Thursday, March 17, 2011

World of Tanks Release Date Announced

London (17th March, 2011) is glad to announce today that its highly-anticipated free-to-play action MMO game World of Tanks is set to launch on 12th April, 2011 in Europe and North America.

With this announcement, the company reports World of Tanks to be gradually entering the release phase after nine successive months of closed and open beta testing that let the game recruit an impressive number of players building up a strong and responsive community that helped the development team enhance and polish the game by providing valuable feedback and reporting issues.

World of Tanks is one of the most recognizable vehicle-based MMO games where players fight action-packed battles driving historically accurate WWII-era armored machines. The game’s stunning graphics, destructible environments, a wide variety of military hardware with a vast choice of upgrade options along with captivating and well-balanced gameplay make it a must-try for almost every gamer. 

“Our team has been working really hard to create a unique blend of action, strategy, simulation and RPG elements in World of Tanks, and now the moment all fans across the globe have been waiting for is right around the corner”, said Victor Kislyi, CEO of “We are delighted to be finally announcing the release date for this ground-breaking title and invite all veteran players and those new to the game to enjoy tense and uncompromising armored warfare on World of Tanks battlegrounds”.

Join open beta at:


  1. Finally, congrats to all. I just waited for this moment.

  2. Well done really looking forward to WOT going Live sad part ill lose all my Elite vehicles but oh well least i will know which paths to take and which not to take this time as with the 1068647xp ive already grinded i could of had a Maus and an IS7 lol
    PS Any news on how to pre order
    Thanks Daimion

  3. what about preorders?

  4. Can we have the premium tank Lowe in the preorder? I only will play the German tree, but I would like to buy the biggest packages. If its similar to the Russian release. If you offer only the American premium tank for the biggest packages I'm not gonna go for it. Thx

  5. Will the EU and N/A have the same pre order packages? Do I get in N/A server the Pz V/IV like in Russia? Perfect this would be medium deal and the top deal the Lowe. I would like to combine the packages with premium account and a separate gold package. Thx

  6. volan,

    if everything goes smooth, they are to start next week.

  7. Anonymous,

    Lowe is going to be a "regular" premium tank, not a pre-oder one.

  8. Anonymous,

    pre-orders will be the same for both US and EU servers.

  9. I have been waiting a long time for this and it has finally come! AWESOME!

  10. Congratulations!
    I just really hope the last patch will fix all the issues you HAVE TO fix before the game is released :)

    Last straigh line before wot going gold ... wow ... it's "almost" one year i am in the CB, this is quite a long way since my first game :D

  11. Congratz guyz ! I hope your time and effort will be reworded with lots of new people coming to this gaming platform (and some cookies for devs).

    By 12 april i hope on getting a new pc so i can play this game at more then 10fps :B

  12. When will the access to Supertest?
    how to join Supertest?
    Please answer Thank You

  13. John100,

    currently the organizational work on supertest is in progress, the recruitment announcement will be posted on both forums.

  14. Almost done with the questions here, but is there any chance you can poke Wargaming & ask about the prices on the pre-order packages?

    It would've be alright to know them just before they release them & knowing how much we are going to pay.

  15. Sturmtiger_304,

    they are to be announced next week. Sry I can't disclose it here.

  16. will there be some extra experience event before the launch ?

  17. Anonymous,

    I think there will be no such event.

  18. About what's special with the T54 that you asked me, it can circlerape every tank in game except (maybe) T30, shoots 8,4 shots per minute, can bounce Bl10 shots and gives me 72% win on nearly 800 battles. If I wolfpack with 2 more T54 nothing can stop us from going 10-0 except the enemy tem having more T54 than us. In the next tournament you'll find out what the teams will pick up as scout.

    Let alone the russian guns always better than germans, from 107mm to 130mm. Let alone the Panther2 not bouncing anything and only having a very good gun.

    The marder 2 only good cause of his russian 76mm, the ISU 152 annihilating everything and 2shotting Ferdis...I really can't wait for the release cause I'll then ask you the datas about which side (russian/german(usa) the p(l)ayers are most pickin up and we'll have a nice laugh.

    Good night.

  19. And wanna talk about your magical vk4502 ? Have a look on this. 2 frontal glacis plate penetrations by a simple american T34. I laugh when you say that all german tanks MIGHT be revisited. I'd really like a duel with you. You with a vk4502 and me with an Is4.

  20. Or wanna hear me talkin about the nice matchmakin system ? The one that puts you against 5 more tier 9 than you have ?

    And not normal tier 9......Panthers2 and T54s.

    Guess how it ended

    But's cool

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. marmist85,

    I highly doubt that vehicle spread would change much after the release. All vehicles are more or less balanced on the basis of primary parameters chosen, barring some individual cases.

  23. marmist85,

    I very much doubt that match-making accounts for 2:15 loss in the above mentioned case.

  24. I have my take on that what you said marmist85. Everybody knows Russian tanks are almost in every tier the best. Why do I go German tree I like to be the underdog, I like the German tank designs. Maybe it's the German quality you have to pay a higher price, like for a mercedes. So the last take is we are playing a Russian game, so I feel like a guest. I still like your research but don't get mad just enjoy it and hope for future changes. What i recognize actually is worse. People starting to cheat. They make team injuries not kills to help the other team. They using skype and tell our tactics and position to a clan boss in the other team. It's happening more often lately. Now my worst experience was with my KT camo module crew with 2nd secondary skill 50% and honors. I didn't move my turret and they were firing at me, but when a JP4 said in this game they are cheating I was convinced. So guys besides clan brown nosing start to use their computer skills to out smart the system. That is killing the game. Not OP Russian tanks. My grandmother unlocked the IS7, I never take a ride my grand mother is able to handle. I hope all gamers will report clan cheaters and computer savvy freaks. The rest is in the hands of the devs to punish those guys.

  25. well, Overlord, the enemy team having more tie 9 than yours, the enemy team having the famous 6/7 tank destroyers, the enemy team having 2 S51 and you 2 GWpanthers, the enemy team having 2 Objects 704 and you having 2 T34s.

    Well I guess all these matchmaking examples have absolutely nothing to do with MY team losing, even if I got a 57% winnin ratio overall with all my tanks.

  26. Will WOT add the clan after players name. It would be helpful to recognize offenders. The battles get worse closer to the end of beta. People team injuring/killing, leaving battle at start or players do mass suicide because they don't want to fight against higher clan members. Play company battles you clan losers. Don't use quick battles to polish your stats. In real life you have in corporations that associates win there golf turnament against regular employees. Everybody nows beforehand who will win. Why do you clean leaders and wanna bees keep a game just a game. I will screen shot every incident, that's why I hope clan tags will be added to names.

  27. The best way is to punish the clan leader/commanders, more likely the clan cheating will stop. Friends cheating is harder to come buy, but also not as harmful. Loser with polished stats will always exist.

  28. I just want to say i LOLed hard at "historically accurate" part of 3rd paragraph... Not to mention "action-packed"... I know its advertising, but still... LOL...

  29. Not paying for this game until they fix the "invisible tank" bug.

  30. Hello Overlord,

    We have a date for release: 12 April 2011

    Is there an estimated time of when the NA server will be released?

    Take Care,

  31. when this patch is threw patching can we use our gift tank Sherman's today or do we have to wait until April 12th?

    and again thank you for the hard work you have put in on this game, i very much appreciate the time you've given :)

  32. Mmo oyunlar hakkında detaylı bilgi için: Mmo oyunlar
