Tuesday, April 12, 2011

World of Tanks Release Teaser

World of Tanks Release Teaser


  1. And ETA for server up and running? :)

  2. In the video you can see almost only russian tanks.
    World of Russian Tanks!

  3. A bit long for a taser..

    but i'am looking forward for a lott of now players. Fresh meet for my M6A2E1 :P

    btw: Not one Tankdestroyer and only few germans and US tanks in the taser.

  4. Q: In the video you can see almost only russian tanks.
    World of Russian Tanks!

    A: Agree here. That's why I don't like this video either.

  5. Overlord we weren't actually asking for much were we? Wargaming had 2 decent options:
    1. explain the problem, promise you will do everything you can to get everything in order, even if you could not make it, at least you would have tried.
    2. Sort everything out and give people what they paid for,as everyone including PayPal expects you to do.

    Instead you went with the 3rd option, of completely ignoring us for 12 hours and then just treating us like pieces of shitand not even bothering to help us.

    And it has been 16 hours now and my support ticket is still unanswered.

  6. Nice video! :)
    It would be awesome to have a free-flying observer mode like that!

  7. lol flying tanks xD and this video is so much "fast and chaos".... but if you see the ingame its "slow and thinking" (i dont mean that campers are thinking xD)

  8. I saw some flying tanks there, is that in the new patch? Or just staged to make it look more cool?

  9. Wohou!!! Flying T-54's . . can we drop bombs instead of shooting shells??
    What about drifting contests? I would like that ^.^

  10. Otto-matic ReiffelApril 12, 2011 at 3:36 PM

    Any chance we could get screaming artillery shells any time soon?

  11. Joep Peters,

    we are developing new movement physics at the moment. It should be added in future.

  12. From UltimaPay support site: If your payment is still rejected, you will need to select a different payment method for this purchase or ask the game publisher to white-list your account so that you can make payment.

    Why didn't you white-list our account so we could pay for the preorder?

  13. That flying tanks was T-54. They are soooo fast they fly!

  14. Overlord. Many of us in the US, were not able to purchase the pre-order tanks\gold on April 11th. Many of us got home from work yesterday at 5PM our time thinking we still had plenty of time to make that our final transaction before the wipe. Apparently the pre-orders ended on the 11th at 5PM Pacific time and 8PM Eastern Time. We wish that there would have been more clarity on when this would end. Many of us thought that we would be safe on the 11th, a day before the hard wipe. I will continue to play the game, but this left a sour taste for many of us.


  15. I want to see flying Object704 ;D

  16. Just to buck "tradition", wanted to say thanks to you and the rest of the team, Overlord. I heart this game even if it sometimes drives me mad. Looking forward to playing it and all that the future brings; I wish you and WOT a long and happy life. ;)

  17. @Anonymous said...
    "lol flying tanks xD and this video is so much "fast and chaos".... but if you see the ingame its "slow and thinking" (i dont mean that campers are thinking xD)"

    Hilarious!! I remember before I got into closed beta last year that I saw a similar preview video with tanks blasting around shooting at each other like you said "fast and chaos", but in reality it was "slow and thinking".

    Someone should make one of those videos to attract the "slow and thinking" crowd as well.

  18. I want to see flying loltraktor,mean game server up and ruuuuunning!!!

    too much time to wait

  19. Ok thanks for clearing that up Overlord :)

  20. Are there any plans to refine the matchmaking system so that you don't have to deal with tanks more than 2 tiers above you?

    Also, artillery didn't use satellites in the 1940's. Any plans to add an element of skill to playing SPG's in the future?

  21. "In the video you can see almost only russian tanks.
    World of Russian Tanks!"

    Indeed, now true face of game is revealed :D

    "Are there any plans to refine the matchmaking system so that you don't have to deal with tanks more than 2 tiers above you?"

    Oh yes, M6 put in battle with four T10 on each side ;/

    "Also, artillery didn't use satellites in the 1940's. Any plans to add an element of skill to playing SPG's in the future?"

    Maybe a view similar to that from TPP cam but with a aiming spot on ground? Or a modified bird eyes view but slightly inclined and distant?

  22. "It would be awesome to have a free-flying observer mode like that!"

    Oh man...that would be so sweet. I think I would actually spend more time watching then playing lol. Less stress and no raging over idiot teammates.

  23. "Maybe a view similar to that from TPP cam but with a aiming spot on ground? Or a modified bird eyes view but slightly inclined and distant?"

    Another idea! Maybe a slightly inclined birdeye but drawing distance would be depended on type of spotting plane. To each arty you would buy a spotting plane, better plane = better view of battlefield :)

  24. spotting for arty is being done from ground, not airplane. They use artillery observer, not planes...

  25. Q: Overlord. Many of us in the US, were not able to purchase the pre-order tanks\gold on April 11th...

    A: I do understand you, we had to switch them off a bit earlier to be ready for release maintenance.

  26. What a horrible trailer, at least from a PR/advertisement point of view. Release a game about tanks in EU and NA and don`t have iconic tanks like Sherman, Panther, and Tiger 2(mentioning a few) in the trailer. Think I saw a tiger doing nothing for about a second.
    If anything this trailer made me even more wary when it comes to tank bias and balance.
    Luckily I don`t have to spend any money on this game until tank balance and bugs have been fixed.

  27. People love to complain about every single thing.

    Try to relax a bit, and try to have some fun with this FREE game.

  28. I swear sometimes the complainers are funwreckers. I hope the devs take their comments with a grain of salt.

  29. internet is full of drama queens and spoiled children

  30. yeah, World of Soviet Tanks, but you have to remember, that tanks made in CCCP was really sucks. Only in this game are better than German Tanks.

  31. There is such a thing as game balance, wouldn't be fun if everything was hyper-realistic. And I'm so sick and tired of everyone whining about how overpowered the Russian tanks are. Russian tanks are great overall, but the Germans and Americans have specific strengths and advantages that, when properly understood and utilized, more than level the playing field. I good P2 (better optics, gun damage and accuracy) or Pershing (better gun) player can handle a T-54. Stop whining and learn to play the game.

  32. playstyle is everything. if you think you can play a german tank like a soviet one, well... go ahead. rush in middle and get burned. adapt or die and learn to play what you chose. german tanks are fine as they are.

  33. Deleting the comments won't do you any good Overlord.

  34. I really like this game and want it to succeed, but it`s not good advertising to show mostly soviet tanks in a release teaser for going live in NA/EU.

  35. So judging by OVERLORDS last post it is 8pm. Which means they have already spent 20 hours trying to figure it out and get it running.

    Since this is there first MMO release, and going by my past MMO release experiences, don't expect the game up and running until the 13th, and even then EXPECT it to be crashing quit frequently.

    OVERLORD, since you guys are already over 2 hours behind schedule, can you give use some info on when it will be going up, so I'm not wasting my time sitting around for nothing wanting to be one of the first to start power leveling.


  36. If the new movement physics will work like the current spotting system i expect we will see some flying MAUS in the future too ;)

  37. Flying Tanks! I appreciate all the hard work that you guys put in, really nice. Physics effects, oh my god I'm going to fly my tank over a ridge onto another tank!

  38. Good gravy, people sure can complain. The release is mostly going to be a clear wipe, with old promo tanks from PC Gamer, etc (Valentine, Pz38, etc) and the M4A2E4 reward tank, nothing else. If Wargaming.net put in the preorder tanks alongside the shiny new tier 8 Lowe, etc, can you imagine the amount of crying that would happen?

    'I can't pwn the other loltraktors because I don't have the Lowe! WAAAAH!'

    I was supposed to pwn the loltraktors, but I got pwned by a Lowe! WAAAAH!'

    Either way, the devs would be screwing part of the player base. I expect the preorder tanks to show up in patch 0.6.4, as well as our shiny new premiums, once 2-3 weeks gives the players some time to generally get up to tier 5-7. This would mitigate the overwhelming advantage of the Lowe and premium KV-5 would have had on release day, while giving the preorder tanks something to shoot at as well. Everybody wins.

    All this crying is really about people who wanted a CLEAR advantage over other players . . . and did not get it. Meanwhile, I shall enjoy the 10% extra gold with my german medium preorder package, when it comes out at the right time.

  39. 30 minutes to go to make it a full 24 hours of waiting instead of 18, and still no time frame.

    Well I guess you cant ask for much with it being a free 2 play game right people???

    Looking forward to it anyways

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I would just like to say thank you for all your hard work in trying to get this game up and running. I for one know that as developers and likely gamers yourself you can not wait either.
    Great FREE game love it and can see myself playing alot in the future.
    I hope that as I missed the pre-order deadline by minutes... That maybe you would consider allowing people to an extension on the deal ...say for 24hrs after severs are up and running?

  42. Where is USA TD? ,Where is E- series?
    This is full relase?
    hahahaha This is beta 2

  43. "Where is USA TD? ,Where is E- series?"

    I'm little dissapointed in fact that they didn't implemented 6.4.0 patch, I was hoping to see Pz38 NA, Lowe, KV 13 and KV 5 after release.

  44. The only thing I care about is having options for the matchmaker so you can opt out of playing against higher tier tanks. Doesn't matter if you make a little less credits or have to wait a few seconds longer in the lobby.

  45. Man, what a whinning here!!
    From my perspective:
    I played monday evening, slept, went to work, returned, and then played tuesday evening. Started playing 2 hours later then I would normally. And no crashes. A smooth transition into production state, congrats.

    Matchmaker problems... will be fixed after some time I belive. Every change there decides of whole gameplay, so they have to be carefull.

    And patch is scheduled still in Q2 2011... which just begun, still plenty of time.

    Try to make something yourself before whinning.

    And yeah, physics!! Awesome. Can't wait for it.
    BTW, I would love to have possibility of ramming a hole in a building wall without taking down whole building, to hide under the roof. Well, or be buried by falling roof :-) which will be fine as long as my cannon is sticking outside ;-)

    Cheers and congrats of going gold,

  46. Overlord, congratz on the WoT release, I saw 13500 players, isn't that a record on the US server? Congratz though.

  47. Diastant,

    thanks. :) Yup, guess it has reached its peak.

    On EU side we had over 20k.

  48. Q: "Where is USA TD? ,Where is E- series?"

    A: They were not planned for the release and are going to be added later.

  49. Hi Overlord, I am a bit concerned and want to know some input please:

    Before patch x.11 - Shots nice and straight, Zoom in, accuracy good, shot hits target.


    Is the looping a new thing, because I really haven't experienced this in the BETA.

    For reference I was playing with the T1 light.

    Thank you for your input


  50. russian propaganda

  51. Any way to get that music in-game? So much better than what we have.

  52. It will be good if we had all the tanks in there overlord not just the T-54 flying everywhere :)
