Monday, August 8, 2011

August 1-7 Poll Results

4681 player took part in the latest poll showing almost 11% growth. The majority of the voters (2962 or 63%) don't like Malinovka map, while 1719 players (or 37%) supported it.

Thanks for the feedback. We will ponder over the poll results thoroughly.

New weekly poll (hot this time) is up.


  1. Hammering the same map is really boring. Map rotation doesnt work for high level tanks. A few maps over and over again. Map rotation for low level tanks seems to work as intended.

  2. 37% people play artillery... remove them either!

    Any chance we could get update patch today?

  3. Q: Any chance we could get update patch today?

    A: Not today, Wednesday is the most probable date.

  4. I really really hope they take this feedback and make some changes to this map. For low tier battles its ok, but with higher tier battles it gets nasty with people getting killed in spawn before there even done loading into the match. Rush sniped and arty shots before getting a chance to get into some sort of cover.

    A few species of cover near spawn to protect from rush spawn killing, and maybe some cover in the middle to promote tactical movement rather than everyone camping. It has potential to be a GREAT map, just not in its current state.

  5. There needs to be a cooldown timer for maps.

    Say every 4 battles before the same map has a chance of being rolled again.

  6. Or 63% of voters play russian tanks.. remove them either!

    Now seriously:
    I enjoy playing this map, because all my german tanks/tds camp on the end lines of the middle field, and use extensively their long view range, coupled with Binoculars.

  7. I ride mostly German armor and I like this map... and I'm not camping here. Usually I take my way to the hill top to battle a nice melee with enemys scouts/meds/fast heavys. I camp only when I'm in T28 but i choose hill side to camp. What I want from this map? Some covers near bases to prevent fast spotting rushes (or maybe earthwall in the middle like in Prokhorovka), some undestroyable building in village and on hilltop.

  8. I think the best feature the devs can implement instead of worrying about physics and pretty explosions is to add a remove map feature. Do it on a tank by tank basis since there are some tanks I like on some maps and not on others (like arty in really urban maps.

    I'm sure that most people can agree that these things are more important than more eye candy.

  9. just remove the mountain so the flanking isnt that horrible slow AND add a road like that in west of westfield (a bit under the terrain) to the other side and campinovka will be more fun

  10. Malinovka is not really bad, but perhaps a way on the 'river' side to spread the action a little? Or else some wreckage in the centre to hide behind?

  11. "Say every 4 battles before the same map has a chance of being rolled again."

    VERY good idea!

  12. "Say every 4 battles before the same map has a chance of being rolled again."

    VERY good idea!

  13. smoke and mirror polls ftw

  14. This ain't that bad, but just needs some modification. Don't remove it but please consider to make some redesign.

  15. I hate this map so much... Remove it please.

    Sometimes i just put my tank in drive and then get out of the match. Doenst matter what tank i play.

    Sometimes there is an nice battle, but it is only at the hill. Never at the open field.
    And the higher ground near the hill is also dangerous, u can get hit too easy from both base and hill...

  16. Overlord,

    Do you plan to rework this map in one of the upcoming updates (6.7 or 7.0)? Since this map is awful for high tier battles (Tier 7+), it's urgent to rework it than adding new maps.


  18. The map actually isn't that bad, I belive a modification would make this a very good map for high tiers as well.

    Please consider to modify rather than removing completely.

  19. There is a simple solution to make this map more fun though. Add another set of ruined houses at the center of the map. Than, on both sides of the center (near the lake and river) add more stones or something to hide.

    BTW I love all the maps equally, each one requires different play style.

  20. Playing with a Heavy tier 9 tank, this map is really awful if there is more than 2 arties in ennemy team (especially when there is any arty which could oneshot a full life is4).
    Perhaps adding some cover or some holes to hide line of sight in the middle of the map could help (and some effecient cover from arties in north part of the map, where there are only destroyable buildings and some small rocks near base).

    And I would like to add an observation about arties :
    Since the removal of tracer effects from not visible tanks, it's quite hard to find the right spot to hide, despite knowing of the majority of maps.
    And, from my point of view, there are more and more arties, which I explain by their ease in hiding and not being detected until the end of battles (and scouting isn't the right way to find them, "counter-arty" seemed to be a good balance compared to their power)

    So, I understand that it can be quite hard to find a cheat-proof system for this, but i've seen no news about this since a "it's done when it's done" comment. Have you got any news about that ?

  21. I would like to see a bunch of knocked out tanks in the open area, and a bit more cover in the bases. At least something to keep from being spotted within 10 seconds of the match start.

  22. Playing this map with 4 or 5 tier 7-8 arty a side is the least fun thing possible in the entire game.

    Well, apart from playing all those other coverless open maps with 4 or 5 high tier arty a side.
