Monday, December 30, 2013

[ALL] End of the Year Summary

The end of the year is usually the time to summarize things and events in many spheres.

Let's do that in relation to Wargaming, its games and services.

We did a lot in 2013. Ten (10?) big updates for World of Tanks - my honest opinion is that the game now is better than it ever was. New game modes (finally), HD content (tanks), and many other delicious things are planned for 2014.

We've launched our second game - World of Warplanes. The road to release might have not been perfect all the way through, however the game is steadily becoming better and aiming for a long lifecycle.

World of Warships is already massive and fun to play. It's time is yet to come.

Just as for World of Tanks: Generals and World of Tanks Blitz. Both are coming out earlier. :)

What did you like most and least about us in 2013? What makes you look forward to 2014?

PS: Happy NY!

PPS: Soviet tech tree for WoT Blitz


  1. "What makes you look forward to 2014?"

    Convincing WG that they really need to add armoured cars... :D

    1. I've been arguing for WOAC for many years...

    2. Why for separate game? Would that look better in WoT? Also, game name is WoT, so why you won't implement all tanks which were made till the end of 20th century? Why don't you add infantry? What's with MG's?

    3. @why you won't implement all tanks which were made till the end of 20th century@

      For sure this belongs to a separate game. I tell ya. :)

    4. Is that a subtle hint?
      **crosses fingers**

    5. Sure it needs to be a seperate game? WW2 armoured cars would be fine as T1-T5 in WoT.

  2. "What did you like most and least about us in 2013?"
    World of Warships!

    "What makes you look forward to 2014?"
    World of Warships!

  3. On WoT blitz will the KV1S have the 122mm or will it have been removed? Happy new year BTW :D

    1. Same as on PC. There can only be one true setup. :)

    2. I'm looking forward to it as I bought the IS in the end of last week

  4. I enjoyed wowp closed beta early on and Im looking forward to world of warships beta.

    I was still not happy with 2nd campaign in wot. I secured my tank in the first stage and did not play the rest of the campaign. There is too many stagnation in campaigns. Clans that never get on the map where farming gold on regular map, while clans that are always on regular map were farming fame points on the campaign map. Campaigns are always won by diplomacy.

  5. Replies
    1. Same here. Guess we will get a sneak peak quite soon.

    2. There is peak already on FTR

    3. But it contains only information from official ASAP video ( By the way, ASAP looks very nice, I am looking forward to seeing changes in-game.

    4. I was meaning that video. More info is to come.

  6. quote: "World of Warplanes. The road to release might have not been perfect all the way through, however the game is steadily becoming better and aiming for a long lifecycle."

    that's a massive overstatement
    more in the line of wishful thinking

  7. Happy New Year Overlord.

    Highlights 2013: WoT, every patch added good stuff. Even the ones with mistakes. The game looks better, plays better with sigma changes and is all around more fun. Thats a short sentance for a lot of changes. Its actually hard to contemplate going back and playing with the old sigma though, I'm not sure that I would, thats how important that single change was. The Japanese tree. I'm actually not very excited about Japanese tanks themselves. The amount of research that went into getting them historical first go was excellent though. After the mess of the British tree this is a great change and I hope WG does the same going forward, especially with the EU tree coming at some point.

    Looking forward to in 2014: WoWS. I really need alpha test access for this. WoWP was a fun alpha, WG puts on a good test phase. WoT graphics updates, HD models would be great. A year of less new tanks and more time spent balancing what we have also sounds like a great idea. WoT has been out for a while now and has changed a lot. Now is a good time to go back and even thongs out for the current game. Historical battles, I was against them but the idea is growing on me.

    Lowlights 2013: WG still doesn't get that massive burst/alpha wrecks gameplay. WTF E100 is a prime culprit. But the T7 Combat Car and Vickers Light Mk. VIC make low tier games less fun for the same reason.

    WoWP. I'm a big aircraft fan and unlike a lot of people I think that WoWP is a really solid arcade air combat game. The problem is that I've realised that playing to win in an arcade air combat game is just not fun. Far too much effort goes into ensuring you aren't the target, not enough into fighting. Sorry WoWP, I don't think its possible for you to be enjoyable even though I really want to fly.

    Not so looking forward to 2014: German assault gun branch. Don't get me wrong, I love these things and want to drive them. But the Sturmtiger in particular is going to ruin the game if HE mechanics aren't changed before it is released. By my estimate a non penetrating HE hit from a 380mm weapon will one shot most T10 heavy tanks.

    Worst Ideas Ever 2013: Reward tanks. These are a poor idea implemented extraordinarily badly. The M60 is a major production tank, yet only a few thousand players are allowed to have one ever? Further, this is a competitive PvP game, everyone should have access to the same gear. Hence WG can never make the reward tank any good. If it was competition worthy then the competition wold be a joke since you'd need the reward tank to really be your best.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts.

      Unique tank content should be available for CWs. M60 might not have been the perfect choice though.

    2. Attracted a lot of attention anyways.

    3. Both M60 and VK7201 are nice tanks for random games, but they probably won't be common choice for clan wars. Especially M60, which is like M48 Patton with even worse camo.
      To me it is nicely balanced, they aren't superior to 'normal' X tier tanks.

    4. @ OP "WoWP. I'm a big aircraft fan and unlike a lot of people I think that WoWP is a really solid arcade air combat game. The problem is that I've realised that playing to win in an arcade air combat game is just not fun. Far too much effort goes into ensuring you aren't the target, not enough into fighting. Sorry WoWP, I don't think its possible for you to be enjoyable even though I really want to fly."

      Just don't fly alone, don't attack head on, unless you are sure you have far superiour firepower, that's all the ensurance you need!
      Above 66% victories in over 1000 matches.

    5. No you missed something. Never be the first to engage, that lets people onto your tail too easily and shaking a tail is harder than maintaining one.

      Its not that I don't know how to win. Its that I don't find playing to win fun because the winning tactics are boring.

    6. Oh, and the M60. Yeah WG really annoyed a lot of Americans with that pick. I think for them it would be like telling the Russian players that the T-54 is a reward tank.

      I don't fully understand the feeling, I'm Australian so having my countriy's military eqipment in games is unusual. Judging from forum reactions WG pissed off a lot of customers though.

    7. The M60 being chosen as a very limited issue reward tank, limited to a game mode barely 10% of the playerbase even plays and maybe 10% of them would be able to get it, plus the whole mess that was the first campaign, can all be put down as excellent examples of how NOT to run an event. Unless of course your goal is to piss off your players.

      It's shocking how little WG actually seems to understand how their own game system works, because the experienced CW players all saw that coming and said so, WG didn't listen, and then it all went down pretty exactly as called.

      And the recent statements that 90% of all planned gift tanks are reserved for CW, AND that the few intended for general play are intended to be worse, really isn't helping. Has it not occurred to you WG that many of us don't WANT to play clan wars? The political diplo BS, and all the animosity and negative experiences that inevitably result in those game modes just aren't what some of us want to deal with when we just want to go out and blow up some tanks. I've played many MMOs with similar style End Game content, and I have never enjoyed it. I had no intention of playing CW, and left a clan I had been a founding member in 3 games and 7 years prior because of the internal fights over the changing focus of the clan due to Clan Wars.

      But if I want to have the M60, one of my own personal favorite tanks and one used for decades by many countries around the world, I would have had to try grind through a game mode I detest. And first leave the fun small clan I'd gotten into and get back into one more focused on "Winning" than having fun. Most of whom rightly wouldn't want to let in anyone already stated to just to be there for the tank, now tanks. Adding Fame to the mix in Campaign 2 meant theoretically I could have tried mounting a 1 man campaign to grind a bunch of landing matches, get a couple hits in and die, and move on until I got to the goal. But since there wasn’t a set target number, there’s no way one person would ever get there running solo no matter how hard they worked. You’re only getting 1/15th of the XP per battle in fame points after all, and you’ll never get to the x5 multiplier for fighting for ownership.

      Hopefully WG learns to offer some actual incentives to all the people that play and pay in the regular game too. It’s not like CW is a stable and fine tuned platform, it’s “still in beta” as you say every time people bring up the obvious glaring problems with it and its features… like the Campaigns.

    8. Second campaign was a success, especially on RU and EU. Didn't work out that good on NA and I believe it's not the reward choice to blame. At least it's not the main reason.

  8. Happy New Year!

    It was a great year for WoT indeed.
    Lots of maps, tanks and general improvements.
    I am highly looking forward to the physix-patch in 2014. That will be a big improvement.

    I stopped playing WoWp for now.
    Its not that bad of a game, but +/-2 mm was too much for me.
    Was not able to really get into it.
    If it improves next year, i might try it again.

    I dont think we hear too much next year, but maybe 2015 we have a launch?
    I think its a really interesting game.

    WoT Blitz:
    I think i wont play it. Thought about trying it, but i dont have a tablet (smartphone has too tiny screen for such a game), and dont plan to buy one. And there is no incentive to play it, since its not connected to my main unified-account. But good luck with the game.

    From all the new games Generals is the one i am looking forward to the most.
    Its a browsergame and i can play it at my office. ;-)

  9. What did me like most and least about us in 2013?

    I have been playing WoT since 2010 and I can clearly see that game has been improving with every patch in 2013. This is great thing and I want to thank you and others developers because of it. And 2014 will be probably even better, judging from announcements.

    The least liked things are problems with WG EU Office. I met (in person) some people from its staff and they were doing awesome job. But something is clearly not working as intended. I am not sure what is the cause, but amount of WG EU's severe fails in this year was terrible compared to NA/RU (yes I read NA forums sometimes). And judging by For-the-record or EU forums I am not the only one with this impression.

    I believe that it will get better in approaching year.

    What makes me look forward to 2014?
    Improvements for WoT/WoWP which are on their way. Also I am eagerly waiting for start of WoWS beta.

    Happy New Year to all developers, support staff, (in short: everyone in Wargaming) and all players!

  10. I would like to take part in the CB of WOT:Blitz. When will it open?

  11. Well it appears that most are giving out kudos for what went on in 2013 well I would like to share with you my opinion. First WOT has become more imbalanced since the attention of autoloaders. 2nd. The MM needs an overhaul, to balanced out the imbalances of the game. New autoloaders vs old tech in game make the MM smarter! The last 4 maps in my humble opinion are nothing but post card maps not very combat friendly. Building in most maps cannot be destroyed with cannon shells should have been part of the game dynamics from the start. No weather effects at this time so question will there ever be?? The best patch was 8.0 and after that its been down hill ever since I often wander if to much vodka was involved to change from that direction??

    WOWP what can 1 say about this, I'll start by saying you cannot make a air war like a tank game. It certainly appears that someone really missed the mark on that one. Planes crash models look like the old 2d game of old. Gun sounds are just awful. Aircraft look to plastic Not xp still from ground target targets. I don't think I am going to continue on this 1.

    WOWS: I have not had the opportunity see this one in action but It is my hope that from the last 2 games that this one will have a real gamer designing it
    But now I wish everyone a Happy New Year and the Best of Luck in 2014. I am looking for some real improvements

  12. I'm looking forward for WoTB on my nexus 7 2012

    Can I play with high graphics on it, I mean I have an nvidia graphic card.

    1. of course nexus 7 is a target device for blitz

    2. Yup. Though smth more powerful will be better.

    3. Thanks:D! I have a question: will the open beta come to IOS before Android or will they come at the same time? And can you give us a date on when it will be out?

    4. We are not planning to do open beta at all. Only closed beta. iOs first.

    5. I meaned closed beta, sorry. Thanks anyway.

  13. Historical accuracy would be the main culprit.

    Waffentrager E-100 (seriously, one thing is to stretch another is to go completely against history)
    GW Tiger P (another thing that was never even proposed)
    VK 7201 (armor and weight doubled from history)
    VK 4502 P (pretty much the same, also way overgunned)
    Ferdinand and Tiger P (overgunned)

    and the list could go on for very long even just for the german side...

    Seriously, there are better solutions for balancing while keeping historical accuracy...

    1. Completely agree with you. But unfortunatelly they have stated taht they will always prioritise game balance over historical accuracy... and yet then have removed the e75 top engine saying it is not historicaly accurate .. .but they have no issue giving certain tanks +10km/h or just remodelling them... because that is completely accurate basedon history... Unfortunately they will make up new tanks with imaginery stats in order to keep the "balance" in the game and there is nothing we can do agains it.

  14. I liked most all the patches before the last and liked the least the last patch regarding graphics. The game now looks ugly bejond everything if I want the same performance than before or the preformance is horrible and the game looks ok (not spectacular, just ok).

    I hope for 2014 that WG manages to get the game up to date preformance wise and stops tinkering with the graphics till they get the performance right.

    1. One more thing that I hope for 2014:

      Playing a Tier VIII HT in a Tier X game is an exercise in frustration as your only redeeming factor (you armor) is utterly useless there and WGs policy is to introduce more and more point and click TDs. As you get into Tier X at least 35% of all games that means Tier VIII HTs are frustrating to play.

      And, no, the fact that this noob WTF 100 will likely be dead after he clipped me outta the game does not mean that I rejoce about the balance of it all.

    2. @I hope for 2014 that WG manages to get the game up to date preformance wise and stops tinkering with the graphics till they get the performance right@

      This can and should be done in parallel. Hopefully, we will get on the right track in 2014. Performance and nice visuals are both the key for us.

  15. Game is full of bots and it pains me to see that wargaming does NOTHING agains it.
    Just today morning in the last 3.5hours I saw. 21 confirmed BOT "players" and seemingly reporting means shit. We can summarize last yer of WG as growing to megacorpration, cares less an less about player and more about money. what is one of the reasons why bots are not banned.

    nice work WG... nice work

    1. This has nothing to do with the company size. The work on anti-bot systems for all our games is ongoing.

    2. .. yet many thanks for not denying the fact that bot issue is an exiting and well known problem of the game, which makes even devoted players to turn their backs on this game. as many of my friends already left this game.

      Also what I implied, is that bot issue seems to be utterly ignored since those players are farming for something -> there is no point terminating a potential paying user's account.

    3. @Also what I implied, is that bot issue seems to be utterly ignored since those players are farming for something -> there is no point terminating a potential paying user's account.@

      There is, if it spoils the game for the rest of the players. Sometimes botting is hard to identify.

    4. Sadly true, I've had a couple matches where we thought for sure that we had a not on our team, only to realize as it went on that there was indeed a person playing. They were just that bad.

      They best was when one of them won the game for us because the remaining player on the other team, with 10 kills, had run out of ammo. Even a terrible player, who spent half the match trying to shoot through the indescructable buildings, can still win when the enemy can't shoot back.

  16. I hope that it will turn out that third time's a charm and WoWs will be playable... (if the CBT/OBT is planned for 2014...)

    1. I hope that WoWS will be a complex game so ones without lack of brain and ability to think or solve complex situations will be scared off - which basically would created a solid playerbase with skills and brain - leaving out the "12 years old or no-brainers" from the game.

    2. @Sandor Mate I have seen 12 years old out play 30+ in WOT I have seen players with 58% play like 30% when they get into a pub match But what I like to see is a game from WG that isn't a WOT game this is what they did WOWP. WOWS should be unique to anything ever made.

  17. I was checking on Wikipedia on heavy-tanks and found two totaly ignored french heavy tanks the Char 2C and the FCM-F1. I think you should take a look on these two tanks to improve the french tech tree. This may sound crazy but I personnaly think the Char 2C should be the first t2 heavy tank and the FCM-F1 be the first t3 heavy tank. This is what the tech tree would be like with theese two tanks: Char 2C, FCM-F1, B1, BDR G1 B, ARL 44, AMX M4 mle. 45, AMX 50 100, AMX 50 120, AMX 50 B. What do you think?

    1. Char 2C is in Supertest (It has been in ST for at least the last several patches) and is admittedly very hard to place tier wise as it is very very big, rather slow, has poor armor and a rather poor gun. It is after all a mid 1920s built tank designed back in 1917/18.

      There are a number of FCM tanks not yet in the game.

  18. You should fix wot for linux for the upcominging steam computer. It would probably be very popular. And mac too.
