Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Operation Husky Special [notice]

Operation Husky Special dedicated to Allied invasion of Sicily (9 July – 17 August 1943) will be available on EU and US servers next week.

For details keep an eye on community websites and this blog.


  1. What does it mean?
    Cheaper price for USA tanks?

  2. 10 % more gold for the same money?

  3. Please make garage slot -50%:) and -50% for equipment :) would apreciate it;)

  4. Experience bonus, equipments will be cheapers etc.

  5. Churchill for free :) Just kidding. 5X experience bonus, -50% gold munition, -50% for us premium tank. Id like KV220, i give you 2k gold for it. Pls give us chance to buy same extra tank ( M6blabla, KV220, PZ5/4, A32,). Very thanx from me.

    My dream is all KV in garage (KV1,KV2,KV3,KV4,KV5,KV220) give me chance to collect.

  6. @tankerbert
    will be a new t8 russian heavy tank IS4 Line see

  7. any particular day? will arrange time to play!

  8. Pls give us 5x exp! Its so difficult to play with the T34 until the T30 :(

  9. what about kv-13? it's not kv? :D

  10. Matilda 400.000 credit Churchill 600.000 credit
    5x exp first victory
    Equipments %50

    please overlord :)

  11. 5x XP! or cheaper gold! or -50% garage slots! or all in one! :P

  12. Equipments: 50% cheaper
    M4 Sherman, M4A3E8, M6, M26 Pershing: 100% more credit income, like it was for Prokhorovka
    T29, T30, T95, M12, Churchill - half price
    And please, tell us that M103 will be introduced in patch 6.6 while T34 going to T8 premium.

    please overlord ;)

  13. Yeah, the 100% more credit income was nice. You could almost make a profit playing the Tiger. Haha.

  14. LOL now we have announcement of announcement.

  15. Made 3,5 millions with KV+premium account that day. So yes, it was nice, hope it will be again so I could get what I spent on T28 instead of T30.

  16. To keep the hype up =P

  17. It's 2 years free Gold??? :)

  18. Don't forget the german side:) we will have the same on some tank.

  19. hay ovurloard!!!!!!!!!!! DUDE HEY

    y not giv us like 100000$$$$ A DAY!!!!! dat would b AWESOME dude. i gotta b richer den my friend matt. he sux. I need gold tho overlod. america rox so we need da best holiday gifts and junk. kan u also unlock da rest of the slots in my garage plz? i need more room

    ALSO mebbie lik 250 gold 2 and mayebe ummmmmmm a low too. I want 3 lowws! LOL!!~ gold per day remember. mom wont let me use her credit ne more cuz I charged 120 bux on it aredy

    I NEED 10X XP 2!!!!! I hate my penzer iii. dat thing suxx0rz! LOL i only did like 10 games in it and i get killd every time. ur tanx suk man

  20. x5 exp and x2 credit plz. I'm playing T34 stock and lost 10-15k credits per match for reparing and buying ammo

    Still waiting for M103

    your english is awesome
    i think that this event bonuses will same as was at D-day (-50% USA premium tanks.....)

    but i would like -50% on T-32

  22. LOL @ Freeby noob.

    On topic.. Why the secrecy with the buffs? Was this a test to see how quickly people would start begging? :)


    You've basically summed up all the comments on this Overlord entry.

  24. 2x exp every victory and i would be happy man... playing 24 next seven days..

  25. KV220 pls, KV220 pls, pls dear Overlord, pls. I give you money :) i give you girls, if you want, or boys :) Pls i want this nice piece of soviet technique. Pls, very thanx.

  26. 2x XP for a day would be fantastic, Overlord...!

  27. now we're talking Overlord, Notice the Event Earlier than the Previous Event..

  28. The shermans landed on this island to take it think it will be the med tech tree!

  29. Is the event for the whole week or just specific days? or a single day?

  30. Yea, give us same possibilities to collect premium tanks as it works on a RU server. They can buy EU|US beta Sherman, so why we, EU/US players can't buy RU beta KV-220. That's not fair.

  31. No more XP buff soon every noob has a Maus.. Maus=new loltractor

  32. 5X silver credits for first win would be a nice change, would make me buy more gold to transfer the 500K of exp i have. I just cannot afford to purchase the tanks.

  33. I like the idea of certain tanks being cheaper for a day.

  34. Nice idea, i want buy too KV-220 or BT-SV, Pz5/4, M6A2E1 ... For me is all locked. :( I buy Churchill in last action ( Kursk ). Want more.


  36. sorry or OT, but is there any link for PK?
    I played map, where was one low tier tak and he fire to us (friendly fire). his name goes to blue collor.
    I kill them, but I take penalty for it.
    when I can kill PK without it?
    and some correction about collision will be good. if some tanks colid me from side and is damaged, I have penalty too :(

  37. No one remeber the last fiasco? gold+tank from playspan, they probised us a working event and people lost thier money.

  38. FREE convert exp,5x exp win first battle

  39. LOL

    Nice on the early announcement, that there is something planned in the near future. At least you got our attention. ;-)

    Looking forward to actually hearing what it is about and when it will take place. =)

  40. Would love 6.6 patch instead of all those discount :P.

  41. Naturally there will be gifts, but you have to pay for it.

    This company has a brilliant marketing.

    If Santa Claus had that - he drove a Ferrari would not sledge. :)

  42. let me guess...

    this special is like the kursk special, but this time for american tanks.

    sherman, lee, stuart and a couple of others below.

  43. so, this day u make BALANCED battles????? :D

  44. Will we have a Husky dog in our garage ?
    My wife would be happy.

  45. Overlord... What for you post it? Post everything or nothing.


  46. Wow... So many fags imagine stuff and they are now expecting it to happen... DONT SPECULATE, WAIT FOR OVERLORD TO TELL US.

  47. Q: Overlord... What for you post it? Post everything or nothing.


    A: The details will be added tomorrow.

  48. @ Freeby noob

  49. Q: so, this day u make BALANCED battles????? :D

    A: Sorry. This is not possible. ))

  50. For this Event Artillery will only be allowed to use direct fire mode. Speed, armour and health bonus to all US Arty and Germany's Hummel. Russian Artillery will recieve Ion cannons(100m of splash damage) and cloaking shields(who needs a bush when I AM THE BUSH) to compensate.

    Cheers! ;)

  51. Overlord, can you give us info when T34 will be replaced. I mean, as M103 not gonna be implemented in next patch, will that happend in patch after or even later.

    Cheers. :)

  52. WOW, nice KV-220, thanx guys

  53. @ Anonymous

    @ Freeby noob
    ===>The Joke

    ===>Your Head

  54. This is Special day
    Special Convert
    1 gold - 50 exp

  55. *pokes da Overlord to spill the secrets on this special*

  56. Oh God, please just give us half price equipment!

    (By God I don't mean I am referring to you as God, I am simply using it as a means of expression, I mean you may be very holy, however I do not think you can walk on water.)

  57. Overlord said...
    Q: Overlord... What for you post it? Post everything or nothing.


    A: The details will be added tomorrow.

    July 21, 2011 3:55 PM

    Q: Any news or tomorrow is next tomorrow :D

  58. Q: He still has until 00:00hrs for tommorw ;)

  59. Look at russian comunity site (via google translate), half price of T-28 T-34, M10 Wolverine, M4 Sherman, PzIV, Stug-III and half gold price for barracks and any gold crew training. If it will be simmilar or same, Im not impressed.

  60. Also, there is something about IS-6 becoming premium tank (tier 9 i guess). Looks like developers are trying sell as much gold as thay can...

  61. May be this is the content of this event (GG translate Russian site)

    July 28 in World of Tanks Event starts "The July storm '

    July 22, 2011, 17:25

    Dear players, July - a month for our game in many ways symbolic, and even something meaningful. Judge for yourself:

    top Sicilian landings of Allied troops, which began July 10, 1943 and successfully ended July 23;
    the first demonstration of Soviet mass medium tank T-28;
    start serial production of medium tank T-34;
    Serial production of the last PzIV Ausf H - the most massive machine series;
    re the last commercially produced Stug-III Ausf F 75-mm gun StuK 40 L/48;
    The first application in military operations in the European theater of a medium tank M4 Sherman;
    The first application in military operations in the European theater PTSU M10 Wolverine;
    The development team could not afford to forget the date, and therefore, from 10:00 (GMT) on 28 July to 9:30 am (GMT) July 29 presents the player a small gift. For the following equipment: T-28 T-34, M10 Wolverine, M4 Sherman, PzIV, Stug-III - 2-fold increased revenues and decreased by 2 times cost when buying. Do not miss the chance to earn twice as much and buy the legendary car half the price!

    But that's not all. At the same time will operate the following bonuses:

    expansion of the barracks will cost half the price: 150 gold gaming units instead of 300;
    train crew of the tank at 100% will be much cheaper than 100 units of game gold for each crew member instead of 200;
    buy a tank with 100% crew will be cheaper than two-fold: 100 units of game gold for each crew member instead of 200;
    retrain the tanker to a new machine with a 100% skill will be very beneficial: 100 units of gold per game for each crew member instead of 200.
    In addition, on July 28, we will continue the glorious tradition: to give a "dead" game developer 500 units of gold. Brave platoon of the project World of Tanks will be almost the entire day, from 12:00 (GMT) on 28 July to 1:00 am (GMT) on July 29, go to the following technique: T-28 T-34, M10 Wolverine, M4 Sherman, PzIV, Stug-III. During this time they will be released in standard battles. You, dear tankers, we can only get them in a fight and only if the members of these squads will be in the opposing team, to try to kill them. Remember that for the murder of his team members put "banned" in accordance with the rules of the game.

    List of nicknames tankers from the team will be in the near apdeyte. Stay tuned.

    The results of the fighting will continue, and a deserved reward in gold will get everyone who was able to kill (once or more) of one of the above developers. Please note that payment in the form of the game of gold will not happen immediately, but within a few days.

    UPD. Pay attention! When selling the T-28 T-34, M10 Wolverine, M4 Sherman, PzIV, Stug-III in the day of the Event (10:00 (GMT) on 28 July to 9:30 am (GMT) on 29 July), their cost of sale will also be reduced by half than usual!

    Good luck in your fights!

  62. @Leo, you can replace overlord off his position..because..

    Overlord: The details will be added tomorrow.
    Anonymous: Lies..

  63. A lame event! no decent tanks can earn more at tier 8! 2 x creds on a m10 wolverine or M4 sherman jeez..................

  64. another event pulled out their arses!

    This has to be the only online mmo ever in the history of mmo's to never have rewarded it's entire player base with some gold at launch or on a special event.

    It also gets worse with every stupid event in which only a very small % of the community get a very little reward at all.

    money is all you ppl think about, you care little if not at all about the community.

    no wonder more and more negative reviews are showing up on gaming forums concerning WOT.

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