Monday, August 29, 2011

Vote on WoT Maps!

Fancy rushing thru the middle or prefer camping? This way or that you gotta have your favorite places to do that on WoT battlefields and those you detest! Tell me about it and we might listen this time!:)
We have lotsa maps, good ones and bad ones (this is what you tend to insist on; my standpoint is that Malinovka rules!) If you truly believe a map leaves much to be desired, give it a try and shout about it right here.

EU forums vote -

US forums vote -

You can select multiple answers to both questions. My request would be to choose up to five (5). Thank you.

What I need is not a balanced description of pros or/and cons, but just your vote, however detailed analysis is always welcome. Share your hatred of Komarin, give your appreciation to narrow streets of Himmelsdorf.

Let's vote!


  1. IMMA FIRST! WOOT WOOT lol Sounds interesting about the votes. What is the real goal of voting for them?

  2. Redesign, rotation change, deletion... Will see based on the feedback.

  3. I cant register,so i type here.

    Most: Himmelsdorf.
    Least: Malinovka

  4. love what you guys are doing but, you should figure out a way to balance really bad players rickdias5500 and wkwench are examples of people who i never forget. if you could add a way to balance the games based of there stats as well as the tank they use would be awesome

  5. welll Malinovka (Campinovka) isnt that bad but it coud need some improvment´s more places to hide expecialy on the side withouth buildings you get pretty fast sniped from the other side if teammates take the best spots arty have very good sight on you that means if you are spoted you are gone it shoud get a bit balanced equal chances to hide for bouth sides ...

  6. maybe only two artys per side max

    because its just stupid that there are five arty on each side

  7. I am gonna have to ay Himmelsdorf is my fav map lots of target ranges to choose from.

  8. omg, i want to new patch, no poll about maps

  9. Q: omg, i want to new patch, no poll about maps

    A: I want new patch too. Patience, mate.

  10. While I really appreciate your attempt Overlord, I wouldn't be surprised if some people love maps that others hate: it depends on play style, preferred vehicles and other things. While one or two truly unpopular maps might emerge, wouldn't it be great if players could just remove certain maps from rotation, or CHOOSE which maps to play on. Customer choice ... I know, it is a crazy, decadent western capitalist concept, but give it a go, you might like it! ;)

  11. overlord please add new game modes we tired this cap flag or destroy all tank !! that boring for all time

  12. add new gamemodes boring cap or destroy all tank

  13. Mlunstrum Writes:

    I think that adding a tier restriction to certain maps would solve some issues. Larger tanks don't do as well in certain maps while they rule on others. Same is true for smaller tanks and SGP's. Another idea is to restrict random battles to a 3 tier bracket so you aren't a tier 4 in a tier 10 match.

    small Tanks
    Favorite map: Himmelsdorf/Malinovka
    Least Favorite: Seigfried Line

    Large Tanks
    Favorite Map: Steppes
    Least Favorite: Artic Region

    Favorite Map:Steppes/Sand River/El Halluf
    Least Favorite:Ensk/Ruinberg - not enough cover

    none the less ever map has it's strong point and weaknesses. the matchmaker in it's self adds a randomness to things...

    I like many others would love to see a change in the match maker. maybe a setting for historical battles (Allies Vs. Axis, or identical teams (PzIV Vs. PzIV, Hummel Vs. Hummel)so that the outcome is solely based on the players or teams Skill....
    Just food for thought.

  14. I would like it if not everyone had to go to one or two choke points. It turns into a game of who is more armored. Try designing a map where being aggressive gets rewarded. I love Mines for this reason. Be aggressive and there is a very good chance of taking control of the hill. Not all maps have they key spots to be aggressive with. This might be what makes people camp.

  15. wow - really sounds like you guys are listening!

    Just don't listen to the anti arty groans! :P

  16. Oh least favorite map:
    Komarin - its the exact same everytime

    Favorite, probably Ensk, or the abbey

  17. "Oh least favorite map:
    If I were you I said that: the worst unplayable map !Komarin!

    I know a good tactic to this map: Hide, then press alt+tab and surf the internet.

  18. Kmoarin and Malinovka are most hated maps. Yet you do nothing about it, just pointless pools, since it well known for a very long time. Why don't you just remove it? You would make most of community much happier. Arty players would whine, yes, but everyone else would be much happier.

  19. Overlord, any chance you could implement possibility that we could choose the map we want to play by ourselves? Or make some static map rotation at least? Its pretty annoying playing maps you dislike whole day and map you love once a week...

  20. I always hated Malinovka. Is take +7 min of camping every time :S

  21. I know that this question was asked allot but is there any chance that we can get an estimate date on when can we see the patch notes for 6.7?

  22. Suggestion: Make the water around the island on Komarin shallow, so that people can drive through it. I think that might solve the problem.

    Also, how about designing maps with large buildings that can be driven into, like a few large warehouses or other enclosed structures, factory, complex etc. Doesnt have to be completely covered, to allow arty to hit tanks inside at certain angles.

    Im no expert, but I think maps that allow for many different tactics are the most fun. Arctic is a good example, malinovka is a bad one. Every play style can be successful on arctic, which makes it fun no matter what vehicle youre using.

  23. if u complain about malinovka then u definetly not a td or arty player.

  24. removing all maps where arties dominate is pointless.....every map has its good sides and bad sides except komarin....that map is tactic at all just camp or rush and cap....malinovka is decent map but side with houses is in better position so some changes would be nice to add some cover to the other side....and removing komarin wouldn't be bad idea...

  25. Is there gonna be some restrictions on platoons?? I think this is the problem with 9 arty per side battles. If there are just 2 platoons of 3 T8 arty then the matchmaker goes nuts...

  26. the problem with malinovka is that all of the heavy/med tanks think there tank destroyers and they camp with them little do they realize there's a whole right flank to explore. the team that flanks always wins

  27. I much prefer the city maps :).

    And Overlord just a non-related Q. Will WoT be on display at the eurogamer expo?

  28. Don't delete maps. Redesign them. Most hated maps have one common fail: there are too little possible attack routes and they are OBVIOUS to both teams.

    In result everybody camps because it is a safer path to victory. "Let them come" - a common indicator that something is wrong with the map.

    In most cases adding some cover on less-used approaches or creating additional routes will help.

  29. More artillery cover could help, it helped with the redesigned maps.


  30. I think bad maps ( komarin ) still need redesgin ... let me give you example ,
    komarin must not have chokepoint in the middle , there should be no lake in the middle of the map , make it swampy area with aaaa lot of bushes , so people can move there and not on the island , keep the bridges with small unpassable water area on the sides ... redesign of komarin was step in good direction but it failed since bridge island in the middle is fail = make it full swamp with bushes and it would be much better.

  31. I don't think choosing your map would work, it would cause many issues.

    A map like malinovka would have arty signing up for it and very little if any tanks, then arty ends up in a 15 vs 15 arty match and that would get old very fast, or they limit arty and so arty signing up for those maps end up waiting 30 mins for a match.

  32. OVERLORD this is my idea for komarin: can you forward it to devs that are responsible for map development please :

    blue area = no water , get rid of the water in blue area
    yellow = dense forest with bushes on bad and average terrain
    green area = get rid of forests there and add more buildings
    unselected part of blue rectangle = average soil no cover no anything just easy access into middle ( no bridges in the middle ).

    arrows = from all sides of blue rectangle you can exit or enter into blue area ( think murovanka forest )

    nobody loves choke points , this would allow you to attack easier on all sides and make fighting more dynamic in the middle because if you win middle you would not be stuck there forever. Who controls middle would have easier time going for enemy arty from there by having more attack paths being in the cover half of the path instead of forcing people to go through one choke point.

  33. Best: Big Maps like Siegfried Line
    Worst: Tanker's Nightmare Malinovka

  34. Q: Overlord, any chance you could implement possibility that we could choose the map we want to play by ourselves? Or make some static map rotation at least? Its pretty annoying playing maps you dislike whole day and map you love once a week...

    A: At this point we are not ready to implement map selection mechanics.

  35. Q: And Overlord just a non-related Q. Will WoT be on display at the eurogamer expo?

    A: Yup! I invite you to our stand in advance.

  36. Q: Will the IS-6 come out before the American tree revision?


  37. This really just comes off as more pandering. Unless fast action occurs within the week or so after the votes (removal of bad maps until they're properly redesigned at the least), this will just become part of the same annoyance the WoT patches are; we get them when we get them. No release dates, no attempts to even try and act like there's a modicum of care in them.

    The game is in dire need of a plethora of changes, but it gets too little, or gets the wrong kind. The addition of the tier 8 premiums warped a lot of things for the worse, adding horrifically unreliable players to higher tier match-ups. And yet more of the same are still planned for game.

    And for the love of god, we're still playing a half-assed version of capture the flag as the ONLY game type? And the gold system is a joke. I won't go into detail, I'll just say it often feels like the system is designed to punish you for not paying ridiculous fees for ridiculous purposes. If much of the game were better, things would be different. As it is, it's become unforgivably insulting.

    There's a huge variety of issues I can comment on, but really they're all summed up by the fact that this game still feels like an early beta. Very far from a finished product.

  38. Dear wg fix ur utterly horrible matchmaking system !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. Overlord i love it how you are interacting with the player base here.

    Can you possibly do one favor for us players (i'm sure everyone wants this).
    When a new map is released can you code the map rotation script to increase the number of times the new map appears for say the next month?

  40. If you guys have no intention of adding game modes soon, how about maps that are pre-packaged game modes? King of the hill could have one team beginning on a hill or in a fortress or something with the other team around it or at the bottom. You could do the same thing with maybe having several smaller cap points, maybe 3 per team that contribute small portions to an overall victory.

  41. Bigger Maps, Plz. Thx

  42. Overlord - If WG delete Malinowka, i quit. Malinovka is best map ever!

    Anyway there is possible to add more maps to tier 1? (For now it's only three)

  43. SUPER LIKE MAP are Siegfried Line, Ensk and Lakeville much for wide open area and city mix.

    BAD MAP FOR ME l Campinovka, Komarin and El Hallouf.

    CAMPER MAP! Malinovka / Campinovka? Its a map where you can stay in base and wait until someother from the other side comes first to you or you try to go to hill.

  44. malinovka can be pretty fast, if you dont have stupid team and you do good rush to their base, otherwise is just camping map

  45. Other good questions would be:
    - Which maps has the most unequal sides?
    - Which maps prefers side I ?
    - Which maps prefers side II ?

  46. Komarin is my favourite, just a little ahead of Abbey and Sand river. These are the 3 hardest maps to play with arty on the map, and once you learn them and start doing good, you're a good player :).

    Siegfried Line is horrendous, same as Ensk, if you don't have solid meds, you can just leave. And please burn that forest in Murovanka or cut it down and make furniture for the homeless. Every time I spawn near it, i might aswell just leave battle, as everytime it's a loss with those campers.

    Malinovka, it's a good map, a bit blank however, would be interesting to see more cover in the small village. Maybe this will make heavies take the village, while meds support them from the hill. Also that church is excellent, perfect example of good and not so good hard cover, the only one even. It's enough to cover you from arty, but not from the tanks on the hill. It's great.

    Please, for the future, don't add maps like Ensk and Siegfrie Line that are specifically designed to separate meds from heavies, this is a teamplay game and you are basically severing a great symbiosis.

    For the record I play a T32, Tiger II and T20

  47. Q: Can you possibly do one favor for us players (i'm sure everyone wants this).
    When a new map is released can you code the map rotation script to increase the number of times the new map appears for say the next month?

    A: Yes, it's a good thing.

  48. Q: "A: At this point we are not ready to implement map selection mechanics."
    How can that be, when map slection was available at gamescom?

  49. Well. It realy sux, when you getting throwed into buildingless side of Malinovka. The bright side is that if your team have T-54,44,t-20 - they can try to go and hide behind thoses buildings in that time scouting. But when Campinovka goes 4 times of 10 possible... It would be normal if game would have 3 or 4 maps at all .

    Ps.: sry ,bad engbuildingless side of Malinovka. The bright side is that if your team have T-54,44,t-20 - they can try to go and hide behind thoses buildings in that time scouting. But when Campinovka goes 4 times of 10 possible... It would be normal if game would have 3 or 4 maps at all .

    Ps.: sry ,bad eng

  50. when is the next patch for american tanks? thnx

  51. Q:when is the next patch for american tanks? thnx

    october/november probably

  52. Have you think about disable/change the ratio of some tanks in some map ?

    I think about arty in city map like Himmelsdorf. Specialy arty T8 in Himmelsdorf, before starting the map you know you will lose money and can't do anything...It's a bit boring.

  53. This is probably just another excuse to delay the FINISHED M103..... that's the way I view it atleast.....

  54. Death to russian tanks !!!

  55. We don't need a vote to know that Komarin and Malinovka need to be deleted!

  56. Overlord, give every player the possiblity of removing 3 maps from the matchmaker. This way, you don't have to delete any maps, and everyone is happy.

  57. "The game is in dire need of a plethora of changes, but it gets too little, or gets the wrong kind. The addition of the tier 8 premiums warped a lot of things for the worse, adding horrifically unreliable players to higher tier match-ups. And yet more of the same are still planned for game.

    And for the love of god, we're still playing a half-assed version of capture the flag as the ONLY game type?"


    I know that WoT will always have a decent amount of players to provide a good revenue source and that the World of Planes, and World of Boats, and perhaps World of Rubber Duckies will keep that cash flowing, but new game modes are desperately needed to keep us long term.

    It's a sublte diffference, but you can be a company focused on making money, or you can focus on customer service which will, in the end, make money. I love this game but out of sheer boredom with the choices I'm looking for something else to play and there is no shortage on the horizon.

  58. Want to sell account anyone interested?

  59. Q1: any plan of limit the number of artyz?
    Q2: when do u want to reintroduce the tracers?

    both are very important, i think i can speak in the name of a lot of ppl, cos nowadays we cant play a normal battle, there r 4-8 artyz usually, sometimes the situation is even worse..("best" was 16 on campinovka 2 days ago....)

    so do u want to do anything in the case of artyz?

    ps: sorry for this question, but im kinda anxious/angry...:(

  60. Q: How long does it take to limit number of artillery per round? Or are you still just thinking about it, so we have to create ten new topics per day for a next half of the year? Or must some amount of players quit the game first? You know, tank that does twice the damage of best TD and can shoot on the other side of the map (would be same as other tanks would be using wallhack), its not really balanced and if you haven't noticed yet, noone except artillery players likes that.

  61. I can easily predict the end of this vote. SPG safe maps will rock (city, half city), big open camper maps will lose. Don't need much brain to guess..

    Still, I would NOT delete any map. Even Malinovka has some good parts, it just needs some more covers for the big slow tanks. All maps should have enough cover to be able to advance without being 1 shoted by SPG.

    Also when you design a map, you should make all tank types useful in some way. TD / SPG need bushes and high distances. Heavy tanks need cover from SPG. Mediums need a POI, a place to scout or take, like the hill on Mines (which is one of the best designed maps IMO). You also have to consider the different tanks. E-100 and T30 have to fight hull down. IS-7 need roads to be able to use their speed advantage. Maus need SPG safe choke point. ETC..

    So, please don't delete / decrease rotation of any map, just redesign them with the above things in mind.

  62. I almost forgot.. I SC2 the player can select 3 maps which he does not likes. The system tries to avoid this maps as much as possible. You could use something simular in WoT. Would be nice.

  63. Will be any event about 1 September 1939?

  64. Anonymous said...
    Will be any event about 1 September 1939?


  65. hahha, that date will never be celebrated in wot

  66. what about penetration hits with 0% damage done? its really weird when shell cost 1000 cr. and didnt do any damage


    learn a little

  68. 1 September - Price for all German tanks halved
    17 September - Price for all Soviet tanks halved :)

  69. Half price for german tanks and soviet ones is a good idea, but take it a step further and/or halve the price for high octane petrol on those days as well.

  70. Should be a limit number of arty on map!MAX 3 arty on map!is a nonsense to see 2 x 5-6-7 arty on map!ridiculos!!!

    indeed begining of WWII is a great eveniment,and should be remembered!but I see nothing of this on WOT.

  71. Now I'd really like to know something about the upcoming patch.

    Is there an upcoming patch at all, or will we have to wait for a major update? I'd understand if you would say 'we are working on something major, that's why no patches for the next days/weeks'. No answer at all however is feeling like being taken up the ass.

  72. 2. september 1945 end war in pacific, end of ww2. Its time to celebrate this 66th anniversary or? Its end of world war 2 for you in WG 9. may??? Some info about this date on WOT page will be nice. Thanks.


    On 15 August 1945 Japan surrendered, with the surrender documents finally signed aboard the deck of the American battleship USS Missouri on 2 September 1945, ending the war

  74. Overlord said...
    Q: Can you possibly do one favor for us players (i'm sure everyone wants this).
    When a new map is released can you code the map rotation script to increase the number of times the new map appears for say the next month?

    A: Yes, it's a good thing.

    let me pls say that if that map will be... not so "dream come true" it will be clever to let rotation unchanged
    another opinion: make malinovka shorter and without cover :-D that will be blitzkrieg (like we saw it in CS where after big complex maps someone maked small direct combat teritories where to make fight faster guns lie on floor)

  75. Malinovka is the worse map in any game ever.

  76. Make everybody happy,after the count down clock hits zero have a big flash and a banner that says you win.And award all the credits they want.All i ever hear is balance and unfare its war for crying out loud.Get better.

  77. Campanovka, the map designer or person that made the decision to include that map should die a million deaths.

    True Story.

  78. lol first a blog poll if we like Campanovka (we didnt). Then a forum poll on our most disliked map which Campanovka wins. Now we have a home page poll on Campanovka. How many more polls before you come to the conclusion that we really mean it when we say we dont like it :)

  79. just gives us a mix of city and open terrain maps. with lots of routes and possibilities to hide from detection.

    like the new map added in 6.7 test, large, lots of cover and mix of open ground with hills and city portion i love it.

    hate komarin and campinovka, and mines is still to dominate on the hill for my taste.

    ingame: Baske_74

  80. * Maps which I like: Ruinberg, Siegfried Line, Lakeville, Ensk, Mines, Cliff, Himmelsdorf...

    * Maps like Steppes and Prokhorovka are nice too, but because of arty parties are becomming almost unplayable for heavy tank drivers.

    * Bad Maps - I selected only one - CAMPARIN (Komarin). Could be nightmare even without arties.

