Thursday, March 13, 2014

[WoTB] Ready for Beta!?

Obviously, it's still somewhat semi-official, but we have finished preparations for closed beta on the tech side.

This means [provided that nothing extraordinary happens of course] in the very near future you will be able to get hold of tanks on your mobile. For now on:
  • iPads: 2, 3, 4, air, mini, mini Retina
  • iPhones: 4S, 5, 5C, 5S (phones are not supported officially as of now, but technically you will be able to install and play the game)
Follow the news for more information on when&how to join the beta.

PS: Andorid version for selected devices is already full-functioning, however the beta for Android devices will start at a later date.


  1. Is there a general minimum requirement (SoC, for example) for Android devices or is it still too early to tell?

    1. We have got the toughest requirements on GPU. The minimum chips are:

      Tegra 3
      Adreno 225
      PowerVR SGX544MP2

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Doesn't look that bad, even a Ye Olde Samsung Galaxy S2 (Mali-400 MP4) seems to fit those requirements.

    4. Yup, it should work. Not with the best of graphics, but playable.

  2. Awesome, looking forward to giving it a try.

  3. Will I still be subject to overpowered Russian tier 6's like I was here?

    1. Honestly, if it wasn't for health pool differences the KV-1S isn't much worse than the tiger in almost any engagement in WOT. At optimal armor angling(even with the tiger getting ~20mm more effective armor) they're both going to pen eachother anywhere on the hull. If you give them both the 1500 HP of the tiger 1 and put them on open ground, the tiger squeezes out a win with a little more than 300hp left. The trouble is, when you get them into a peek-a-boo engagement. In this scenario, trading blows equally, the tiger comes out the loser, with the 1s having a handy 540hp remaining. But, it's this situation where even now the tiger 1 can, and does often lose to the kv-1s. It takes each tank 4 penetrating shots to kill the other, and neither tank has the effective armor to deal with the other's gun. This means, in WoT battles, where fights take place in close quarters the majority of the time, 3 Kv-1s' are a virtually equal match to 3 tigers. You want to count how many kv-1s' they had with me? Lets not forget to mention the IS' and Kv-2's. We simply could not win, and by god I tried.

    2. Did I mention that the game was over in 5 minutes, even though my team had vastly superior tiering. This honestly makes me think that certain german tanks fit into higher tiers simply because of artificial reasons, like health pool and fire rate.

    3. Here's my thought for game rebalance to make things more historically interesting and accurate.

      The KV-100(which should not get the 122mm D-2-5t) replaces the KV-1s at tier 6, the KV-1S is moves to a tier 7 premium.

      The Tiger 1 is moved to tier 6, the VK 3601H is moved to a tier 6 premium.
      The Tiger 1 retains the same equipment, healthpool reduced to 900, fire rate of the 8.8cm L/71 reduces to 7rpm.

      The Tiger 2 is split into 2 variants.
      The Tiger 2 Ausf A with 1300hp replaces the Tiger 1 at tier 7 with the Porche turret and 8.8cm L/71 stock, turret upgradeable with better optics, gun upgradable to the 10.5cm L/52.

      The tier 8 Tiger 2 remains largely the same. The name is changed to the Tiger 2 Ausf H, the design with the 10.5cm L/68.

    4. Sure thing, depends on the map and situation a lot, however should try to get advantage of long range and DPM. Close combat and especially peek-a-boo won't work. Well, who am I to teach tactics, after all.

    5. Engagements in World of tanks take place around 10-20x closer than real life tank engagements...

      OH! Any word on whether wheeled vehicles will be coming to the game? I figure, since we're getting physics and wheeled vehicles will work without looking stupid, it's time we brought some in. I wouldn't mind some half track TD's at lower tiers, and lets not forget rocket artillery. Katyusha anyone? XD

    6. OH YEAH! And even Jingles is coming over to my side. Where's the long awaited arty buff?

  4. How will we get onto the Beta, as I've been wanting thjis for what seems like forever?

  5. oh boy, after wot for xbox, now another wot variant with russian biased tanks and german crap vehicles. i will smile when ”that another game” will be lauched. i do hope that wot community will migrate, main reason being that wg never care about the paying customers.

  6. Damn muy tablet is powered by Power VR SGX 540. Any chance of play the gane?

    1. Only if and when we do a few optimisations. Otherwise I'd recommend smth more powerful.

    2. I have ye old Galaxy S2...but the screen is too small for play...maybe i check the game in the S2...

      Thanks for your time :)

  7. Hello, I am thinking about buying a smartphone, but it has an andreno 305 (Samsung Galaxy 4S mini) Is that better or worse then andreno 225? I cant find it.

    1. It's definitely better and the game will work on it.

    2. Nice! Thank you for the answer! Now I only have to hope the screen size wont be that bad :)

  8. Sooooo, if i understand we just put our @mail at their website and hope for the best that theyll pick that @mail?
    Or is there going to be a special* sign up to it coming soon?

    1. You will need to fill out a form. Like it was in WoWP, if you remember those days.

  9. Any support for 2560 x 1600 resolution on Adreno 330 + Snapdragon 800 Quad Core ?

    1. Will see if we will support in natively, otherwise it will scalable. Right now the game works in 1024x768 and retina resolutions.

    2. Thanks for info - I hope You guys can make it there :)

      I'm asking, because almost all new Samsung devices use that resolution, and I think most of other 10.1 inch android devices do as well. I am sure that Asus, Sharp and Fujitsu do, and I suspect it is becoming a standard for 10.1 inch devices.

      It would be a shame not to utilize these possibilities, as so high resolutions on 10.1 screens mean that there is enough DPI to just forget about any anti-aliasing - it would just not be necessary any more :)

    3. In that high resolution we might need to turn off some advanced graphical features though.

    4. Well ... I guess a good array of available graphics options would do the trick, right? I'm running a tablet that is pretty meaty, Galaxy Note 2014 LTE is probably the highest spec tablet from last year and remains in top 10 at the moment, so I hope that Blitz will not suffer from the "low-end curse" that normal WoT does. :)

      Anyway , I'm looking forward to it even if it will get up scaled like previous gen consoles on HD screens. Mostly because I want to step into the "new world" of mobile gaming with LTE connections that should more or less enable pings like those we get by a cable connection :)

      Thanks for all leaks You give us here :)
      This is one of the two most anticipated games from WG just next to WoWs at the moment, so let's hope You guys cam match all the hype out there with the game itself :)

    5. Yup, it has got decent hardware and should run the game at settings close to the very maximum.

      As for graphics in general, we are planning a series of improvements for Blitz comparing to what we have now - lighting effects for tanks and maps, grass, realistic water, weather effects.

      Some of those may be tuned off on weaker devices.

    6. Sounds like a pretty decent set of options to choose from :)

      Don't forget to put there an FoV slider from the very beginning ... I think this is already one of those gaming memes that were started by TotalBiscuit on Youtube and spread to WoT after recent FoV narrowing fail :P

      "Does it have an FoV slider" ? :D

      Now it's only a matter of getting into beta or something like that ;) ... there was no game for WG that I did not participate in tests so far I think. Maybe with a small exception for ships that are closed off shut at the moment.

    7. Nope, no slider for now. But, we are not planning to change the default settings like on PC :)

      This beta will come for iOS only. Android beta will start after we release the game for App Store.

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