Thursday, June 23, 2011

Meet Up WoT with Team and Overlord at Tankfest 2011

Tankfest 2011 will be held from June 25th till June 26th at The Tank Museum in Bovington, England. This is one of the most established annual British military history shows bringing the story of tanks and soldiers to life.

Tankfest is also a great opportunity for World of Tanks devotees to catch up with the development team representatives including Overlord (myself).

I look forward to meeting you, guys. Come and have fun!

If you are determined to come, please leave a comment below.


  1. Wow overlord is coming out to play? Sounds fun!.

  2. Cool, I'll be there, that time does it start?

  3. I'll be there on sunday, most likely...

    @rogerBDare: The event spans Sat and Sunday this weekend :)

  4. Q: Cool, I'll be there, that time does it start?

    A: 09:00 AM local time.

  5. Hope you can see Tiger 131 in action, be impressed by it and buff it afterwards! ;)

    Wish I could be there.

    Anyway... have fun!

  6. Is there any discount for WoT players? :)

  7. Q at Overlord because he didn´t answer at
    My Q is :
    "What will happened with my VK3601H( he have Elite-staus)?
    Will he be Elite after the Patch 6.6?"


  8. Overlord, I will be there, I live in Dorset, UK and got the a ticket! The iTWAT Clan will be there!


  9. dont make me stalk you to get an answer to my question:

    Dear OL,

    I know you are busy and get asked the same questions again and again, but I think the EU server getting videos of Ural Steel covering the game play and the event itself is a priority.

    Wargaming looses a huge amount of PR, and the impact of Ural Steel on the wider WoT community is reduced to almost nothing, if we dont get to see the gameplay in decent quality.

    Why make a huge event like US and have it only effect 1% of the community? It seems like a very big mistake to me.

    So can I ask when we can find out whether videos of the games will be made available?


  10. OMFG!!!

    1) Overlord, the ITWAT clan are getting pics
    2) Gief free stuff plx!!

    We will see you bright and early on Saturday to tank talks galore.

  11. OK, i was using the toilet at work and thought id quickly check Overlords blog to see if there's anything interesting going on. Lets just say i was very surprised to see that Overlord himself was attending Tankfest! So much so that i may have shouted out some expletives whilst on the loo! i felt abit daft afterwards but at least the chaps on the other side thought it was entertaining!

    Really looking forward to meeting you guys. The iTWAT Clan will definatelty be there!

    P.S I really want a picture taken with you Overlord. Hope you can make this happen! :D

  12. " on Saturday to tank talks galore"

    I meant talk tanks. Too excited to type.

  13. Hi Ovi, are you bringing a few computers along and start a LAN party?

  14. LAN party, with historical battles, as we do at the forum?;-)

  15. I'll be there, along with some of my fellow WoT players.

  16. Hopping along with LordMirg.. see you there!

  17. Sounds like a great weekend, see you there.

  18. See you on sat overlord :D

  19. Ill be there if only i could get tickets to fly from Australia and find accommodation all on $100

  20. Cowbacca and Koo294 shall be there on Saturday. =]

  21. Hope they learn a bit in that museum, they need it badly :)

  22. who is buying the beers i vote OL

  23. sort of off topic, but

    Are we going to get a 24 or 48 hour heads up before the patch to put finishing touches on our grinding?

  24. Drat drat and double drat!! I wish I had known sooner :( I love the museum there and would have loved the chance to meet you guys.
    Tony Quinn

  25. Overlord is a myth like cake :)

  26. Ok. I'll bring my T-34 too :D

  27. Q: Is there any discount for WoT players? :)

    A: Follow the news. There might be something soon.

  28. ITWAT guys,

    will be nice to meet you.

  29. Q: sort of off topic, but

    Are we going to get a 24 or 48 hour heads up before the patch to put finishing touches on our grinding?

    A: It will be released on Russian server a few days earlier - that would be the first notice.

  30. Q: Overlord is a myth like cake :)

    A: Come and taste. ))

  31. Q: Is there any discount for WoT players? :)

    A: Follow the news. There might be something soon.

    What about people who have already bought weekend tickets? will you help us guys out to ?

  32. Q: What about people who have already bought weekend tickets? will you help us guys out to ?

    A: Sorry, misunderstood you. Was thinking it was game-related question.

  33. Dont "cheat" the museum of some income ;)
    pay the full price and get some bragging rights in game ;)

    shame the Tiger 131 is not running this year :(
    and wish i could be there


  34. Q: Is there any discount for WoT players? :)

    A: Follow the news. There might be something soon.

    Yer sorry i misunderstood i thought he mean't musuem prices lol i guess you mean something in game haha

  35. Q: lol i guess you mean something in game haha

    A: Yup, correct.

  36. I shall be the tubby blonde fellow there with his 3 sons. This is a birthday treat for one of them so I will try not to start a fight about the short 88! :)

  37. Going on the Sunday, bright and early, hope your not bored of it all by then Overlord!

  38. TOGA Clan will be visiting for the 2 days. As we are old men who dont know any females (we have seen pictures of them on that internet place), any free promotional woman you have would be appreciated. As most clan members have poor eyesight even the more "well rounded" buffalo type would do fine. We would alo be interested in wargaming providing a wheel barrow service to take our drunken carcasses back to the campsite

    see you soon

  39. My daughter's boyfriend and I will be there Sunday. We're really looking forward to it.

  40. As Nephlim posted 'TOGA Clan will be visiting for the 2 days'.

    Hope to see everyone at Tankfest tomorow :-)

    Shadow Wolf, TOGA clan leader.

  41. Unfortunatly I will not be able to join my clan this year at TF, but I have already booked holliday for next year and will for sure be at TF 2012. Next year it is June 30th and July 1st.

    Have fun with the old geesers from TOGA

    K4M1K473, TOGA member

  42. Q: TOGA Clan will be visiting for the 2 days. As we are old men who dont know any females (we have seen pictures of them on that internet place), any free promotional woman you have would be appreciated. As most clan members have poor eyesight even the more "well rounded" buffalo type would do fine.

    A: You won't miss our booth, guys. Semi-naked girls, military style, 2 big screens.

  43. Brilliant show you put on. High spec PCs and graphics showed game to real advantage. Thanks for the free gold promos

  44. looking forward to get my view on some "secrets" maybe? :)

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