Thursday, March 31, 2011

KV-5 and Lowe. Specifications.

Lowe (tier 8 heavy). A project of a super-heavy tank developed by the Krupp company. Several prototypes varying in armament and components were designed, but no trial prototype was ever built. The vehicle did not undergo any trials.



KV-5 (tier 7 heavy).
The development of the KV-5 started in June 1941. The project works were completed by August. The trial prototype was never constructed due to the the Leningrad Blockade.




  1. both looks great, many thanks bud / dazzy

  2. we want more overlord! how about that mammoth T95 GMC :D

  3. What about price of those tanks?

  4. 10000 gold for the LOWE
    Not sure about the KV5

  5. Thx Ovi,
    news about the updaet 6.3.10? When and exactly what. One thing you mentioned the CBT thank you tank is included. Btw I'll get the Lowe. Thx for your hard work WG team.

  6. 1st german tank who is able to compete with russian tanks in its class, speed and gun wise.

  7. Anonymous, patch will be deployed prior to the release. That's all I can say for now.

  8. what will include? thanks

  9. Yeah, KV-5 have MORE armor than LOWE and being lower tier.. Nice, again we have russian>all

  10. Q: what will include? thanks

    A: M4A2E4 gift tank


    armor is not everything that matters.

  11. But a worse gun and a terrible turning rate, both vehicle and turret...

  12. dont forget that KV5 has a slow traverse of just 16 so its easily going to be circle strafed.

  13. thanks overlord. Any fixes or changes or just the gift tank for ?

  14. question to Lowe you cut the muzzle tip of in the pic. So you are not sure to put on? you changed the reload time, i guess he was too OP.
    The IS-7 muzzle tip looks a little akward. But all the Lowe drawings I remember it was not really clearly specified. So I guess you have some space for interpretation. The easiest decision is to put the typical German one on. I'm curious what your team is coming up with. Personally I would have hoped you slope the side armor more. Even engineering wise it makes no sense to show the ribs on the side. Tank would be better and looks cooler too. Thx

  15. overlord i see the LOWE had its speed increased to 35KM and the rof of the gun lowered to 6 from 6.67. Was this after internal testing?


    look on a armour info...

  17. Anonymous, there were six different Lowe projects (all on paper). Jentz's reference on armour states 120mm front and 80 side, as they are shown here. Consider that two projects (VK 70.01) are reported with 100mm front plates.

  18. For more references on Lowe tank project you can use:

    T. L. Jentz, H. L. Doyle, "Panzer Tracts No. 20-1 Paper Panzers", Panzer Tracts, 2001, ISBN 0-9708407-3-X

  19. I love how the Lowe is almost completely better than the KT except for the armor.

    The KV-5 looks like a fatter, slower, more armored KV

  20. Fatter, slower, more armored, LARGER :)

  21. Forgot: notice the slopes on KV-5 front armor...

  22. KV-5 has a lot of weak spot for example the machine gun turret and the driver cupola so the strong front armor is not a problem.

  23. So... you managed to see the hit box model arrangement that the devs keep secret for each tank?

  24. For curious ppl . The gunner turret ISN'T a weak spot .
    I personally read that on Russian forum from creators of the game
    I think Serb said it.
    And all u guys who think kv5 it max speed 40 doesent mean he's fast
    He's Slower tha a Mause no joke

  25. Q: question to Lowe you cut the muzzle tip of in the pic. So you are not sure to put on?


  26. Q: overlord i see the LOWE had its speed increased to 35KM and the rof of the gun lowered to 6 from 6.67. Was this after internal testing?

    A: Yup, Lowe still is a bit inferior to fully upgraded KT. And it will be.

  27. Kieme,

    front coppula is the weak spot of KV, it's easy to penetrate.

  28. Q: And all u guys who think kv5 it max speed 40 doesent mean he's fast
    He's Slower tha a Mause no joke

    A: Yup, it's slow. Max speed limit is rather high, but it is lacking for mobility.

  29. very nice overlord! whats that ST72 ? and thats a nice new minimap. looking good.

  30. thx for the pic and info Ovi, ill get the Lowe.

  31. just found out by looking at the ST72 icon and the object 261 ingame pics its teh tier 8 SPG.

  32. Hum, 10.000 gold for one tank? That means for me in Germany...4x2500 gold = 4x 9.95 EUR = 39,80 EUR. FOR ONE TANK? Whose EXP I have to convert for more gold (= EUR)? There are really good games which cost 40 EUR.

    LOL! You cannot be serious!

  33. Dont be greedy Devs...
    it pays better to sell more for less than less for more...
    by selling more for less you are getting a free whispered marketing...

  34. no I think the Tank will cost ~ 5.000 gold max ... Ram = 1750 atm ... (Tier 5)
    so i think ...
    and the Team of WoT will do the best they can ....
    its an nice F2P game .... on of the most potentual games at the moment and I know that the dev. do their best, don't they, Overlord? ;)

  35. Can we have their price for once and for good ? So I can decide to preorder or not ...

  36. I'm curious to hear from other players how they will play. Are going for one tech tree only? Do you exactly what tanks you are grinding? Lessons learned from beta? I will go for the German tree, why? I know it's tougher than the Russian tree, but the tanks look nicer. I will go heavies to the top and as last SPG's.

  37. Ovi are you sitting in Minsk or London? Just curious how the is splitted and why? Why London? Thx

  38. is splitted.....

  39. New York is much cooler! Or Cote Azur at least it's warm. I never been to Minsk.

  40. Please can you translate to english. THX. Not everybody can understand that crazy charecaters.

  41. with a little of work by yourself (looking at any standard stats description available in the game), you can understand those "crazy characters" or Cyrillic alphabet.

  42. The lowe is gonna be inferior to the weakest tier 8 ingame ? Ok, good job.

    Love the KV5 = 170/180 frontal armor and 40km/h speed rotfl

  43. All the times I compare the KV-5 to the Tiger developers really have no shame at all

  44. MatheoB,

    the prices for Lowe and KV-5 haven't been finalized yet.

  45. marmist85,

    Lowe will be a bit worse than fully upgraded KT.

  46. Q: Ovi are you sitting in Minsk or London? Just curious how the is splitted and why? Why London? Thx

    A: The development office is located in Minsk, Belarus. Only HQ are in the UK. Guess, it's because of tax rates.

  47. Q: New York is much cooler! Or Cote Azur at least it's warm. I never been to Minsk.

    A: It's a nice city. You should visit it. :)

  48. Q: Please can you translate to english. THX. Not everybody can understand that crazy charecaters.

    A: Next time pre-release specs will be in English.

  49. A quick question, how will gold transfers work ?

    Can I transfer gold to anyone ? Or only between clan members ?

    Is there a fee required to transfer gold ? Or free ?

    Is there a limit to how much gold I can transfer ?

    Please clarify !

  50. Overlord why the choice of the LOWE turrett and hull have same stats?

  51. What were the developers drinking when they decided the stats for the KV-5, Overlord ?

    170mm frontal hull/180mm turrett, against 100/100 Tiger, 2300 damage per minute against 2200.

    FOr real, why so unshamed ?

  52. Overlord,

    yes i know thx, i wrote this, because the one told something about 10.000 gold ... and I think its incorrect, isn't it?

  53. i like the lowe must try it out

  54. It would be nice to have a general idea of the price of these tanks as it will affect which pre-release packages that I will purchase.

  55. marmist85,

    KV-5 will have its own weaknesses (e.g. front coppula, lack of mobility). It will be slightly worse than any of fully upgraded tier 7 heavies.

  56. TheTrap,

    gold transfers will be available only within clans at first stage. Then they will be extended to all players. Most likely there will be no fee, though that hasn't been decided yet.

  57. Overlord,

    I know so far you're going to improve the game engine, but how far are you actually with allowing the players to blow certain parts off the enemy tanks?

  58. I beg you devs please don't be to greedy when setting the prices for premium tanks. Nobody will pay money for them if a single tank costs more than 1 or 2 months of premium. Especially those players in countries where salaries aren't as high as in western europe.

    Theres no point in making loads of premium vehicles when the high prices make their appearance on the battlefield a one in a thousand chance.

  59. I must agree with the statement that this KT is really overpowered against the other Tier 7 tanks.

    Even if its weakness is the front copula, you still must hit that spot at 200+ meters. . . . and thats not so easy. On the other hand, with this armor and canon, the KT dont give a damn about aiming correctly at enemies and its speed is not a huge disadvantage.

    Do you plan to add more and more tanks of this type (premium tanks - for gold) in the game??

  60. speed is a huge weakness... when you need to find cover or move from arty. also the KT's gun aint much better than the KV's (only about 1 more rnd/min) so its still difficult to pen higher tier stuff. yeah so what if it can tank alot of hits you still have to turn that giant turret to shoot at them. Play the KV with the fridgebox turret and you will learn to respect its good and bad qualities. Also compare to is with 122mm, the 122 can pen the front hull most of the time, side turret and side hull even more, so its seems pretty darn balanced to me for a tier 7.

  61. Sturmtiger_304,

    this is not planned.

  62. Storm

    Главный инженер
    Группа: Разработчики

    Отправлено 31 Мар 2011 - 14:13

    Просмотреть сообщениеCyberFen1x (31 Мар 2011 - 13:59):
    КВ-5 10к золота.
    Лев 12к золота.

    Цены будут другие.

    Information from the Russian server.I apologize for my English.

    кв-5 10 000 gold
    Лев- 12 000 gold

    Prices will be others.

    Rumor has it that kv5 will cost 7k(7 000 gold)

  63. i have a question, how much Credit will it be for the ammo and repair for Kv5/loewe ?

    Loewe uses nearly the same gun like the tiger2 with an price of ~1k per shell, is it the same for the loewe, because its really expensive.

  64. will the premium tanks include a tank slot? if they did i think i might increase their marketability, because otherwise you have to get more gold for the extra slot to put it in. Just a question/suggestion. Any word on num of slots @ release (4-5 i'm guessing)

  65. well the gift tank m4a2e3 sherman comes with an extra garage slot.

  66. Q: well the gift tank m4a2e3 sherman comes with an extra garage slot.

    A: M4A2E4. Yup, it will.

  67. Any ETA for official specs of the new tier 8 arties? It would be nice to know them a few days before the release, since there is still some pondering about which country to choose, and I don´t want to waste any of my precious premium-time in the wrong tree ;)

    Most importantly, could the ammo specs be included also then, for the new arties? Since the radius of the explosion is going to be a factor in this equation...

  68. Overlord any reason as to why the Lowe only has 80mm side and rear armor?

    afaik there were only 2 models and the schwerer version that the model seems based on had 100mm rear and side armor and was supposed to get 140mm front after the projects was shown to Hitler. Dunno the side and rear values of the Leichter version but i wouldnt be supprised if it was 80mm tho that was a 76ton tank and got scrapped by Hitler in favor of Schwerer.

  69. Torchedpig,

    they are being tuned currently, specs will posted rather soon.

  70. Q: Overlord any reason as to why the Lowe only has 80mm side and rear armor?

    A: The thing weighs 93 tons and has got 800 hp engine. I doubt we should have sacrificed mobility so as to give it additional 20mm side armor.

  71. You do realize people in clans can cover the cost of the premiums with their supply of gold from clan wars? Join a clan guys :P

  72. Overlord out of curiosity is the Lowe based on VK7001 or VK7201?

    mostly wondering since the VK7001 was the model Lowe is based on and VK7201 being PzKpfw VII Lowe.

  73. so any idea how much lowe will cost?? or can you give a rough estimation??? cause i need to decide accordingly if i should buy medium package or light package...


  74. @bilal

    Since the price of the M6A2E1 is already confirmed with 10.000 Gold and both the Löwe and the M6A2E1 are tier 8 heavies, i guess it won't cost less.

    € 35-40 for one tank... you gotta be kidding

  75. ^^ ya that is he reason i asked..cause this will be bloody expensive and i dont think it will be worth paying 10K gold....

    comon devs..try to have some sense and bring the price of premium tanks down a bit...

  76. Please, post the T8 SPG stats too *sad face*

  77. Oh look. paying to win at your tier.
    Looks like every other pseudo pay-to-play-game

  78. AWESOME blog OVERLORD. I can't wait for the release and how much will the Lowe cost in gold? I'll be getting it if it is 10,000 gold or lower.

  79. I hope you repost the tanks if they have major finalized changes from russian open test. :)

  80. what will lowe kost?

  81. Hy overlord, another question, dont have time to read all the forums and posts, so i dont know if u have answered this question yet---here goes---when will lowe ba available

  82. 10 k gold for the lowe ads ap to about 33 eur...for that money i can get heng long tank:-) it isnt much but is atleast something to hold, not yust a bag of 0 and 1 s, bits and bytes,

    Think about what u want from us overlord, real money (and lots of it)for imaginry tanks!!

    if this was wild west u would get tar and feathers for this:-D

  83. Overlord can you say WHEN the Löwe will be available, and the price too ?
    Many players who have bought it on russian servers complain about its maniability/speed and weakness of the armor especially compared with the Konigstiger which should be inferior..
    It's (maybe) a 40 euros toy, and i will be sure to not do a mistake..

  84. Is there ANY chance of getting it for 5000 gold. Im sorry, but 40 bucks for a tank is overpriced; I can get 2 new games for that. I'd really love the lowe, but at this price, all I can say is "No chance!". From a buisness perspective, high price +sell a few(bad!) Low price+sell alot(Great!)

  85. i cant believe that a tank inferior to Tiger2 upgraded ,cost 10k gold, its crazy ! 4 months of premium !
    The right price should be around 5k gold, no more, and its already very well paid ,if he sucks like many say...

  86. I'd rather buy 2 new gamnes for that price. Anyways, are you devs forgetting that it's a VIRTUAL tank, not a model, or even a new game.

  87. i love this game but 10k gold for DLC is just too much.

    look at games like ME2 they have content for 6-8 euro's which adds a lot to your gaming experience.

    they are only going to be used for money maker or collection in garage.

    i have Pz 5/4 and while its a blast to ride, it can't compete with fully upgraded T5 and above.

    people have mentioned it before but that this is a bad strategy, but without confirmation of the actual prices i will delay my judgement.

    PS any chance off an update regarding PanzerJager tree and E-10 & 25 Premium TD's?

  88. Can you devs PLEASE lower the price to 5,000 gold!!!!!????

  89. yeah, lower the price

  90. we know you guys are trying to make a good flow of income, but 10K? it's abit too steep for most of us, 6500g would be fair? since the ram 2 is a tier 5 prem costing about 1750, why not make these newer tanks have a reasonable price? for a period of time before raising the price slowly up i guess?

    you know, the lower the price from the original 10K, more people would buy and the more people would stay in playing. if this post suggestion is rejected or so, i am very sorry to waste your time in reading this =)


  91. Please lower it to 5000

  92. Only for the looks i would buy it .
    But 10K is much to overprized.

  93. i'd pay 5000 gold max

  94. whoop-de-doo, now he's ignoring us.

  95. Pfft,nice job on making german tanks like shit
    I guess you got pissed because of ww2 and are now taking revenge huh

  96. and ban-happy mods cant give me RO :(
    Feels bad to hear the truth i guess

  97. kv-5, russian server: 7500gp, very good farmer tank.

  98. Y U NO make german tanks decent?

  99. Wow... 5k sounds a bit Fairer..
