Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 1-7 Poll Results

4002 players took part in the most recent poll.  86% of them think that new E-series tanks have average or above average performance, while only 14% (604 voters) think that these tanks are poor or bad.

So buff requests won't be considered. Thanks. : )

As always new weekly poll is up.


  1. It were russian tank players who wote that e-sereies is good i tell you!!!
    It is a conspiracy that aim to overthrow the world(of tanks) order as we know it!

  2. love to see a game with only SPG and LT's (on Campinovka) :)

  3. So buff requests won't be considered. Thanks. : )

    Ha ha, thats a joke right? right? *sign*


  4. WTF? E75 and E50 are decent but E100 is ridiculously UP. More propaganda by WG, should have made the poll questions more tank specific...

  5. TOO Many arty.. limit by tier, with max of 3 per team. Makes the game less "fun" to play as a free game. I have 1 x Tier 9 Heavy, 1 x Tier 8 Heavy and 1 x Tier 8 Medium, along with 1 x Tier 5 Arty.. I love playing Arty, but it should be limited...

  6. i think the t-54 is OP...

  7. Dear Overlord,

    I think overall the E-series is comparable to other tanks on their tier but E-100 certainly needs a slight buff. Mostly it needs a small pen buff(or HE dmg buff) and it's gold ammo needs to be made usable. Actually the gold ammo fix is more important as E-100 is fine in randoms but too weak in Clan Wars.


  8. you mixed up performances with bugs....E75 have major bugs in armor...i mean those hooks are weak points WTF???? how can that be weak spot??? or that "non-existing" armor above tracks where the thickness of armor is like 1mm and it can be penetrated by every tier in this game....and please do some poll research what people think about russian T54...i bet it would be over 90 % of people who think that it is OP....and would you then nerf it ??? i don't think so...

  9. Mudflap problem and HE Damage reduction and the E-50 and E-75 are usefull

  10. In my humble opinion the problem about "too much artillery" is not the amount of artillery per team itself, but the missing tracers. Once the tracers are back, SPGs can counter battery fire each other and the game will be more balanced.

    And: Don't forget about Burda's Medal, when u face much SPGs. ;-)

  11. yes i forgot the HE damage from arties also....its so damn awesome when arty tooks about 60 % of your HP with only 1 shot while IS4(e.g.) with even less HP than E75 lose about 40 %....

  12. The E-100 will explode if you shoot it at the top sensor bar, the E-75 have a broken mantle that will have the gun destroyed in most front hits and the E-50 can't goe toe to toe with it's counterparts in the same way.

    Why even bother trying to go around and destroy anyone one of these tanks in the side or rear when all you have to do is to hit them from the front.

    Like the E 100 sensor bar. What can I say. Don't do anything about the E series at all. That way you don't have to bother getting money from me.

  13. lol the e75 and e50 are pretty good tanks, I have driven them both... but the E100 has crap penitration, even with is big gun... I wish I had gone down the MAUS route now for sure but oh well, I suppose I can just use my IS7 with the full knowledge that the russians will never hurt their baby :)

  14. how about a vote on stupid and overpower russian heavy:)?

  15. The promised fixes will be delivered in 6.7.

  16. I agree with what someone has posted on the WoT facebook page.. you should have split these tanks up for the poll.. so you had results for the E50, the E75 and the E100 seperately.... three tanks over three tiers.. how can you possibly group them for the poll on performance and customer satisfaction.. a bit strange if your judging if people want them either buffed or nerfed.

  17. The tanks aren't that bad at all. But when compared to equal tiers of other nations, they seem to be a little worse.

  18. When will the 6.7 patch be released?

  19. I believe if developers are making the tanks (bugs aside) as accurate as possible with its strengths and weaknesses there should be no need to make modifications to the E series, people just need to adjust to these new tanks accordingly. I recall the same being said of the Lowe when it came out, and now everyone knows where to hit to make the engine stall or go boom!

    So suck it up and learn how to play with them and against them!

    --- Killer128

  20. "4002 players took part in the most recent poll. 86% of them think that new E-series tanks have average or above average performance, while only 14% (604 voters) think that these tanks are poor or bad."

    Shows, what a bovine fool you are.
    This poll is not representative in any way, since

    1. You do not know how many of those 4002 voters actually have played the E-Series or at least playing anything in the German branch. Yeah, Russian tank players vote for E-Series performing good, because they get destroyed pretty good, right?

    2. Since when is 4002 votes representative for 5 million accounts?

    You think this poll could serve you as an alibi to conceal your company's incompetence and biasness? I doubt that.

  21. looool and there is a difference between average and good...and poor and bad...

    cant make a poll with 2 answers for 4 option good, average and other poor, bad....

  22. Oh, btw. who can tell that those 4002 voters actually players, since any blog visiter could participate in your poll.

    And maybe even some unexperience narrow-minded fools really take the E-Series for well performing, until they experience the performance of the Russian branch in your game.

    You are a deceiver.

  23. I have no problem with arties. I love playing my medium tanks and arty makes that possible - keeps heavy tanks from completely dominating the game.

  24. E-100 is still much better then T30, so cry more.

  25. there´s one little ´´bug´´ I´d like to tell you about. I had SU-85 with 107mm gun. I shot with AP at M7 Priest. I had two bouncers while shooting at 12mm armour?? 107mm gun should penetrate well over 100mm. could you please check that one out?
    Thanks! Awesome game! And to those who think Russian tanks are OP: THEY HAVE WEAKNESSES! you just don´t know it yet :D

  26. Hi Overlord i post cca. 20 Q from me and i get 0 A from you. :( I try 21:

    Q: KV-220? Is it possible to buy this tank in the near future? Price?
    Q2: ETA of Retail version WoT in Europe? Price?
    Q3: ETA of Sturmtiger? Price?
    Q4: ETA Type 59? Price?
    Q5: Any news about French tanks?
    Q6: When start full version of Ultimate Conquest (CW)? ATM we have just beta.

    Thanks for answer. If not. Thanks for reading. If not. Thanks for the game.

  27. I missed the poll but am reading these comments and I would like to contribute. I got to tier 6 arty and came to the realization that with as much as it misses I simply can't play it. The credit deficit per battle is around -10,000. Terrible. My understanding is you don't get credits if you don't hit and do damage. As I have played up to tier 6 I feel I am pretty good at the artillary piece, but the M12 just isn't accurate enough to continue with it.

    Also, I would love to see tier battles. Battles where you only face your tier, or maybe like tiers 1-3, 4-6, and 7-10. To me that would be more balanced, however I do understand the games are arranged based on how many players are available not by tier. It is just so sad to see a tier 1 in with tier 8. What is a tier one supposed to do ? Tink tink it's way to death ? I know it's matchmaker, but tier battles I think would rock. Thanks :)

  28. Q: When will the 6.7 patch be released?

    A: Soon, might even next week.

  29. Since the E75 is now above average, Can you buff the IS4? Seriously, the game is sucks now with a tank that can easily bounce a shot from the S70.

  30. Matches are already tier matches, you can only end up against tanks +/- three tiers from your tier I think. A tier 1 tank can end up in a same battle with tier 8 only if it's in a platoon with a higher tier tank.

  31. @Overlord:
    I voted on limit the number of arty per team, but I would like to throw in another suggestion.

    PLEASE leave arty out of maps where they have (almost) nothing to do, or where it is almost impossible to hit things.

    Himmelsdorf is just plain annoying (yes I know, there are places at the train station, or on the start of the hill if you start on the north side, but still)

    Ensk would be the 2nd candidate.. (with the open eastern flank a lit less annoying as Himmelsdorf, but still annoying)

    No army would be so stupid to take an SPG into battles like that.

    again: please leave those maps out of the SPG map rotation, or destroy a few buildings on those maps, so arty can shoot over / through it.

  32. E-series is useless in CW.

  33. Are u kidding me? E-50 is best med, e-75 best tier9 heavy. And E-100 is the best tank in CW 338 pen and 750 dmage with gold ammo. E-100 is so overpowered like hell. Big clans use a lot of E-100s with gold ammo, and that's why we can't get into the map...:S We make it almost every day to the last battle but with the owners we can't do anything couse these E-100 beast.

  34. Ok so since your poll results lead to you to disregard buff requests on the E-Series. If this SPG poll (as it currently does) shows that the largest population of the game want the SPG limited will you be implementing that?

  35. Even though everybody should be able to read between the lines and recognize that Overlords replies often contain a large amount of "tongue in cheek". He DOES have a tendecy to piss people off a lot with it. Let's keep it at that his sense of humor is a bit off (although i can appreciate it mostly ;-).

    I have no idea if the E series are good or bad (haven't voted for that reason), and i'm sure they're not planning bufs or nerfs based on a poll on your personal blog. But I can imagine a lot of players feel not taken very seriously by the way you keep adressing their issues. These are often sensative and even emotional things for them. More information and less provocating jokes could make the replies on this blog a lot less nasty and more enjoyable to read.

  36. Also can the next poll be about the matchmaking being limited to 1 tier in each direction?

  37. Hi...
    Can u check M6? I think there's a bug. Many times I do 0 dmg with Obj. 212...... Thx

  38. Are you ever going to develop a matchmaking system that doesn't seem produced by complete retards? A system that, for instance, takes modules into consideration and doesn't screw low tiers so much, or is it just too much for your small soviet "brains" at wargaming that can only focus on new ways to make us buy gold?

    Cheers, comrade.

  39. i didnt vote because at the time i was disapointed with my E50 and thought wtf?
    but , after over 50 battles with it i began to realise its fatal flaw , its to fast , when a battle starts you will always be the first to make contact if you wish , so had to not play it like the old pantherII and rethink , one thing you must do in the E50 is never get isolated , back up your heavies at the start of the battle , leave arty and heavies do thier stuff then and only then can the E50 come into its own right ,you have to play it right , and the gun is superb , it can inflict heavy damage on any tank in the game, so i would say its not under powered for its tier , infact from the panther to the E50 the german mediums are all now very good tanks and all play diffrent , and once you know how to beat a T54 its very doable even with a panther I , look at T54s strengths , speed , armour bounces shots , now look at its weakness , cant hit jack shit over 200m and anything can detrack it , also its an arty magnet , so all in all i dont think certainly the E50 is underpowered

  40. Hi...
    Can u check M6? I think there's a bug. Many times I do 0 dmg with Obj. 212...... Thx
    September 7, 2011 4:35 PM

    This are that absolutely accurate calculated ballistic trajectories of your projectile that penetrates and flies through the tank without hitting anything *rsp*
    Even the engine is able to disapear from normal space-time continuum and can Dodge and penetrating and passing projectile ^^

    And even HE shells can explode IN the tank without damaging anything...

    Happens primarily on tanks < 10% HP.

    Thats working gamemechanic 2011 par excellence xD

  41. you should of polled them individually. I am an E-100 driver and HE rounds just kill my tank most of the time and that needs to be addressed ASAP. The 150Gun with standard AP rounds is terrible for would think a gun that size would rip through anything...other then that I am happy with the tank.

  42. Glad to see you guys are finally curious to really hear what we have to say, but where's the "artillery are too inconsistent - too inaccurate, but deal way too much damage when they finally hit?"

  43. To all those who complain about the "OP" russian line.. Stop crying.. The E-50 IS a match for the T-54 unless the E-50 driver is a poor driver, I've seen both win with the right tactics. As an IS-4 driver I can attest to the fact that it is a match for my IS-4 in the same way. Stop saying the russians are OP because you can't fight them. Many good people can, and do quite well. Thats makes YOU the problem, not the game, when you think you can use tanks in many roles it other than what they were designed for. If you want a super GOD tank that you can drive like an idiot and still win you have the bias. Even is the E-Series had been super OP, instead of balanced, you'd still say they were underpowered. Grow up!

  44. Whenever I use SPG germen Tanks like Copperhead and I mark it very perfectly and patience and almost every shot missed and them tank was in the same spot. I want it more accuracy so copperhead fires and blast, please.

  45. You sorta left out a few other options (Underpowered, too random, etc.), but I'll place a request for some limits. But not because they are OP, it's more because of team dynamics.

    With the new T5 Lights wreaking havoc and restoring balance, perhaps we can return the old SPGs from early CBT.


    "To all those who complain about the "OP" russian line.. Stop crying.. The E-50 IS a match for the T-54 unless the E-50 driver is a poor driver, I've seen both win with the right tactics."

    I also think that the top meds are well balanced now. All can win a battle if you know how to play them.

  47. Q: Even though everybody should be able to read between the lines and recognize that Overlords replies often contain a large amount of "tongue in cheek". He DOES have a tendecy to piss people off a lot with it. Let's keep it at that his sense of humor is a bit off (although i can appreciate it mostly ;-).

    I have no idea if the E series are good or bad (haven't voted for that reason), and i'm sure they're not planning bufs or nerfs based on a poll on your personal blog. But I can imagine a lot of players feel not taken very seriously by the way you keep adressing their issues. These are often sensative and even emotional things for them. More information and less provocating jokes could make the replies on this blog a lot less nasty and more enjoyable to read.

    A: On a serious note, public opinion is not a decisive factor when it comes to balancing, but we can't and we don't ignore it completely. One way or another it is taken into account. And personally Im glad the majority admitted that E-tanks are good.

  48. I wish artillery behaved as they did in reality: you had to line up your trajectory using an overhead map (that didn't magically show everything, ala satellite view) and you just shelled the hell out an area until whatever was there died. All buildings are destructable, but you can't see exactly what you're doing.

  49. Wow, that's lame... Using a poll as a tool to judge the E-series future. How many of the voters have any reason at all to judge, and how many of them voted it up just because they want a nerf on the series??? Seriously, find another way to measure it's effectiveness, not a bloody poll..!
    (Yes, i have an E-50, and i find it decent. But i have no right in judging the E-75 or the E-100)

  50. "And personally Im glad the majority admitted that E-tanks are good."

    Well, there was no "a bit too good" option. The E-75 is basically an IS-7 with a couple of minor changes. Meanwhile, the T34 is literally a T29 with an inadequate gun.

    Speaking of which, why am I not driving a M103 yet? It's been ready for months now. I don't care about the T110 - certainly not enough to keep this loathsome T34 in my garage. Why don't you go knock some heads and get them to release the damned thing.

  51. Q: You sorta left out a few other options (Underpowered, too random, etc.), but I'll place a request for some limits. But not because they are OP, it's more because of team dynamics.

    A: Left them our on purpose actually. I could make like 10 of them, but such range wouldn't be representative I think.

  52. They need a good nerfin'

  53. It looks to me that a LOT of you are forgetting that the mudflap weaknesses on these tanks are already fixed in the patch server.

  54. I agree that the penetration on the E-100 is too low, other then that they seem fine.

  55. Bouncing off an IS3 in the sweet spot with a 150 AP then there is something wrong for sure.

  56. 6.7 patch is useless, alot of not so important fix comes with it. devs should have taken priority of what matters most.

    eg. m103 >< t34

  57. This blog means nothing overlord, tell us about the M103, Something we have been WAITING for.

  58. So buff requests won't be considered. Thanks. : )

    So when 86% thinks the E-75 is good you and are happy because they implented another piece of scrap.

    When 37% finds that the T95 and Overpowered-704 are matched and only 25% voted for the JagdTiger it shows something is wrong with it and you say everything is fine with the Jagdtiger.

    ''Poll results do not perfectly reflect the actual performance of the three in full, actually. :)''

    You didnt take the Tank destroyer poll seriously but the E-75 poll you take that very serious. Stating buff requests wont be considered.

  59. The low pen on the E-100 is the only thing not turning the T30 into a laughing stock. The whole deal of the T30 was that "it does 750 damage and has a turret!"

    Now that the E-100 is here, its point is "Well, it has horrible armor and it's an incredibly huge target, but its gun's penetration is a little better than the E-100!"

    Not that it matters in Clan Wars, where everyone uses gold rounds. There, there's no reason at all to use a T30. And very little reason to use a Maus. Honestly, I don't think they gave much thought to what giving it great armor and extreme firepower and fairly good speed would do to the T10 landscape.

  60. I'd kindly suggest that you remove the APDS for the 15cm on the E-100 and add in HE. The fact you don't have HE makes it feel like your trying to force us to buy the Gold Ammo if we want to lob explosive rounds around, aside from that the E-series is nice.

    On the other hand, what about the idea of useing 'Command' tanks instead of SPGs and with those Command tanks you can call in artillery strikes that are, you know, artillery strikes.

    The other alternative is that SPGs can fire bombardments in Artillery mode, so instead of one massively powerful shot, you just have lots of strong explosions landing all over the place. It'd look pretty awesome and you'd keep people from complaining how accurate they can be. Direct fire would remain I'd think, since they do need a direct method of defending themselves.

    And its hilarious to go around in the Tier II American arty and act like a TD.

  61. They hate their american customers, thats why they are totaly ignoring everyone that talks about the M103 and T110.

  62. soon this game will come to an end, players hate devs for slow response about the balance of this game. ignore us more and youll see its going to be your downfall devs.

  63. Q: soon this game will come to an end, players hate devs for slow response about the balance of this game. ignore us more and youll see its going to be your downfall devs.

    A: Amen...

  64. Also, agreeing with a post earlier up there.

    Could you kindly make the matchmakeing a priority good sir? Its a pain when your hopping into a Panzer III and you end up in a game with multiple Tier Eights or a Panzer IV in a game with even bigger tanks.

  65. Q: This blog means nothing overlord, tell us about the M103, Something we have been WAITING for.

    A: Ok, ok. Will post smth on it soon.

  66. E-Series is awsome i have all in my garage and i just think they are great.

    E-50 isnt a normal medium just like t54 and patton so no real chance on ciceling someone but as a fast rushing support sniper its awsome to play much fun ;)

    E-75 is just great finally a german tank that can pick up a is4 it has a strong upper plate and frontal turret and with not so accurate guns its hard to hit the weakspots from some distance but it has enough weakspots just like the IS4 is you know where to shoot, like on every tank you wont have a problem.

    E-100 its good to drive with 15cm its even more fun and makes a lot of money when the little issues are fixed im sure that this tank will be a good opponent for every tank.

    The most important for every tank, you need to know how to use it if you have no clue on how you have to drive it your doomed on every tank.

    for the new poll, i would love to see another concept for arty and my favorite would be driving your arty in position, then build it up bring it in a fixed fire position could take about 5-10 secs to make it ready and then dont let it fire randomly give the scout tanks a good ability to let the artys wich are ready fire on their mark but not snipe a tank accross the map just shoot the square wich the scout pinget on the map, for example let the hummel maybe fire 5 bullets in a fast row, faster than now.

    my opinion ;)

  67. Q: overlord, youre making fucking ignorant poll. GET THE FUCK MAKE ONE FOR M103!

    A: What poll on M103 would you like to vote in? Do you want M103? Yes/NO ?

  68. It would be great if we can see the new models on the new american heavy's but still will the T-34 be converted into a premium tank or did you scratch that ideea too? :) And if so can you give some details about its new state?

  69. "What poll on M103 would you like to vote in? Do you want M103? Yes/NO ?"

    How about this:

    "When should the M103 have been released? (1)Last June (2)The last time I finished swearing at the T34 grind 3)Whatever the last promised date was that Wargaming didn't feel like keeping"

  70. Overlord said...

    Q: What poll on M103 would you like to vote in? Do you want M103? Yes/NO ?

    A: Poll X: want m103 include it in patch 6.7
    X: dont need it yet, it can wait
    X: kiss my ass

  71. Why is there no option in the newest poll about arti wich states:
    arti is, or rather will be fine when you bring back tracers! :(

  72. Limit the SPGs to 3 max per team plz

  73. T54 is a pain in the ass. It's supposed to be kinda "medium" but it has some pretty damn epic armor and speed, not to mention the gun. Also it's a LOT faster and more versatile than the E-50. I would say that either give the E-50 a little more speed (better engine) and nerf the T-54 frontal armor a bit... I mean tiger 2 with APCR loaded on "point blank" shot (my gun was literally inside the T54)couldn't penetrate it with the long 10.5... Yeah. That's pretty damn epic.

  74. 5 million registered players around the world

    89% frustrated
    10% happy
    1% gay

    estimated 100 total employees of WG

    99.9% happy with frustrated players
    0.01% makes viewers happy ( Ola and her HUMPS )

  75. Overlord, how can we be sure you are one many, and not simply a position? My case is that any sane individual would have gone mad by now with the amount of shit you deal with on a daily basis from people who strangle spelling, murder punctuation, and make a travesty of any argument they have by attacking you.

    No one man could survive this for long, ERGO, you are likely the 20th Overlord since the inception of the position. Admit it and be saved Overlord #20!

    On a more serious note, when are we ever going to get an update on how content is going to be released and general ETAs?

  76. I'm really surprised Overlord and the dev's put up with this whiny abuse as much as they do! Seriously, Im in customer service and I don't know how you do it! I wouldn't.

    Glad to hear that the loudest squeaking wheel won't determine game balance. And I think its pretty balanced right now.

    The game is fun. Thanks WoT team, I imagine I'll continue to buy gold if I'm having fun!
    us server!

  77. Q: "What poll on M103 would you like to vote in? Do you want M103? Yes/NO ?"

    How about this:

    "When should the M103 have been released? (1)Last June (2)The last time I finished swearing at the T34 grind 3)Whatever the last promised date was that Wargaming didn't feel like keeping"

    A: Doubt it would move the actual release date any closer.

  78. Q: Overlord, how can we be sure you are one many, and not simply a position? My case is that any sane individual would have gone mad by now with the amount of shit you deal with on a daily basis from people who strangle spelling, murder punctuation, and make a travesty of any argument they have by attacking you.

    No one man could survive this for long, ERGO, you are likely the 20th Overlord since the inception of the position. Admit it and be saved Overlord #20!

    On a more serious note, when are we ever going to get an update on how content is going to be released and general ETAs?

    A: No mystery here. :) Im a single person.

    Detailed release plans with ETAs will be out next week.

  79. i HATE arty, when is arty on map everybody camp, and move between covers,
    arty is OP, make limit per map, and i dont like it (that my poll choice)

  80. Is there any chance that the gold rounds on the E-100 will be changed from HEAT to APCR since the other two big damage guns (BL-10 and the T30/T95 gun whose name I can't remember) are both technically larger diameter (155mm vs 150mm) guns and both use APCR gold ammunition?

    Even if the penetration was reduced by ~15 with this change I would prefer it. Kinda tired of paying out real money to bounce shots that would penetrate with my T-54's APCR gold rounds at only ~295 average penetration.

  81. In my (not so) humble opinion all your problems with arty will soon be over as no one will continue to play them unless the new lights are nerfed......

    The new Russian t-50's are extremely difficult to kill and they are, quite seriously, going to change the way the game is played. I've stopped playing arty on the test server and am trying new anti-scout tanks as most of the battles are now reduced to a fight at the cap within the first 10 seconds between everyone and whatever light tanks have rushed in.

    Yes, yes, I know, you all hate arty and this is good right? Look a bit further... without arty, the heavies will plow across the field making mediums (and lights) easy targets. People may hate them (though the poll results suggest that's not at all true) but they fulfill a role. The 'end-game' currently is very dull and completely focussed on Heavy tanks and the new lights won't help matters.

    That said, I'll play one of these new lights. I love griefing/ganking, so why not!

    Longer review at:

    Oh, and could we please stop the wining about the M105656544 or whatever the hell it is? It's boring to read and a shiny new tank isn't going to change the fact the game needs new battle modes.

  82. Im down with starting a riot about not having the M103 yet, whose with me?

  83. Anonymous said...

    Im down with starting a riot about not having the M103 yet, whose with me?
    September 7, 2011 6:47 PM

    AYE! Sign me up!

  84. Hi overlord, is planed in future to rebalance premium T-25? Now is totaly unplayable. On paper seems good, but in game is one of worst tanks. Speed 60 only if I go from hill down, when I start move left or right, tank is almost stoped. His agility is poor, only KV is worst, but it is armored and with usefull cannon. So please give him more agility and fix speed bug under maneuver. And his profile is too big, almost same like on M3-Lee. If will be lower, will be good. Thanks

  85. Oh, and could we please stop the wining about the M105656544 or whatever the hell it is? It's boring to read and a shiny new tank isn't going to change the fact the game needs new battle modes.


  86. Gankalicious said...

    In my (not so) humble opinion all your problems with arty will soon be over as no one will continue to play them unless the new lights are nerfed......

    The new Russian t-50's are extremely difficult to kill and they are, quite seriously, going to change the way the game is played. I've stopped playing arty on the test server and am trying new anti-scout tanks as most of the battles are now reduced to a fight at the cap within the first 10 seconds between everyone and whatever light tanks have rushed in.

    Yes, yes, I know, you all hate arty and this is good right? Look a bit further... without arty, the heavies will plow across the field making mediums (and lights) easy targets. People may hate them (though the poll results suggest that's not at all true) but they fulfill a role. The 'end-game' currently is very dull and completely focussed on Heavy tanks and the new lights won't help matters.

    That said, I'll play one of these new lights. I love griefing/ganking, so why not!

    Longer review at:

    Oh, and could we please stop the wining about the M105656544 or whatever the hell it is? It's boring to read and a shiny new tank isn't going to change the fact the game needs new battle modes.
    September 7, 2011 6:44 PM

    A: What do you know? another chimpanzee running a blog.

  87. Overlord is maybe like Dr. Who?

    If there is a event on 9th why cant we get the details?

  88. lazy Russian bastard.

  89. A: No mystery here. :) Im a single person.

    Detailed release plans with ETAs will be out next week.

    September 7, 2011 6:24 PM

    So we can expect to see these plans and ETA's by September 17th at the very latest?

  90. hi Overlord

    Q: Would it be possible to redisign arty like i postet earlier or dont you think that it would be a good idea?


    "for the new poll, i would love to see another concept for arty and my favorite would be driving your arty in position, then build it up bring it in a fixed fire position could take about 5-10 secs to make it ready and then dont let it fire randomly give the scout tanks a good ability to let the artys wich are ready fire on their mark but not snipe a tank accross the map just shoot the square wich the scout pinget on the map, for example let the hummel maybe fire 5 bullets in a fast row, faster than now."

    greetings Obirzoe

  91. I have had premium since start of this game.
    I have bought gold for around 350 euros in total just in the past 4 months. I regret it incredibly much and I will definately not suppor the future titles from WG.
    Why?: How can you implement such a game ruining veichle as SPGs are currently.
    I have 4 tier 9s and one Tier 10. I have a tier 6 arty I play just to keep ajour with how powerful it is.

    SPGs have, in game, an accuracy that is ON PAR, with modern missiles that also is laser guided from the ground. The miss rate of such missiles is 1 to 2 meters max. The average miss radius of SPGs in World of Tanks I would estimate to around 1 meter.
    On top of this, SPGs can aim straight, and are actually much more deadly then tank destroyers for targets within 200m. Good SGPs use their Arty as Tank destroyers and are able to shoot laser guided missiles across the map.

    The core game of WoT is amazing. 95% of the players joined this game to play TANK vs TANK.
    This game is NOT Tank vs Tank anymore. It is Arty vs Arty, using Tanks to support arty in spotting and at times perform a finish kill.

    You seriously need to listen to your community and remove arty completely.
    My recomendation: Implement random games and TC, CW, but firt random games, where you can choose NOT to have arty in the game.
    Just do this for one week, and check the results.
    I can guarantee you, that 90% atleast, atleast, will play these scenarios. That shows you how much arty is disliked, hated and people want it to go away.

    Please, for the sake of this games survival, it must be completely changed or removed.
    We want a Tank vs Tank game, which this game was all about from start. it is no longer.

    In World of Ships: You are not going to use submarines, simply due to this.
    People are powerhungry and want an easy way out. Thats SPGs in WoT. Believe me, this game will not survive or become very popular unless you do this. Every person I have introduced to this game have left quickly due to the state of artillery, but loved the game overall.
    I stay cause I have invested so much time and real money into this game. But if I could get my money back, I would delete this game and never, not once, look back at it again. Due to ONE line of veichles: Artillery.
    How could you mess it up so bad? Its beyond me.

  92. Overlord:
    Q: Do you lurk reddit? Apparently, your word is god...


  93. Geez, these people are getting crazy and crazier.

  94. @ Overlord,

    This pull does not in anyway reflect the true performance of the E-series. How many of the voters actual own any of the E-series? Why not send an in-game poll for those that own the E-series to get true reflection of the E-series performance? I'm sure if you can make a game you can make in in-game poll!

    Also you stated awhile back that after two weeks you would do a review of the E-series or have you forget about it or is the poll you just had the review?

    E-50 is fair match vs Patton and T-54, not as nimble but it's an upgrade from the Panther II.

    E-75 is well balanced just a few fix's to rid the bugs. I truly enjoy this tank. Maybe a slight increase to speed and turret traverse.

    E-100, well the redheaded stepchild of the family. This is the tank that needs a small bit of lovin, slight speed increase, 15cm needs a slight increase to accuracy and not to be depended on gold ammo to be useful.

    The Black Baron EU

  95. T34 is too hard to play, that's why most people complain. They still believe they are in Tetris.

  96. Let me add one more thing:
    People believe arty is required to take out heavy tanks?
    This is completely not true.
    I drive both heavy tanks and medium tanks.
    And medium tanks driving together, is far more deadly then heavy tanks driving together.

    What this game does need, apart from the removal of arty, is to look over Tier 10 tanks.

    Tier 10 tanks, more or less, make most other tanks, apart from artillery, obsolete.
    I would either: Make tier 10 versions of medium tanks and tank destroyers
    Or, what I believe is the best option: Remove Tier 10 tanks completely, but also remove arty.
    This would be the most balanced.

    Arty is not needed in this game, at all. It provokes camping.

    The new light tanks are a way for WG to try and counter artillery. In the end, this will not be the fact, what will happen, is even more camping.
    Now, teams will have a line of protection around their arty the first 5 minutes of the game, then slowly fan out.
    Its going to be even more camping and slow then now.

    Arty ruins tactics and strategies in this game.
    On the other hand, what roles does light tanks have unless arty is in the game?

    They still have their uses since they light up targets for tank destroyers and other tanks.
    And in my opinion, Tank destroyers are the artillery this game should rely on and already have. They become obsolete due to artillery and super heavy tanks with 150mm cannons.

    I still believe the game will shape up good with a dramatic change or removal of artillery.

    As a first action, unless you want to do tests in random games with no arty mode, I would remove tier 7 and 8 arty.

    Tier 6 artillery is powerful enough to almost 1 shot a tier 8 heavy tank, it can take off 30-60% from a tier 9 tank, and can do up to 40% on a tier 10 tank. And thats a Tier 6 artillery, including US and German versions.
    Second: Remove the 203mm from Tier 6 russian arty (I play russian tier 6 arty myself).
    And, the tier 6 arty should only be used in tier 9-10 games.
    As it is now, tier 5 and 6 arty in random games, are populated in games where tiers vary from 3 to 8. Where either arty can 1 shoot or take out 80-90% of any arty in the game with 1 shoot. Considering the reload speed and accuracy of tier 4-6 arty, you do the math of how fun this is.

    I have driven mediums in around 50mph, zick zacking and still, MANY times, had direct hits from arty on me.
    Not even modern warfare tomahawk missiles could do this, no modern warfare artillery could come close to this precision.
    Yes this is a game, but there is a large tint of realism in it when you drive the other tanks, so why not artilllery.

    Current game is: Tanks from WWII to 1960s.
    Artillery: Precision of current unknown manufacturer, probability of introduction to modern armies: around 2150.

    This above is NO exaggeration.
    Get real guys.
    And sorry to say, but WG should be ashamed of themself for letting SGPs be so powerful in this otherwise glorious game. You messed up your own game. How could you?

  97. E-50 - is a beast, its not easy to penetrate it from distance with ~220pen gun and E-50 dont have problems penetrating my patton

    E-100 - sure, buff speed, buff accuracy and what about T30? Now T30 sux compared to E-100, after this buff u want there will be no T30 in game

  98. How many have those tanks ? How many are to retarded to shoot in weak spots to kill it ?
    Still is4 > E-75.

    E-75 wont be buffed, but T-54 (unknown) bugs will be fixed in 0.6.7 - lol.

    I just wait for Diablo 3 and will say goodbye to you...

    Beside - if You are so worry about players choice why you don't notice that 10 to 1 players vote for "crocodile" model of E-100 TD. Ofc you choose other model - gj WG as allays we can count on you ;*

  99. Is-4 = E75.
    Go play that abortion game, lad.

  100. About artillery, its obviously OP because the concept of SPGs is wrong - tank capable of shooting behind obstacles and doing 2k damage per shot is BALANCED by lower hp and armor? How is it balanced, when you cannot kill it, because its on the other side of the map? And with too many SPG pieces on team, games are becoming unplayable.

    But whats the point of this pool anyway? Artillery players will obviously vote that its fine, same as they had with pool about Maliovka, and nothing will change anyway as nothing have changed with Malinovka.

  101. To be frank the game will be alot more enjoyable if we had like 2 artillery per side's

  102. Q: plz Overlord, could u tell me the number of the limit of arty per team?
    i hope u dont say that 4 is good, 2 or 3 per team is enough, but 4 is a crowd... :(

  103. Please tell me that this is a joke? How can 4002 votes be representative in any way?

    "On a serious note, public opinion is not a decisive factor when it comes to balancing, but we can't and we don't ignore it completely."

    This poll doesn't show anything. It shows that people can vote that's it. If WG let their decision process be influenced only by the smallest fraction by these kind of polls I am very concerned for the future of WoT

    As an representative of a business company its not very professional to be sarcastic. I know the internet is full of idiots and children that doesn't know any manners. But remember we are all customers. I would be fired if I responded in a sarcastic way to my customers.

  104. Anonymous said...

    Geez, these people are getting crazy and crazier.
    September 7, 2011 7:30 PM

    A: that one just proves that "DEVELOPERS"
    are more crazier, they make crazy decisions
    and more fucking useless "FIXES"


  106. @Please tell me that this is a joke? How can 4002 votes be representative in any way?

    You're angry at the -possibility- this poll will take into account the adequacy of the new tanks in the court of public opinion? ..What?

    Then you quickly switch to attacking the representative who willingly gives you the ability to communicate directly with him for nothing more than sarcasm? lolWhat?

    Get yourself a beer buddy. Overlord's methods of community interaction and communication is effective and entertaining. If this displeases you, wait for the company to release formalized TPS reports to fit your rigid "I'm a customer, Serve me" format.

  107. Tanks in general are greatly balanced.
    The various sides have their pros and cons, and end game tier 8-9 tanks are extremly balanced versus other sides tier 8-9 tanks.
    A well done to WG, in my opinion, here.

    Tier 10 tanks destroys balance and make most other tanks obsolete.
    You have a game with a myriad of tanks, but in end game, there are, currently 4, a month ago just 3, main tanks in this game:
    IS7, Maus, T30 and now latest E100.

    Tank destroyers are obsolete since T30 and E100 have same or better firepower, better manouverability and armor, better survival and is just better in all ways apart from camouflage.

    Artillery I am not counting in, as this is a wrecking ball and should be removed from the game, or utterly nerfed.

    Artillery in this game, compared to its Tanks.
    Is like comparing a sherman M4 Tank from 1943 with a laser guided tomahawk missile from 2010.

    The difference is that big.

    I honestly believe, that WG is not playing their own game. They are busy developing world of planes and world of ships, and have forgotten world of tanks.
    You do develop for it, but you use statistics to prove and give answer to your questions.

    Do your self a favor overlord, and play a tier 9 tanks, for just 3 days, in random battles.
    Try EU server for example.

    You will rage, rage, rage and then you will understand.
    Go for both Medium and Heavy tanks.

    Apart from artillery this is one glorious and near perfect game. With the physics engine this WILL be near perfection.
    But until you do something with artillery. This game is nothing but garbage, pardon my expression. But that is the frank and utter truth. You are blind if you see it otherwise.

    Limiting artillery will not help, and 3 is already too many in a game. 2 is already too powerful.
    You need to change it or remove it, or, at most, limit it to 1, AFTER you have nerfd it with around 50%.

    Accuracy should be nerfd with around 200%, reload speed should be increased with roughly 200% and damage should be nerfd with roughly 75%.

    Arty would STILL be powerful, but it would be tolerated. And it would now be a support weapon instead of the MAIN weapon it currently is.

    This game is World of Artillery in its current state.

    WG: Play your own game and get real.
    You are mocking us who have paid more then 10 block buster titles in just a few months, for ONE game...and as such, should be ashamed of yourself.

  108. Q: How long it takes to patch 7.0 open tests?

    And Yes, we want french tanks!

    (We know you got them on alpha-version...)

  109. WoT at the core is a great game. The gameplay minus the spotting and camo system is superb. There are numerous problems within though that really hinders it:

    - Lack of game modes. 1 game mode for over a year is laughable at best, and shows how much the devs don't care about the player, just their money. Their priorities are all wrong.
    - Conflicting information between Overlord and their other devs, it happens all the time.
    - The developers don't listen to their fanbase, period. You have to jump through rings of fire and have the stars align for them to take interest and at least entertain an idea let alone make it happen.
    - Language barriers hurt the most. Overlord can't speak english worth a damn, doesn't understand "context" at all. He probably couldn't order a value meal at McDonalds here in the US.

    The worst is, they just don't care about the players, just their wallets, yet fail to realize that when you upset your userbase, you won't get paid.

    Then you have the BS they pulled with "pre-orders" at gamestop and such, changing what you get suddenly and without warning in the box, these guys are just terrible. They don't care one bit about their customers. Just like all the lag from that 2nd patch that made the game unplayable, people burning through premium time with no good faith reimbursement. And now, once again, lag has been bad the past 2 weeks, with nothing in sight to fix it.

    Good game, terrible developers.

  110. "Good game, terrible developers"

    in mother russia, terrible means handsome, PHEW!

  111. What's amazing to me is that everyone seems to think arty is too powerful. It is powerful, yes - but it can also be pretty readily avoided. Even in slow tanks. You just have to be cognizant of your surroundings and take advantage of terrain. Every map has plenty of wonderful positions that are safe from most of the places arty drivers like to hide, and the ones who get ballsy and widen their target areas also put themselves at more risk. I will agree it can be annoying to get in a round with 5 or 6 SPGs on each side, but really, they're hardly the end of the world.



  113. I play every tree. Some better and worse tanks in every of them. Stop babycrying. It only makes you look like one of those lame players you find in the game that have no clue how to play their tanks. The thing that make me sick in this game is those crying, disrespectful people.




  115. lolero said...

    I play every tree. Some better and worse tanks in every of them. Stop babycrying. It only makes you look like one of those lame players you find in the game that have no clue how to play their tanks. The thing that make me sick in this game is those crying, disrespectful people.
    September 7, 2011 9:39 PM


  116. "lolero said...
    I play every tree. Some better and worse tanks in every of them. Stop babycrying. It only makes you look like one of those lame players you find in the game that have no clue how to play their tanks. The thing that make me sick in this game is those crying, disrespectful people."

    Does Overlord like one or two fingers up his ass while you administer the reach around?

  117. It's just more the proof how wargaming is interpreting polls or better asking questions. That's exactly how you read stats in favor of Russian tanks. But one thing I have to admit Overlord, you are a funny troll. :)

  118. "I play every tree. Some better and worse tanks in every of them. Stop babycrying. It only makes you look like one of those lame players you find in the game that have no clue how to play their tanks. The thing that make me sick in this game is those crying, disrespectful people."

    i think you should get a tank higher than
    tier 5,your statement above is clear to me
    that you haven't gotten deep into the game,
    i have 3 tier 10 1 of each nation,

    you cant refer people who are crying babies are those who have no clue, because majority of top 1000 players who are more experienced do know what they are crying for.

    BTW: you're the one who have no clue of what your saying.

  119. I voted Over Powered. A GW Panther can one shoot a t30/t34 and to me that seems a bit much. Some artillery's need a balance looking at tier, how to do that I might not have a good and simple answer to. I think a change in penetration (less damage to USSR/US tanks) and buff to splash on German tanks (seems balanced today vs artys).

  120. "The worst is, they just don't care about the players, just their wallets, yet fail to realize that when you upset your userbase, you won't get paid."

    It's funny you say that mate. I was thinking the same, but get real and look at the numbers. They are growing, couple of months ago there was 30k ish players on the EU server, these days there are +40k and it's going up. Why do you think Wargaming is going ahead with another two titles? Do you think they really care about your quality of entertainment or balance in the game? :) Re-think that. They already have a momentum going, and loads of kids are properly hooked up on this game. Apparently there are 5 mln accounts across 3 servers dude and they expanding to China now. At this stage they don't have to give a s... about what the community things anymore. They can do whatever they like and they are laughing.

    By the way, arty should be properly nerfed or reduced. Wargaming. I have got an idea for you, your next title could be "World of Artillery". Can I get my commission please? ;-)

    How about introducing proper tracers system back? I heard it was your priority when we spoke at Tankfest. So far we did not hear anything?

  121. what a BS fest of OWNED crybabies in here. Grab your balls and start playing like men. Just because u got raped doesnt mean the game is bad. Leave the game for the good players and newcomers and go play gaylo and COD.

  122. Anonymous said...

    what a BS fest of OWNED crybabies in here. Grab your balls and start playing like men. Just because u got raped doesnt mean the game is bad. Leave the game for the good players and newcomers and go play gaylo and COD.
    September 7, 2011 10:28 PM

    another overlords bitch!

  123. Dear Overlord.

    My suggestion:

    Limit artitelly / game to 3.
    With the same thing right now, I mean it checks if the arty have big gun or no. But if it cant do a balanced arty game for example:

    A team: 2 tier 5 with big gun, 1 tier 6 big gun
    B team: 1 tier 5 big gun, 2 tier 6 big gun

    Allow another reserve arty slot. So maximum 4 arty / team

  124. Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...

    what a BS fest of OWNED crybabies in here. Grab your balls and start playing like men. Just because u got raped doesnt mean the game is bad. Leave the game for the good players and newcomers and go play gaylo and COD.
    September 7, 2011 10:28 PM

    another overlords bitch!
    September 7, 2011 10:30 PM


  125. Anonymous said...

    what a BS fest of OWNED crybabies in here. Grab your balls and start playing like men. Just because u got raped doesnt mean the game is bad. Leave the game for the good players and newcomers and go play gaylo and COD.
    September 7, 2011 10:28 PM

    another overlords bitch!
    September 7, 2011 10:30 PM

    Another butt raped fag, go play barbie. BTW i dont care about overlord, wargaming or anyone. they made a good MANLY game. Youre welcome to quit.

  126. Anonymous said...

    what a BS fest of OWNED crybabies in here. Grab your balls and start playing like men. Just because u got raped doesnt mean the game is bad. Leave the game for the good players and newcomers and go play gaylo and COD.
    September 7, 2011 10:28 PM


    i think you should get a tank higher than
    tier 5,your statement above is clear to me
    that you haven't gotten deep into the game,
    i have 3 tier 10 1 of each nation,

    you cant refer people who are crying babies are those who have no clue, because majority of top 1000 players who are more experienced do know what they are crying for.

    BTW: you're another one who have no clue of what your saying.

  127. lol lolero turns anonymous to make fag war!

  128. 8============D to the complainers, whiners, crybabies and fags.

  129. Arty ruins the game nuff said, and you guys say it can be avoided never played anything but, full speed t-44 boom 1 shoted by arty ya cmon.

  130. Anonymous said...

    8============D to the complainers, whiners, crybabies and fags.
    September 7, 2011 10:40 PM

    show that to overlord and he will be much happier

  131. What a sad display of imaturity in here. I can picture the smelly, fat kids that have no life at all trying to come up with be best possible insults they can think of.. and up until now I fail to see a single well elaborated insult that surpasses the intellectual level of a twelve year old.

    Kudos to you, kiddies, I hope you could let off a little bit of steam. If this comment section fails to deliver you satisfaction, try some masturbation, which hopefully will get you away from your keyboards for a little while and spare some of us your ignorant junk.

    /point made

  132. I'm a little afraid that the result of most people want to limit arties will get the following result:

    Due to most people wanting to limit artilleries we will now limit it to 6 artilleries...per side.


    Pls proof me wrong Overlord!

  133. Anonymous said...

    What a sad display of imaturity in here. I can picture the smelly, fat kids that have no life at all trying to come up with be best possible insults they can think of.. and up until now I fail to see a single well elaborated insult that surpasses the intellectual level of a twelve year old.

    Kudos to you, kiddies, I hope you could let off a little bit of steam. If this comment section fails to deliver you satisfaction, try some masturbation, which hopefully will get you away from your keyboards for a little while and spare some of us your ignorant junk.

    /point made
    September 7, 2011 10:42 PM

    got some lube?

  134. Anonymous said...

    What a sad display of imaturity in here. I can picture the smelly, fat kids that have no life at all trying to come up with be best possible insults they can think of.. and up until now I fail to see a single well elaborated insult that surpasses the intellectual level of a twelve year old.

    Kudos to you, kiddies, I hope you could let off a little bit of steam. If this comment section fails to deliver you satisfaction, try some masturbation, which hopefully will get you away from your keyboards for a little while and spare some of us your ignorant junk.

    /point made
    September 7, 2011 10:42 PM

    is that you overlord? anonymously?

  135. I spend half my time disagreeing with the wargaming guys. But some of you guys on this post are being way too nasty to someone actually communicating with you.

    Yes the E-100 comes across as a bit weak even to me when I'm driving it, it does. But my avg in the IS-7 is 740xp, avg in the Maus is 720xp and avg in the E-100 is 710xp atm having played nowhere near the number of games as the other two.

    So its still viable, its not running around with 10hp so cut the name calling out. Please, it makes the playerbase as a whole look like arseholes.

  136. Q. Are there any plans to increase the top speed of the T28 and T95?

  137. Good to hear that a detailed release schedule will be out next week. I'll be waiting anxiously, but patiently. Will you post them here on your blog or will they be released via the WoT community website?

    I'm pretty deep into the game and I'm wondering how I'll be affected by all the new content patches coming at us. The "full" tech trees were published back in April and they have been adhered to well, but the change in the Object 252 means that they are not set in stone. A detailed release schedule will allow me to plan my grinding (as long as the tech trees do not change).

    Thanks Overlord for the poll on artillery. I think that most people will be happy with simply limiting the number of arty in public matches. 5 or even 6 artillery batteries per team is insane and in a match like that, tankers can be almost certain they will experience death from above. 2 arty per team is good. They cannot dominate the battlefield with only a couple units and having just 2 units per team will give the team remote fire support that will be effective if used properly but won't be a game-breaker if used poorly.

  138. Hey OL

    just in case no one else says it

    some of us appreciate the time you take to respond on the Blog

    Ignore the Trolls

    No MMO is perfect - this one is a least free and for the most part playable.

    Any chance we can get some hint r.e Scout Tank Weighting post 6.7 ????

    Love to see M5's and Leo's getting dropped back a few points - love the tank - hate trying to hurt/survive Tier 8's in one

  139. Any chance the arty gets balanced. in an interview your guys say there wont be submarines in world of battleships, because no one likes to be sniped in one little boat, if everyone has subs, but right now the same goes for tanks, because im tired of playing against 8 or 7 arty in one team, when only arty is left after all tanks are sniped. Include the tracers back and the arty problem is gone. Or just limit them - 2 or 3 is enough.

  140. When will we be able to research the M4 Sherman from the M7??

    Currently the M7 is horrible, his cannon is very weak and even the new tier 5 scout has a better canon!

  141. Overlord Said...

    A: On a serious note, public opinion is not a decisive factor when it comes to balancing, but we can't and we don't ignore it completely. One way or another it is taken into account. And personally Im glad the majority admitted that E-tanks are good.

    It was a shifty and insidious poll question. Everebody know (you Overlord and the developers to) that the peapole have problem only (or mostly) with E-100. We couldn't vote separatly the E types just toghether the whole E series. We know exactly why. You dont want any change on the E-100. Congratulation to your incorrect poll.....

  142. Any chance you can install a swearing in filter in this blog? I couldn't give a fuck about the language but it would make looking for the actual information a lot easier to find amongst all the crying. ;)

  143. Love the blog Overlord

    I think you did one of your best jobs at balancing with the E series. E-75 just needs the armour holes fixed and possibly can you look into why the kwk44 128mm seemingly isnt as accurate as it is on the maus/vk?
    E-50 i love to bits but perhaps its a tad too OP compared to the other 2 T9 meds. Suggest you buff them rather than nerf the E-50. Not much in it though IMHO.
    E-100, on the test server to me seemed, average. Which is likely perfect in that case.

    As for arty, well i think youve made a huge mistake with them. It just isnt fun to be just someone elses target. Arty get a free reign in most battles to snipe other players tanks. Their fun is always at others expense.

    Would much prefer to see SPG changed from snipers to area denial weapons.
    -Higher ROF and ammo load
    -Way less accuracy and damage
    -Every building is destroyable over time.

    Currently arty dominate the gameplay. Restricting numbers is a just acknowledging their OP effect while not actually fixing the real issues they create.

    Belrick US server.

  144. E-100 is unplayable.Lower hull has about 5mm armor,arty one hit him small pen.E-75 is much better than shity e100.

  145. I think the next poll should be:

    "Do you think the community of posters on this blog are out of control and need a good sack-beating?"

    I would vote option 4): A pillowcase full of doorknobs is too good for them, send them to Siberia.

  146. PS: No offense to constructive and well meaning posters.

  147. Anonymous said...
    what a BS fest of OWNED crybabies in here. Grab your balls and start playing like men. Just because u got raped doesnt mean the game is bad. Leave the game for the good players and newcomers and go play gaylo and COD."

    I'm a "good" player, and i'm done with this shit-fest. I'm going onto bigger and better things like BF3, and I'm sure I'm not the only "good" player leaving. This game will be filled with those who are not quick enough mentally and physically to participate in games like BF3, and/or World War lovers.

    WoT was an OK game to hold me over during this dry spell until real AAA-titles like BF3 hit, and provide more than a beta-experience like this game has.. one game mode, fucking pathetic.

    Best part is, after all the stunts that WG pulled on it's player, they took the risk on two more projects instead of fixing WoT, so when the WoT players leave frustrated, they won't be too keen on dumping money into two more games where they can go through the bullshit that WG pulls on them, and WG will go under.

    In a year or two, Overlords blog posts will sound something like "OMG this guy stood in line for 10minutes unable to make up his mind between value meal number 1 or number 4, if we only listened to our real gamer fans, fml".

  148. I'm reading all these complaints about arty and I am thinking to my self, "What the fuck, are these people retarded or something?" Then it came to me. Most people that complain about arty either:

    A.) Can't play it, because of their short attention span
    B.) Have never played clan wars

    Now the caps on C are entirely necessary. I play tier 8 arty and most of the kills that I get are from dumb asses sitting out in the open. They sit there, get killed by arty, and then spam the in game chat about how overpowered and unfair arty is. In reality, it really is balanced.

    They don't promote camping, they counter it. How do you kill an Object 704 camping on a hill? Arty. How do you kill the tanks sitting behind rocks? Arty. How do you kill anything that is camping? ARTY! Without arty, no one would leave their base. With arty, people are constantly on the move or they are just inexperienced.

  149. Clever. Roll all the E-series tanks into a single obscure post and then declare the results of that means all of them don't need any fixes whatsoever. This is about as poor as when you morons removed the accuracy from the patton, then plan to reset it and call it a "buff" rather than what it really is; fixing an awful idea that shouldn't have been made in the first place.

    Course that seems to be the norm for the team. Bumbling through things with awful and/or half-assed ideas. The things that you people have come up make me seriously question the mentality of everyone involved. It's clear nobody has any idea how to actually run the game, and if anyone ever did, they were run out by the hyperactive and drama infused manchildren that do run the game now.

    Here's a tip, focus more on actually providing entertainment value to the game, rather than trying to find new ways to line your pockets with another cheap gold requirement. You can start by fixing the absolute mess that is matchmaker. Don't ever say it's "working as intended" again, because it's not. Either that or you people are so inept it'd be better for the world if you removed yourselves from society by any means necessary; your ideas are a taint upon anything you touch.

    And as a side note to all the bloody wallet warriors out there, stop saying you're the reason the game is still free. While that may have a small grain of truth, you're still not helping anyone. You people so willing to open your wallets and bank accounts to this junk are the reason why it's stagnated. You've rewarded a petulant child for a half-assed job, and are continuing to reward them as their work gets poorer and poorer, to the point that it's nonexistent. Your money hasn't helped do anything but stagnant a game, turning what could have been an excellent idea and entertaining game into something foul and diseased, intent only on squeezing whatever else it can from the morons so willing to pay for pure fecal matter. It disgusts me to hear people claim that they've spent hundreds and up to thousands of dollars on the filth in this game, and then act like they're proud of their horrific choices.

    While you may not be entirely responsible for the degredation of the game, you poor bastard souls are certainly a prime reason why it's dying an awful death. You're all right there alongside, helping the flailing company dig its own grave.

  150. Close the door and dont forget the tissues

  151. This is/was an extremely flawed poll. A blanket question regarding the e-series as a whole does nothing to determine the viability )or lack thereof) of specific members of the class in question.

    Furthermore, an anonymous poll of this nature does nothing to indicate the provenance of the respondents, leading to the inevitable conflict between those who replied out of personal experience as drivers of an e-series vehicle with constructive criticism and insight, and those who replied negatively with no personal insight merely as a response to a poor gaming experience at the hands of an e-series vehicle.

    As an owner and driver of each of the e-series vehicles I can confidently tell you that the e-50 and e-75 are (for the most part) quality vehicles with the single exception being a weakness to HE damage.

    The E-100, on the other hand, is not a quality vehicle. It's philosophical approach to gameplay runs contrary to the evolution found within its parent tree, its armor is rife with weaknesses, but most glaringly - its 15cm gun is an extremely flawed in both construction and the contradiction between its (seeming) intended and realized place in the battlefield, and needs to be rethought ASAP.

  152. I'm a "good" player, and i'm done with this shit-fest. I'm going onto bigger and better things like BF3, and I'm sure I'm not the only "good" player leaving. This game will be filled with those who are not quick enough mentally and physically to participate in games like BF3, and/or World War lovers.

    This guy in incredible.
    1) AAA titles are not always big budgeted and full merchandised products.example Limbo.
    2)Leave, we dont need "good" ball less players. Good players can stand change and survive to all odds.(arty included)
    3) Youll leave and 5 better players will enter today and tomorrow and probably younger.
    4)8=======D and fuck you.

  153. "I'm a "good" player, and i'm done with this shit-fest."

    Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, pal. Good luck with poisoning the BF3 community with your own brand of 'good player' arrogance! Newsflash: BF3 will peter out a lot sooner than WG's titles. Cut your losses and play COD instead, you seem to fit its demographic.

  154. "They don't promote camping, they counter it. How do you kill an Object 704 camping on a hill? Arty. How do you kill the tanks sitting behind rocks? Arty. How do you kill anything that is camping? ARTY! Without arty, no one would leave their base. With arty, people are constantly on the move or they are just inexperienced."

    LOL... right. Arty promotes it. Why is that tank hiding behind and hugging the rock, just like everyone else? Because, if they roll out an inch, they're spotted, and get nuked from orbit. Arty is broken right now, OP, and needs to be revamped. That won't happen though, as WG is lazy.

    The E-100 is junk, unless you're shooting gold, which I thought this game was never supposed to be "Pay 2 Win". Another WG lie.

  155. Anonymous said...
    "Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, pal. Good luck with poisoning the BF3 community with your own brand of 'good player' arrogance! Newsflash: BF3 will peter out a lot sooner than WG's titles. Cut your losses and play COD instead, you seem to fit its demographic."

    You must be one of the old people they were talking about, "don't let the door"... my grandfather used to say that to people. And LOL at you to think that BF3 will "peter out" (another old person term), as BF2 is still played today, and that game is a bit older than WoT, moron. It speaks volumes about what your worth on the hobby/topic of gaming is, zero. And the only thing CoD is good for is griefing, old man. Calm down before you break a hip, get a heart attack, or give your last breath by nature to a person on the internet. Stick to facebook gaming, less intensive for your age and skill level.

  156. " moron. It speaks volumes about what your worth on the hobby/topic of gaming is, zero. And the only thing CoD is good for is griefing, old man."

    Kind of like what you're doing?

  157. WHO!? let these dogs out!? woof woof

  158. "I'm a "good" player, and i'm done with this shit-fest. I'm going onto bigger and better things like BF3, and I'm sure I'm not the only "good" player leaving. This game will be filled with those who are not quick enough mentally and physically to participate in games like BF3, and/or World War lovers."


  159. "ONE NOOB DOWN!"

    FACT: If you call someone who you don't know of, completely anonymously on the internet a noob, it instantly makes you feel better. Even if you totally suck and would get "pwn3d" in game, you can hang onto said moment. You don't look an idiot at all neither!

  160. Such blind support for a developer who doesn't care about their players, and will shut down the servers without notice once the player number drops further due to other people getting fed up... it's amazing. These people are killing the game they love to protect lol losers.

  161. I wonder how many retarded comments it will take for Overlord to make these posts without the ability to respond with comments.

    Perhaps, he will simply stop blogging.

  162. Overlord,
    Why did I get a T2 tank instead of that double cannon russian tank and other things as well? I returned it and told them how things were different then what I was told I would get before and they refunded my money and they were going to investigate what was happening. Time to call the BBB i guess.

  163. I would AGAIN like to point out that the mudflap weaknesses on the E-series has already been fixed in the testserver.

    Everyone can take their "HURR DURR BIASED DEVS E-75 UNDERPOWERED" Posts and shove them up their asses. The E-75's single most important weakness just got erased.

    Just wait until another blog post is written about the IS-6, with its 100mm of armor and pathetic 175 pen, 3.0 aim time .4 accuracy gun. Everyone will be up in arms about "AHHH OVERPOWERED RUSSIAN TANK!" when, in fact, its not.

  164. That..was not a russian tank. It's going to be an american light. Tip: They were AWFUL. Though I don't know how this would translate into WoT stats.

  165. FIX THE BROKEN SPOTTING/CAMO SYSTEM ALREADY... for the love of whoever you believe in. Broken ass system that caters to Russian tanks which have the highest camo ratings out of the nations higher tiers. T-54s, 704s, IS3/4/7s, all disappearing in front of your eyes. And/or, shooting at you perfectly fine.

    You guys suck. Bias BS.

  166. I want a soft wipe!!!!!!!!!!!!! Want all my xp back!!!!!!!!!!!

  167. Do not put into same group E-50, E-75 and E-100. poll is invalid. E-50 is decent (worse then t-54 ofc), E-75 is great (ofc worse then IS-4, 16 less pen, and NO SIDE ARMOR), and E-100 is lump of shit.

  168. Near the southwest base in Murovanka, at the base of the ridge I had a Panther II disappear behind a couple of bushes between shots. Distance was about 50 meters. Too bad for him my Löwe was still over 75% health and he was the last one alive on his team...

  169. Overlord you and WG forgott Operation Avalanche action?

  170. Overlord - As there is a lot of crying for certain us tanks and so on, which seem to be months away, maybe you should get the news team to make a 'the prosess of making a tank' report for the video news, so people can get an impression os how mutch work that goes into making a new tank.

  171. I have just one thing to say to those people crying about arty's. LEARN TO PLAY!.
    It's not so hard to move forward in a zigzagging way to make it hard for arty to predict where you are going or find a nice spot behind a house or hill or whatever and besides that, if you spot a tank and shoot it and just sit still there you will be a great target for arty cause they have all the time in the world to aim onto your location.

    Yes I play arty and also high tier heavy and medium tanks and I never been frustrated by arty's in the game at all. Just for the fact that your team has arty's as well and they can help you out in difficult situations where you normally would never survive in.
    And arty isn't so easy to play with, it has a small fire arc and when you move the tank to aim again it takes another 5-6 seconds. And when they get into close range combat they have just 1 shot in TD mode to kill the tank that is spotting them and if they miss the enemy has 5-6 seconds to kill the arty before the arty is reloaded.

    Don't change anything about arty or remove them, cause they are fun. But I do agree about a limit in games of max 3. With more than 3 in a game everyone goes camping and that makes the game slow and boring.

  172. For the retards bitching about not knowing how to play:

    We can all play in any given circumstances, whatever they may be. The problem is not our inability to cope with them, but rather, our enjoyment. Excessive artillery ruins our fun, because it forces an unenjoyable mode of play.

    We know how to play, as it is. We'd just rather play something else. So stop your half-witted apologist bitching.

  173. The poll shouldn't be overrated.
    A controversial poll is more likely to manipulated. You can simply delete cookies and vote again.

    A poll about controversial (aka balancing) issues is almost useless.

  174. "On a serious note, public opinion is not a decisive factor when it comes to balancing, but we can't and we don't ignore it completely. One way or another it is taken into account. And personally Im glad the majority admitted that E-tanks are good."

    I doubt these polls represent public opinion. I'm sure many people vote tactically on them, e.g. non-E series owners who would hate to see them get a buff say they are fine.

  175. There is alot of people calling other people for cry babies, also much flaming of WG I personally find is a tad too hard, some much too hard.

    They seem to think mainly about their money, but I believe this is a Russian problem and mentality more then WG, its how Russians are.

    About the game:
    The overall game is fantastic, Tanks are very well balanced.
    The exception to this is artillery.

    This game without artillery would, probably reak in reviews of 90% in average from various sources. But due to arty it looses 10%.
    The reviewers did not understand it at the moment but they probably did not play for long.

    The issue with artillery is that it takes away too much of the fun of the game.
    Arty in itself is a cool implementation, how WG have done it, is well done. But it does not work in practice. it is too powerful.

    The current implementation of artillery would possibly work in a modern warfare kind of game, where we drive around in Jets, Apache helicopters and drive around in abrams tanks from 2010.
    THEN, current arty would be balanced.

    But this is a game where general tanks are from WWII up to the 1960s.
    It makes little sense to have artillery from 2010 with infantry laser guiding the shells on tanks.

    Limiting artillery will not help, as its too good and powerful in current state.
    When it can, already at tier 6, considering it can reach 8, can 1 shoot a tier 9 tank, then something needs to be done. And anyone can hit the ammo rack, but they it.

    Apart from that, I find tank balance to be very good in this game.
    E75 might have a little lower survival then IS4, but makes up for it with its pinpoint accuracy cannon, for example.
    People need to learn the strenghts of their tanks, and overall, everything in this game is very well balanced, apart from artillery, which disturb the balance like a light sabre wielding Jedi versus a roman soldier using his gladius.

  176. Q: I noticed that RU server has 7 (?) regions, when will EU and US get more than 2 regions? Small/Medium clans can't (are barely able to) take regions seeing as the big clans already have enough gold in their treasury to one-shot our tanks

  177. I love artillery, they often helped me out when I was facing a stronger tank by myself.

    And why not cry about TD's. They sure are overpowered too. Like the TD he can shoot and kill you while you can't even see it...hmm, sounds just like an artillery, getting killed by a tank you can't see.

    People are always crying about this is OP and that is OP. But those people are really just pissed that they can be killed by other players and wish they had a godmode cheat.

    So if you can't handle it that other players are just better than you and that you can be killed because of your lack of skills in your tank, go play Hello Kitty Online.

  178. Overlord, you should create another blog. Way too many people are now reading this one and it becomes a place where people release their anger.
    The purpose of giving infos and answering questions is lost in some way. :/

  179. A question, Overlord, are the polls you make somehow usefull ?

    I mean, IF the poll will say "limit the damn artilley" will we see them limited in the near future ?

  180. This pool is a nonsence.

    1. You can't do a pool for the whole series together.

    The e75 is the first good german heavy. It has some bugs, like getting 1 shoted by arty to often. (I have it in my garage). The e50 is avarage but way better than panther 2. But still the t55 is better (yeah it's a t55 not t54). Why? e50 is a much bigger tank and it makes a nice target. The t55 frontal armour bounces like crazy. A stationary t55 is easy to kill but moving one is a very hard opponent because of small weakspots. The gun on e50 is nice but you have problems penetrating is7 from the front. Overall e50 is avarage and t55 is still a better medium. E-100 is a useless tank. Why? Because the 15 cm gun is crap. Can't penetrate mouse or is 7 from the front.

    2. If you want accurate results u have to do the pool where only people owning 1 can vote.

    If you don't know where to hit a tank it doesn't mean that it's OP.

    And now a question for 1 genius that wrote a genius comment?

    The comment was that e 100 performs very good with gold ammo.

    So if u wanna have a good tank u need to use gold? What the hell? Do you really think everyone can afford gold? And that everyone in CW is using gold?

    E100 is useless in CW. Haven't seen a clan use more than 1 or max 2 e100! But i have seen clans using 5 or more mauses, is7 and t30.

    And now a critic for WG. A lot of us wanted the maus, but with the tech tree changes you are forcing us to go for the e100 and use gold! Do you really think this is appropriate? I personally was very close in getting the vk4502 ausf. B and now what? Have to grind from tier 6 again to get the maus...

  181. "They don't promote camping, they counter it. How do you kill an Object 704 camping on a hill? Arty. How do you kill the tanks sitting behind rocks? Arty. How do you kill anything that is camping? ARTY! Without arty, no one would leave their base. With arty, people are constantly on the move or they are just inexperienced."


    Haha this guy is funny

    Like someone above said, why do you think the tanks are hiding behind rocks/houses?

    When I enter battle with powerful artys, the first thing I think about is where I can advance without being raped by arty. I bet most players think similar.

    And the reason why people is often camping in open maps is because they don't want to be torn apart by arty as soon as they are spotted.

    For example, camping is never problem in urban maps like Himmelsdorf or Ensk, where you can actually advance without constantly thinking about stupid arty.

    You do the math yourself Einstein.

  182. Two arty per team max.

  183. Quote:
    And why not cry about TD's. They sure are overpowered too. Like the TD he can shoot and kill you while you can't even see it...hmm, sounds just like an artillery, getting killed by a tank you can't see.

    This is only the case in lower tiers, in higher tiers they almost always get visible after the first shot, the german heavy TD's are more like assault guns.

    How many people did you ever see complain about TD's ingame and how many about arties being op.

    I played more than a thousand matches with heavy TD's (JP, Ferdi and JT) and nobody ever said that TD's are op, but every other game somebody complains about arty.


  184. As a dedicated arty player I have to say that I generally like the concept and thus voted the first possibility. YET I feel that more than 3 SPGs per team are hurting the team more than benefitting it. By the time you have like 5 of them most players will behave like kill greedy douches and not support the team as they should. I would love to see a limit of 3 arties per team (You could tune down Burda's Medal accordingly), for then matches would be more fun and a single arty platoon would not cause a 6 arties per team arty party anymore.

    A note for the haters: Arty is what balances WOT more than anything else in my experience. A team consisting of weaker tanks can still take victory if coordinated with arty well. Take for instance a situation where the enemy has a 100% Maus left and all of your tier 10 and 9 tanks and tds are already dead. What can stop said Maus? IS3, KT, T32? Unlikely. Ferdi, ISU152 and T28 perhabs, yet they will probably lose in a direct encounter. WOT needs arty. If you are grieved because you get killed by arty often think about: 1. Whether you are the prime target (Tier 10 heavies or tier 9 meds) 2. Whether you choose your positions wisely and 3. What you are playing the game for. My prey are usually guys rushing to the front trying to score as many kills as they can. The result is often that they are tracked and I then swat them with the 21cm mortar of my GW Tiger. As for noobery or lack of skill in arty (i.e. "blaaaahh - arty noob - blaaaaah"): Try playing arty yourself, it requires lots of skill. Leading a target with a high tier arty and hitting it is a matter of experience, you do not score automatic hits and - oh snap - do not have auto aim. If arty bothers you generally: Learn to play!

  185. Wow ... first time I've taken to read this blog. My impresion is that (like some1 already said) is full of frustrated ppl. Ppl complain and complain about artys and tanks about matchmaking, none of them being happy and thankful that we (finally!) have a game with tanks ! Yeah , sure the game "might" be broken in so many places .. but u have to remember its still version 0.X.X , and if ur not patient and if ur feedback is not constructive but full of hate , this game wont progress ! Help the devs help us !

    FYI : played this game for 4 months ,have premium acc with t9heavy , t6arty, t7 TD , t7 med .. all GERMAN !

    Ty Overlord for ur patience and keep doin the good work :)

  186. can you provide me the link to hello kitty online? cuz last time i fired 4 gold shell with my maus at really short distance to an IS7 just to get 3 friggin rebounds, i tought i'd better switch to a more realistic game AKA Hello Kitty Online

  187. i forgot to mention a TD (RUSSIAN LOL, 704), 50 meters from me, that DISAPPEARED suddenly LOL
    They all god blin in 5 seconds? the got high with italian red wine in 5 seconds? they ate strange mushrooms? they got LSD?

    COME ON OVERLORD, YOU ARE HERE TO ANSWER, SO ANSWER. how the fuck is it possible?

  188. To limit the spgs to max 3 per battle would be great :)

  189. Max 3 is still too much. Maybe max 3 Tier7 and less, but more than two Tier8 makes game unplayable.

  190. 3 is perfect number for max arty in game.
    I am also an arty player and it does take a lot of skill to hit something and often you miss a target that is stationary and you are fully aimed and have 100% crew.
    And if arty is so OP, then why do you hardly see arty's get top gun medal in a game or even sniper. Only managed to get sniper on a SU-5 once and to get top gun medal is rare as well.

    I also play non arty's and I find it fun to advance while taking cover and thinking about where I am vulnerable to arty fire and where not.
    But yeah, guess not everyone liked to use their brain while playing a game.

  191. Overlord and all of you discussing the poll about arty. Most of you want propably to limit arty per team. I am one of those people too. But...

    One important thing... When TRACERS WILL BE BACK, then countering enemy arty will be priority of arty, and then, arty will be limited, by countering... So, i think, that even with tracers back, 3 / 4 arty per side is max. Not 5 or 6, like happens now...

    Overlord, i know you answered somewhere that tracers will be back... can you say, when they will be back? Propably not in 6.7, so... next patch, 7.0 ? Would be nice to see any your answers about tracers.


  192. Anonymous said...


    FACT: If you call someone who you don't know of, completely anonymously on the internet a noob, it instantly makes you feel better. Even if you totally suck and would get "pwn3d" in game, you can hang onto said moment. You don't look an idiot at all neither!
    September 8, 2011 4:59 AM

    someone got hurt in the butt, LOL!

  193. Anonymous said...

    someone got hurt in the butt, LOL!
    September 8, 2011 3:52 PM



  195. Another pointless poll which will now be used as basis to deny any future buffs to the E-series; even though most of the voting was probably done by people who don't drive them.

  196. Form the POLL properly atleast The E-75 is good, the E-100 is good but the E-50 sucks! You just asked for the ENTIRE E-series...

  197. Anonymous said...

    what a BS fest of OWNED crybabies in here. Grab your balls and start playing like men. Just because u got raped doesnt mean the game is bad. Leave the game for the good players and newcomers and go play gaylo and COD.
    September 7, 2011 10:28 PM

    Affirmative! you can grab mine.

  198. Arty players telling people to learn to play is funniest thing ever. 1 button smasher sitting at spawn in a bush takes no skill whatesoever stfu!!

  199. Person above here clearly never played artillery.
    And probably is one of those suicide scouts, thinking it takes a lot of skill to do that....
