Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Welcome M6A2E1 US Premium Heavy tank!

M6A2E1 - is an uparmored continuation of US M6 heavy line with a new turret armed with a T5E1 105 mm gun. Never was in mass production.

This is a tier 8 premium tank that will be available for pre-orders in about 2 weeks



  1. Mister lighthouse or giraffe tank has arrived :P

  2. wow the turret is like cover 2/3 of its own hull O.o

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nisu,

    191mm for both front hull and front turret, side armor will be rather weak - 44mm.

  5. first useful premium i've seen...

  6. Whats the gun and DMG overlord? How does it compare to the other preorder tanks?

  7. Wow I need to learn to read, 105mm... Anyways, how does it compare to the other preorders?

  8. Actually two M6A2E1 was assembled.

  9. kyle,

    it'd be the strongest one, since Pz. V/IV and A-32 are at least 2 tiers lower.

  10. Tier...what? Eight? Why?!? You're saying this thing is the equivalent of the IS-3, King Tiger, and mighty T32?

  11. Logan Hartke,

    with tier IX gun and 191mm front hull, yes quite competitive.

  12. Overlord, will the prices per preorder pack differentiate due to tank tier? Are we able to purchase all the pre order packs?

  13. kyle,

    1) yes, there will be 3 options all in all, A-32 will go with the cheapest pack, M6A2E1 - with the most expensive one, Pz. V/IV will be somewhere in the middle.

    2) for sure, why not. All bonuses are accumulated.

  14. Thanks overlord, do you have any prices yet? Is the gold with all 3 packs the same amount and just the tank tier the differentiation? Thanks for all the help, never dealt with such helpful dev's before!

  15. kyle,

    the exact prices are being finalized currently. The amount of gold will be different for all packs (heavier vehicles are accompanied by larger amount of gold).
    Nps. :)

  16. Hey Overlord nice tanks there cant wait to shoot them when i get my isu after the wipe when ever that comes... A little off subject will Closed Beta players get any thing for our hours of testing such a fine Well tuned game??

  17. All tanks cost the same. But the bigger tha tank ist, the more gold comes with it and therefore the package gets more expensive. But you quite only pay for the gold.

  18. The pre-purchase that comes with this tank is a bit pricy but considering the tank is tier 8, you will farm a lot of xp and credits with it, so it's worth the buy.

  19. - Heavy Package: 25,000 Gold and the exclusive american Tank M6A2E1 for 75 Euro

    - Medium Package: 18,700 Gold and the exclusive german Panzer Pz. Kpfw. V/IV for 56 Euro

    - Light Package: 12,500 Gold and the exclusive russian Tank A-32 for 38 Euro

  20. in answer to the beta testers question, Yes, we get a M4A2E4 sherman (80mm sherman i think)

    sadly its not exclusive but will be available as a premium tank

  21. so the M6A2E1 will no longer be available?
