Friday, November 15, 2013

[WoTB] First Video

Since the G-Star video of World of Tanks Blitz is already public leaked from Korea, I'm ready to cover your questions, if any. I did notice a few here.  

This is a pre closed beta version with draft UIs (both hangar and battle), somewhat limited in-game functionality, and not final graphics. All in all it has ~85 tanks, 5 maps. It was running on ipads, though Android version is also functioning. 

Other links to the video:


  1. It to me looks like a game for the tank destroyer who sits in cover (Due to controls) or artillery. Not bad overall. Looks alright. Don't mind the lack of detail on the graphics because it should run better with out the detail. Should be interesting to see how it works out.

    1. Generally speaking the more agile the tank, the more precision you need. I'd say it's a matter of practice. After 20-30mins, most of the tablet users get used to the controls.

      Graphics is not yet final - there won't be any breakthrough, however some noticeable changes are planned in terms of content quality and special effects. Plus we are going to have somewhat better visuals on hi-end devices.

  2. I didn't quite understand the zoom mode. Is there just one zoom in? You click the binos button and get a close up view? No scrolling sniper view like the PC version?

    1. It looked like you spread you fingers to zoom in. That's what you do on the android OS at least.

    2. BrokenWing,

      no scrolling, correct.

  3. Are there plans to use the accelerometer input to control the tank? It seems such an intuitive way to drive a vehicle.

    1. We tried it and it appeared to be messy, since many of the controls would still be touch-based. Plus you need to control your hull and turret/aiming separately.

  4. When it will be relased?I cant wait!I want play it now!

  5. It looks like it's trying hard to recreate PC gameplay as much as possible, even though the interface is different. I think that's the wrong direction. I might change my mind once I play it, of course.

    I suspect while playing I'll be thinking of how much better I could do on PC and end up frustrated with the controls. I totally understand that everyone else will have the same interface limitations as I, but that won't really matter if I know there's a better way.

    I am quite impressed with how high quality the PC recreation on tablet is, though. So kudos for that. :-)

  6. It seems you have either stop moving or stop aiming when you want to fire as far as i can see in the video. Are there plans to optimize it? On PC we have autoaim, will this be added?
    And as i do not own an iHazMoney device or Android, what about Windows Tablets?

    1. I wouldn't say it is so. Takes some time to get used as in PC version (if you are not an experienced player).

      There is a sort of autoaim in Blitz as well. The mechanics is somewhat different from PC though.

      Windows Tablets will have to wait, I'm afraid.

  7. The whole driving thing...

    Have you (instead of using virtual d-pad thingie) tried using two vertical sliders on left and right side of the screen, where each slider controls forward/reverse speed for either left or right track? Cos thats kinda what I was expecting to be the driving scheme for WoTblitz.

    Still no plans for Vita release btw?

    1. How to control the turret then while driving?

    2. No plans for Vita, or any other platform apart from ios and android in the near future.

      We have tried a lot of controls prototypes internally (spent like 6 months on them) and the current system appeared to work out best in terms of precision and gameplay depth.

  8. I didn't see any way to lock the turret to a particular direction (hold right mouse in the PC version). Did I miss it, or if not, is it a planned feature? I find the really useful in game to keep the heaviest armor on the turret pointed in the rough direction of the enemy, while looking elsewhere to steer. This seems like something that would be even more useful on a tablet since it takes longer to look around.

    1. There is such a function. You can look around using designated screen area.

  9. I've seen preview video and controls useability looks amazing. You have to implement them in desktop WoT, so trackpad players aren't handicapped anymore:


    1. Trackpad users? Those with under 45% WR? :)

    2. Glad that you liked current WoTB version

    3. Yep, the very same ones :) .
      I am impressed, previously i thought that without some external controller it just won't work on the level to be playable. Now it seems that it's very intuitive and simple and it will only be slightly more "tankish" (i.e. sluggish) than desktop version.

      Although, i still think that you, WG, should heavily invest into premium accesories market - not the ones that are just fancy sh*t, like Fatal1ty series, or other recognized brands, that are slightly better but still prefer glitter over ergonomics and useability. There are some simple ideas still laying around to be picked and cashed, for benefit of common users too.

    4. Speaking of accessories, for Blitz we are going to support physical controllers like Moga, Logitech, and even Nvidia Shield.

    5. That's another great news, but why shouldn't you be a producer (or at least designer and brand owner) of similar?

      1. While Moga and Nvidia Shield look interesting, they left much to be desired - this part of market is emerging and there is a lot to gain here now. Look at the ergonomics (yep, that is what i think should be your main advertising and designing goal) - different had sizes, not only men and women, there is much more variety, gloves for either sex have many different sizes. Hell, even gun manufacturers started to see that and they add replaceable grips with different sizes!
      1a. At the same time, both Mogas and Shield look not very pocket for a pocket controller - there is some room for improvement there.

      2. While Razer and Logitech cater for gamers with "premium" keyboards, which are mechanically very good, they care more about glitter than ergonomics. Have you seen a good ergonomic keyboard? With a really ergonomic layout, that is? Yep, i have one, bought 12years ago and still use it - it has long stroke keys with godawful rubber switches but my wrists and hands don't hurt after long use because they stay in natural position. Why nobody makes anything similar, so i could buy a new one?
      2a. Long time ago there was a keyboard called Nimble Beauty, in which you could replace standard white keys with color coded ones for every finger - while it is a dumb idea if you want to learn 10-finger method professionally, it's great for casual users, that can slowly try to improve with everyday use. Still, forgotten idea, all we get is red WASD, which is a dumb idea because gamers already know where these keys are ;) .

      3. Left-handed mice? Haven't seen one in years, best one can get is symmetric one.
      3a. If we are on mice, why not make a set with some amount of putty or polymer clay and accessories to make yourself a mouse fit for your hand? While most may consider this novelty item, some will make good use of it.

      4. Trackballs? Supposedly, Logitech is a premium brand, isn't that so? Well, they still make the same models, with more than 10year-old tech sensors, that still count dots. Shocked? Oh, and don't even go looking for left-handed ones ;) .

      All this may seem strange to read, but i wanted to point you in direction where i see market to grab - and from investors point of view, where to cash on ;) . You buy banks, you have some pocket money to create a good accessories brand :) .

  10. Will the Mechanics from the PC version (Spotting Mechanics, Penetration Mechanics etc.) be implemented in WoT Blitz? Or will there be different ones for this game?

    1. We are basically using all the same server-side mechanics in WoT Blitz as on PC. However many of the settings are different, eg radio works thru the entire map. View ranges are shorter, and since there are fewer places to hide, visibility is more predictable.

  11. How can I get involved in the beta?
