Friday, October 28, 2011

Thoughts on the Upcoming 7.0

The major 7.0 update that has been in development for quite a while has almost made it to the finish straight, awaiting public tests (though it may take up to 3 weeks). Initial preview of 7.0 update can be found in the In Development section of the official websites.

I won't repeat the info given there, only share my thoughts on the key features and less noticeable stuff.

Massive Hitbox Overhaul

Nearly 30 vehicles (Tiger, VK 3002 DB, IS-3, IS-7) will get their hitboxes changed to ensure more accurate damaging mechanics. Tiger tank will finally get more detailed armor layout featuring 16 groups and benefit from skirt armor.

Map Debugging

Seems that we haven't done away with them so far, but this is definitely step in the right direction. It is going to be much more difficult to get stuck now. 

Multi-cluster technology

It might not bring noticeable changes especially for EU and US players at the time of its introduction. But it is going to be extremely useful in two ways:
  • it will help us cope with overload of RU server (in peak times it has more than 235k players) allocating the load between several independent servers within RU region
  • the feature has really great potential and it would be impossible to merge clan wars or enable account transfers without it

Customize it!

The camos announced as a a part of vehicle customization functionality long time ago finally arrives in 7.0 (there will be lots of screenies in the days to come). As for horns, we are still thinking of them. :)

Tiered Companies

Instead of one single company battle mode (10/90), we are getting 4 - 4/45, 6/50, 8/90, and 10/150 (where 10 - max vehicle tier, 150 - max team tier points).

There will be separate restrictions on light tanks and SPGs. E.g. for 4/45 submode it is planned to restrict both SPGs and LTs to tier 3. 

Report it!

Being harassed in-game or noticed some unfair play? RMB click on required player in team list, choose complaint type, and submit it! Customer support will see to it ASAP.

Mini-map v.2.0

Highly anticipated improvements, no doubt. It will be possible to scale the mini-map, toggle it on/off in battle, adjust its transparency, and we also added markers for Help!, Follow me! and Attacking! commands.

Tracers, anyone? 

They are back, however not exactly the way they used to work.
  • for LTs, MTs, HTs, TDs: tracers will be shown within 25 deg / 445 sector in the direction of the gun
  • for SPGs: tracers will be shown for tanks that are within view range in howitzer mode
For sure we would like to reintroduce 100% tracer effects, however safety and fair play are even of major importance. So as to combat cheating, we have to bring them back this way.

Don't rage quit!

If you leave the battle before it ends (and your vehicle is safe and sound), it will be locked until the end of the battle, giving your enemies chance for easy kill (exp/credits). If somehow it makes to the end of the battle, the tank will be blown up automatically. Full repair costs, yes. :) 

Balance Above All

They will be many balance adjustments in the upcoming update, the detailed patch notes will arrive upon the public release. Now I'm going to stop on a few curious things.
  • T-44 is getting LB-1 gun (for 2nd turret) with the same specs as of T-54 barring RoF (slight decrease). This is aimed at bringing the tank on a par with the other tier 8 MTs (God help my poor M26 :( ).
  • Conical gun will be nerfed on VK3601H, Tiger is getting this gun as it is now.
  • Changed shells for 8.8 L/71 gun. Yes, damage increase is planned. However the current DPM will be retained.
  • IS-3 is getting a new turret for stock setup, the existing stock turret goes to top setup. T-10 turret is reserved for future. :)


New special effects including shots, hits, explosions are coming to provide better visualization. In addition to it we are introducing in-game colour-blind mod and option to disable smoke effects to ensure smoother performance.

More details will come in the weeks ahead.

We've hit them hard!

There will be changes to penetration mechanics. First of, we are reducing the normalization parameter of AP and APCR shells, therefore the effectiveness of sloped armor will see an increase.
Also the new mechanics for HE will be in place (defining the spot with the thinnest armor to burn through), ensuring more realistic and credible penetration and damaging.


  1. Coming update sounds great. Can't wait to see it in live action.

  2. Massive Hitbox Overhaul - does that mean that tiger will get its 120mm thick mantlet in front of the 100mm thick turret front?

  3. "Don't rage quit!

    If you leave the battle before it ends (and your vehicle is safe and sound), it will be locked until the end of the battle, giving your enemies chance for easy kill (exp/credits). If somehow it makes to the end of the battle, the tank will be blown up automatically. Full repair costs, yes. :) "

    Will we still able to rejoin to the battle in a case of connection lost?

  4. Q: Will we still able to rejoin to the battle in a case of connection lost?

    A: Yes, sure.

  5. Q: Massive Hitbox Overhaul - does that mean that tiger will get its 120mm thick mantlet in front of the 100mm thick turret front?

    A: Not planning to change the thickness.

  6. what about playing with friend without premium?!!!

  7. nearly 30 tanks will get new hitbox and Tiger is one of them...this is a very GOOD news...thanks so much Overload and crews

  8. I would say yes on the rejoining since that currently works. Rage quit usually has a 3ish minute timeout period before you blow up (I never timed it).

    I am happy with the hitbox change and the conical gun nerf as it is quite the game changer.

    One question - so this means the derps will actually have to aim at a weak spot instead of firing in another tanks general direction for an insta-kill?

  9. "We've hit them hard!

    There will be changes to penetration mechanics. First of, we are reducing the normalization parameter of AP and APCR shells, therefore the effectiveness of sloped armor will see an increase."

    Really? We bounce shells in slopped armor like crazy and your going to reduce the pen? Jesus christ..

  10. Overlord:
    This update will come before the end of november you think? And your ETA for French tank?


  11. can already play with a friend. You can create a 2 man platoon.

  12. Q: This update will come before the end of november you think? And your ETA for French tank?

    A: That's difficult. We all hope we can make it before November ends.

  13. Why did the max tier company get it's number of points increased? Clanwars already serve that purpose, companies were always a great way to get a small team going. Now to get a competative group you need 13+ ppl in every situation, why has this changed?

  14. Reduced AP normalisation? That's a horrid idea. I won't touch it without revising some gun parameters as well.

    Great, just make Type-59 unstoppable from the front in the battles it is tiered in. It already breaks games for mid-Tier ladder climbers. Now it would become a real pay to win troll-tank.

    This will itself seriously punish american drivers, since many of their vehicles carry borderline adequate guns already against their same tier opponents. T32 vs KT, M46 vs T54, t34 vs E75, M26 vs Type-59 come to my mind. Forget the accustomed weak areas, your gun won't do squat.

    Just once don't treat us like trash.

  15. Overlord, 1 more question please. About the above mentioned rejoin: Will it be expanded until the end of the round, or will it remain as 2 minutes?

  16. Q: Why did the max tier company get it's number of points increased? Clanwars already serve that purpose, companies were always a great way to get a small team going. Now to get a competative group you need 13+ ppl in every situation, why has this changed?

    A: 8/90 is our old tourney format, it should work.

  17. Dear Overlord: I will someday kill you and eat your heart so my crew will get 200% on every skill of every crewmember I have.

    Love, Drenix

    P.S: I want a pony for christmas.

    Also, I have a questiong regarding "Rage Quit", if my conection die in the middle of the match (ISP want me to go postal, I swear...) does that count as if I've rage quit, or will just count me as another casualty of war?

  18. Question on the IS-3: will the stock turret retain the mantlet weakspot when it becomes the upgraded turret?

  19. RE: T-59. This adjustment should also mean that the flat sides of 80mm armor will no longer bounch the 7.5mm L/70 rounds as much. Right now even the 8.8 will bounce on the side of the T-59 so in theory flat sides should act flatter.

  20. I have a question about tracer changes, Lets say a light tank is close enough to see an arty tracer when it fires, does this mean that enemy arty across the map will also be able to see it since you had a tank close enough to it? (Even if the arty is not spotted?)


  21. Hey Ovi, what about the new crew skills, they're not in your thoughts, are they postponed ?

  22. Q: Hey Ovi, what about the new crew skills, they're not in your thoughts, are they postponed ?

    A: Unfortunately, there is such chance.

  23. Q: I have a question about tracer changes, Lets say a light tank is close enough to see an arty tracer when it fires, does this mean that enemy arty across the map will also be able to see it since you had a tank close enough to it? (Even if the arty is not spotted?)

    A: SPGs only will be able to see tracers in howitzer (satellite) mode, if the target is within your view range.

  24. "I want a pony for christmas"
    Overlord is not an ordinary Ghostcrawler :D

  25. Q: This update will come before the end of november you think? And your ETA for French tank?

    A: That's difficult. We all hope we can make it before November ends.

    bwahaha, i will laugh if french tree will come only next year, and only half done.

    besides, they are planing to add even two trees!! next year, bwahahaa

  26. "we are reducing the normalization parameter of AP and APCR shells, therefore the effectiveness of sloped armor will see an increase."

    Yay buff to all Russian tanks!
    Is there any point in playing US tanks anymore?

  27. Q: Any new tanks premium or not incoming with 7.0?


  28. Overlord I don't like this "Report it!" function, there are a lot of whiner and blamer player who can't loose and calling others cheater and so on.. Those players will stick to the report button. I hope the support won't ban players with no reason just because someone reported him.

  29. From the notes:

    Extended support of Logitech keyboards and Alienware laptops

    Does this mean my G19 keyboard will now get more on its LCD screen than a rainbow colour display?

    Also, I am unsure about the tracer changes to SPGs. Does it mean you will be unable to see the SPG tracer in overhead view only if the SPG is not spotted, or will SPG tracers be completely disabled until they are spotted in any view?

  30. Q: bwahaha, i will laugh if french tree will come only next year, and only half done.

    besides, they are planing to add even two trees!! next year, bwahahaa

    A: Yeah, that's funny. Very funny.

  31. Overlord please answer what you think:

    Tier V:
    Panzer IV - 75L70 (pen138/dam135)

    T-34 - 76mm (pen109/dam115) or 57mm(pen112/dam85)

    T-34-85 have 100mm gun, so very few use 85mm gun on T-34-85.

    There is a chance for 85mm gun on T-34? To compare with great PanzerIV? Maybe pen120/dam160 from T-28 TierIV?

    ps.Malinovka best map ever!!!!

  32. Q: I hope the support won't ban players with no reason just because someone reported him.

    A: Ofc it won't. Each report will be reviewed carefully.

  33. Q: Any new tanks premium or not incoming with 7.0?

    A: Yup, there will be two special premium tanks. The details on them will be revealed soon.

  34. And I have one question ..... when will this update

  35. Q: There is a chance for 85mm gun on T-34? To compare with great PanzerIV? Maybe pen120/dam160 from T-28 TierIV?

    A: 0% chance. T-34 with 85mm is T-34-85. :)

  36. Hi!

    Have you thought about implementing damage meter to the game? Artys receive much critics they dont kill enough, but no one sees the damage what they done.

    It will be a new contest: Do the most damage in your Tier ... :)

  37. Overlord: "A: 0% chance. T-34 with 85mm is T-34-85. :)"

    Ok, i understand. Anyway I must try ;)

  38. Overlord great job you and your crew are doing here, realy looking forward for the new stuff and change!:D

    PS: if your guys delivers the french tree before xmas ill get you a pony!

  39. Overlord,

    Since the the effectiveness of sloped armor will see an increase in 0.7.0, a lot of people will fear that soviet tanks benefit most of this feature and might see this new penetration model as a "group buff" for soviet tanks.

    Did you consider this and how do you want to prevent the soviet tanks bouncing too much shells in 0.7.0? Do you implement different normalization values for different tanks in order to prevent an imbalance?

  40. Can you do something about this problem - some tanks just drive in to you on purpose and then get the money, because the bigger tank wont get damage, just the one light that drives in to you. And my speed is not 10km/h, because i drive fast to point b and mind my own business, not in the middle of the road of course. Now with the new complaint system, wont there be any problems with that? Just driving in to a tank, then saying he is fault. Because there are some guys, that ram you, then start arguing etc.

  41. "Conical gun will be nerfed on VK3601H"

    This means: 30-40 damage? More have MS-1 on Tier I ;)

  42. Full repair cost for rage quitters! FUCK YEAH!! :D

  43. Increase the effect of sloped armour?

    Oh sure, because the T-54, IS-4 + IS-7 and whatnot who is Russian wheren't BOUNCY enough as it is... Well, that's the end of German and US tank commanders...

  44. @hayhasniper there is a way for arty in WOT. Very simple: REBELLION!

    Each team after 30 seconds counter, at start battle - shot own arty. No ARTY in game. Rebelion!

  45. I was wondering if there will be any overhauling in "critical hits not making any HP damage" department.
    To me it seems that since the last patch there is many more cases of hitting a tank for a critical and not doing any damage to them (I'm not talking about tracks, mind you, I'm talking about side hull hits for example). Is this some kind of glitch or is it indeed intended to be so?
    Some kind of explanation would be nice, and if it is actually intended to be that way how can crit without HP loss be avoided? (by the shooting tank I mean ofc :))

  46. "Multi-cluster" sounds like a misnomer to me. Don't you mean "multi-node"? Multiple "nodes" make up a "cluster".

    Or do you really mean there will be multiple clusters with multiple nodes in them?

    Keep up the good work! I'm still addicted...

  47. Looking greatly forward to this patch Overlord, however I have to worry!

    You say that sloping of armour will become even more important and effective. This undoubtitly looks like a boost to Russian tanks, especially T44 and T54 (and Type 59 ofcourse). Granted other nationalities have sloped armour too, but not in the same amount as Russian tanks, giving them so much greater survivability.

    Question: Have you considered what this will do to the tanks of other nationalities as far as not being sloped as much? Already T54 bounces like crazy compared to virtually any other tank!

    This is not whining, I just want to know if you have even considered what this will do...

  48. Am I the only one that wants to play with 3 other friends? I would love for platoons of 4 people.

    And to keep everything balanced, only one of them can choose a tier 10, two of them tier 9 and the forth will be forced to take tier 8. (it`s just an idea, for those obsessed with "oh no, they all get Maus, and kick our asses!" And for lower than tier 8 there could be similar rules. (1x T8 + 2xT7 + 1T6 ) etc

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. To be honest: I like the game more wihout tracers. In the beginning it was a bit annoying, but right now I really like it.

    The best thing about tracer is that SPGs stop wasting their time with locating enemy SPGs and try to counter instead of helping the team against enemy tanks.

  51. I think I will demand my money back from my Type59 as it seems to be broken because its not overpowered like so many claim....

    Overlord: please please give us info about new premium tanks as while waiting youre preventing people from buying any current premiums as we dont want to buy one tank now and notice we want some of the new ones. Its not good business for you :P

  52. 2 questions:
    We can disable only smoke effect? And the flash, xplosions, etc? That would be very, very nice since I still have only a few FPS.

    What about the new game modes? Are they coming?

  53. "As for horns, we are still thinking of them. :)"

    Thinking of a "mute" checkbox in settings, I hope...

  54. Q: I think I will demand my money back from my Type59 as it seems to be broken because its not overpowered like so many claim....

    A: Did we promise it would be overpowered? Don't think so.

  55. Pls Overlord! A premium arty pls! :DD

  56. "We've hit them hard!
    There will be changes to penetration mechanics. First of, we are reducing the normalization parameter of AP and APCR shells, therefore the effectiveness of sloped armor will see an increase."

    So, after this changes, with E100 and normal ammo, you will not be able to penetrate through armor anything in heavy T9 or 10. Am I right?

  57. Q: "As for horns, we are still thinking of them. :)"

    Thinking of a "mute" checkbox in settings, I hope...

    A: Thinking whether we need them or not.

  58. Q: So, after this changes, with E100 and normal ammo, you will not be able to penetrate through armor anything in heavy T9 or 10. Am I right?

    A: No, you are not right.

  59. "In general the poll results coincide with tank release priorities, apart from the fact the French are coming first, as it was promised. Unconventional designs, oscillating turrets, automated loading, high tier light tanks - French really have something to offer to most fastidious tank aesthetes."

    Q. The fact is the poll showed that more are interested in British tanks than French. Despite the specialty of French will you acknowledge that you, meaning WG, got it wrong?

    Q. Further, that wrt WoWP and WoBs, you should rethink British aircraft and ships for those games? Particularly, in the case of WoBs, as Imperial Russian/Soviet Ships are as significant as the Royal Bhutanese Navy.

  60. With the decrease in shell normalisation, I sure hope you buff the penetration on the 8.8cm L56.

  61. Thank you, Overlord!

    >>Oh sure, because the T-54, IS-4 + IS-7 and whatnot who is Russian wheren't BOUNCY enough as it is... Well, that's the end of German and US tank

    End of German tanks? Fact, they are not bouncy? Nyet, haven't ever heard of it... (warming up my E-75).

  62. hey overlord can you answer to my question when will be this update

  63. @Jens
    >>Question: Have you considered what this will do to the tanks of other nationalities as far as not being sloped as much? Already T54 bounces like crazy compared to virtually any other tank!

    Ricochet is the only chance for paper-thin French LTs of 5-7 tier to survive long enough to be useful, I think...

  64. @ Ariwich

    I see what you are saying! I just dont want that to happen at the expense of other nationalities

  65. "Tiger tank will finally get more detailed armor layout featuring 16 groups and benefit from skirt armor."

    Will there be an upgrade path or a new model depicting skirt armor? I always thought that the tanks in BF1942 look cool once skirt armor was added.

  66. Overlord said...

    Q: "As for horns, we are still thinking of them. :)"

    Thinking of a "mute" checkbox in settings, I hope...

    A: Thinking whether we need them or not.
    October 28, 2011 3:56 PM

    RE: Oh I am 100% we won't need them :P unless you want to create something that loosely resembles GTA :P in that case you would have to add a "tank-jack" feature

  67. Don't rage quit!
    this is awesome.but pls, no more gold tanks!

  68. Can you comment on the amount of reduced normalization effect? If i'm right it's from 8-11° now, what value will it have after the revision?

  69. Just wanted to say that I'm really happy that you're keeping some pace at all that developing thing. It may be not as fast a pace as many of us would hope (more game modes are anticipated quite impatiently, as far as I'm aware), but it's still no less vital to the community, bringing new sparks of liveliness.
    Also - the changes to the Tiger (however slight they may turn out to be eventually) do prove that you're listening to the community after all ;).
    I wholeheartedly wish you luck with all your endeavours. (...also.... no news about that hypothetical new physics system..? (tanks falling off cliffs, jumping, etc.))

  70. great work on the patch overlord i especially welcome the buffs to the T-44 and the IS-7
    one question thought - will the is-3's new top turret have better traverse rates and view range than it does now?

  71. 10/90 company battle mode was fun as you can be competive even not having 15 Maus in your company. We have just reached 2-5 Tier X in our clan, lots of Tier IX and below and in current mode we could have good battles. But in Clan Wars we get kicked in the face in 2 minutes. In future same will happen in company battles too. Now limit 90 takes care there can also be quite equal teams (or 9 Mauses, but those can be taken out in theory one by one with arty helping).

    There will be that 8/90, but in that case we cannot use those Tier IX/X tanks, which we really enjoy play (but don't have enough of those to be competitive with limit 150). That Tier VIII max will be good when you don't have much IX or X in your clan, but before you all have Tier X it would be nice to have some battle where you can use IX/X too.

    Also actually all playing with Tier X battles aren't that much fun. It's good to have wider range of tanks (also meds, td's) than just 10 Maus + 3 T-54 + 2 x huge arties. When limit is 150 every tank below tier X (except T-54) gives your opponent advantage.

    When limit is 90 you can fill up your team with a couple of Tier X's, but you still can be competitive even there are only 3-4 X, 3-5 IX + some lighter (and still got fun to play tier X and IX with your friends/clan in company).

    We already have Clan Wars with 150 limit, isn't that enough? The best solution would be if we could have company battle 10/100, which allow big ones to play with smaller friends without fear of 15 Mauses. 8/90 is not enough as you cannot utilize clans best tanks at all. We have small clan with 20+ active players and usually get 10-14 for company battles (tier varied from X to VI).

    It will take 6 months that all of us have tier X and be competitive in 10/150. That is quite long time just to rest top tier tanks to get matches together with lower tier clan members (using 8/90 until everyone has grinded top tiers alone). Current 10/90 has served well when waiting for Clan Wars (we have tried it but got our asses kicked badly). Also many players have sold their tier VIII tanks to get IX/X for example Ferdis and IS-3's are gone (top tiers are so expensive).

    Shortly: 10/100 would be very nice company mode too (for using only a few top tiers, some IX TD's/meds and better variation than 15 x Tier X).

  72. "we are getting 4 - 4/45, 6/50, 8/90, and 10/150"

    This means there will be no tank tier limits, just point limits? So an 4/45 will be 4 tier 10 and a tier 5? I thought you will make a real option for the small tank owners..

  73. @Dogmeat:

    Don't worry, small tank owners :)

    4/45 means: max tier 4, total sum of tiers in company 45.

  74. Question:
    Will there be PhysX only graphics? will the Physics engine require Physx?

  75. I see many of the later period tanks have smoke dispensers on their turrets Will there be research/implementation to allow us to create concealing smoke for the area around our tanks. Also could artillery fire smoke shells to obscure a target or obscure an advance? the wind speed and direction shown by the flag at would of course be very useful for the smokes dispersion time and direction.


  76. Q: Overlord can you give us some info about camo pricing (gold/credits)?

  77. I know it isn't planned in this update and probably not even planned at all, but do u think you could ask kindly on the development team to let us rearrange the tanks on our garage as we please? Thanks.

  78. The M103 is still arriving before the end of the year right?

  79. @Ariwch
    Yes, the French tanks with the very thin armor need the slope in order to be balanced, but most soviet tanks have good armor and outstanding slope. Reducing shell normalisation may be too much for soviet tanks:
    French: Thin armor and good slope
    American: Thin (hull) armor and average slope
    German: Good armor and mostly average slope
    Soviet: Good armor and good slope

    The only way to compensate this problem would be to implement different armor normalisation values for different tanks. Example: IS-3 with 62° sloped armor sold have a different armor normalisation value than a VK4502A with 55° sloped armor. I hope you understand my intention.

  80. Currently I anticipate the tiered company battles the most. I love tier 5-6 tanks and hope to be able to play them in a more organized fashion.
    Yet I suspect tier 5 tanks will not be able to enter these games a lot, like tier 9 heavies have hard time getting in companies now. Perhaps KV(2) (my fav) will not have this problem as much as T1 HT or KV-1 when it's introduced, because they have poor firepower. Not to mention tier 5 meds.
    But its worth giving it a try the way you are going to introduce it, and see if it works...

  81. In a post on the forum here by a mod:

    for tracers it says - for SPG mode: tracers from enemy SPGs that are within player's view screen will be displayed in addition to tracers that are displayed in current Game Client version.

    However, you say - for SPGs: tracers will be shown for tanks that are within view range in howitzer mode

    Who is correct?

  82. Vanity said...
    Can you do something about this problem - some tanks just drive in to you on purpose and then get the money, because the bigger tank wont get damage, just the one light that drives in to you. And my speed is not 10km/h, because i drive fast to point b and mind my own business, not in the middle of the road of course. Now with the new complaint system, wont there be any problems with that? Just driving in to a tank, then saying he is fault. Because there are some guys, that ram you, then start arguing etc.
    October 28, 2011 3:14 PM

    This one. In my last game I was rammed by a smaller tank (Tier 3 I think it was) and I got fine: Battle: Erlenberg Friday, 28 October 2011 17:25:57
    Vehicle: SU-85
    Experience received: 55 (fine for causing damage to allies: 10)
    Credits received: 2.360 (fine for causing damage to allies: 1.140)(yes I got killed very fast :))

    Can this be fixed?

  83. Translate to russian here -

  84. What happens to people who already have the T-10 IS3 turret? will we lose it and have it replaced with the turret we just got rid of?

  85. OverL: As for horns, we are still thinking of them. :)

    Dont think about it, forgot and throw away instead :)

  86. "Conical gun will be nerfed on VK3601H, Tiger is getting this gun as it is now. "

    I'm using the 75mm konisch now on my VK3601H. It's fun for long-range plinking, as it has good accuracy and penetration. But the 75 damage is a real come-down from the normal 115 for a 75mm weapon. (Due, of course, to the subcaliber 55mm penetrator.) So it doesn't generate a lot of kills. I'm having trouble understanding why that needs nerfing.

  87. Q: There is a chance for 85mm gun on T-34? To compare with great PanzerIV? Maybe pen120/dam160 from T-28 TierIV?

    A: 0% chance. T-34 with 85mm is T-34-85. :)

    Oh, yeah? So what is the T-34 with a 100mm weapon?
    T-34-100? LOL

  88. I agree with Mark, besides not 75 damage but only 65 damage!
    So please dont nerf this conical gun, because now probably 90% vk3601H use 75L70 or 88L56. Maybe in company when most players use gold ammo use this gun. So nerf APCR gold Ammo and BUFF damage with normal.
    If you nerf this gun no one will be use it like ...85mm gun in t-34-85.

  89. Overlord said...

    "Q: I have a question about tracer changes, Lets say a light tank is close enough to see an arty tracer when it fires, does this mean that enemy arty across the map will also be able to see it since you had a tank close enough to it? (Even if the arty is not spotted?)

    A: SPGs only will be able to see tracers in howitzer (satellite) mode, if the target is within your view range."

    So an Obj 261 will only see arty shots within 460m of his location?

    I've got to admit that doesn't make any sense to me. Are you sure you don't mean 'view area' as in the arty will only see arty shots in howitzer mode, and their client will only get information on those shots that originated in the view area you are currently looking at? That would seem to provide counter-battery opportunities while being immune to client-side hacking.

  90. Overlord,

    Feedback on:
    Ragequit : that is really not a penalty for the quiter as he already has tank locked and gets full repair bill. May i suggest: quiter loses all ammo and consumables in tank, full repair bill, zero xp and credits.
    Tracers for spgs: no no no. This is not ok! This makes spg vs spg counterbattery still be impossible! Can you not instead make a new module for light tanks that, when an spg shell falls inside its LOS, triangulates an APPROXIMATE location of enemy spg (say, what square in minimap he is in) and makes that square blink ONLY in friendly SPG minimap (not scouts minimap)?
    Colorblind options:OMG thank you!!
    BALANCE: can USA please have supply as its balance advantage? If us tanks get silver purchase shells like HVAP ( more pen, less dmg), APHE (less pen, more dmg) and HESH ( zero pen high damage HE shell) then these tanks with such a very small and underperforming gun choice (76,90,105mm) for most of their tiers can be given flexibility without OP'ing them or adding new gun types that would be ahistorical

  91. "We've hit them hard!

    Read: We want you to buy more gold shells. :)

  92. Feedback on Ragequit:

    What happens IF you don't VOLUNTARILY leave the battle, but get booted? Admittedly, in the 2-3 minutes it can take to log back in there is a good chance you'd be destroyed, but then if you have a well chosen spot and bonuses on camo, there could still be a chance it might still be operable? You've missed some time accruing xp and credits. I understand some players can frustrated by 'passive participation', but seem a little harse, but then you have to weigh the cances of getting booted, against the odds of quiters. So no xp and credits IF no effort is made to RE-JOIN the battle, or any shots fired after say the first 3 minutes (20% of battle clock)?

  93. Is the T-34 going to be swapped to premium in the 7.0 update?

  94. Jarno said... "Shortly: 10/100 would be very nice company mode too (for using only a few top tiers, some IX TD's/meds and better variation than 15 x Tier X). "

    couldnt agree more. tier 10 company battle with 150 points will not force interesting choices. Are those points per tier set or would you consider changing them?

  95. @Mark

    Look at how it performs with premium ammo and then say it isn't overpowered at the moment. It has more DPS than T-54, very high accuracy and low aim time, more penetration than any of the T9 meds. It's a better gun than any T8 heavy gets. Of course, that's just because the premium ammo on it is way too good, but for some reason they refuse to nerf only that. If you look at some mod's profiles you'll see they have VKs with over 1k average exp per battle, so they obviously realise this.

  96. If this AP shell normaliztion change is a huge buff for russian tanks, and I ding them even more? That would be the final straw for me. I'm already playing less.

  97. whaa whaa we dont even know wether this will make it more or les bouncy. only that its being adjusted. perhaps now a properly angled tiger will be as bouncy as an IS-3.... lets not start crying and wailing until we have driven some openbeta test server eh?

  98. 7.0 looks very interesting
    - Massive Hitbox Overhaul - cool, looking forward to it
    - Map Debugging - looking forward to it, its really annoying you cant do much once you stuck. It happens especially when you go on reverse and hit wall. You climb up but cant get back
    - Multi-cluster technology - hopefully better tire matching and faster queues
    - Customize it! - hmm hmm couldn't care less unless it improve (decrease) camouflage on certain maps
    - Tiered Companies - cool but 150 points in tire10 battles is bit overkill, make it 110-120 and maybe slightly increase in tire 4 and 6 to 4/55 and 6/70
    - Report it! - finally, maybe ppl will be less rude to each other and hold on clicking on mini map, spamming chat pointlessly
    - Mini-map v.2.0 - cool was looking forward this change it really needed some improvement
    - Tracers, anyone? - we will see how it work out hopefully no more cheating
    - Don't rage quit! - I still would punish them a bit more as they weaken their team by leaving early (well unless this full repair cost is like they would have damaged all their vehicle parts and repair bill was really huge as it happens sometime when you get damaged module one after another)
    - Balance Above All - hmm T-44 will still be ammo rack on tracks as to rest didnt play german tanks mentioned and IS-3 is past me but wouldnt say it needs nerf it sure have soft hull and think have lowest HP from all tire 8 heavies
    - Graphics - hopefully improved performance also. I can play with 50fps but when on zoom mode got smoke it drops to like 2fps. Smoke effects in game are seriously bugged, maybe you could think of something that makes less performance loss.

    - We've hit them hard! - Improvement to sloped armor is not needed. Instead I would love some solution to situation where I hit side of E-100 (130mm) under ~90 degree from my S-70 260mm (195-325) avg penetration and dont get penetration twice in row. Even lowest number is 65mm higher than E-100 side thickness. Also I would love to see some changes to 0 dmg hits that were not ricochets or not penetrating hits. Disappearing of 0 dmg crits would love to see also. This two kinds of hits should at least do some dmg

    Could you improve your ignore system that you cant see ignored player clicking on map please.

  99. "new mechanics for HE will be in place (defining the spot with the thinnest armor to burn through), ensuring more realistic and credible penetration and damaging."

    Overlord, can you explain in detail this change?

  100. i hope the conical nerf wont effect it to bad for the 3601 it's a saving grace when in high tiers and the shortt 88 falls short on performance but who knows with the change in normalization but surprising the tiger is getting it conical tiger platoons ftw lolol

  101. "Balance above all", yet the T34 is still garbage, the T5E1 is still garbage..

    In light of the changes to normalization, will you be buffing guns that are already "just good enough" for their tier? T5E1 on the T32 is already extremely anemic and is already the worst performing top gun of any tier 8 heavy. You have to be very careful with your shots as it is to penetrate IS-3s, IS-4s, KTs, and even Panther IIs. Even Type-59s bounce the T5E1 frontally quite regularly. If the normalization changes make armor on these vehicles even more effective, the T5E1 won't stand a chance.

    So, will the T5E1 be receiving a buff? Or will T32 be getting a new gun?

  102. Going to repost a question someone else made.


    Since the the effectiveness of sloped armor will see an increase in 0.7.0, a lot of people will fear that soviet tanks benefit most of this feature and might see this new penetration model as a "group buff" for soviet tanks.

    Did you consider this and how do you want to prevent the soviet tanks bouncing too much shells in 0.7.0? Do you implement different normalization values for different tanks in order to prevent an imbalance?

  103. + Rage quit: very good and would even better if we could rejoin now until the end of the game because the Game is crashing more often lately sometimes freezing the whole PC. the two minute rejoin option is sometimes too short.

    + reporting system: will make people behave a little more and spamers will probably banned very fast when the team reports them

    + horns: I pay gold for not introducing them. totally useless but destroying the atmosphere of a tank game. please make a poll in advance with simple yes or no option.

    - "the effectiveness of sloped armor will see an increase" so the easy mode players were complaining again as there skill didn't rise during the last month but those of the US and German tank drivers did? Of course every tank dings once in a while but come on no sane person will doubts that the OP Russian tanks (note: most Russian tanks are not OP but oh wonder the highest Tier Med and one of the Tier X heavy is) don't need a ding buff.

  104. Lord Overlord,

    I hope the nerf of the Konisch gun on the VK3601(H) is minor. That tank is one of the most fun vehicles in the game. IMHO, well balanced, as it has only fair armor, medium speed, and with gold rounds a decent long distance gun. I enjoy that vehicle more than any other. To reduce its abilities would be a detriment to the game overall.

  105. I know it's not in 7.0 patch, but I have a question about the substitution process of T34:
    Do I need to have my T34 in my garage and made elite or I can have it without upgrades in order for me to receive the T34 as a premium tank?

  106. Rage quit:

    Sometimes i get disconnected from like 5 games in a row, because of some connection error on the route (my internet doesnt crash). And i have to give up playing for few hours, until it fixes itself.

    I never rage quit, theres is just some connection issue and iam not the only one whos getting this!

  107. guys why do you think russian tanks are the best, i have all, american, german, russian all up to tier 9, or 8 mediums and what you are saying is simple not true or you use your tanks wrong way.
    T29 is better tank than IS or tiger, his gun is way more effective in his tier, and if player find cover for his soft body T29 can take out much bigger tank than tier7.
    If player know how to use that tank if nothing alse i would say T29 might be overpowered.
    That nice 105mm gun is exelent even in tier8 and t32 has good armor and can fight easy with other tier 8ts.
    Only T34 sux till player dont get last gun ( its pain in the asss without it) and than its nice tank to play with, again if you know how to use it IS4s are not problem.
    As i have E75 as well, i would say that tank is way stronger than IS4 or t34.
    You keep forgeting that American guns shoot way faster, that are more acurate at small expense of penatration but if you know where to shoot and every tank has weak spot it shouldnt be problem.
    I think since E-series was introduced that germans have best tanks, so i m going for them, and not bitching that my IS7 need buff :/

    Just couse Game is made by russian people, you think they favor russian tanks like commi crap
    if game was made by germans whould you make it sound like Nazzy s#@t?
    or american capitalistic war likeing pi@s ?

    Please stop that political-racizam s@#t and just enjoy game.
    If you dont like one tank and think other is better just go for it dont always complain.

    Q for overlord - premium tanks
    Are you planing to introduce some good (expensive that can bring on avrage +40k) lower tier tank that can be fun to drive?
    I wouldnt mind to pay 7k gold for tier 5 medium that can bring that, as i have lowe and not fun even tho i make +70k per game i hate big tier fight as there is way to much camping so t59 is not option.

  108. overlord i have a question will this tanks be the new prem tanks
    SU-85U (Prem.)


    Pz IV Hydro (Prem.)


    Der Tiger mit der konischen 7,5


    MTLS-1G14 (Kommt wohl in irgendeine Box oder sonstwohin ^^)


  109. Biodragon70 - facepalm (you can't proper copy/paste links)


    yes i can

  111. Greetings, Overlord. A quick question about the reporting system, if you may.

    Since, as much as I understand, the reports will be dealt with in realtime, will there by job openings for report management? Or will it be up to the current chat and game moderators?

    Also, how will the system work? Will it give only the chat log to report provocation or slander, or will it automatically take a screenshot to prove blocking or other non verbal yet disrupting actions.

  112. Overlord, please don't abandon the horn idea. It will be really useful in standard battle to get people to understand that they're in the way or need to move for some reason. Currently you have to stop, enter chat message, click enter, realise the message wasn't clear enough or the person doesn't understand it was meant for them, type a new message, watch the player die from artillery because they don't understand that they're in a bad spot, get killed by artillery yourself because you're standing still while typing in the damn chat box...

    Just a simple "honk" and keep moving would simplify a lot.

  113. Hey overlord, mind commenting on that matchmaking thing you just disappeared from?

    where you implied that matchmaking only works during peak times?

    Like just now i got out of a battle where it put my löwe on top of my team against 2 IS4s on the enemy team...

    pretty much done with this game as this is all ever get.

  114. Seeing the last point in the list, does this mean you FINALLY fixed the 0 damage hits? Especially in higher tier matches? Or do you still insist they don't exist?

  115. Overlord: can you tell us when the public test sever is scheduled start?

    Really looking forward to camos and improved graphics.

  116. Q: Will the M103 be released with the T110? If so can you please push the T110 back cause I really want the T30 as a T9 TD and the only reason I went for the American line was because of the 155mm cannon!

  117. Q: Massive Hitbox Overhaul - does that mean that tiger will get its 120mm thick mantlet in front of the 100mm thick turret front?

    A: Not planning to change the thickness.

    Q: You do realize that on the "Turret PzKpfw-VI-Tiger-I-Porscheturm", there is an additional Plate in front of the gun mounting?

    You even have that in your own wiki:

    Not the 120mm gun mantlet but the 110mm gun shield in the lower right picture.

  118. balance above all else?

    I will just point the T34...

    This tank is seriously ruining the game for me. Please get this thing switched out asap! The levels of BS that thing tank has to endure is borderline inexcusable.

    Seriously: I'm to the point when I want an apology for the T34, after spending nearly 200$ on this game' the US tier 9 heavy should not be as bad as it is, especially for a largely fictional tank.

  119. Two more questions:

    Q1: Will the 8,8 cm KwK 36 L/56 receive a penetration buff maybe at least for the T7 tanks with e.g. better ammo?
    With the normalization changes it will be next to useless in tanks like the VK 3002 DB.

    Q2: With the changes to the Tiger and a general direction to more realistic tank models, is there a chance of buffing it's top speed forward and backwards to more realistic values?

    There are countless sources that state that the Tiger was NOT slow and immobile due to the combat tracks of 755 mm width which gave the Tiger rather low ground pressure (better then the Panther/Shermans/Pz IV).

  120. Hi,
    how about 4-5 person platoons.That is the only thing i whant.

  121. Is the M103 gonna be coming with this update, or the 7.1 (french) update?

  122. i gatta say overlord thats a good bit of info ill have to reread it to make sure i got it all and good luck and good work on the update aswell.also is the Tiger P getting the update the Tiger is?

  123. quote: "..Changed shells for 8.8 L/71 gun. Yes, damage increase is planned. However the current DPM will be retained.."

    and info from "goharu"

    "...Jagdtiger 8th Tier premium AT with 8,8 L/71 cannon..."

    sound like a change to the cannons just because will be used on premium JT, so DPS retained but more damage per shot(but decrease in ROF of tanks that already have it.
    ...but with new penetration calculations/sloped armor = cant wait to see the result


    "...Conical gun will be nerfed on VK3601H, Tiger is getting this gun as it is now..."

    1st of all, konish cannon isnt good even with gold rounds, other cannons for vk3601h with regular or gold roudns are better. and if u nerf it, better erase it from the tank :P j/k

    Tiger will not get any benefit from this gun, i dont think new tiger owners waste research experience for cannon, i have already both german heavy lines researched full with no free xp, i grinded those just playing the game. i know konish isnt good at all, at least InGame.


    love lots of change to come, some are great, and look forward to others i dont know how will afect the game.


    the poll =
    Bonus specials (x5 exp, and such) will win with 93% or more, because all want to grind faster. but the best event so far is the one that isnt limited by language or photoshop/sonyvegas skills,

    that leave us with MVP and kill the mod. kill the mod its just for a little amount of players. that random get the oposite team of a mod. then 15 players per time, MVP are great, but tourneys are the way to go we all love tourneys, In My Opinion.

  124. Soooo you can fit TWO premium tanks in with 7.0 but you couldn't get the M103 in? wow.

  125. Honestly, what makes the Konical such a nasty gun is the fact it can hit and hit often with some effect, but considering how much health Tier 6s and up get, the damage already is enough to keep it from being nerfed.

  126. Oh also, ya know since I can do math, It's nice to see the ap, apcr change will buff specifically the Russian tanks the most, some of the germans a bit, and barely anything for the US, ya know the US with the worst armor in the game as it is....

  127. They can always fit more gold tanks in, and they can always find a way to screw US tanks over.

  128. Hello there Overlord. I'm gonna ask couple question if I may:

    Q1: Is clan armoury thingy still in your plans ?

    Q2: I've always meant to ask about it, but one of the tips while the map is loading tells us of the legendary "over penetration". If we take that logic, shouldn't shells penetrating R2D2 turret of KV5, hatches of US tanks and hatches in general do no dammage to the tank ? (apart from the poor lads sitting at those hatches that is) ?

    Q3: What exactly is it meant by reducing "normalization parameters" in sloped armor part of the post ? Are you bluntly telling us you are making game inbalanced on purpouse ?

    Q4: Any info on when test server will be up ?

    Q5: Just bear with us, and give us some info on camo pricing. Just level with us dude, we won't bite.

    Q6: New wargaming TV is up. When will we get subtitled version for us english speaking folks ?

  129. @SuperBen "1st of all, konish cannon isnt good even with gold rounds"

    No with gold rounds this cannon really rocks. You have 225 pen and 165 damage. I remember first time contest "Kill the Mods" when most moderators use VK3601H with this gun and gold ammo and kill many non-cheated (no gold ammo) users.

    So i agree, this gun should be nerfed... but buffed too. Why?

    Because when you have only normal shells you dont have any gun ;) In many maps (Himmelsdorf, Ruinberg etc) you dont do anything because 65 damage is a joke. I must hit 5-6 times Pz38NA to kill. In close combat i often get 45-50 damage - When you fight with T-34-85 you loose. 230 damage vs 65. 175 pen vs 167. So many users get 75L70 or 88L56. I spoke with vk3601H prof user (286 battles 175 wins, he is very good) He use 88L56 in 80% battles. He try konical in 3-4 battles but like he said "useless, no damage"
    At-1 have 75 damage - but this is on tier II.
    Tier II not Tier VI.

    So this gun must be nerfed on gold ammo and buffed(created because now is a atrapy) on normal shells.

    I have a vk36001H. I play 22 battles. In first 9 battles i use conical gun. I kill 2 tanks (tier IV). I get 5:4 win/defeat
    In next 13 battles i use 75L70. I kill 17 tanks and get 10:2
    I never use conical gun again. Because there is no such gun, only atrapy.

  130. whi the hell cares about tracers cheat, this game dont have cheats. Tanks that disappear, tanks teleporting, artys with one second aiming, tiers 9 shooting like a machine gun, people that shoot you through a wall or a stone. Of course cheats in this game dont exist hahahaha. And what wargaming do? NOTHING
    So continue your happy developing without caring about cheaters, that one day people are going to be tired of see this things

  131. I use cheat for my T95 so that i can always hit ammo rack in Paz4 or KV and kill them with one shot :P
    Glitches exist in any gama, like shooting trou wall it happens , but most of time i m sure just becouse you dont know where it came from you call that player cheater.
    I love killing guys like that :P

  132. i love using my cheat thats called skill bcause if ujust wait and shot exaclty where the shot came from(tracers) than u can use the same glitch as the enemy ore jsut have a good crew and rammer for better reload speed cheats do exist ut they dont work bcause the importent data is on a external server and the cheat ony works on ure pc

  133. Will the Jagdtiger with 8,8cm/L71 be one of the two premium tanks introduce with patch 7.0?

  134. probably not i rather sink the su85 u and the pz4 hydro will come out by this patch

  135. @Biodragon, as it seems that it works on your PC, server does the calculation to see if you have reloaded or not, the server will not let you fire until it calculates that you have actually reloaded.

  136. If the T-10 turret on the IS-3 is being removed and "reserved", does that mean the T-10 heavy tank is being introduced?

  137. Hi Overlord,great job keeping this blog alive :)

    Q1: Reducing the normalization of AP,doesnt it benefit more to the russian line,because most of their tanks have insane slope armor,I'm having trouble penetrating IS4 as it is now with my E75? Will there be any rebalancing if needed? Like reducing armor or buffing guns?

    Q2: Will they add the planned improved physics for the upcoming patch 7.0?
    Where you can actually knock someone of the cliff or throw him in the sea :D.....

  138. Come on move that poor gun on T34 US Heavy (105 mm). That is worst tank in game. Stock T34 with paper armour deserve 120mm in start or with some exp but not that much (110k exp)

  139. it is a bug with te reloading speed bcause 90% on eu sevrer battles it happens that a is3 hits my 50 times in 5 seconds

  140. Well, shell traces as they were before were good for game, SPG usually could kill enemy SPG without problems and of course, hidden tanks, were not so hidden, there was always trace comming from place where tanks was standing. So I'd like to see that back, as it was.
    Hopefully with some kind of protection, there are plenty of those.

    Regarding horns, that is nonsece. What for does a tank need a horn. Imagine tank with General Lee skin and horn, annoying...

    Camo skins should have more use, not just graphical, is it going to bring some + to a tank?

    ...somehow I think, that older graphic was better then this newer one, donno why. That is before 0.6.4

    Most tanks need to have reworked hit boxes, and I say hi to those shell penetration fixes.

    Also, it would be good to se some improvements regarding blind shoots, and those shoots that do not give any damage. ("one more and they are gone", tank at full health lolz)


  141. Also, please give some more info about Fog of War.
    As far I can see, when two teams fight each other, they won't be able to see what tanks other team has, until detected. If so, this is going to be really good.
    What else is Fog of War going to bring us?

    And regarding destroyed tanks, are they going to be in other clan battles on that territory as obstacle (dead tank)? Or is it just going to be destroyed tank in garage...


  142. E75 player asking for IS4 nerf... seriously?


    Don't listen to whiners who thinks they can only win because of big guns and armor. Maybe they'll learn how to play one day.

    Keep the tactic variety and the part of luck in the game, don't try to please a few people who can understand how a game is made and want their toy for christmas to be the bigger.

    Love !

  144. Wait, so AS I UNDERSTAND IT, a tank / TD facing a particular direction, will see incoming tracers.

    And, effectively, genuine counter-battery is gone. Enemy tracers allied tanks see will only be seen if they're within the 680M or so view range. (or is it only the spotting range of the spg?)

    Tracers, seen by tanks and TD's, will not pop up at all for SPG's; this dichotomy gets rid the turbolaser-graphic graphical hacks?

    But artillery can still possibly blind fire by seeing friendly tracer fire, which itself could be shooting at the origin of enemy tracers but without a confirmed spot? Cause this at least brings back a semblance of counter-battery, albeit only against tanks camped in bushes, typically TD's.

  145. Q1: Reducing the normalization of AP,doesnt it benefit more to the russian line,because most of their tanks have insane slope armor,I'm having trouble penetrating IS4 as it is now with my E75? Will there be any rebalancing if needed? Like reducing armor or buffing guns?

    Q2: Will they add the planned improved physics for the upcoming patch 7.0?
    Where you can actually knock someone of the cliff or throw him in the sea :D.....

    A1: French and US vehicles also have nicely sloped armor. Plus the overall decrease is going to be rather slight. ~1%.

    A2: New physics will come in 2012.

  146. Q: If the T-10 turret on the IS-3 is being removed and "reserved", does that mean the T-10 heavy tank is being introduced?

    A: Yes, it is planned.

  147. Q: Will the Jagdtiger with 8,8cm/L71 be one of the two premium tanks introduce with patch 7.0?

    A: It will come in 7.1

  148. Q1: Is clan armoury thingy still in your plans ?

    Q2: I've always meant to ask about it, but one of the tips while the map is loading tells us of the legendary "over penetration". If we take that logic, shouldn't shells penetrating R2D2 turret of KV5, hatches of US tanks and hatches in general do no dammage to the tank ? (apart from the poor lads sitting at those hatches that is) ?

    Q3: What exactly is it meant by reducing "normalization parameters" in sloped armor part of the post ? Are you bluntly telling us you are making game inbalanced on purpouse ?

    Q4: Any info on when test server will be up ?

    Q5: Just bear with us, and give us some info on camo pricing. Just level with us dude, we won't bite.

    Q6: New wargaming TV is up. When will we get subtitled version for us english speaking folks ?

    A1: Yup, still in plans.

    A2: All these are parts of hitboxes barring observation devices, rangefinders and such stuff.

    A3: We are telling that the effectiveness of sloped armor will see ~1% increase.

    A4: In a few weeks.

    A5: You will find out upon the start of public test. ;)

    A6: I think, it will be out this week.

  149. ehm overlord i have some questions exctly will the hitbox revision go on bigger or smaller hitboxes or new hit zones added (like gun from t59 can be hit))

    2.the report system is how i understand it simikar two a game called blackshot where u can choose what u want to report and then explain more excact what the proble is .
    will it be like this or will it be complity different
    3.the armor revision i find great but on some tanks the bounciness of the armr is allready good will these tanks also get a buffed armor

    and last question is what new prem tanks will come out i saw some pics of the su 85 u, the pz4 hydro and some new us light tanks with two guns will these be the special prem tanks please answer fast

    thankys allready for answers

  150. is it really true that it first goes on in a few weeks the testserver many mods wrote that it will be tommorw latest on the 3 november what is now true

  151. Q: is it really true that it first goes on in a few weeks the testserver many mods wrote that it will be tommorw latest on the 3 november what is now true

    A: A few weeks from now. Definitely not this week.

  152. Overlord dont you guys want to give us a list of the Credit earn rate of the tanks?

  153. Also how about changing your image to a WG logo so people can easily recognize your comments?

  154. Concerning the T110 and the effectiveness of armor plate from diferent nations:

    Take a look at this, i'm not sure if its reliable or not, but it makes think twice about how you guys calculate effective armor in game.

    Question: Why doesn't the game tank into account of armor plate strength/brittleness?

    US tanks have soft armor, less effective vs AP but much more effective protection against HE and HEAT rounds

  155. So tell me, the 105 T5E1 is already the worst tier 9 gun. It suffers from ghost rounds that the dev's won't acknowledge, it requires hands down the most skill to precision to use properly. With the changes to armor it will be even worse then it is currently. Are there any plans to give this very lacking gun any love?

  156. is planed to rebalancing panther?
    now it is big, slow, not agile, and have paper armor. yes, it has big HP and nice gun, but now it isn't medium tank, seems be crapy paper HT

  157. - Question:
    "Conical gun will be nerfed on VK3601H,"
    in which way?

    - Question:
    Stuck issues - will this improvement take into account, that you currently can sometimes drive over a steep e.g. 45° "ramp" along a hill near to it's top but get stuck on a 10° "ramp" which is more distant form the hills top (almost on open terrain)? This is very annoying because this seemingly arbitrary "terrain collision boxes" makes it impossible to know where you can actually drive and where you get stuck and often frozen (instantly at that). Some system e.g. visually via certain textures which clearly show the players which terrain is actually passable and which is not or other clear and CONSISTENT rules like 30° and steeper sides of hills make u stuck always and all other angle let you pass etc.
    Any thought/infos on that subject?

  158. - Ragequit
    It is impolite and somewhat unsocial but IMO the gameplay suffered massively in the last few weeks - more and more players tend to lazyly and cowardly basecamp weakening the team drastically. Also lots of players seemingly have no clue how the read the minimap or they don't care or are unable to make decision on what they see. I don't demand tactical geniuses but a minimum of common sense (maybe also too much to ask for?), so if 10 tanks roll on one side only 1-2 basecamper and artis then a flank or even up to 2/3 of the map is uncovered - so I find myself often fighting alone on a whole flank. So let me ask you - why should I bother fighting alone on a flank when I know I will be crushed instantly by enemy forces because there is no freakin backup whatosever? It's tactically useless even suicide same as basecamping - surely this is not the way you planned the gameplay or want to promote this?

    - Sloped Armor
    U want to up it once again making the russian tanks even more superior (let's admit it the other nations are clearly inferior in this aspect because they have no spheroid shapes) - pls think trice before changing anything - this is extremely delicate for gameplay

    some additional thoughts:
    - Spotting system:
    sorry to have to say this, but this "feature" still sucks ! TDs in bushes miles away get uncovered shooting but heavy tanks within 150m don't does not make much sense. and before you deny that this is possible believe me i have experienced this and so have many others (if i had the performance i would record each fight to prove that there are scenarios that don't make sense and u wont be able with your supposed mechanics! E.G. last weeks highlight: an IS disappeared 110m in front of my KT because it drove through a bush - I kid you not!). The spotting system is terrible inconsistent and implausible making it hard to understand and even harder to accept. I know this is THE major issue in my clan and many allied clans as well. PLEASE address this issue ASAP!!

    - Gameplay:
    as mentioned above before in the last few weeks the gameplay has become very annoying, enraging even, because of unsocial even unfair and dumb gamers. I regularly have scouts tanks camping in the base doing literally nothing. This weeks highlight was a scout who hid beside my SPG blocking my rotation movement (how crazy is that oO ??). Then there was the T8 match with 5 T8 tanks of which FOUR camped in base losing the game because the brave other mediums tank went in and fought and died miserablely because they had now backup in firepower against the overwhelming enemy forces. Also it happen a lot that T9 and T10 tanks camp back in base while the weaker T8 fight (and often enough loose because they just don't have enough firepower and armor to hold against the stronger enemies). This scenarios are by now no isolated incidents any more but happen way too regularly. I don't know if you have noticed this issue, but IMO it ruins the game very much. Initiative, commitment and actions/ exposure are heavily punished by current game mechanics because such tank get easily spotted but the tanks shooting at them are not. Camping is rewarded because you get way less detected (no matter which class of tank shoots!). Some times it seems you have to drive over them to detect the shooters. At least make shooting and driving equal in terms of detection...
    One idea to counter this, would be to punish camping by making shooter longer visible (except for TDs and SPGs) and make movement less obvious. Reduce the camo effect of bushes to around 10%. Then camping would be quite hard and dangerous - Also scouts would be more useful (XP for REdetection by scouts would be a nice feature too and a motivation not to kamikaze scout at the beginning of each match).

    I don't expect a long answer but a short statement to each point would be nice and appreciated! THX!

  159. @Hypernaut said...

    If these were questions for the next "Questions and Answers" the answers would be these:

    1: We have plans for it
    2: No ETA yet
    3: We thinking about it
    4: Maybe in the future

    Choose one randomly as answers :)

  160. """Corben said...

    So tell me, the 105 T5E1 is already the worst tier 9 gun. It suffers from ghost rounds that the dev's won't acknowledge, it requires hands down the most skill to precision to use properly. With the changes to armor it will be even worse then it is currently. Are there any plans to give this very lacking gun any love?""""

    I dont think it would be fair as that gun is from T29 witch in his tier is best gun in game (i would say overpowered) , while he is good enough for tier8 as any other tier8 top gun.
    Tho since i have T34 it was realy dificult to play with it in tier9.
    Still buff that gun for tier9 it will make tier7 and 8 way overpowered, but T34 does deserve better (diferent) gun to start with, but with replacment coming soog guess it will be fixed.
    But when t34 is fully upgraded its realy nice tank to drive, i love it.

  161. I think T34 should have 105 mm from Patton. This gun still has worse penetration than 105 mm from KT and E75 or soviet BL9. I hope it will be done with M103.

  162. "Top Said...
    I dont think it would be fair as that gun is from T29 witch in his tier is best gun in game (i would say overpowered) , while he is good enough for tier8 as any other tier8 top gun."

    Wait, what? The T5E1 has the same damage and RoF but lower penetration & accuracy than the 105L68, and lower penetration & damage than the BL9. So both other nations get significantly better guns at Tier8.

    Yes, it's fine on the T29 (though to say it's OP is a big silly, since the 88L71 has similar DPM with slightly better accuracy & pen), but it is really barely adequate on the T32 and certainly rubbish on the T34.

    Overlord, any chance you can please give us some indication how the "Balance" changes will help improve the high-tier US heavy tanks vs their counterparts?

  163. Yeah, 105mm gun from T29 is barely adequate on T32 and certainly rubbish on T34. You have to grind 110k xp with this gun on Tier 9 tank to get proper counterpart adequate for other nations Tier 9 tanks. That is why i quite grinding T34 since it will be a premium tank. One big request: plase do not ruin this tank's gun as a premium, the penetration should be at least the same, as it will be on IS-6 with BL-9 (225mm). Without decent gun (due to its paper armor) you would kill this tank as a credit maker.

  164. First off thank you Overlord for all the info.

    I got the VK2801 right when it came out and that thing can't seem to make credits to save its life! On the site the Leopard says the "credit factor" is 0.76 under the "more info" tab. The VK2801 doesn't have that tab so I can't say for sure but even if I get sniper and/or scout and die the repair bill for the 2801 almost always costs more to fix then you can make.

    Question: will there be any buffs/fixes to the VK2801 credit earning potential?

  165. Q: Can you please make the M103 in this patch? The T34 is very unbalanced vs the IS-4 E-75 and VK4502 B with out the 120mm and the 120mm costs over 110k altogether can you either make the 120mm 25k exp or get the M103?

  166. Hi Overlord! Thx for Information! I have a little question. You say:
    Tiered Companies
    There will be separate restrictions on light tanks and SPGs. E.g. for 4/45 submode it is planned to restrict both SPGs and LTs to tier 3.

    What restricts of SPG's lvl are planned for 8/90 submode?
    Best wishes, Bersrk.
    s.Pz.Jg.Abt.654 (RU server)

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. off topic what happened to NA WoT?

  169. Hey Overlord, first time poster here :)

    I gotta ask, as this is ruining my game experience..

    With the increased sloped armor, will the 4502A heavy see an increase in bouncing bullets? As of now its rare that it can bounce bullets at all. All hits seem to just to go thru and kill my crew or do modul damage.
    Not asking it to be overpowered, but just enough for it to have an even chance against same tiers

  170. Q: Also how about changing your image to a WG logo so people can easily recognize your comments?

    A: Do you mean here? On the blog?

  171. Q: US tanks have sloped armor?

    A: They do, especially the newcomers that are to arrive.

  172. Q: I think T34 should have 105 mm from Patton. This gun still has worse penetration than 105 mm from KT and E75 or soviet BL9. I hope it will be done with M103.

    A: T34 will keep 120mm.

  173. Q: Overlord, any chance you can please give us some indication how the "Balance" changes will help improve the high-tier US heavy tanks vs their counterparts?

    A: US heavies, barring perhaps T34, look perfectly nice against their counterparts. As for the normailzation reduction, it will be slight.

  174. Question: will there be any buffs/fixes to the VK2801 credit earning potential?

    A: What fixes? It's meant to be unprofitable. Just like the other tier 5 LTs.

  175. Q: What restricts of SPG's lvl are planned for 8/90 submode?

    A: Most likely we will keep tier 8 SPGs out of this mode.

  176. Inphinity, as you said 105mm gun on t32 is simmilar to german 10,5 cm KwK 46 L/68 with lower penatration, but weaker than russian BL9 but wiht higher ROF. So 105 is not worst than others but bit diferent and personaly having all that tanks i love that gun and its only bad in tier 9.
    Also t32 has nice armor that can go in pair with IS3 or KT , better gun elivation and great turred so out of 3 of them T32 would still be my favorite
    Still you get this gun in tier 7 for T29 , where is way better than gun from Tiger or IS.
    Wouldnt be far that Tiger can get 10,5 cm KwK 46 L/68 or IS to get BL9 just to make it even in tier 7 ???

    And all of you guys that are bitching about T34 and how devs are pro russian ..lets see some facts.

    T34 stock or with 105gun sux , true.
    With 120mm its nice and can rival other tanks but be aware of armor and still take cover, use your strenghts.
    But most important about our PRO-Russian devs is fact that only tank that was posible to get trou normal grind and will be premium and all who have it will get that tank for free as premium (dont need to pay over 30euro) will be not IS3, KV3, IS7, object but exactly US heavy tank.
    Why? only US?? i would like to see one german and one russian tank to be premium....
    Now that make me think that maybe devs are bribed by CIA:/

    Overlord how come you guys are so Pro russan and yet only US tank will become premium?

    Come on guys be fair a bit and just enjoy game the way it its.
    Yes it has flaws but who of you is sinless or flawless?
    To be good player here it doesnt depend on tank you drive but the way you drive it. Learn that

  177. what fate awaits the T34? Or it'll be in mot this patch?

  178. Q: Also how about changing your image to a WG logo so people can easily recognize your comments?

    A: Do you mean here? On the blog?

    Yes just like mine.

  179. overlord,i got a question for you -

    Q: is there any chance that the German 128mm and the 150mm (both found on E-100) receive a SLIGHT penetration buff to ~250 for the 128mm and ~140-5 for the 150mm (the 150mm is really underwhelming for its caliber imo)?

  180. Thx for answer, Overlord.

    So, what it would be:
    4/45 - SPG max lvl=3
    6/50- SPG max lvl=5
    8/90 - SPG max lvl=7
    10/150 - SPG max lvl=8


  181. Overlord said...
    Question: will there be any buffs/fixes to the VK2801 credit earning potential?

    A: What fixes? It's meant to be unprofitable. Just like the other tier 5 LTs.

    Q: Why are they meant to be unprofitable?

  182. Q: Why are they meant to be unprofitable?

    A: Because those annoying things damage the game play as they turn a tank game although being arcade into something silly.

  183. @yaspa, because they are the end of the line top tier light tanks. its just like the t10 heavies and t9 meds arent supposed to be good credit makers (patton is excepted)

  184. overlord a little questin about some tanks and guns

    Q1:the 7.5 konish will be on tiger but will it also do more dmg or so bcause i get those anoying 0 dmg criticals with it allready on vk3601

    Q2: what guns will the vk3601 (h) get when it turns heavy because the guns it has now are just normal med guns (t1ht has better guns in my eyes)

    Q3:wil the armor revision although effetc the m10 and m36 us tds bcause there armor is not verry good to say it pollitly

    and last questin Q4: why cant theire be for the prem tanks atleats a second gun or so bcause some tzanks (kv-5,churchill ,ram 2, matilda....)dont have such good guns .
    i dont want to be snooty or so but it would be cool to have a second gun that is cheaper in use ore just makes more fun to use (like the 7.5konish on löwe for example(would mak probably lots of fun) or

  185. Ovi, what about Panther, is planned rebalancin or improve? 0anther was one of the best medium, but here it is crapy tank.
    Please answer me. Thanks

  186. Overlord, go there:

    And upload any photo and tada :D

  187. Q: Do you know if the T110's machine gun hatch will be a weakspot or if there is a possibility that it may be like the IS-4 external fuel tanks? As from reading this thread: Both on the first page and a page or two later there are details of the machine gun turret being a separate part with a lock in between it and the tank's turret. So it is not part of the main structure of the tank, if you were to shoot it off it would have no effect same as with the IS-4 external fuel tanks which I presume could be removed and are not structurally part of the tank itself. So based on the fact the IS-4 external fuel tanks are not part of the hit box would that mean this is the same for the T110? Since the parts concerned in both cases are not structurally part of the tank and are add-ons if you would like to put it that way.

  188. I hope so F22raptor2006, good question.

    Just wanted to say that even if only to some degree, i am so happy to see tracers back. At least if you face a tank in the bushes, you will be able to notice him, if he shoots at you and you are like 50m or 100m away from him. Nice thing!

  189. What happens to the players who have the second turret on IS-3 ? They get the new second turret ( the current stock one ) right ?
    If a player didn't research the second turret, he has to research the new second turret ( the current stock one ) ?
    Please help I'm confused :)

  190. A: SPGs only will be able to see tracers in howitzer (satellite) mode, if the target is within your view range.

    That seems stupid.

    When will the penetration bug with the T30 gun be fixed? Cannot currently penetrate known hit boxes with 0 degree angle at close range. Has been extensively tested and T95 gun does not have this problem.

  191. "Top Said...
    Still you get this gun in tier 7 for T29 , where is way better than gun from Tiger or IS."

    The Tiger already has better penetration (203 vs 198) and better accuracy (0.30 vs 0.35) than the T5E1, while it's higher RoF means it has comparable DPM, AND this blog suggests it is getting a damage increase. So remind me how the T29s gun is in any significant way better than the Tigers?

    Don't get me wrong I enjoy the T32, moreso than the KT, but it's a playstyle thing. The KT is the better tank in most situations primarily due to its penetration + accuracy advantage. I'd just like to see the T32 get a ~220mm pen gun upgrade (that could also be used as the interim gun on the T34 to lessen the 110k grind to the 120mm).

    "Overlord said..."
    A: US heavies, barring perhaps T34, look perfectly nice against their counterparts. As for the normailzation reduction, it will be slight."

    Thanks for the response Overlord. It was particularly the T34 and T30 I was questioning (high-tier ;)). I take it then we should not expect any changes to these tanks in this patch? Particularly T30, since T34 is being replaced next patch (that's still correct, right?).

  192. This comment has been removed by the author.

  193. Its better than Tigers as it does much more damage while tiger to use his big ROF have to be constantly shooting at you, while on open its 50% vs %50 but if you hide your body he is one dead tiger.
    Point is US are not worst tanks in their tier's.

  194. Overlord...
    When will T34 become premium tank? Some time before new year or in the first couple of months in 2012?

  195. "Top said..."
    Point is US are not worst tanks in their tier's."

    No, at Tier7 they're certainly not. Tier 7 in fact I believe is very balanced, which is why I'm somewhat surprised to see Tiger getting a damage boost.

    But at Tier8, the US line starts to fall behind, because it gets ~12% less penetration than any other nation Tier 8 heavy and in fact get's nothing really to make up for it (KT and VK4502A are better armoured, IS3 is more mobile, both are better armed). But it's Tier 9/10 where the difference really comes in, because you can still get killed by Tier4s/5s from the side and even front of your hull, and have massive weakspots on turret, so even hull-down and facehug is no longer really effective, plus you don't even have the best gun to make up for it.

  196. Infinity, what about ISU-152 weakest tier8 TD by far, no armor, till bl10 is unlocked best gun has 175 AP, while T28 and Ferdy have much better guns and not to say about armor.
    Only what isu has for him is 46km/h. and how does that help him?
    still i dont see players complaining about that.
    And it is pain in the butt as with 175 penatration player cant be sure that he will penatrate tier 7, anithing higher only HE witch dosnt do much damage.

    Every nation has good and bad tanks TDs and arty, it all depends how one look at it.
    And only american or plyers who generaly dislike russians complain couse that kind of remarks are used in their coments.
