Thursday, August 11, 2011


A bunch of light tanks is planned to be introduced into the game in 6.7 update.

Tier 5 German light tank VK2801 is one of them.


  1. this will be tier 5 light, which means he will often fight against tier 8-9-10 tanks. That small lolcanon wont damage anything = pointless tank

  2. is that top turret ? Overlord why we cant have turret like leopard has ? Would look cooler dont you think ?

  3. Question. Is it faster or Slower than the Leopard?

  4. love me some fast tanks - looking forward to checking them out

  5. Will 5th tier light tanks have anything special compared to 4th tier counterparts?

  6. So will tier 5 light tanks have "normal" matchmaking or will they go up against tier 9s and 10 half of the time?

  7. After over 200 battle with my Leo I sold it. I was placed into high tier battles almost every time I used it. All it was good for was scouting, and I feel it is more fun to scout in a medium because you can at least defend yourself if you are spotted. The Leo is helpless in 90% of the battles it gets put in. I hope that changes with the introduction of a tier 5 light category. The Leo would be so much fun to play against tanks of it's own tier.

  8. how much xp from leo to this? i got 11k xp atm but i dont have the tank anymore.

  9. What is the point of light tanks??? they are never used in CW. We got T54 for that. So why waste your devs time in creating pointless tanks?

  10. T2, Leo....just very fun tanks. Pointless, yes. Still quite fun though....for the 1-2m per battle you last.

  11. Wargaming needs to further define the role differance between Light/Medium/Heavy tank with code.

    Whats the point of a Light Tank in high tier battles. It brings less armor than a medium of roughly the same tier. Sure, a light tank is faster, but with "Autoaim" and skilled players leading the target, speed is not an effective defense. And with no differance in view range or signal range, why bring a light tank, when a medium or heavy can fill the same role.

    IMHO what needs to happen is a coded defination of game mechanics based on class of vehicle.

    For example, Light Tank tracks are given +100% Hit Points in their tracks and Engines, thus making them more difficult to stop, and an increased chance at detecting hidden enemies.

    This brings value to the light tank in high tier battles. Sure, they will still have a weak gun that wont hurt many of the T7+ tanks out there, but if they are more difficult to track, and have an increased chance at detection of enemies, people would gladly welcome a T5 light tank on their team.

  12. Q: Is that stock turret? And what gun is that?

  13. True Overlord said...

    this will be tier 5 light, which means he will often fight against tier 8-9-10 tanks. That small lolcanon wont damage anything = pointless tank

    Demonicus said...

    After over 200 battle with my Leo I sold it. I was placed into high tier battles almost every time I used it. All it was good for was scouting, and I feel it is more fun to scout in a medium because


    There is still people who think, that primery LT function is damaging?

    I've seen a lot of people who asked devs to adjust LT4 level not to mess with a low-levels 'coz they say it's to easy and boring to feck those newbies...

    Demonics defenitely has chosen the wrong branch.

  14. I hope this means the Leopard will face tanks in a lower bracket.

    That being said, I love my leopard and am looking forward to this tank.

  15. @ Ariwch

    I studied up on the advantages of using light tanks for scouting. Light tanks maintain their camo whether they are moving or not. My Leo was outfitted with binoculars for increased spotting range (but they only work once the tank has been stationary for a few seconds). I was not a suicide scout like so many others that you see in public games.

    You question "There is still people who think, that primery LT function is damaging?" My answer to that is, probably, but I'm not one of them. The primary goal in this game is to damage other tanks. If you are using a high tier light tank, your job is so incredibly specialized that it will rarely work in public matches..your job is to spot and also to destroy enemy arty. Most people do not know how to use a light tank for spotting in any other way than by suicide scouting. I think that is unfortunate.

    In public matches, the best scout in a higher tier game will still be a fast medium because they can scout AND do damage to the enemy. Public games are very chaotic and, more often than not, completely lacking in tactics or teamwork.

    As for me choosing the wrong branch, I currently play 15 different tanks. They range from tier 6 to tier 9 and include mediums, heavies, and TD's (and one arty). I like to go kill stuff. That is why I sold the Leo (I mentioned that I sold my Leo in my first post).


  16. There is a problem for light tanks. They have two options:

    1. Lightest turret+lightest gun. Best or scouting, but to weak to fight enemies of the same tier.

    2. Strongest turret+strongest gun. A really good tank to effectively fight enemies in about the same tier but slower and less agile.

    I usually go first for option 1. I really want to take the scouting seriously but it is really anoying if you r the top tank in the matchup.

    How do u play your light tanks?

  17. Q1, will be the stug E-100 introduce this year?
    Q2, when will come french tanks?

  18. Clan wars should be 15v15 but add two free combat slots for Light tanks only, then this new light might have a job worth doing.

  19. Please, make this tank, and the other tier 5 lights worth it!These tanks are our chance to stop the artillery noobs in high-tier battles!

  20. YEY a PZ 3/4 hull with a PZ 2 turret, this will suck....

  21. I really like playing light tanks
    blitzing over the battlefield like a maniac is truly enjoyable
    but the only plus lights have is the slightly better acceleration than the t9 heavies and the lower detectability during movement
    but since they're pitted against high-tier enemies, that one-shot them with ease, these advantages are more or less useless

    can't you put in a word for LTs, so they gain some additional advantages?
    like for example special equipment or crew-skills that increase detection rate?
    that would make light tanks more valuable for the team

  22. oh and for gods sake:
    add an option to the matchmaker, that doesn't pit t4/t3 light tanks against t7+, if they still have stock tracks and let's say, the first researched engine, pls!
    grinding leopard and luchs to the point that they were actually useful scouts was a major pain! D:
    (I dont remember stuarts anymore, they were my first tank line)

  23. Q1: What guns is VK2801 gonna use?

  24. When will the mudguards be fixed on the E-75 and E-50? Ridiculous that something like this was not fixed before the release of the patch...

  25. I'm generally not a fan of prototypes... but this one at least looks nice!

    Come to think of it, I guess I should buy the Leopard I researched ages ago. Should've actually done it while I could've gotten a gold crew for it at half price... oh well!

  26. What's the ETA for the 6.7 patch ?
    Can we expect the american heavies to be in too ?

  27. Yep. The Matchmaking is the worst point about WoT beside the general balance.
    Its so fucking frustrating for new players to grind through T3-4 als Medium / Light... T2 is nice, the worst u could get is T3, the Best T1, so u are nearly always in the middle. But for T3+ it would be good, if u have MAXIMUM 2 Tiers above and below, where the number of the highest Tier Tanks shouldnt exceed 2-4

    Tier 3 worst Case: Tier 3 - 5 Battle with 3-4 T5 Tanks.
    Tier 4 worst Case: Tier 4 - 6 Battle with 3-4 T6 Tanks.
    Tier 5 worst Case: Tier 5 - 7 Battle
    Tier 5 best Case: Tier 3 - 5 Battle as one of the 3-4 T5 Tanks.

    And so on for higher Tiers. It would lower much more the frustration level.
    August 12, 2011 12:03 AM

  28. I just have to say... Awesome! Totally looking forward to this one. If it is as good for its tier as the Leo is, it should be a lot of fun.

  29. Overlord,

    It seems like you guys already know a bunch of the content for patch 6.7.

    When can we expect to see preliminary patch notes?

    Thanks in advance!

  30. Ho hum. Wake me up when you the M103 gets here or when the T34 gets a buff because you all want to delay the M103 for no damn reason.

  31. When will we see the change from T30 heavy to TD?

  32. nice to finally see it

    but dayum it's ugly

    hope that gun is at least a 7.5 or it'll get badly clobbered in tier 6+

  33. Overlord can you pretty please answer my question?

    Once Tier 5 Light tanks are introduced WILL YOU change the matchmaking for TIER 4 lights such as the Leopard and A-20?

  34. Switch the Tree pronto as were wasting slots on Tanks kv kv3 is4 t34 t30 what a load of rubbish!!!

  35. this thing is so tall like a wall (rhyme X.P) aka. easy to hit even if its move with fullspeed -.- how about a final fix for the spottingsystem instead of dream about new scouttanks? there are still klingons in these kv´s; popping out 50m in front of u on an "empty" street!

  36. What's the point of this tank as it'll probably get one-shot by T9/T10 tanks that it'll inevitably get matched up with?

    If you want legit "light-scout tanks" in your game, and to have purpose, they better have some blazing speed (70+kmh easily reached), with semi-effective weapons, incredible handling, and super strong camo. Otherwise, the T-54 remains the best scout in the game.

    You could nerf the T-54 so it wasn't so good, but that's a Russian tank, so that's not going to happen. LOL@U WG.

  37. Another useless tanks... I selling my account and waiting for battlefield 3.

  38. Any tip about what weapons it can get....

    Probably 75mm L70 will look stupid on it but it is only one has a chance to hurt high level arty...

    Or may be the derp gun on PzIII?

  39. Q: Once Tier 5 Light tanks are introduced WILL YOU change the matchmaking for TIER 4 lights such as the Leopard and A-20?

    A: We will consider this, yes.

  40. VK2801 on the screenies has stock turret mounted and 5.0 cm L/60 gun.

  41. Please give it the 10.5/L28, drop the rof or something if you are afraid of it being unbalanced. Then at least it can annoy tier X heavies and even kill smaller arty.

  42. this is german tank so we wont get any fancy gun with L100 in their name

  43. Light tanks will have increased applicability once the physics system will be introduced, as they will be able to reach places other tanks wont.
    I suppose.

  44. Wargaming solution to fixing unbalanced game: bring in new contents. Because no one will care about the old stuffs when they can spend $$$ to get a new tank thru free exp.
    Seriously guys, the T34-M103 switch was supposed to be release in the next patch. Now you're pushing it till the end of the year. Kinda remind me of AMD Bulldozer. At least buff the T34 or something and that nerf for the T30 leaves the american with 2 heavy tier9 tanks.

  45. And they will be able to flip

  46. Since E series was heavily nerfed i dont need premium for farm that tanks anymore, so new lights is good choice for non premium account. But then this is german tank and probably will be very bad since only russian tanks are allowed to be good.

  47. Look like it has the same crappy 50mm gun as Leo

  48. Q: Seriously guys, the T34-M103 switch was supposed to be release in the next patch. Now you're pushing it till the end of the year. Kinda remind me of AMD Bulldozer. At least buff the T34 or something and that nerf for the T30 leaves the american with 2 heavy tier9 tanks.

    A: Dont see any relation. M103 is ready, however we are waiting for T110 to accomplish US tree revision.

  49. Overlord,

    Can we expect to see 6.7 patch notes within the next couple weeks?

    Best Regards

  50. Is there any truth to the rumor that this tank gets the 75mm L/58 conical gun from the VK 3601 (H) as its top gun?

  51. ahm nevermind t110, just give us m103 in 6.7, or forget about t30, just sell it for its full price and give us t110 without t30 as td

  52. Greeting and salutations...

    Since you said the IS-4 isn't moving to T10 until 2012, either nerf it, or buff ALL of the other T9s to match it. It's been OP now for months, and will continue to be OP until next year, and it's gone untouched. Conversely though, you've made sure to nerf everything else non-Russian when they had any form of edge, warranted or not. And buff the JagdTiger to match the 704/T95, or nerf them to the ground like you did the Maus and T30 when they were pulling ahead of the IS-7.

    If you don't do this, then you don't care one bit about balance in your love note to inferior Russian technology, artificially bloated with superior performance to fit your fancy.

    Enjoy your beloved Russian userbase then if you don't, as that's all you'll have left come October, comrade.

  53. WG needs to be careful with this perceived Russian bias issue. It doesn't matter if its true or not, a large segment of the community believes it is, and mishandling of the public relations WILL cause WG to lose credibility over time. Who will take the company seriously if it's perceived to not care about balance or even engage the community on these issues?
    I feel that the imbalance issue is non-existant, but if that's the case, get some of your devs to have a discussion with a representative of the segment of community that believes it is. Have an open debate visible to all and prove that there is no bias. This is the only solution. If you guys ignore all the cries of your user base, and hope it goes away, it will hurt you in the long run.

  54. Maus and T30 with a better WL% than the IS-7, nerf both.
    JagdTiger suffering for months behind the 704 and now T-95, let it rot.
    IS4 dominating T9 for months since beta on all 3 realms? Remove, in 2012 to T10 where it should be.
    E-75 an effective counter to the IS4 in testing? Throw as many nerfs as you can at it.

    Biased. Come at me Overlord, prove you're not.

  55. Overlord,

    Please update the indevelopment page of the website.


  56. E-75 can still go toe-to-toe with an IS-4. The other T9 heavies not so much.

  57. Q: Biased. Come at me Overlord, prove you're not.

    A: Biased? Guys, that'd be a huge immaturity, the project is too serious to be biased to such things.

  58. Wait. If the M103 is ready, then PLEASE put it in 6.7. Driving the T34 for an extra few months just because you want to wait until you have another tank to go with it will be infuriating. The M103 is done; get the T34 the hell out of my tech tree.

  59. Are devs planing to do something with Russians Heavy Tanks (KV=KV1+KV2;KV3=Tier7)???

  60. @Overlord

    Oh great, another OP Russian tank to... Wait a minute...

  61. "Overlord said...
    Q: Biased. Come at me Overlord, prove you're not.

    A: Biased? Guys, that'd be a huge immaturity, the project is too serious to be biased to such things."

    Then answer the question:
    "Why is the IS4 going to remain OP like it has been for months, until next year? Why is the JagdTiger not getting any love for being outclassed by the 704 and T95? Why did the E-75 get nerfed over the top in the tests because it "it won as often as the IS4" as one of your developers put it. And then, when the Maus and T30 were outperforming the IS-7, bad nerf-ville to both.

    Be "mature" and answer the question on your "serious project" to your paying but fed up player base. No beating around the bush, straight up answer, otherwise, biased.

  62. Overload you are doing a great job

    Can we get an ETA on the end of the CW Beta?
    and can some mods answer the questions on the Ultimate Conquest forum on the North American Server?

    Sincerely, Barbuu

  63. Why do you calculate

    damage = caliber

    instead of

    damage = kinetic energy

    as it is in real life?

  64. Check out this thread

  65. A: Biased? Guys, that'd be a huge immaturity, the project is too serious to be biased to such things.

    Why don't you show us all ingame stats?

  66. Now that you made the T30 worthless and unplayable, I think I'll pass on ANY future gold purchases, premium tanks or anything. Get my T-54 and IS-7 in a few days and drop the premium account for good.

    I'll pass on this tank. I'm sure it will suck too.

  67. correct grammer is are planned not is planned

  68. Very nice to see some new light tank action! The turret in the screenshots reminds me of the T-25.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. The problem with light tanks and scouting: People who r new in this game do not understand what they have to do and how. They just have to buy a very fast tank without much penetration and wonder why they are put into matches where they cannot do much damage.
    Another thing is the training of the crew. In Tier III players are usually far from having 100% but are put up against enemies who most likely have reached the first skill.
    It's the same thing with modules.
    The result is the suicide scout. People get tired and angry and just drive forward. I did that too.

    At the moment I really enjoy scouting and pritty much love my Skoda t-15. But I do not rely on a succesfull scout. If I get tracked and therefor killed it won't matter to me.
    BUT it matters to new players.

    I bet some players left because of frustration. That surely is not good or business.

    My advice to WG: Each nation has to have a LT-Branch that ends in Tier 5 and no heavy-/ medium-tanks should be researchable from this branch.
    So here is what u do: Only tanks in that deadend branch should be put in scouting matchups(as they exist now). LT that lead to MTs and HTs should get "fair"(well, it is up to you to balance "fair" ;) matchups.

    What is to gain: Fair matchups with less frustration.
    Gamers who know what to do will be able buy a scout and use it probably for fun purpose.


    Give more advantages to light tanks. Like(just some ideas):
    - Improve the tracks.
    a) Light tanks cannot be tracked
    b) Light tanks have high hit points on tracks
    c) Light tanks repair tracks MUCH(!!!) faster
    - Cheaper LT-ONLY modules
    a) Coated optics for 50.000Credits - only usuable by LT
    b) *Improved Engine(10%) for 20.000Credits (or even a SMALL amount of gold like 100)
    - Better viewing range
    - More credits and more XP 4 scouting an enemy (LTs only)

    *Why do light tanks need an improed engine? There is already a consumable, u say? Well, if a player is new to this game he will most likely not be able to afford 5.000credits per match for this upgrade. And a light tank needs speed. It can't do without(rofl @ Matilda). Why should WG sell newcomers a very cheap upgrade to newcomers? If a new player spends his first money he presumably will do it again.

  71. I'm with the other guy talking about the M103. Waiting 4 more months before replacing the T34 is UNACCEPTABLE. Overlord, could you maybe convey to the developers how pissed we are about that? I bet a lot of the russian playerbase feels the same way.

  72. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but rather than adding new tanks for nations that already have plenty, could you maybe spend those resources on getting the British tank tree together? =)

  73. Overlord, you do realize it is the T34 that underperforms, right? No one is that concerned about the T30 being replaced except you.

    Fix what is broken first, then add content. T5 "scouts" who might as well not have guns and who won't be used except by the masochistic, should not be prioritized over a deep flaw in a tech tree.

  74. CW up to 90 points can solve lots of ours questions. Finally Light Tanks could be a part of game then. Please consider such a move. CW as a unlimited and separate map with points limit. Light Tanks shouldn't be thown on garbage like that. There are such a great tanks (with artillery as a team). I want to use my A-20 in there.


  75. There are 2 insanely overpowered russian tanks at the moment:KV and IS-4.You MUST do something with them.

  76. @Anonymous said...

    Why do you calculate

    damage = caliber

    instead of

    damage = kinetic energy

    as it is in real life?

    Guess why, check who got biggest caliber guns overall...

  77. Overlord said :

    "A: Dont see any relation. M103 is ready, however we are waiting for T110 to accomplish US tree revision."

    YAY! I am so happy i could take a plane to where you are now and give you a hug

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. I want this in my garage, I'm looking forward to taking it for a spin.

    I had best get some xp with the leo ready for 6.7 update :)

  80. Q: Can we get an ETA on the end of the CW Beta?
    and can some mods answer the questions on the Ultimate Conquest forum on the North American Server?

    A: Roaming feature is planned for Q4 2011, that should be the first step to allow global map merge.

  81. Q: Why don't you show us all ingame stats?

    A: You don't want to know this. : )

  82. Q: Overlord, you do realize it is the T34 that underperforms, right? No one is that concerned about the T30 being replaced except you.

    A: Both the issue itself (performance of one vehicle) and the performance gap between tier 9 HTs are not critical.

  83. Overlord said...
    Q: Overlord, you do realize it is the T34 that underperforms, right? No one is that concerned about the T30 being replaced except you.

    A: Both the issue itself (performance of one vehicle) and the performance gap between tier 9 HTs are not critical.

    Neither was the Maus and T30,but they got nerfed. And neither was the E-75 on the test server, but it too got nerfed straight into the ground because it posed a serious threat to your precious IS-4.

    You have to listen to your user base "sometimes". When people all mock you guys for the IS-4, and say it's OP, it's OP. It dominates the other servers, and on the RU one the numbers are watered down by more bad players.

    Then you have that broken JagdTiger that's been left to rot behind your pretty 704 now all this time. You know it's broken, the players know it's broken, your poll showed that much. Yet it's sitting there rotting away while the 704 evades nerfs as well as the T95. If the 704 was last though, we all know you would come running in full sprint to your designers telling them they have to do something now.

    Yes, we all picture that, and do you know why? Because we KNOW YOU'RE BIASED.


    What a bunch of little coddled children...

    Ahem; These tanks ARE NOT MEANT TO BE EQUALS. the E75 should not "go toe to toe" with an IS4, it should stay at range. If you have an IS4 in your face, 1) you weren't watching your map 2) failed to fall back and keep space or 3) your randomly assembled team failed you through lack of supporting fire and flanking. It's not the tank, it's YOU, change your playing style or get an IS4 if you need to be up close. I own both and you need to adjust accordingly when you play each tank, and you know what- i LIKE the imbalance, i LIKE the asymmetry of this wonderful game!

    I for one don't want the devs to change a thing just because a flood of BLOPS players flooded over to this game and expect everything to have roughly equal hitpoints and damage values. What a dull boring game that would be.

    Learn how to use the tank's strengths, not force it into roles it wasn't meant for.

    Keep up the good work you crazy Russian devs! You have an awesome game on your hands, and i for one want to voice my gratitude for your design vision and continued efforts. This American, his father, and brother are all happy to support your company.

  85. LOL @ The Stockholm Syndrome poster above.

    E-Series was said to be created to go TOE-to-TOE with the Russian counterparts. They're not supposed to be the typical "snipe with lower alpha and crap pen with our crap view range and russian tanks with their BS inflated camo" German snipers like they were in the past. They were supposed to be more inclined to slug it out.

    It amazing players like yourself flooded over from WoW where they were so stupid they let Blizzard ruin their own game by supporting them with their lame and stupid decisions. So go back to WoW before you ruin this game by always 100% blindly supporting a dev despite the FACT THEY'RE BIASED, and won't balance the game unless it's in their favor.

  86. @overlord
    Q:Why dont you show us all ingame stats?
    A:You dont want to know this : )

    Maybe we do overlord we did in beta when a very heroic forum poster got his thread erased from the server at the time(which is still gone,now it cones up as an address not found error)posting all the stats of every tank ingame at that point.why would we want to know less now than we did then unless your hiding something sinister from us.other please post all stats im waiting.

  87. Question :

    Is there going to be a hardwipe prior to French patch?

  88. never played WOW, & I love the "biased" asymmetry of this game. So go play something else yourself you whiny little brat.

  89. I suck at the game, thus it must be biased.

  90. @ both anonymous above:

    QQ moar spiled commie brats too afraid to defend your precious commie tin cans under original nicknames, soviets were always chickens like commies in game.

  91. Quote:
    "It amazing players like yourself flooded over from WoW where they were so stupid they let Blizzard ruin their own game by supporting them with their lame and stupid decisions. So go back to WoW before you ruin this game by always 100% blindly supporting a dev despite the FACT THEY'RE BIASED, and won't balance the game unless it's in their favor."

    Stop acting like a child that's not getting what he wants. If this is a so called "FACT", you have to back it up with sources/references. And where did he state he came from WoW? (can't see him saying that). And what would you know about him "blindly supporting" the developers of this game and/or Blizzard's WoW?

    You don't convince people through assumptions and accusations, let alone "win" the discussion.

    Whether you're right or not, I don't know, but with these kind of posts, you sound like nothing more than a whiner of a crybaby.

    And by the way? Why on earth is it so important for you complainers to make the developers step out of the closet as biased and pro-soviet? I thought bad balance and overpowered Russian tanks was the problem, not what empaty developers had? If I think a Russian tank is OP, it's completely irrelevant for me if it's because they love Soviet, or if they are bad at developing a balanced game. I want it fixed. Which should be more important than finding out their political/cultural alignment.

    So what happens if they one day admit they are biased? Will you be happy then? Will you stop whining then?

  92. If I ever find out the devs r biased and they dont balance the game properly im calling the bank for fraudulent advertisung of this game to get the money back for all the money i put in it and then notifying the the U.S. BBB to give them an F rating if they even BBB inspected at all woukd surpise me if they wasnt

  93. The game is indeed bias. The Maus was useless in CB compared to the IS-7 until people complained about it enough basically getting to where it was until the Devs through it safe enough to acutally nerf it a little again.

    But yes the Russians devs do have some pretty bad bias. Sloped armor can effectively ruin the idea of anything penerateing, and its shown that any time something can acutally go toe to toe with one the Russian tanks, they'll nerf it in some form or the other.

    The IS-4 is just them flippantly not giveing a damn about balance. Yes, its going to be moved to a Tier 10 heavy, but it isn't one yet, so it shouldn't have the stats of one until its acutally a Tier 10.

    Not to mention other smaller retarded things like the Jagdtiger's 40mm lower front plate. Excuse me, where did you get your sources? The Jagdtiger had upwards of 80mm of lower front armor and even then it was fairly sloped, allowing it to bounce.

    Let us not forget something like the Tiger II. It has sloped armor of its own, but you'd never know it since everything shooting at it WILL penerate its armor regardless of where the slope is located.

    But then again, I'm not extactly careing since I figure WG is going the same was GW, allowing bias to ruin a otherwise good game.

    Also, those that say there is no bias, acutally calmly and rationally tell me why you say so.

  94. The game is called world of tanks not world of russian tanks(even maybe it should be)so the trees should be balanced,EVEN the hidden stats like homogenious armor stat which determines how much damage u take from explosive ammo and if crew/ modules die in the process and last u heard most russian tanks had more of this stat making them resistant to HE and HEAT than the other two nations

  95. To the poster who said: "Also, those that say there is no bias, acutally calmly and rationally tell me why you say so."

    You have to learn to see the difference between bias and the lack of developer's ability to see the game as unbalanced (if you consider the Russian tanks to be OP).

    Bias meaning that they are favoring one nation over another. As we can see from all the accusations on forums and elsewhere, there would be of no interest to the developer to favor Russian tanks. They would eventually lose all international customers if they did.

    A healthy discussion whether the Russian tanks are OP or not, is off course a good thing. In this matter, it seems that the developer don't agree with the sentiment of some forumers that the Russian tanks are indeed overpowered. They say that after substantial testing and revision that things "work as intended". You can agree or disagree to this, but it is in no way any evidence that they are biased. The developers has not said anything, neither explicit implicit, that suggests that they actually want to see the Russian tanks as superior.

    Neither are there any signs that they are unable to see the Russian tanks as OP because of some russophilia (or whatever), because when they answer, they always have arguments and justifications for their choices.

    I'm fine with people disagreeing to the developer's choices, and question their arguments when it comes to balancing different nation's tanks against each other, but why do you keep accusing them for being biased?

    If anyone is biased, it has to be the players. Anyone who complaints of a tank being UP, it's the one they drive themselves, and the OP tank is always some of the tanks they have to face in battle. Go figure...

  96. Quote:
    "If I ever find out the devs r biased and they dont balance the game properly im calling the bank for fraudulent advertisung of this game to get the money back for all the money i put in it and then notifying the the U.S. BBB to give them an F rating if they even BBB inspected at all woukd surpise me if they wasnt"

    I truly pity you. What a pathetic nerdrage... Is that a threat or what?

    Why would you publicly downgrade yourself to such puny levels of character?

  97. Well sir if devs would just give us access to all stats for all tanks we can determine for ourselves wat needs changing and i bet that what the devs dont want is constuctive criticism on how how they build the stats for these vehicles instead they r as top secret as top secret as a military project.


    would be nice. But only a few ever find the time to do that. Most people do nothing but insulting, threatening, begging and whining.

  99. I would like to suggest that prehaps change the way armor is done, like make sloped armor a factor after the armor is bypassed to see if it bounces or not, and that haveing a override of the peneration is good enough. This way German and American armor an both rely on the fact they have heavy armor on the turret, and less on not being a Russian tank.

    I'm sorry, but the Russian tanks do get more favoritism then the other trees. The IS-6 and the uppriceing of the Lowe are signs of this, but there are many more.

  100. Isn't it horrible how it seems every post ends up going back to "The Devs are Biased!!!" Seriously people, if you think it is, quit playing or drive Russian tanks and enjoy exploiting the so-called bias.


    Overlord: I know before you had said these would be scout tanks. With that though is it going to at least have a cannon decent enough to pen some of the tier 8 mediums and weaker armored tanks out there? Others in that tier can manage to do okay against such a higher tier, and I'm just wondering if we can expect as such or will the cannon be as limited as the Leopards is?

    Also: A pic of the fully upgraded tank would be nice.

  101. What really bugs me is how people use the E-75 being nerfed during the test server as an example of "Russian bias".

    First off, it's the test server. Anything's fair game there because of that. Besides, this is the first time most of us have been on a test server before; how do we know this hasn't been done to OTHER tanks - like the T-54 - in the past?

    Second off, how many of you actually USED the E-75 during test2? It wasn't just "on par" with the IS-4, it was on par with other Tier 10 tanks! Downgrading the E-75's stats in test3 was not a sign of "Russian bias", but rather, making the tank a Tier 9 instead of a hulking, sexy, German juggernaut.

    So please, if you want a sensible example of this "Russian bias", keep using the Tiger I - as archaic as it is.

  102. Looking forward to tier 5 lights - thanks for keeping the information coming Overlord.

    Regarding this bias nonsense - every developer of a competitive game is accused of it. Even chess is accused of 'white bias' for the first move advantage.

  103. The Leopard 'at tier' is a terror - once it no longer gets piled into higher tier games as scouting cannon fodder it will probably face some rigorous 'rebalancing'.

  104. I dont play light tanks, dont like it and dont know their value on a battle, cant hit enemy in top tier battles, cant survive a single shoot and for tactical scout a med is much better and top meds like T-54 are superior and can scout.

    The T34... really? wait to have M110 to release M103? FAIL!!! add the damn M103 on the next patch, dont need wait to the M110 because add M103 dont change the heavy tree and T34 is an insult to heavy tanks, worst heavy i play on the game and i drive ALL heavies except Maus and T30... well, E-100 is closer, on test server test it and decide buy IS-7.

  105. Oooo E-75 test2... if kids dont know something called FLANKING problem is not on an OP E-75, problem is between screen and chair, E-75 has the WORST gun on tier 9 (128mm is a joke worst penetration, damage and ROF... and accurancy advantage is a 0.02 WOOOOAAAA) and now you can add to this terrible movility/traverses with the same crap armor on lateralls but now kids can penetrete it a face to face because dont need aim to other parts apart low hull...

    Balance based on % is killing the game, balance tanks based on their values.

  106. OMG! Ppl, stop complains! All I can see for about 20 comments I read was complains ("Leo is pointless, blablabla").

    EVERY tank can be good if you know how to use it.
    Even Leo in high tier battles - it's best scouts for battles. I love to earn 20k money for 1-2 min battle - just scout as many as you can.

    Leo not used in CW? Bullshit. When freze comes in, you will NOT let your T-54 to reckless scout. Leo can do it and still be alive if he turn back after scouting.

    I look forward for that T5 heavy, because I love my Leo. I just want to know how many XP it will be needed to get this tank.

    Good job guys.

  107. I think Tier 5 LT won't change the battle roles in CW, LT are always out from CW, T-54 does the scouting+ it can deal some damage+ it can take some damage+ it has unbelivable camo value, thanks to this E50 or Patton don't have room in CW. So why would people take tier 5 scout tank that can be one shotted? Or does it have incredible view range or god like camo value that you won't spot it from 10m? From the picture it looks really big, like size of a T-34, not T34.

    Also: "OMG! Ppl, stop complains! All I can see for about 20 comments I read was complains ("Leo is pointless, blablabla").

    EVERY tank can be good if you know how to use it.
    Even Leo in high tier battles - it's best scouts for battles. I love to earn 20k money for 1-2 min battle - just scout as many as you can.

    Leo not used in CW? Bullshit. When freze comes in, you will NOT let your T-54 to reckless scout. Leo can do it and still be alive if he turn back after scouting.

    I look forward for that T5 heavy, because I love my Leo. I just want to know how many XP it will be needed to get this tank.

    Good job guys. " I kinda laughed at this message, so you suggest that people with LT should suicide rush/scout, since otherwise you won't have your 1-2min match..and everything else in that message was just pure lol.. If you want to make money and exp with LT in high tier match you find one great place where you can hide and you spot your enemies, so the friendlies will shoot them. You'll get 50% exp and money from the damage caused to them.

    Back to tier V LT, I think I'll get enough exp for this new tier V LT, but it won't change the CW roles, unless there's something special about it.

  108. How much exp will be needed to research the 2801 from the 1602?
    Or will we have to wait until the test server come out for that information?
    Please inform.

  109. "If you want to make money and exp with LT in high tier match you find one great place where you can hide and you spot your enemies, so the friendlies will shoot them. You'll get 50% exp and money from the damage caused to them"

    Everything depends on style of playing.

    In CW scouts have to hide and spot carefully.

    But in randoms, when I have other tanks waiting in my garage to earn money, I play & rush scout for arties with my Leopard (~10k money+ for 1-2 mins), then start "normal" random battle with other tanks. That gives me more profit for shorter time :) .

    Then hold your lols, unless you have that much time to play every Leo battle for 10-15 mins....

  110. Light tanks at T5? Enjoy facing stacks of T8/9/10. Pointless in my opinion, far better to let mediums do the scouting/harassing, as they can at least take/deal damage.

  111. As Zenith said, sadly, he has a point. Light tanks, unless they get a boost to view range or something to make spotting much better for them, is utterly pointless. They lack the armor to effectively survive oncomeing fire, they lack the firepower to act as a skirmisher as light tanks should, and the ease of tracking them generally means they even lack the mobility and speed half the time to do much in big battles.

    However, I'm just going to politely suggest that Tier 3 Lights remain in Tier 5 and Below, Tier 4 lights Tier 6 and Below, and the Tier 5 lights Tier 7 and below. This way they an act as scouts but at the same time be able to do other light tank roles AND keep them from being gods of destruction.

  112. Hello Overlord,
    Q:When can we expect the tracers to be back?

    thanks and bye

  113. Waiting for t110 to be ready so actually waiting for second TD line probably next year am i correct please answer.

  114. "but now kids can penetrete it a face to face because dont need aim to other parts apart low hull..."
    Sup, german fanboy? IS-4 has this big "SHOOT HERE" sign. Even a JP 1 on 1 can bring down a IS-4 down to 50% before being popped.
    Failing to put up a solid argument? Surely looks like
    Anyone who sees bias in games really needs to stop playing alltogether...
    PS: I don't play russian vehicles only, before you accuse me of being a commie (I could care less of politics and politicians). I'm a proud owner of a JagdPanther with 900+ battles on it. And sooner or later I'll grind a Patton aswell.
    The amount of nerdrage/accusations on this blog is amazing. Seems like a lot of players still need to L2P.
    OT: dat LT looks sexy. Looking forward it.
    /back to grind for E-50/E-75.

  115. And people that fail to see he bias simply is blinder then a bat. The IS-4 was buffed to Tier 10 staus, but won't be for quite sometime. They say the Germans get a 40mm lower front plate, but where pray-tell did they learn that?

    I will admit though, they did give the Maus love since just about everything bounces off of everything.

    And I think a lot of the bias issue comes from the fact that thickness on armor doesn' mean much unless its sloped, and much of the German tree isn't.

  116. Hi Overlord.

    Can you answer this 2 questions please?

    1º - Will 6.7 patch give us extra slot for having KV, KV3 etc.. ?

    2º - Will T34 really goes to be a premium tank?

    I´m really working hard to get all of them because I’m not a premium player and had extra slots would so nice =)


  117. Hi Overlord.
    Got a question aswell, non-related to the subject.
    Q: Any info on how the JagdTiger mit 88/71's gonna be? Like tier, stats, price...
    Looking forward buying that as Premium tank.

  118. is the VK2801 going to have a 4 man crew like the Leopard?

  119. The E-75 is actually, at least in popular opinion, considered quite OP. The armor on that tank is crazy.

  120. E-75 is not OP. Wait until hitzone skins are released and there's less whining.

  121. anonymous said...
    Q: Any info on how the JagdTiger mit 88/71's gonna be? Like tier, stats, price...

    who cares about jagdtiger?

  122. No german fanboy, drive ALL heavies on game except Maus and T30 and comparing IS-4 VS E-75... IS-4 has better armor and gun, in movility is worst but not a lot worst, even devs admit that IS-4 is OP and are going to move it to tier 10... IS-4 is not invulnerable but is a LOT LESS vulnerable than E-75.

    And with more than 6.000 battles on game (near 7.000 + 4.400 on close beta) and top 400 i think that dont L2P.

  123. the vk2801 looks like leopard only thing is body is like panther xD

  124. Q.: Overlord are there planned any new nations, or new nations tech tree, because there would be nice see in the game for example brittish, japan, italian, hungarian, polish, etc. tanks. Or pls make some of these tanks in premium tanks, because they are nice and beautifull (and strong, in my oppinion). Thanks the answer.

  125. Not Overlord naturally, but adding in is that British, if I'm correct, is a planned one we might see later on.

    Moveing on to why I'm here. What about the idea that the Tier V light we have here goes on to a Tier 6, 7, and 8 Mediums, basically varients on the Panzer III, IV and V respectively built towards scouting, to give more validity to purpose-made scouts rather then having to use T-54s n' Panthers for scouting.

  126. Please fix the US T34. This is absurd.

  127. cool cant wait to get this hope it has better guns than the Leo's lol canons(a 75 maybe???)

  128. Hi overlord

    Why does all tier 5 (now tier 4) lights stop?
    Shouldn't they don't bring progress on tank tree like all other tanks??

  129. Overlord,

    looking forward to the release of the vk2801. I hope it captures the same spirit of the vk 1602 which i really enjoy using.

    It isn't going to have the same mudflap weakness as the E-Series is it?

  130. Tier 4 light matchmaking is ridiculous. I agree they should not go up against tier 2 or 3, but their tier matchmaking should be 4-7 IMHO.

  131. I understand why some players see the Russian stuff as OP, and therefore the game "must" be biased (it doesn't help that the Dev team is largely Russian-based lol), I have a fair mix of tanks in the garage and the Russian ones are easier to play, more forgiving, have to concentrate less etc.... however, the reason the game is perhaps unbalanced (not biased exactly) is because the tank model data is supposedly really accurate, but the playing environment is exactly the opposite. Tank battles never really took place on a map 2 miles square or less, and they didn't happen in cities either, apart from once where the Germans learned not to do it again, when the Russians sucked them in and spanked them. And arty was never used to fire such short distances with pinpoint accuracy to hit a moving target. SO... if you ask me throw all of the ultra accurate and totally unrealistic stuff together, give it a good stir, and you're bound to get some strange results. I'm just surprised it's as balanced as it is :/

  132. This things top gun is going to have 168 penetration. which means you will be able to flank the crap out of every poor bad maneuverability stricken heavy tank it sees. It will be better at flanking and scouting than any other med

  133. ------------------------------------------------
    Too serious game to be biased?

    Get a life, and pull your head out of your hole.

    A single tank's performance don't matter?

    How then all Russian top tier vehicles are excellent
    and other nation's have flaws.

  134. RUSSIAN TANK is-4 is a shining example of TIER 10 tank sittin at TIER 9, for months and months and months. Obviously, being it russian, it never got nerfed, ans STILL after months and months and months has to be moved to TIER 10
    This is bias. Or devs are just BLIND. They MUST be blind, german tier IX tank destroyer is CRAP, no one uses it in CW, whonder WHY?
    it's german.

  135. No TDs are used in serious clan wars... xcept for maybe T95 in some maps...

  136. Hey,

    I was wondering, do you guys create estimated values on these tanks based on their actual historical performance? Like an algorithm? I'm just wondering if the game tries to employ actual physics..


  137. Please, for the love of god, add smoke launchers and arty smoke shells! Don't tell me you're keeping this element out of the game because some players still play on 386's and 486's...?

  138. Hopefully the 2801 has at least a 75mm gun.

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