba avaliable in 7.0 or 7.1 update? later? never?

    A: Later. After 7.0

  161. Q: is planed to boost panther on speed or agility?

    A: No, it's not planned.

  162. Q: @overlord: will the LB-1 gun for the T-44 get inside 0.7.0 patch or later?

    A: In 7.0

  163. Q: For those who can't find the blog here, look under the 'community' tab. There is a big banner for this blog on top of the page.

    A: Yeah, it may be a bit more difficult to find it now. :)

  164. Q: How all know the is-7 suffer a strange bug in the armor, a tiger can penetrate the front tower, even the hull and lower hull.

    What changes or improvements can we expect?

    A: We have reworked IS-7 hitbox: front welded joint, and sides of the turret.

  165. As far as I heard current engine is not supporting (and propably will not ever) multi core technology.

    Alt tab out in win 7, at least my phenom II x4 works with all cores in this game + you can set the affinity if you need to. I dont know what kind of optimizations are you waiting for, but if it uses all 4 cores, its fine for me.

  166. thanks ovi, so I sold my Panther and buy something else :(

  167. Overlord, what changes or improvements to hitbox have been made for the VK4502A and VK4502B tanks?

  168. @ Johny

    Panther is a sniper (or camp tank :) ), it doesn't need more agility, because you should use it in second or third line. So don;t use it as T-43 or T20.

    Panther has gun with awesome penetration and very good accuracy and a lot of hit points. The only improvement i would like in Panther is some more damage in 75/L100 (20 HP more on average would be nice). Penetrating enemy 8 or even 10 times in a row and seeing him still alive is a little annoying :D

  169. some things to consider:

    these comments here is a place where mostly hardcore players talk with overlord ...

    I'm lucky, I'm playing in a hackerspace where we are a couple of hardcore players, we sit together and talk about tanks, gameplay and such. The people that started to play with us mostly stay with the game, the people that started with me in the university stopped ...


    Because they don't know how that stupid system works. Stupid because its not explained. You need to be a scientist to understand the game mechanics. I understand them now, after countless hours discussing and browsing the wiki etc.
    Is the information in the wiki even correct?

    focus on the casual gamer, nobody needs french tanks when the game has still stupid flaws, like:

    - a friend writes some chat, and I won't reply because I don't see it, no indication for it, only the new minimized(!) chat window somewhere down there. Checking down there every 20s should not be a job for me but for the gui!

    - ingame chat window? why is there no button to see the conversation? maybe even with a scroll bar. no chance to form a strategy with only some lines visible, and even they decay into nothing after some secs

    - general the ingame communication, F1 to Fx are nice for pros, but everybody else needs a drop down list to click onto, or maybe a cricular list, popping up after pressing one(!) button
    why not put the tank icon before the ingame chat name? somebody says attack: I'll look up his name in the 'TAB' tank list, check for his tank and decide to follow, oh, too late.

    - associate icons with those commandos:
    when somebody attacks another tank (pressing T) there should be a cross-hair indicator over the attacking tank and a red down arrow over the attacked tank
    some tank presses attack, make a forward arrow appear above it, back to base a flag and an arrow pointing backwards to it, and so on

    - why is there no platoon chat?

    - and for gods sake: I don't want to know that my view finder is broken, my driver sick, my tracks rusty and my aunt on vacation, oh, and my tank is burning...
    When I'm burning I want to know that immediately, make a fucking big red bold warning over half the screen!

    general ideas: educate the player, help him, and try not to frustrate him

    - research window, hovering over a new gun (or turret etc.), reading the nice new penetration values: an orange warning that this gun requires more load capacity would be nice

    - display the mounted equipment ingame! exactly where its in the garage, right to the ammunition

    - maybe even a camo net indicator like the ammu loading thingy: when the conditions are met for 1s (to supress to much flickering in the icon) 'load' it until its effective, then its green until it looses effectiveness
    just ask a random casual player when the camo net effect stops: moving the gun, the turret, the hull sideways, the hull forward/backward. what do you think the answers would be?

    - display a shot impact indicator: bounced? display a line bouncing of a plate, no penetration? a line thats scattered on that plate etc.

    btw: thank yo overlord for your work with the community

  170. Q: Overlord, what changes or improvements to hitbox have been made for the VK4502A and VK4502B tanks?

    A: As far as I see, there will be no changes to their hitboxes in 7.0

  171. Q: Is the information in the wiki even correct?

    A: Wiki is player-driven resource, so I can't guarantee, it is 100% correct.

  172. dear overlord ,
    ithink im asking hear for many ppl when im asking when the patch finally goes on too the public test server and what prem tanks will come with the patch
    pls answer my post

  173. Q: focus on the casual gamer, nobody needs french tanks when the game has still stupid flaws, like...

    A: The introduction of new tanks and issues mentioned further are not related to each other and are being worked by different teams (subteams). However some of the suggested ideas are quite reasonable.

  174. Q. When will ignore also stop us from hearing ping sounds, radio messages(audio and text) and horns(when they added) ?

  175. First of all Overlord, ur awesome. A few humble suggestions and questions:

    1-Put new gameplay modes as a priority
    2-Where did the tankopedia go? I can´t find it anywhere with the new page layout

  176. Overlord:

    I am NOT happy at all with this. The M103 has been ready for months and Wargaming keeps delaying it for no reason. The T34 is the biggest problem in the US heavy tank line and it was promised to be fixed MONTHS ago and all we see is it being pushed back while other tanks get fixed.

    M103 is ready. Put it in 7.0 and make T34 premium as it is (it SUCKS anyway).

  177. @Vanity: If the cpu usage of your 4 cores varies around 25% each, then in fact only ONE 'core' is used! The load is just spread over the 4 available cores! That's how windows (and most other OSs) does it. Setting affinity just means that the load should be spread over a selection of cores (e.g. only one)

  178. WP said...

    @ Johny

    Panther is a sniper (or camp tank :) ), it doesn't need more agility, because you should use it in second or third line. So don;t use it as T-43 or T20.

    Panther has gun with awesome penetration and very good accuracy and a lot of hit points. The only improvement i would like in Panther is some more damage in 75/L100 (20 HP more on average would be nice). Penetrating enemy 8 or even 10 times in a row and seeing him still alive is a little annoying :D

    yes, I play it in that style, because in close combat is totaly useless.
    but camping and shooting from second line is task for TD, not medium tank. :(


  180. Overlord: Where is T23 tier 8 premium tank? Let give players suggestion about T23 abilties in wot forum, please!

  181. Are there plans to add the 12.8 cm L/28 cannon to the 3601?

  182. First I want to thank the WoT team for getting the french tanks and M103 in before year end; kudos to you all! I want to be the first to say that with the T34 moving to a premium tank slot with the new shell normalization will require that the tank be equipped with the 120mm gun instead of the 105mm they plan to issue to it; otherwise it is going to be the worst premium heavy tier 8 and nobody will buy it over the Lowe or KV-5.

    I suggest that those that will be getting the M103 for already having a T34, that if their T34 ALREADY has the 120mm on it at time of swap, that those T34s be given the 120mm over the 105mm. It will generate two parallel data sets where the only variable is the gun. Then the WoT team can analyze the data and see which gun is more appropriate to the T34 as a premium tank.

  183. US Tree already has a Tier 8 Premium, namely the M6A2E1, with the addition of the T34 and it's 120mm will the Easy One get a gun upgrade?

    How will Easy One owners be compensated if the Tier 8 Premiums aren't balanced as it is the lowest earner of the current crop of Tier 8 Premiums?

  184. @ 7ae4645c-0bbf-11e1-9f4a-000bcdca4d7a

    Overlord has already informed (a few times) that T34 will have 120 mm.

  185. Que my max money was more on E1 than lowe and It makes more on bad battles. Also T34 doesn't have 200mm armor does it

  186. "BattleBacon said...
    Are there plans to add the 12.8 cm L/28 cannon to the 3601?"

    Does it really need a second Derp option?? I don't think the Germans ever made a 12.8 L/28 anyway....

  187. Fog of war and tank freezing coming in 7.0 or 7.1?

  188. Hi!

    Q: Why not make a poll in wot website?
    "Do you want horns in game?"
    I think the most of players vote to NO!

  189. almost 3 months waiting for 7.0 and now there will be almost nothing worth the waiting :(

  190. Peter said:
    "1) The game is getting a little expensive to play. I can maybe justify $100-$150 per year... maybe. Once you exceed tier 4, you must have a premium. Once you exceed tier 7, you almost need a gold level 8 tank to grind credits. Adding gold tanks, slots, and paying premium gets to be a little much."

    You must be joking... tier 5 and 6 vehicles are the best moneymakers in the game, even if you do nothing and get shot to hell, you still make profit (on standard account). Even tier 7 is managaeable on standard, but expect some battle to be financial losses.
    I've had a premium account only for a month, to quickly reach T34, and I have in my garage: KV, KV-3, PzIV, T32 (all 4 elite with 100% crew), T34, S-51, SU-100, VK3001P, Wespe and T-50. Most of the tanks have a full load of extra modules and I still have about a milion credits. And I'm not exactly a stellar player.

  191. "The first victim is tank horns. Doubt, there would be much regret over it really. :)"

    Overlord is this your opinion or that of wargaming? Either way it shows you also agree about there uselessness so why consider them in the first place? Why not use that dev sub team to work on fixing some of the CORE issues with the game that have existed since alpha testing. :\

    Question to you Overlord why is this one of the only MMO's I have ever played that does not implement hot fixing? Why must error fixing be bundled with major releases? Why not hot fix then use monthly major releases just for content.

  192. if i have a panther i'll get a panther 2 or not?

  193. Dsandrei +1

    Overlord, please hire dsandrei as your Public relations liason.

  194. Q: Overlord, you said Wargaming reworked IS-7 hull/side turret hitboxes, will the changes come out in 7.0 or 7.1?

  195. Q: Overlord, so M103 is coming out with 7.1, but when are we getting the T110?

  196. Clan wars are now booring? Gj in making this game more and more static... :)
