Friday, April 4, 2014

[WoTB] Beta Test Is Over

World of Tanks Blitz closed beta has come to an end. We have gathered enough feedback and data to polish the game in future versions. We are especially excited by really warm reception of the game in all regions.

Each Blitz tester with 1+ battles will get some gifts when the game goes live in the respective region.

Thanks to all who have been testing with us and stay tuned for more news!


  1. When is the Android version going Beta?

    1. Difficult to say, since we are now focused on iOS version.
      Do want to make it happen asap, however QA can be a bottleneck.

    2. I suspect the market has more potential on Android, but I guess system requirements will be more of a challenge on that platform due to the varieties of hardware vendors.

    3. Yup, it's a challenge indeed. Usually Android is more about userbase, while iOS is more about revenue. The thing is that game is tailored more for tablets which is a disadvantage for Android, since there are basically no iconic Android tablets.

    4. Nexus 10 is THE iconic android tablet, it was the most powerful tablet on the market for about a year, which is absurd.

  2. I hope you sort out the control mechanism, especially those joystick sections for turning. When you reverse they turn you the wrong way!

    Also, not sure if this was because of the beta situation, but it seemed to me that the team with the bigger armoured tanks always won. Smaller maps, control difficulty etc. meant that there was little chance for flanking manoeuvres etc. Most battles came down to peekaboo and then if you had bouncier armour than your opponent you won.

    And try playing a Tier III in a Tier V match! Instagibbed. Will the 2 tier difference remain?

    1. Going to add axis reverse for backwards movement.

      Regarding 2-tier difference, will be thinking about this. It's a good thing for diversity and a good incentive for progression, at the same time the difference between top tier X+2 and stock tier X is huge indeed.

  3. Noooo... my interwebs has been down for over a week and now it finally works again, the beta is over? :'(

    1. Did you manage to play at all?

    2. Yeah, but only like 4 or 5 games or something before my modem died... Not even close enough to get a good feel about the game or really getting used to the controls and the mechanics. The game looked good though, but it felt all a bit small.

    3. ipad, didn't try to download on the iphone yet (and now that is too late ;))

      but the small comment was aimed at the maps.

    4. Maps are 500x500 which is 4 times smaller than on PC. For sure, that offers less diversity. More dynamic battles at the same time though.

  4. Is there even a guess as to when it will go live?

    1. That's just not going to work for me, guess I will have to go back to meth until then.....

    2. Make sure you can come back in time

    3. I really wish they could give a more accurate date, I'd love to save for a new Ipad before then. But if it's sooner than later I'll save my extra cash for in-game purchases and play on current mobile device.

    4. Definitely not this month, mate.

    5. How about this month? See that, this game has ruined me.... I can't even control myself enough to wait 36 hours so this is a little more funny.....

  5. Thanks for giving us the chance to play the closed beta. Since theres not going to be a second phase do you have an idea when the game will come out? I played not much as i wanted. Like 50 rounds, still. Really amazing, but some bugs within the controls, and when going out the app, crashing etc.

    1. Can't give the exact date. Pretty soon, not this month though.

  6. Will Android CBTing start next wave?

    1. Android beta will come after ios version goes live.

    2. Will ios players be able to play with Android players.

  7. I thought that it was only the First Stage of Beta that was over, not all of it in General :(

    1. We planned it to be relatively short. Managed to gathered most of the data we needed.
