Sunday, May 8, 2011

Victory in Europe Day. Congratulations and Gifts [FINISHED]

The end of World War II brought us into a new era of peace, with Victory in Europe day we pay tribute to those who struggled for a better future and the happiness we share today.

Within World of Tanks the holiday spirit was also felt. has presented all tankers with  
  • 5 Extra Combat Rations (for Soviet tanks);
  • 5 Cases of Cola (for American tanks);
  • 5 Chocolates (for German tanks).
The gifts can be found in your depot.

Current status for EU server: finished.
Current status for US server: finished.
Note: only players registered prior to the start of scheduled maintenance on the respective server (May 8) are to get the bonus stuff.


  1. Thank you for the gifts. :-)

  2. Wow. Nice ;) Any MMO needs cool events to be more interesting. Good thing that WoT is going the right way ;)

    Looks like I kinda predicted in previous entry comments that we'll get free consumables xD Or maybe you followed my suggestion? ;D Anyway, thanks.

  3. Overlord,
    Thank you for this weekend.
    Happy VE Day!

  4. Thx. Very nice!

  5. Hi Ovi, enjoying this week end very much, thx to the team.

  6. Tnx.This is some sweet week end :D

  7. thank you very much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Honestly.. Ive already sold them.. Still struggling to get all the credits for tanks at low level. And the cash made a great contribution ^^

  9. The event lasts until the 10th when the servers go down for maintenance? So early in the morning of the 10th we still get the 5x XP bonus?

  10. Q: The event lasts until the 10th when the servers go down for maintenance? So early in the morning of the 10th we still get the 5x XP bonus?

    A: Yes, until the scheduled maintenance. 5 am UTC for EU, 11 am UTC for US.

  11. ...finaly i could feed my crews, they have forgoten what food tastes like:-)

  12. Thanks from Czech Republic ;) We are fighting with germany right now (hockey) ;)

  13. i heard today is your birthday (or maybe yesterday... i'm a bit drunk and confused :S)... anyway in case it's true... happy birthday :D

  14. Happy Birthday Overload

  15. You have heard it right. Thanks a lot, guys. :)

  16. Happy B-day!

    Have some Cola and Chocolate.
    Plus whatever Russian tankers were eating during WW2.

  17. any insight on the server maintenence? ;) the coveted 6.4 patch? So i cannot still pickup my 5x daily dubbles before the normal time that the server "changes" days? (i think i got confused with time zoning

    S dniom roždenija!

    (i think i got the translation right, well character formatting but... long live the t34!)

  18. Happy Birthday Overlord :)

    I would send you a 'cola' if I had the option.
    Hope your day went well.

    Take care,
