Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 20-28 Poll Results

5817 players took part in the recent poll.  83% (4787 voters) showed their interest in at least one of the upcoming "World of ..." games, while Battleships beat Planes approx 2:1). 29% of the audience are looking forward to both titles, 17% - to neither of them (come to your senses while it's not too late).

As always new weekly poll is up.

PS: The finalization of 7.0 feature list has started. This is the first step to supertest / public test. Follow the updates.


  1. I'd like to see 'ally ***** goes up in flames"


  2. We will. Once you balance the game and get it out of the beta stage.

  3. Any ETA for the Public test?

  4. How can anyone look forward to a game from the same guy's that can't sort what they've already got in over a year?! All the new games are gonna do is cause piles more problems which as per usual WG will take months and months to deal with if they do at all! May not be playing WoT much longer why the hell would I want annother game thats just gonna be as buggy and badly done as the one we already have?!

    Anfield Hitman.
    European server.

  5. you forgot an option in that poll, we needed a "none of the above" option

    none of the options you added are actually that important, what really matters is the tracers and a better matchmaker. of course we will get the usual "we are working on that" response

  6. Keep improving the game, that's my advice.

  7. Did WoWp alpha begin...and when do u plan WoB one???

  8. I heard that division names are provisional. I recommend simply...

    Division 4
    Division 6
    Division 8
    Division 10

  9. Q: you forgot an option in that poll, we needed a "none of the above" option

    A: I omitted it intentionally.

  10. Q: Any ETA for the Public test?

    A: A few weeks from now.

  11. Q: Did WoWp alpha begin...and when do u plan WoB one???

    A: Yes, WoWP alpha has started.

  12. I vote for camos, but not for horns.

  13. Camos and horns...cuz well I have no need for most of the rest on the list :D

  14. Who the hell wants horns on their tanks, headache inducing crap anyone?

  15. Cooldown for tanks = money for WG :)

  16. I was SO looking forward to this patch when it still had french tanks planned a few months ago. Now it just seems like you guys got lazy and are trying to hype small changes that NO ONE CARES ABOUT.

  17. I feel like there aren't enough incentives for attackers for clan wars to really shift. What if the fog of war effect only applied to attackers? But, I digress. Looking forward to 7.0.

  18. I think the most important part of the new patch was forgotten, the part where clans can not land on the map while possessing at least one territory. I feel this is by far the best part of the next patch.

  19. You just said that Alpha has started, does that mean that ppl (like me) that submited the reports (detailed) didnt recive any mails about if they got in or not...or (what i hope is true) u didnt start alpha with ordinary players... Please answer this...and i got no more questions... so i dont be on WoT site everyday 2 hrs just looking for new announcements:)

  20. No landing if territory owned?

  21. Nex thing I do. Get next ot a SPG and blow my horn untill the enemy finds it :D

    Seriously, have you thought that this will create incredible "spamming" opportunities.

  22. No vote from me as there is no "None of the above" option.

  23. Forget the horns,fix matchmaker, i will not spend anymore cash on your game till its fixed

  24. To be honest wop holds no interest as I play il2 which has everything wop will have but bigger, better and more accurate and is a proper sim. I can't see how wop can compete on any level with it. Wob on the otherhand is far more interesting.

  25. I'd like to see a Canadian section for the Ram II

  26. What starting lines will be in both world of battleships and world of planes? At least will the Japanese Navy be a starting tech tree for WoB?

  27. WoB shouldve been slated for release before WoWP. wouldve been more easy money for WG and the nail in the coffin to navyfield, a game a game i hear so much bad rep about and it needs a newer replacement anyway.

  28. Honestly, I'm less excited about this update than the last few. I like and enjoy the gameplay as it is. I'm more interested in new maps and new tanks (I keep all the tanks that I like, which is *only* 55 until I buy more garage slots).

    I do have a technical concern though: Russian server load. Currently there's 212,296 people playing on the Russian server!

  29. Meh nothing exciting in .7 so I voted for statistics. I don't participate in clan stuff. Horns and cammo will be worse than the map pinging that still hasn't been fixed.

    The only thing I really wanted to see in .7 was physics, but that got pushed. Russian heavy updates got delayed for a year. Still no news on the m103.

  30. Making another games while this one sux cuz it has legion of bugs? Not to mention it takes forever for a single fix of long time known bugs?

    Don't make me laugh ..

  31. Horns??? Are you serious? Yea this is high priority. Lets give the noobs another thing to abuse that will piss off all players int he game.

  32. I've asked several times if there will be an option to turn off all horn sounds. I've still not seen any reply. I'm dead serious when I say that if I can't turn them off, I won't be playing WoT any more.

  33. you should seperate Horns and Camos i dont wanna horns
    (i think a lot of poeple will annoy a lot of people with horn spamming)

  34. Will I get to have a horn that plays saucy Mexican songs?


  36. Current vote is a bit stupid. Changes in CW will be so much grater than the ones in random battles and yet they will receive far less votes only because most people does not play CW

  37. How about looking at the poll this way - 71% of votes were only interested in one, or none, of the forthcoming World of... titles.

  38. My answer to the new pool:

    - "none of the above"

    And because there is no such option, I won't vote at all.

    Cheers, m4st3r

  39. *poll ofc, my mistake.


  40. new poll:
    "The most important feature in 7.0 update is"
    -none of them

  41. Q: Overlord, have the invites already been sent out for the Alpha tests for WowP that did the survey? Curious seeing as I'm not sure If I should be checking my Emailbox every...five seconds.

  42. I thought we were supposed to hear something about getting into the Alpha for WoWP? Yet it's underway, and nothing was said. Cool with me, I mean, I just happened to dump a couple hundred bucks into your game thus far and played thousands of battles. Oh well, other more deserving games will get my money who's developers appreciate their paying customers. See you all on Battlefield 3!

  43. Hi overlord, off topic. I just read the article about multi cluster support. Can I play with my 2 brothers on the EU server in the future? I'm living in the US and I'm playing on the NA server. If this is correct, when will this feature be implemented? Thx HanZulu

  44. Theres no cross-server support planned anymore - they had to scrap it to look into how to further milk money from the players.
    That aside, it was only for chatting anyway i think.

  45. I'm asking because i'm curious - what engine will World of Warplanes use? BigWorld 1 or 2? If 2, is there any possibility to update World of Tanks' engine (support for multi core for example)?

  46. Hello OL , i have a simple idea , maybe you thought of it but anyway ...

    As it is now , matchmaking takes about 0 to 2 seconds to find a match , i was wondering , wont it be better if the matchmaking system is forced to wait for people to accumulate , lets say ... 200 people , and then start a match.

    Normally when i press start i see around 50-60-70 people in queue (so the system makes the best possible match from those people) , so 200 should take like 10 sec instead of 2 sec (but a better choice can be made from 200 people) . I don't mind waiting 1-2 min to find a proper/better match so a little more time won't be a problem i think.

    Just my thoughts . Please reply.


  47. Ack, forgot about the "Next step to Public Test", so I just said horns for the sheer fun of honking before slamming into an enemy.

  48. I'm not a total complainer of MM, but one thing gives me thoughts. I really don't care if one side has more than the other in a certain tank type. But having on one team more tier 9s than on the other, that pisses me off. Sometimes you don't even have more tier 8s. I don't care if our last tiered tank is one tier higher. It's the top tanks that changes the game.

    Worst thing that happens lately too often, Plz increase the MM value of the Type 59, it's outrageous how often you'll see them paired against tier7s. Plz stop that I can't play my tier7s anymore. If the T59 deflation is not solved and I recognize more of these shortcomings I'll stop playing. I like tier7 but it's getting unplayable. Thx

  49. You should play tier 5 med, PZ IV. It's constantly in tier 8 fights, I'm always on the bottom since 2 month. I get in better matches being in a platoon. I think MM should put players equally on the top like on the bottom. Ok excluded the scouts. I stopped playing low tier tanks, no fun anymore, being always on the bottom.

  50. Yep, I also vote: none of the above

    It is good that those changes are made, but they are not the most important IMO. Better improve gameplay/visuals/tank-trees/performance/gamemodes/etc.. . Keep the polls up, but try to keep them open minded and keep room for different opinions please. GL & HF!

  51. The person who came up with horns probably made Komarin and Malinovka, the matchmaker for this game and the Clan Wars system, and has pronounced them 'working as intended'. I'd love to kick this guy in the balls repeatedly with steel toe boots.

  52. Q: Overlord, Pz IV Hydro will be premium tank or normal?

  53. Horns?? Seriously? This sounded like a great idea to who exactly? Certainly not the tech guys that will be processing all the tickets about the people just laying on the horn the entire round. You guys are trying to piss people off arent you?

  54. " neither of them (come to your senses while it's not too late). "

    Well - you wanna say we wont meet well-known "Zero-Hits" in WoWP / WoBS?

    You wanna say we wont meet perforated Planes that still flying and not loosing fuel much less not exploding?

    You wanna say we wont be victims by an disproportional Spotting System?

    You wanna say this Games will be Games where skill decides about win and loose, after you ignoring every single suggestion for WoT according to this?

    Wargaming showed his interpretation of Action -> Zero-Hit -> Zero-Hit -> dmg -> increase Zero-hit rate cause tank got dmg -> dmg -> when tank has less than 10% HP increase Zero-Hit / Bouncerate to 99.99 % to kill the other. - I think all knows Im talking about IS-4 ... ^^

    Wargaming gambled away and still keeping gambling away his Chance, so dont cry when Polls wont End like you painted before.

  55. Will there be any new tanks in 7.0?

  56. wow, aren't you the special little one, time for you to sniff some more model glue .

  57. All you people whinging about the horns well guess what?

    A large part of the community has been asking for something like it!

    So deal with it!

  58. I'd have to go with "none of the above" too, but I don't see any need to be an ass about it.

  59. My 5 cents...

    Camo's -> Ok.

    Horns.. BAD!
    Overlord: please confirm that the horn sound can be turned off when desired.

    (Low level) Divisions -> Ok

    Fog of War -> Ok

    CD for destroyed vehicles in CW -> BAD! As I understand it, it means that your tank is not usable in the next battle (if your team wins, but your tank has been destroyed)

    This punishes smaller clans like hell! Then you need players with multiple high Tier tanks, or a lot of players with at least one high tier tank.
    If you can field one team now, you can win battles. If this is implemented, you can forget coming near a final when trying a landing..

    Ingame report: Good. This will give wargaming a lot of work though ;-)

  60. 7.0 will make my tanks horny.

  61. I'd say tank locking is the most important, but I'd also say it's the feature I want the least.

    Are you asking if it's the feature that will have the most impact or the feature that I'm looking forward to the most? Because those are two totally different answers.

  62. Dear Overlord,
    will Far-East district(like Sakhalin) in Clan War will be open for NA server in 7.0 too ?

  63. Q: will Far-East district(like Sakhalin) in Clan War will be open for NA server in 7.0 too ?

    A: No, it will be added later.

  64. Q: Overlord, Pz IV Hydro will be premium tank or normal?

    A: Premium.

  65. >>A: No, it will be added later.

    Dear Overlord,
    So no new area will open for NA server with the change of CW system ?

  66. Will we get a mute/ignore for horns ?

    As if ping sound wasnt bad/distracting/annoying enough. Now we'll have annoying horns too ? :(

  67. Most important feature in 7.0? None of them, I don't care the least for any of the things mentioned in the poll. If there are new maps I'd say that.

  68. I will honk all over the place when I'm in a SPG on a city map and doing my suicide run :)

  69. Q: Overlord, can you give more details on how the Division system will work, must one create one like in a company like style?

  70. Q: Overlord, any plan on reintroduce at least for a limited time the promo of getting for exmaple the M6A2E1 buying gold? We, tank collectors would like to have a new opportunity to get some old premium tanks. Thanks.

  71. Yes you will have a chance. When WG doesn't get any more money by selling horns and stuff the will sell the preorder tanks for 80.000 gold.

  72. Ships are bigger so people want them more...That simple.GIMME THE BISMARCK

  73. Will the developers meet the deadline of the French LT/MT/HT, German TD, Russian TD and Panzer IV Hydro on time, seeing as 7.0 will possibly be a "tankless" update?

    - Khagan

  74. Nashorn to have a long range shot and great maneuverability to compensate the low armor?

  75. Quiet simple... these features aren't important. When will we see patch that fixes major issues instead of adding horns...?

  76. next time put a "none of them" option in the polls so you get real data

  77. shouldn't this be a choice to vote on?

    "Advanced visual effects:

    The new system of effects visualisation will improve the quality of visual effects significantly (smoke, shots, explosions) and will allow to lower system requirements for PCs.

    (from the "in development" page)

  78. When are the new american Tier 9 and 10 are going to come! We american tankers waited too long for this!

  79. Maybe you could do a poll about how people are satisfied how WG work with gaming community.

  80. Horns?
    That must be the worst idea ever in WoT. I hope to god that there will be an option to turn that off. :/

  81. "Maybe you could do a poll about how people are satisfied how WG work with gaming community."

    they would put these two options in it:
    and then put it on the main page with another great review
