Thursday, October 3, 2013

[WoT] Nasty Little Things

Primarily with the aim of polishing World of Tanks Blitz for iOS and Android out, I'd love to hear your feedback on small but really nasty things, that substantially worsen your experience in WoT on PC.

This can be anything starting with battle/hangar interface to particular (though relatively small) gameplay features. Please, just don't go global with your feedback like "damage/visibility system, matchmaking, etc" - that's a topic for a separate discussion and is mostly in the interest of PC version.



  1. "that substantially worsen your experience in WoT on PC."

    Vertical aiming correction in the worst thing for me. And it has been like that since closed beta, despite it being so easy to change :(

    1. What exactly do you mean by that?

    2. It's really annoying having aimed at a tank far away with no ground behind him and shoot just a split second after the tank disappears and when your gun immediately raises itself making it a definite miss.

    3. I mean that the aiming/reticule automatically moves up a bit when I aim at a target far away. Normally you would have to aim higher than the target, because the shell drops while it is in the air. But WoT does this automatically. At first this seems like a good way to help inexperienced players. But in the end it hinders me hitting my targets. When a target is moving and I have to aim in front of it, I would just aim a bit higher to account for shell drop and a bit the the left or right, so the target "drives into the shell".
      But in WoT this happens: As soon as I move my reticule away from the target, to account for it's speed/direction of travel, the automated vertical correction no longer aims at the distance of the target but it aims at whatever I am currently aiming at. If it is a hill, or even the sky, my shot will be too high, or too low, and I can't do anything about it.

      This also happens when, like Mikk36 said, the enemy disappears and the aiming correction suddenly jumps from the tank to the terrain that is behind the tank. It's basically impossible to engage on long ranges unless the target is stationary or you are lucky :/

    4. You mean, when you stand at a corner and switch in sniper mode, and the gun goes to the roof? Yeah, that sucks pretty hard. I often wonder why such a thing is still in the game, after a few years.

    5. Right, I got it now.

      This won't be the case in Blitz since we are using another auto-aiming system and combat range is approx 1.5 - 2 times shorter.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. chat system is just sooo poor for an online game.

    1. Somewhat agree.
      Any specific features that you have on your mind?
      By the way we are already working on a chat 2.0 system that will work across all games.

    2. Clanchat, whispers, etc. in battle.
      Thats MMO standard.

    3. More like MMO persistent world standard though.
      Clanchat is in plans as a part of chat 2.0 as far as I remember.

    4. I would also like a notification if someone adresses me in chat - a ping sound or something.

    5. Yes, in battle too - but then with option to disable it in battle and/or garage (thinking ´bout popular guys like jingles/quickfingers)

    6. It would be wonderful if platoon chat can be returned so that the next time you hit enter, you would be in platoon chat rather than having to switch to it every time.

    7. Yeah, the old system was better in that regard.

    8. @Tom

      Isn't there already "Save message recipient" in Settings?

  3. 1. No counter for clan members online
    2. Inability to see all the people who are in CW battle window. I'm talking about those at the bottom. (for clan activity monitoring)
    3. Targeting indicator and gun reticle misalignment in game
    4. Limited ignore list size (256?)
    5. When mounting new gun on a tank by default 'golden' ammo is bought for gold not for credits
    6. Censoring of messages (after 8.8) when censoring is off
    7. Mods not working after each update (does this count?)
    8. No automatic server change when joining CW

    From most annoying to least.

    1. 2) Yeah there's so much extra space up top that could be used to expand the CW Player roster.
      4) For the love of all that is good yes. Heck if you guys are worried about Contact lists taking up space why not just do it CLIENT-side? I'd be willing to store my contact list on my computer. Just a bunch of text right?
      5) Definitely, I doubt anyone buys prem ammo for gold anymore.
      6) Fix coming in 8.9 iirc
      7) That's to prevent conflicts. Necessary imo
      8) Definitely! Everything needed to be done on another sever should have the option to switch to that one automatically.

  4. The absense of ping in garage. Not funny when you go to battle with 999 ping. ;)

  5. There is only one little thing that annoys me and that is that the only way to see how much HP the turret uprgade adds to the tank is to either buy it and find out or look on youtube at videos of upraded tanks, it should say when you look at the turrets stats, it already tells you the view range so why not HP? Oh and one other thing is why when you right click on a tank in the tech tree to see its stats are the stats stock, in my opinion they should show fully upgraded stats, it just makes comparing tanks a lot easier, just my humble opinion. In general the game is pretty good.

    1. Minor things indeed, thanks.

    2. When we are at it:
      The horizontal gun velocity is one of the most important stats for an arty.
      You can find that info nowhere ingame.
      You cant even find it on youtube normally, cause you need an addon to show it, and most people on youtube dont use it (none i watched).

    3. Well, that's definitely rather hardcore parameter.

    4. Whats hardcore about that?

      Yes we know that you guys at WG ignore the better part of the playerbase mostly, who want to improve (not only themselfs but also the game) and play compete with/against each other. You guys love the potatos with their 48% WR after 10K battles, who swallow every BS you throw at them without much fuss.

      Not much has changed in 3 years, I still remember your "fights" with guys like Halfik back in beta about certain aspects of the game.

      My god - I really hope that WT gets it right with their tanks from the start. That will finally force you guys into changing your attitude towards your customers and the game.

      - tank carousel (if you arnt able to do it yourself, buy that mod)
      - ping in garage/login
      - "2 clicks" function for putting whole crew in and out of a tank (modders did that ages ago)
      - dynamic tanks stats incl crew training influence
      - 2nd tab in tech tree on teank stats (stock/elite)
      - prevent troll platoons, MM is "wonky" enough without them
      - rethink the role of regular t8 heavies and meds, they have no places in matches with 10+ t10 TDs other than cannon fodder to get "oneshoted"
      - crew man role retraining --- my useless radio men are slowly turning my barracks into a "dive"
      - an old time classic: if waiting time in company cue gets to long because only 2 or 3 companies are waiting, let them fight with each other. Why at least 4 companies are needed for matches to happen no one outside WG offices is understanding ... .

    5. The better part, huh? :)

      Don't see anything wrong with T8 in particular.

    6. The rest seems to make sense.

    7. better part - skill wise and I dont mean that useless "bot-rating" WG came up with. That aside:

      Personally I dont have much of a problem with playing in t10 matches with my t8s - AS LONG as there are more t8-9 than t10s and only a few t10 tds+meds. Current situation sadly is that to often t8 (especially Löwe/T34) in up in matches where 20+ tanks are t10 - they are more or less just used to fill up. Its frustrating - the only thing you can do about is platoon t8 platoons, that slightly decreases the chances to just end up as a filler.

      With the masses of t10 tds recently u are usually dead with 2 hits and thanks to that retarded brit td one hit games arnt that uncommon. Thats just frustrating.

    8. forgot something:

      - remove Province from CW-Map ... that map is one big fucking camping ground

    9. example of the games I m talking about:

      dead 5sec after spoted - gg

  6. Just another thing: the aim issue. Why not vertical aim using whetever is at my reticle center? Think this way: if I know that is a tank in front of a rock, I'll aim using rock distance, right? Today this think dont work very well.

  7. - Garage is way too slow with a lot of tanks.

    - Garage, the interface is designed to be pretty, but is very very space and power inefficient. I want garage that does not suck cpu/electrical power. A garage that uses MOST of the screen for things I interact with (like rows of tanks). The PC version garage 80% of the screen is actually useless to me, as its just a 'picture' of a tank.

    - Get rid of the forced f1 help key binding in game. I mean, FFS, who uses the help key after 100, 1000, 10,000 batles? Yet, its FORCED bound to one of the MOST useful F keys. For god sake, allow that F1 key to be rebound to something useful.
    Sure, you probably get usage statistics, but you do realize most of them are probably people who it it by mistake, and suddenly had their screen blocked by 'help' info, in the middle of battle.

    1. 1. Unfortunately, that's hardly fixable. Tanks are stored on the server and make up for a large percentage of data volume. They will take some time to load on the client. The more tanks, the longer.

      2. Ok, what things require better access from your point of view?

    2. Even the actual chat command 'Help!' (F7) would be more useful there than the Help menu.

    3. @partialist
      F1 is a terrible bind for a chat command, since for you to press it you have to take your hand away from WASD (do this when in trouble, more trouble for you).
      That is personnaly the reason i never use F1-12 or any of the keys that require me to remove hand.

  8. I guess the main thing is too much scrolling to find tanks. I would really want more than one row, with more interesting options for each row. ie the ability for me to pick specific tanks for a given row.

    I guess a single row would be fine, if there were more options. ie rather than just nation/type. I could define 'grinding tanks' , Clan wars tanks, weekend special tanks, premium grinders. This would cut down time wasted in the garage.

    Another option that's been suggested. Allow a given crew member to be assigned to more than one tank. All tanks he is in are locked until he comes out of battle, or, he can fight in multiple tanks at a time. This would help sell premiums, as it would no longer be time waster and annoying hassle moving crews in and out.

    Ohh, and 8.8 changed the garage so that the equipment selection popup was no longer on top of other screens (ie chat screens, battle results screens, etc). Since the garage forces me to endlessly move binoc's from one tank to another, the extra step to close those windows really adds to hassle.

    1. For the one row problem, we can use Enhanced Tank Carousel Mod by 4lCapwn in the meantime. I have three rows now and it's very useful.

    2. Yup, improved filters are definitely needed and are planned.

      A curious idea regarding crews - though rather hardcore one. It would mean usability mess for the team, I believe.

    3. For usability, maybe a right click option when a crewmember is in a tank could toggle the tank as 'stay occupied' by this member. When in battle, those crew pictures could be overlaid with 'in battle'. or, the whole tank could just have the 'in battle' icon on the tank bar. In all other ways, the current crew system could remain, and be untouched. Well, other than db issues etc.

    4. The problem with the carousel mods is that they use the same amount of allocated space as the stock carousel, just with smaller, harder to view icons.

      I would want to use unused space in the garage, rather than squashing more into the current space.

    5. How about a "send to" option for crew. Right click on them and then send to Tank X. IT only needs to list the same class and nation for that crew member.

    6. To the above post YES PLEASE. XVM's Test1 didn't have a crew transfer/send option and it was torture transferring crews one by one again.

  9. Why are there still no tier and premium filters in the tank ribbon?
    Is it hard to implement them for some reason?

    Also why are there still no tier limitations on platooning to prevent the Maus + Leichtraktor troll platoons? I can't think of a single reason for not preventing this from being possible.

    Little things, but quite annoying.

    1. 1. We are slow. :)

      2. Not planned in WoT. However we are thinking of this in Blitz.

    2. A very easy thing to do instead of making platoon tier restrictions, is to just have en popup box when you try to enter battles with tanks that have more then 2 tier difference in the MM. I belive that some of the 'troll platoons' are just people who don't understand the system.

      A simple message that 'you are now trying to enter a match with tanks that has more then recommended difference in battle tier, are you sure you want to continue?' could reduce it a bit.

    3. A better option would be to pop up the message, if at least one of the vehicles doesn't have a matching battle level of the other vehicles.
      For example, vehicle one with battle tiers 3-5, the second one with 6-8 -> message.
      But, vehicle 1 with 5-9 and a second one with 9-11 -> no message.

  10. Scout Guides . good point on full tank stats.
    My biggest issue (playing from closed beta) are:
    - stats vs Wot devs (I think things with nerf/buff little lost control)
    - maps - except graphics none of maps showed in last 2 years catched my heart
    - lack of access of data that HC players have - camouflage stats for instance - I don't want to search blogs to get that kind of data...

  11. A fair number of tanks have multiple gunners/loaders and I think even radio operators end up becoming redundant as higher tier tanks are unlocked.. Rather than wasting the XP that the crewmen have accumulated I would like to be able to retrain them for a different position.

  12. Very often the missions are simply named mission, There should be a name for every one of them.
    Some missions although have measurable parameters (like damage done, XP earned etc), dont have progress bar attached to them.

    Depot/Store tabs are not very usefull. Only some parts of them is used, and mostly because there is no other way to do it.
    I use them only for selling old modules and left ammo. Can't even remember the last time I used the store.
    -Some store sale system would be nice too :), for example ammo surplus(cheap ammo of certain kind/all kinds in boxes of 100 or more), or consumable packs. Available for either limited time on rotations or constantly.
    - Make all equipment removable, Complex equipment for credits atleast. (it simply makes no sense to sell a piece of 600 000 just to rebuy it on next tank, and no, I will not buy gold pack of 1000 just for 30 gold)

    1. 1. Agree on missions. Basically, that was the first version that is going to be improved in future.
      2. Store is now not very useful. However is there a f2p game without store around?:)
      3. Display of discounts and specials is in plans as far as I remember.

    2. On this note I definitely must thank you guys for adding the ability to sell modules from the tech tree. Was so hard to sell specific modules from the depot.

      Could we have the ability to demount modules completely? Currently if you want to put lets say a /70 on another tank you have to buy the stock gun so you can switch it over to the other tank. Would be nice to be able to just take off the gun completely (Would just have "Modules Incomplete" over it.

      When selling a tank could we specify which modules we wanna keep? Like check boxes. Minor issue though.

  13. Had to wait till I could get on the PC for a substantive response.

    1. Tank Tier filtering in garage - this is an absolute must, especially if you have a large amount of tanks in your garage. Mods like Locastan's two tier carousel do this admirably, I don't particularly like the two tier approach however, as the tanks are a bit little on the screen, the current single ribbon is a good interface just missing the filtering.
    2. Tank Tier in platoon window. I cannot believe your UI designers missed this out, and we have to rely on a mod such as XVM to show our platoon mates tank tiers (and battle tiers). Again, this is an absolute must and a fundamental for platooning, especially for players who don't have the entire enormous WoT tech tree committed to memory.
    3. Sticky reticule - discussed by others, more a PC annoyance and if you are using a different autoaim system hopefully this shouldnt appear in Blitz. That said, its bloody annoying that your gun decides to re-aim itself when a target disappears.
    4. Fire notification. Especially a problem on large screen monitors, it should be a great big message in the middle of the screen. I suspect this will be quite important on tablets as the user will not be able to react as quickly to the message due to control limitations on a tablet platform.
    5. Reload timer. Come on guys, how hard can it actually be if mod developers have implemented this in the various cross hairs for a long time. Minor UI tweak.. major usability improvement.
    6. Clan management. Clan officers (e.g. recruiters and above) should be able to see the date a member last logged into the game. Currently you have to (manually) go through each clan member in game to look at their profile. Considering that the clan window only shows online players this is a PITA. A fundamental omission.
    7. Clan management. Clan officers (as above) should be notified if a clan member leaves. Not everyone will bother going to your own clan's website and posting a ta-ta message. Again a fundamental omission.
    8. Garage - send entire crew to barracks /pick best crew. Again, we have to wait for XVM to step up and give us a major usability improvement especially when loading a crew into a premium tank. Its not difficult, implement it already.
    9. Garage - clock. again a great mod provided by XVM or various other mods when you are running full screen mode. Probably handy on a tablet as well!

    Apart from that, I have to compliment WG on their community engagement, especially compared to other online games I have played. There seems to be a good road map for development going forwards which gives me every confidence in the platform and makes me want to continue playing.

    Best regards

    1. 1. Ok
      2. Agree, tiers are even displayed in WoWP
      4. True.
      5. Thinking of making it available on default
      8. Not applicable to Blitz. Thanks though.
      9. What clock? :) Showing daytime?

    2. +1 to #4. Especially when you have activated the nice native tank crew voices. I dont understand russian - and my beloved t-54 is burning under my arse... (btw. playing on 24" screen - its really to far away to notice)

    3. The clock is a mod which shows the current date and time in the garage. Especially handy when you are running full screen as you cannot see your system clock in the system tray :-)

    4. garage has the most potential to be easily improved.

      1. Option to have few rows of tanks "portraits" instead of big useless tank - preferably each row selected separately (ie heavies in row 1, mediums in row 2, all chineese tanks in row 3
      2. More groups of tanks - not only primary/reserve. Possibility to have a tank in more then 1 group at once
      3. Possibility to sort tanks in any order I want (according to my prefereable order of playing them
      4. Option to remove tank from view once it has it's daily double removed
      5. Option to assign a crewmember to many different tanks at the same time - of course if a specific tanker is in battle in one tank, player is not able to play any other tank where this tanker is assigned. That way I will need absolutely no crewmemeber swapping while using the same crew on premium and normal vehicle.

    5. Man with Many Chins,

      hey, not going to implement that. Never! That's harmful for the game :)

  14. I have to agree with most of the other posters. The Garage is the area that needs the most work. I don't want to spend as much time in it as I do, because everything that is difficult or fiddly is slowing me down from getting to the next match.

    Tank Carousel. I want more then Primary markers. Tier, Grinding, Clan Wars, Tank company, and favourites are a must for me. As this list is different for each player, just let us create and name our own filters and select which tanks are in it. If I want to make a filter called Tuesday and individually tick 5 tanks to play on Tuesdays, then that should be possible.

    Crew manipulation. Without XVM's update it is tedious and slow to reuse crew on premium tanks. Send all crew to barracks, use own crew, use best crew, use same type crew.

    Persistent custom chat channels and more management controls of them. Clans use channels to bridge when they have multiple clans. They are lost every time the servers restart so members stop bothering to rejoin them. The ability to assign officer rights to players on that channel (kick, ban, change password etc)

    Special Battles, Tank Company, Platoon, Training Room interfaces (and possibly Team Battles - have not seen its interface yet). These need to show tank tier, battle tiers. The waiting to be selected list needs to be bigger and needs to stop resorting every time a tank is selected or enter/leaves the window.

    Daily stats. The WoT assistant shows all these stats, but I can't get access to the same stats while in game???

    The current 8.8 implementation of pop under for Equipment changes.

    No ingame CW interface! I hate having to leave the game to see what times matches are schedualed. This goes for Clan management as well.

    1. I hate the idea of having CW interface inside a game client. It's much more useful if I can alt tab during random battle or waiting for battle to start to do/check anything.
      Also idea of paying gold inside the client if all the beaurocracy has to be done outside of it.

    2. Still there are plans to implement some clan functionality into the game client for player convenience.

  15. I don't know whether this is a ticket question or not but since 8.8 I have been ping spiking on NA west. Also since the server split there are times when I cannot control my tank on NA east. As far as I can tell I can view and receive info from the server and watch my fellow players fight but I cannot maneuver or shoot for about 10 seconds on average. Further since 8.8 the times these losses of control have happened have changed from about 1 in 8 to almost every game.

    1. Most likely this is local. Try contacting support if the issue persists.

    2. Thanks Overlord and it has been persisting.

    3. As a possible suggestion how hard would it be to provide a colored armor overlay for tanks so that you can see your tanks weak spots in game. This would allow players to know how to fight their tanks and tanks of the same design.

    4. We were thinking of that. I will check out if this is in plans.

  16. Could you please explain why trollplatoons are allowed in PC WoT? The talk about MM compensating (via tank weights system) is bs. You cant compensate is3+loltracktor platoon. You might get it mathematically close (by lowering the opposing team scout tiers or something) but in practice that has 0 effect. A scout is a scout but loltractor can not do ANYTHING in t5+ battle. Well, maybe hide in the bushes behind arty.

    1. Freedom of choice. I actually would love to see the stats for such battles to see how good MMing compensates for such platoons.

    2. If its 'freedom of choice' then can I choose to play in game types where those people cant? Note that its never GOOD players who troll-platoon, its always baddies, so you not only get a useless tank, you also get the useless high tier as well.

      Also, if its 'freedom of choice', show me where -what forum - the players are asking to be allowed to keep troll-platooning?

  17. From most to least important:
    1. Choosing tank interface is sloooooow (see also 2 below)
    2. Filter or order tanks in my garage by tier.
    3. Mission after battle interface could be improved so that you do not have to click to every mission to see what they are. 1 line of explanation under the mission name would be enough.
    4. Some sort of in game info on "soft dependencies" on tank research trees, for example when you need to upgrade tracks in order to mount the next turret.

  18. "substantially worsen your experience in WoT on PC"

    Well, my experience is pretty good. But then I've spent hours investigating mods and addons, and then more hours after each patch updating them. So my recommendation is that you look at what the most popular mods do and incorporate their functionality.

    The above comments list a number of things that xvm and other garage mods do. I'll point out that the most popular mod on the Curse web site is a "sight mod".

  19. Small silly thing:

    I have a lot of tanks in my garage and I used to enjoy grabbing the bar scrolling it fast, letting it go, and watching it whiz by (coasting after mouse release). That seems to be gone now (8.7 or 8.8 i think) and it takes me longer to whiz to the end of my garage. (i don't really care for filters - yes i do enjoy scrolling my garage to look at my pretty tanks.)

    While this isn't ruining my WOT experience, it did take away that little something that I would do idly during conversations with the clan while waiting in the garage. It was a fun little feature and I miss it :(

  20. 1. insane waiting times:
    It takes forever to find your tank in the garage when you have many tanks(i have around 50).
    Then the queue lets me wait for no reason, even when there are more than 200 players in my
    tier, i have to wait, sometimes even minutes. Once it finally managed to put me into a battle two
    tiers higher than my tank, i have to wait for those who play on potatos just to have them ruin my
    game. Nobody can play properly on a pc that doesn't load a wot-level in less than 15 seconds.

    2.unequal treatment between the servers: e.g. eu players only get 30% discount while soviets
    get 50.

    3.the smallest of all things: the average teammates brain

  21. I made a thread almost a year ago suggesting a number of UI improvements. Some have been mentioned here, some haven't.

    There's also a thread someone else started discussing possibilities of moving crews around (as was mentioned here a number of times).

  22. When platooned if the leader clicks to enter or leave the queue the chat text entry box is cleared.

    Crews forgetting how to drive tanks when they learn a new one.

    Moving crews about. This shouldn't be needed, just let me assign them to more than one tank.

    1. Crews forgetting how to drive tanks when they learn a new one. - That's on purpose.

      Moving crews about. This shouldn't be needed, just let me assign them to more than one tank. - Again might be useful, though it is hard from usability perspective.

    2. We know its on purpose. Its still dumb and annoying.

      I'd like to see proficiencies, so once you reach 100%/100 battles/whatever, that crew member retains 100% on the initial stat on that tank no matter what. You'll still retain the grindathon mechanics as you proceed but if you ever go back its not crippling.

      Our maybe you could "sell" 200k experience to permanently retain the skill for tank x?

    3. I get that its intentional, it's just really obnoxious. It also makes me think more and more about just selling tanks rather than buying garage slots and keeping them. Dealing with fresh crews is a pain. Plus the tanks I keep often don't get played enough to train the crew much. This makes me want to play them less in a vicious cycle.

      Make that small change and I'd have vastly more fun at no real cost to WG. I never spend gold on crew training anyway so the more tanks I keep the more I spend on garage slots.

    4. Don't really think crews will be overhauled in WoT anytime soon. As for Blitz, we are going to have a completely different system which would be easier to understand and use.

    5. Yeah, I wasn't expecting a WoT overhaul. But for Blitz I'd definately se something that didn't discourage people from having heaps of tanks. Stoke that accquisitiveness, it's an easy way to make money.

  23. The overmatch function is a real hussle. If shooting at the centurions side skirt for example (which is 6 mm) almost any round seems to get Easley the 66 degree normalisaton. Now I don't know if it has bin fixed, but if not it would be nice to change it. Maybe the overmatch should make the shell ignore armour that is x ammounts of times thinner than the diameter of the shell. Because it makes no sense that so little armour would go bend the trajectory 66 degrees. Or maybe make the rule invalid for spaced armour.

  24. Replies
    1. I agree, and the community has put forward a solution that has been consistently ignored. The most effective solution is to modify the game so that a player cannot enter a battle if they have a living tank in any other battle

    2. ...and I guess its being ignored here too. Maybe it has something to do with the number of botters that run premium accounts and premium tanks???

  25. Well.. I hate the thing about the selection of tanks and the fact that I can't make certain groups like

    - Just for researching modules
    - Just for researching next tank
    - Just for fun
    - Collectables [ I stop playing with certain tanks after some time.. i.e. T1E6 ]

  26. That the Object 268 doesn't get it's historical 4(it should have one loader not two) man crew. Right now it gets this unhistorical 5 man crew.

    1. Will these cases get fixed? I know the T32's crew is off(another extra loader). Some cases where this is justified such as the KV-4 because that historically had more 7 then crew members.

  27. I would like to say: Fix the sniping mode/terrain issue where you have full sight on a vehicle and you go to take a shot and your shot hit the terrain that you are hiding behind. Its as if the sights of the gunner are in the commanders hatch and are giving a different angle of target then the gun's line of fire.

    1. I second this motion. See my comment below too which describes in more detail.

    2. Maybe having the aim point be from the bottom of the shell radius, rather than the middle might work.

  28. I am pretty happy with WoT.

    Hmmm... well it's a bit tedious to move crews between (premium) tanks. There are some mods that implement commands such as "Use best crew" or "Use own crew".

    And while you're at it, put tanker Olga on the loading screen :D


  29. The existence of premium ammo and the ability to spam it endlessly without any limitations. Every tank is designed and balanced with its armor and penetration of its gun taken into account. Premium ammo completely nullifies both of those balance parameters - as long as youre not completely stupid it penetrates pretty much anything within the MM tier spread.

    Do you have a great tank, which is balanced by poor penetration? Just load gold and it becomes stupidly overpowered, the T-54 for instance.

    On the other hand, why would you drive a vehicle that relies on its good armor protection like the IS-7 or E100, when something as silly as tier 8 Object 416 penetrates them frontally with every single shot with its 320mm HEAT shells. The IS-7 is particularly funny - it should be the best tank in the game, yet it is the absolute weakest tier 10 along with the Maus. The UFP of the IS-7 should be around ~400mm effective armor = immunity even to most gold shells, yet tier 9 TDs can penetrate it reliably with normal AP shells, so much for historical accuracy. I know it could be too overpowered if it was completely historical, but having super nerfed crappy armor along with borderline useless gun on tier 10? Cmon, you can do better.

    So, back to gold ammo. Solutions? I see two of them:
    1. Remove premium ammo altogether. I consider this to be a great solution, as I personally dont think there is anything good that gold ammo brings to the game. Armor will truly regains its importance, there will be less pedobears spamming gold on lower tiers and even statistics will be more accurate, since using large quantities of gold ammo improves your stats.

    2. Limit the number of gold shells a tank can take into a battle. I can imagine roughly 2-3 shells for high caliber guns (105mm+). This would bring a new strategical element into battles since you would have to decide on what occasion to use your prem ammo, where to fire it and when. While not as good solution number 1, this would prevent massive gold spam and make the game a little more enjoyable.

  30. ahh if the blitz will have the missions too get this kind of missions out because a player who owns a tier 8 is in advantage compared to that player who only has a tier 3 (the previous missions for 250k was a bit easier to complete for low level players now you have to turn on hardcore mode and make 50k damage with a kv1 or as in the example m2 med etc etc but if you own a tier 8 you just get those 1-3 k damage matches and you complete it withou any sweat)

    1. We can modify the conditions.

    2. i know but still no point for farm damage with tier 8s and you get nothing(without prem) (you loose so much creds but you get back nothing so = useless)and if you farm it with tier 5 you have to play 28 hours a day (i know there is only 24 but its that hardcore number of 50k for a tier 5) and still i hear this game is for CASUAL players not for nerds with a lot of time and still i cant see anything casual in this game

    3. Well, this game is basically for everybody. WoT is not that casual.

  31. If I could ask WG to work on just one thing, it would be to work on and really refine the collision models of terrain / wrecks and make it as a high detail as possible both in Blitz and WoT.

    My biggest bugbear in WoT is that often it's possible to peek over a bit of terrain / round a building in in sniper mode, place the reticle squarely over an enemy tank, (without that red outline showing up, but WHOLE targeting reticle over tank), fire, and just hit the terrain because the collision model doesn't match what's visible.

    Also, make it possible for the red highlight around enemy vehicle when you target it, to show up when aiming at the enemy tank across a wreck of a tank. At the moment, for instance, if you aim at enemy tank through a wreck e.g. between wreck's gunbarrel and hull, you have your penetration indicator work, but no red highlight show up.

  32. telia telia and more fucking telia

  33. A possibility to SORT out tanks by tier (dropdown menu)!

    A possibility to SORT tanks like however you like (drag n drop)!

    Sorting is the "one thing" which im missing ever since july 2010 and which is still not implemented.

  34. A warning on light tanks that suddenly get Scout Tiering, as in the Pz38na. It's quite a shock to move form a Tier 3 tank with normal MM to a tier 4 scout that sees tier 8s with no sort of warning unless the user has taken the time to read the battle mechanics section with the Match Maker chart on the wiki.

    Perhaps renaming such light tanks to 'Scout Tank' or something similar would help out that sudden shock.

    No ability to right click an empty crew spot and populate a whole crew like you could with XVM in 8.7.

    Chat Censoring always turning to 'On' even when the check mark is clearly off.

    As above, no way to turn the 'auto elevation' off. It'd be great to have this as button in battle to turn it off when you're blind firing at a tank in a bush.

    When platooned, if a platoon mate hits unready just as the platoon leader click battle, the leader will enter battle with no warning they've left someone behind.

    Incorrect Voice Messages....
    'They've dinged us!' when you bounce. This makes no sense.
    0 Damage 'Critical' hits. If it's a 0 damage shot it's not critical. Perhaps this is something lost in translation, but it should 'we've damaged a module' or tracks etc. not Critical. A Critical hit is one that does extra damage or knocks out an engine or something, not blasting off their observation port for 0 damage that gets repaired in 5 seconds.

  35. The troll platoons.....allow people having fun doing that, not accidentally, if not they do it to annoy the team ..... is one of the worst faults of WG

  36. Here is a small but very annoying thing:

    The almost-useless but very expensive HESH premium ammo for the FV4202 has been discussed at great length on the forums, yet WG regards a rework of this as 'low priority'.

    Ok, if its low priority, just replace HESH with APDS as the premium round then! Until something is done, you have a tier ten tank that isn't much use in Clan Wars.

  37. I agree with Craig, Scout matchmaking is the most annoying thing. Not because i dislike scouting or the matchmaking as such but the lack of communication/explanation/ingame advise. I guess the normal way to learn about scout matchmaking is beeing shouted at by your teammates because your Pz38na brought your buddy's Amx40 into a hightier match.
    All scouts should be in a separate tree with a big warning sign "different matchmaking, experienced players only"
    By the way, thanks for making arties same tier as normal tanks. This has reduced unintentional troll-platoons a lot i guess. Now do the same with scouts :-)

  38. - Tier 4 light tanks battle tiers are too high
    - The garage when you have lots of vehicles and wanna switch quickly (got a mod for that though). It scrolls very slowly now too.
    - Moving a portable equipment from another tank (selecting automatically the binoculars from another tank that is not in battle would be cool). With lots of tanks, it's quite annoying sometimes to search for it.
    - Random various little delays, like a tank moving very fast and its updated every 2 seconds, spotting delays (enemy at 30m, he sees you before you see him aaaaaaand you're dead), minimap not updated correctly.
    - The randomness, I did 563 dmg yesterday with object 704, lowest value possible. I could have done 938 and kill that tank. I would like something between 10 and 15% better. Though it annoys me the most on penetration when first to pen wins, so frustrating.
    - Cameras when close to buildings or even worse under bridges. Same goes for the gun aiming in the air.
    - Ability to rebind ctrl and alt
    - Having the same maps in a day (like mostly 3 or 4 different maps in 20 battles)

    1. 2. Trying to improve this - it's a complicated issue that involves both server and client sides.
      4. Are you getting that all the time? Shouldn't normally be that harsh.

    2. 4. Not all the time, it's quite random but I noticed it most often around houses or when tanks are moving really fast behind obstacles.

    3. It is possible it stems from slow GPU. I had the same problems when I was running 9500GT on FullHD(1920x1080), the delay between spot and appearance of tank was around 500ms. I believed it was from slow and fully used PCI-E(1.1) and GPU(ddr2) memory. Both were gone once I got the HD7750.

      Another time i had that issue was on a congested network, it dropped packets and the tank moved choppy and was irresponsive, playable but annoying, spotting was delayed too. Again not a problem on my home network, only the one in the dorm(not a problem any more, now it won't even login into WoT).

    4. As for the obj 704, the BL 10 is known as the Trollcannon, not only it trolls your enemies it trolls you just as hard.

    5. So it's balanced if it does troll both.

  39. 1.:Bad communication between the staff of different regions. I have never seen so much failure... not in my whole life. Just look how the specials r messed up sometimes.*Sputnik special and prem vehicle discounts*
    Just to call the most recent failure.

    2.: Very lame options and interfaces for clans to interact with eachother and their members. It's not even possible to merge clan chats.

    I do not care much for minor bugs or issues. But there r sure many of them already mentioned by others I could mention:P

  40. I have a few tanks without any modules equipped, so i use standard set of cammo net+binoculars+repair toolbox... And every time i want to move it from one tank to another i have to:
    - click slot A
    - choose module one, and click button to demount
    - click slot B
    ... and so on

    and then change tank to new one and:
    - click slot A
    - choose module and click button to mount
    - click slot B

    Cannot it be done to move and remove modules without having to click every time every slot?

    1. Yes! I think it would be best if the "Toolbox/Binocs/Camo Net" selections instead of "Buying" another one would switch the equipment directly to the tank you're going to play. Would be much easier instead of remounting 1-3 equipment slots and then remounting them all over again.

  41. 1. say I switch to talk to enemy in team speak, after the first entry it will swich back to team only
    2. fake tanks

  42. -That darn little drop down menu. The one under "BATTLE!" It's annoying to accidentally double click and get thrown into a random battle when you wanted to make a platoon/Tank Company.

    -Forum Synchronization: Absolutely needs to have some kind of notification system in-game.
    1) Notification of Forum Messages
    2) Clan Invites/Applications

    As I'm a recruiter it's a very frustrating having players not know they have messages on the forum and at the same time not being able to sent offline messages in game. In other words, offline communication is VERY difficult. Also, being able to send messages to all clan members for instance would be helpful for CL to organize events etc. Currently we have to rely on 3rd party applications that people sometimes forget to log onto.

    A bit unfortunate there isn't a "commander's" view like there is the gunner's view. Currently when zooming in the camera doesn't have a spot to hover over close to the turret roof where you can see both the front of the tank and a bit of the turret front like the commander would see.

    1. Oh forgot to add in-game/out of game chat? i.e. the ability to post in the clan chat/talk to other players while in game (that you have opened a conversation with/receiving messages in game etc.

      Another thing is the platoon leader/TC leader system is very poor.
      1)You can't transfer leadership and instead have to create a whole new one.
      2)Leaving a residual platoon/TC chat box up would be helpful. Allows you to see messages left by the leader etc. If anything the platoon/TC should just transfer leadership to the last guy standing in it so he has the option to invite others again instead of making a new group.

    2. 1. Do you often get those miss-clicks?
      2. What do you mean exactly by commander's camera?
      3. Chat 2.0 will be able to do that.
      4. Platoon/TC leadership. I believe this mostly goes for TCs, a useful thing though.

    3. 1) When I was new to the game, it felt like 1 in 15 times making a platoon and was rather frustrating. Now 15k battles later I've learned to carefully and slowly click but other people I've talked to were annoyed by this too as other new players probably are I'm sure. The WoWP style would be good or even just add a little blank box where the button is instead of attaching the choices directly underneath the drop down box button.

      2) Well currently the increments of zoom go between a sort of close 3rd person view higher above the turret and straddling the barrel. Maybe have a stop inbetween those two and a bit further down (closer to the ground). i.e. what the commander would see if he was standing up in the turret or maybe in the cupola. Something along those lines.

      3) Excellent! Glad to hear that.

      4) Yeah, the poor guys get worn out a bit from leading and it'd be good to let them hand over the reigns so to speak :)

      Thank you for taking the time to field all of this :)

    4. #2 isn't a biggie but I think it could help add to the experience of driving/commanding a tank.

    5. Oh! The ability to disband your platoon when switching servers! Me and others consistently forget to disband a platoon when we wanna change servers. The game forces you to log back into the server disband it then log back out and change servers.

  43. Would really like to have more options for sorting my tanks in garage.

    IE: by tiers, types,etc...

  44. 1. I would really appreciate an option to quit the game from server selection screen, without having to Alt+Tab out and forcefully close the window; a simple "Quit" button or something along those lines would be great;
    2. Better notification system for out-of-game chat - they are now so subtle i constantly miss them; just today i noticed a message 30 mins after receiving it;
    3. More tank managing options with a right-click on tank icons in the slider/selector: something like "send entire crew to barracks", "fit best crew", "demount equipment", "select equipment" and possibly some more; of course can't make that menu overcrowded, but 2-4 extra options there wouldn't hurt;
    4. Being required to demount and mount equipment like binoculars, camo net and toolbox all the time i want to use them on different tanks, instead i would like the demounting process to be automatic - whenever i would select, say, binoculars for a particular tank, they would get automatically demounted from the tank they are on (if the tank isn't locked) and put on the tank i want them on.
    5. As mentioned before, the automatic shell drop correction can be frustrating at times - especially when trying to lead a target that is moving along a ridge, while aiming for a target that disappears right before you take the shot.

  45. -25% RNG
    -Scout matchmaking needs to be overhauled - we have high tier scouts now, the ancient mechanic of putting tier 4s to scout for 8s has to be updated to something more sensible.
    -Lack of info in basic matters like tank camo ratings and detailed armor schemes (have to rely on GM3D for the "secret" stats)
    -Server aim reticle should be the default one. People who don't know about the option are at a significant disadvantage compared to those who have it toggled on.
    -Silly overmatch mechanic. a 100mm shell with with 50 penetration could overmatch a 20mm thick armor plate, whereas a 50mm shell with something like 800 penetration would just bounce off at a high angle. A more in-game example would be the T-34's 76mm gun overmatching certain plates that the Panther's 75mm L/100 would bounce off at an angle, even when the latter has insanely better penetration.
    -Premium shells negating armor too easily. Just because you might pay for them with credits instead of gold, doesn't stop it from being P2W. Well, you call it "free to win". But the whole concept of "X to win" is at fault here. I will only accept "Skill to win".
    -Make smaller caliber HE more useful. For example there's no real point firing 50mm L/60 HE, really, it either does 2 damage or bounces off. They used to be useful a very long time ago, back with the old HE mechanics, but not anymore.

    1. 1) Not happening, has been said several times.
      2) For the non-scout dedicated lines yes (i.e. the Pz38Na etc. that you absolutely HAVE to grind).
      3) Eh
      4) Sometimes it does seem to be impossible for it not to have overmatched but iono.
      5) Imo most prem shells you still need to aim properly for them to work. Depends though ofc.
      6) Well it would be nice if HE had a better chance at doing even 1 point of damage to make it more useful to decap but otherwise eh.

    2. Against server side reticle always on, its choppy and annoying and suffers from the same lag as normal one, just in the other direction. No no.

  46. Camera jumps to killer.

    Super annoying "feature". Would love to see a checkbox about it in the settings.

  47. Turretless vehicles auto-rotate to follow their guns. This "feature" is so annoying for me that I rarely play any tank destroyers.

    It is too tedious to keep pressing X after each movement.

    A checkbox about it in the setting would open a whole new world (all the turretless units) for me.

    1. I actually like having the TD move because you often need to aim at targets outside your gun arc. In fact I would prefer it if the game didn't lock your tracks automatically when going into sniper mode.

      Perhaps the solution is to have an option to make it default/not.

    2. Hit X to lock your tracks in place

  48. For me, lack of any indication in e.g. clan chat, that someone is AFK or in battle, it would be really nice if I could set some infos for their mates (or if I'm in battle, system would set it for me), similar you can do that on communicators like Skype.

  49. Most of the gameplay features have been said.

    Though, as a Deputy Commander of a clan with a Commander AWOL:

    - Deputies should have all the rights as Commander except disbanding the clan and transferring Commander and Deputy Commander rights, of course. Why they can't do or change some stuff is beyond me (change clan description, for example)
    - Maybe this will come with Chat 2.0, but checking when clan players were last online, how many battles they played over a certain period (say, month - no other stats, just number of battles to show activity), how many are online, etc. For some higher ranked people in clan it could be useful to see, say, how successful were the members in Companies, Clan Wars, or other clan dedicated activities and be able to sort them by this, so they know who to pick for elite team when needed. For some higher ranked members of the clan I think a dedicated "Clan maintenance tab" would be the best, but I guess that goes over this thread~ :>
    - Definitely improved clan chat, including some sticky message for members when they join the chat and ability (maybe all, maybe just higher rank stuff) to message people without them both being online, so it shows when they are next online.
    - Easier method to get new interested members other than spamming in-game. Heard there's something in works, though.

    Basically anything that would help us Deputies and commanders to have to rely on external forums, Steam groups, IRC channels etc.

    1. That basically is not even a part of Chat 2.0 but relates to improved clan functionality. Since the latter has been given high priority right now, I do have some hopes

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. What bothers me most is the amount of random things in the game.

    It is really annoying that everyone else got more accurate but my JadgTiger consistently misses tanks like Maus and E-100 at 300mts, by either overshooting or hitting the ground, the latter occurying a lot more. Then I have to deal with that tank with 490 HP left and the guns does 480 dmg, instead of 560.
    It is like the game is programmed to screw people over at crucial moments.

    Aside from that, MM. Especially the MM algorithm not giving a shit about people's skill. Two platoon of unicums are in queue for a battle. MM will place both platoons plus all the good solo players in one team and all the scrubs and bots in the other. Fair. Working as intended.

    Lastly, SerB. Seriously, replace the guy for someone who is actually a player or is at least good at the game, like Zlobny.

    1. SerB is irreplaceable. Zlobny is good though, he does the tank balancing part.

  52. When your invited to a platoon on another server - you accept go though all the process of signing onto another server to find the platoon is full :(

    Invisible bits of scenery & magnetic landscape syndrome.

    The option to right click and put best / own crew on. + Not being able to retrain all the crew at once.

    Troll platoons being prevented/awful for xbox/blitz but perfectly fine for pc WOT :(

    1. Cross-server platoon invitations will be improved in the near future.

      As well as "bulk" crew operations.

  53. 1) I'd like to see the in-garage windows to be more flexible. Being able to stretch and resize them, including the subsections (such as player lists) would be nice. You can do it with some of them, but not all, and not everything is resizable.

    2) better indication of an invite or chat request, something should popup in the middle of the screen to get your attention, rather than the button/icon simply glowing.

    3) Not exactly minor, but I'd really really like to be able to drag the in-game HUD elements around and place them where I want on my screen (like most other MMOs allow)

    1. Good points.

      3. We will have that in Blitz btw

  54. Crew management is clunky, drag and drop, either individually or as a whole crew would be great.

  55. UI, Quality of life stuff please!

    1. Crew management (more like XVM please, helps my RSI)
    2. Equipment management (quick option to demount equipment, at least easily demountable equipment, helps my RSI)

    And if possible:

    3. Marker for previously spotted reds on the map that are out of sight and also greens when they are out of radio range (like XVM, I mean, there's a bunch of us who have shit memory, and everyone, even old tankers, could put a marker with a pencil on a map back in the day)


  56. For me, the thing that hurts me most is the dysfunctional teams everyone gets now and then. That's not a small thing tho, and probably nothing that WG can do much about.

    Sooo, for now, I'd be happy with more vehicle stats (camouflage and ground traction, for example) being made public as well as a prettier/more informative Mission overview.

    That, and more difference in game modes- Assault and Engagement feel pretty similar to Standard after all.

    1. I have high hopes for garage and historical battles that are in the works now.

  57. I doubt this will be minor but everyone else is just giving ideas so I'll add mine

    Across server Battles. Sometimes you'll spend ages waiting on EU1 for a game in a tank. Move to EU2 and instantly get a game. I know this would make people's Ping vary from game to game but it would massively improve match making as it's increasing the selection pool.

    If that was possible, then add the US and RU servers. It was great fun playing people from different servers in some of the Betas. Each server group seems to push players more towards a playing style. RU players would attack more close combat, EU would attack from the distance and US copied historical tank tactics.

    Then again allowing people to log into any server be it EU RU or US might be just as interesting.
    Plus us single men on EU can go to the same server as the Japanese girls shown in the Tokyo Game Show.

    1. Actually logging onto another server will be possible in the foreseeable future. We call it "roaming". Just need to mind the ping/connection.

  58. Anything to improve random battle communications. How about chat macros? Ability to draw lines on the map?

    Ability to get IM/text/email message when my friends are online in WoT

    A "Where's my bino's" button or "Grab my bino's where ever they are and put them HERE" button!

  59. 1) The people who deliberately lose games and cheaters using laser sites so they know if you are aiming at them or not as well as other mods that give too much advantage.

    2) The lag after 8.8 - sent tickets twice and thanks to tech support they have fixed it but it could come back again as it did before then I would have to again send a support ticket, pls fix.

    btw, the old service record was better in a way that you could see all in one page all it needed was the column filters. Well if the intention was to minimize people looking at service records of other accounts it succeeds.

    The game is a great concept please continue to improve it.

  60. The minor thing that bugs me the most now (besides too many hard hitter tier 10 TDs that many old artyplayers use now) are troll platoons.
    That freedom of choice argument is completely invalid, if that feature does the game no good, other than to let some idiots/childish guys get on the nerves of the rest. Thats simply NOT okay.

    If the playerbase DO NOT BENEFIT from it, remove it damned.
    Any sane person could easily understand that. I ask myself sometimes, when i read the weekly Serb comment on troll platoons on ftr, if you developer guys are going troll platoon all the time, and that is the reason you dont remove it.

    1. I don't do troll platoons, if it makes you feel a little bit better. Noted already.

      Btw, in Blitz we are going to restrict this mostly because of the team size.

  61. Sometimes I get stuck whan I am exploring alternative routes on various maps, so a unstuck command would be usefull at times.

    Also the map rotation doesnt seem to be equal for all the maps, meaning there are some "basic" maps that seems to pop up a lot more often than others.

    I am aware that if you added the option to disable certain maps, the que times would probably be much longer, because it would be harder for MM to pair up teams.

  62. Most annoying thing as a TD driver is that when you are aiming/leading a vehicle driving at speed your accuracy is nerfed by 100%. What moron decided that a gun is only accurate when firing on a highlighted tank?

  63. ping counter on garage
    a counter for the number of people currently online in your clan, in the minimized tab (useful for CW)

  64. i want the realistic shakes back!!! as an option not as something for everyone, i really really loved the fist test on 8.6 where the earth was shaking while unleashing an arty shell... or when shells hit my tank it shake like in real life, i really want this option back (meaning an option for REALISM in dynamic camera) or if someone can help me to get a .cfg where you can get the same feeling like it had on the first test 8.6. also, realistic engine sounds, realistic gun sounds

  65. The thing that I really miss, and one that would cut down on Customer Support enquiries is the ability to access accurate Logs.

    That way you can check what has happened on your account yourself before contacting Customer support.

    For example:
    I did some massive rearranging in my garage. Lots of sales, demounting equipment and the like. At the end of it I was missing two pieces of equipment. Had they been lost in a bug? Had I accidentally sold them?

    SO I contacted support, and the bloke checked through the logs and got back to me as to what had happened to them.

    If I had access to that log I could have saved that support person 10-15 minutes. Now times that by how many of those you get per day...

    Logs are great! Even just transaction logs.

    I mean I'd love a battle log, which records each RNG Roll, as well. Which incidentally would make WOT's game mechanics a bit more open, and improve player relations. By giving extra data to those who can work with it. Did you ever hear of parser programs causing problems for RPG MMO's?

    The otehr stuff I miss is:
    Frame rate and Ping counters in garage.
    Seeing exactly what a module does to all the stats (such as increased hit points)
    And finally the one that has been talked about since I started playing all those years ago, but is still just vapour ware: Camo ratings! Even if its not a hard number, but a slider bar, like has been suggested before.
    Leaving such a vital game mechanic up to guess work is a really really silly idea. Its like an RPG MMO not listing a weapons damage, and just saying "guess".

  66. auto login into the game: If I save my password why can't the game log me directly into the garage? If I want to change the server I can still disconnect manually.

    1. Remember previous server used?

    2. a checkbox on the login page below the "save password" checkbox labeled "atomatic login"
      the checkbox is greyed out if "save password" is not enabled
      if "save password" and "automatic login" is enabled the client will go directly into the garage if the player presses "play" in the launcher or launches worldoftanks.exe directly

      to disable auto login, change the user or change the server the player has to "disconnect from server" form the game menu

  67. 8.7 Open 1 or more personnel files. Click Garage(or Depot, etc) and they all closed. 8.8 each open personnel file has to be clicked closed or use the escape key for each one. A pain.

  68. Most iritating is when teams are not ballanced by tanks or player skills and I know that you don't any chance to win from start...

    by tanks: enemy have 3 tierX TDs, we have 2 tierX arties - and map is Himmlesdorf ..
    By players: Enemy have 3 Kazna players, 2 Hami, 2 PTS ... and I'm only one in team who have his win rating more than 50%(58%) ..
    Its randomless... but after first two minutes game is 8:3 ... enemy team 8 frags, and I have 3 frags rest of my team just dying .. like sheeps on slaughter

    1. Happens sometimes, I'm just trying to do the best I can in those battles. And it's really a great feeling when eventually you are able to turn things around. Even though, it's pretty rare.

  69. limited size for contact/ignore list.

    why not make it a client-sided xml/txt/cfg file?

  70. i never really liked the hangar layout, especially how you magically make tanks appear and disappear in the same spot i think an actively loading (larger) hangar in which the currently selected tank and the 2 nearest to both the right and left (loop the ends) are visible and you actually scroll through the 3D models in garage (museum like) displays rather than pictures on a list. or even a panning camera in a building completely filled with all the tanks in your garage.. even make it for premium only(would be a decent premium feature)

  71. Most people already addressed my major gripes. Especially with the garage :P.
    What annoys me the most is that there is no M4A2E4 beta tank and no KV-220. In the Russian server, they have a regular KV-220 and a KV-220 tester for the beta testers. They are also selling our beta tank, the M4A2E4. Why cant we in EU/US/SEA get the same, a M4A2E4 beta tank for testers and one available in store :P

    1. And maybe let us buy the KV-220 standard as well, russians can buy the M4A2E4...

  72. Several earlier comments were very good so I'll support following annoyances:
    • vertical aiming correction;
    • camera's settings reset after each battle (really senseless feature);
    • crew installing with one click, just like in XVM mode;
    • limited size of contact list - I'm banning really dumb players so I can see them in next games - I would like to have this list longer;
    • current ping on both servers or at least on this where I'm logged in.

    Three requests for issues in Service Record.

    1. When looking for Vehicles, last one one the list is almost invisible due to shadow. Please, remove it. List of vehicles isn''t pretty contest, we want to read some data.

    2. When looking on stats of particular vehicle, under "Battle Performance" you may see "Destroyed" twice. One number is for frags, another for your own deaths, but which is which?

    3. Awards. In "Epic Medals" there is Bölter's Medal which was replaced with Radley-Walters. Players who started playing after Bölter's Medal was removed had no chance to receive it and it would be nice to remove it from their list of medals.

  73. well, you guys always are nerfing the tanks YOU like, and NOT the ones that need it !
    also STALIN is not looked good after so many innocents died by his hands

  74. I would like to see secondary turrets working and machineguns firing (don't need to do damage it would be a nice effect).

    I don't like the new scrolling in garage, the tank bar feels like it semi stop at every tank witch get annoying when you are trying to get to your last tank in the list.

    And i don't like if you cant kill a tank with the minimum damage of a shell it wont die (leaving like 10-50hp left, feels like it does that always)

    The new mission interface, its great but please show progress on all missions (sometimes special missions that require x amount of kills or the like does not have a counter for it)

  75. What I really dislike in the game is the way I have to assign each crew member to their position in a tank that doesn't have crew members in it, I remember back in the days I could put all the crew members instantly in the tank by right clicking and selecting the option, but it's gone now.

    It can be time consuming and irritating to continuously do this when you switch team from premium tank to regular tank.

  76. I was wondering if there was any way to decrease the disconnect time? Unfortunately if you disconnect the game usually takes over a minute to realize it's been disconnected and there's no way to manually disconnect from the server and try log back in (without closing the game completely).

  77. 1) Whenever I start the game it centers the mouse like 2-3 times. As I play in windowed mode this is totally annoying as I am looking at websites or other things while the match loads - and WoT keeps stealing my mouse and centers it.

    2) When in a rush and using hot keys for repair kits and you hit the wrong one you are basically fucked. You need to move your hand to the ESC key to close it, retype the hotkey to get it right. Very bad. I wish I could double press the hot key to open/close rep or health kits.

    And if there is only ONE item to repair, then repair it, don't ask me to press the number.

    3) Chat is abyssmal. Chat lines disappear to fast with no chance to reread them. Even if I activate the chat line they don't appear, which they do on all other games (i.e. you blend in scrlled away chat lines when the chat line becomes active). Also cursor up/down should scroll in chat history when the chat input line is active

  78. It might be that I'm getting old, but some of the text in the mission tracking interface window is way too small to read comfortably.The font needs to be a little bigger with more contrast. The overall mission tracking interface needs to be reworked in fact.

  79. Tress or area that have a lot of vegitation .... When I go in to sniper mode my fps drop to 15 and so.And whats funny is that when I use standerd graphics and I try to snipe through a bush my fps drop to 10 that's coming from around 50 fps

  80. HE shell explosion radius not being part of gun description - have to find the ammo for the gun through store/depot to see.

  81. Ghost shots. You shoot and nothing happens, the shell lands in nothingness.

    And text size as mentioned, way to small. And the mission window is awefull, maybe check out Quest Books from MMO's how these should look like

  82. Whenever you patch an existing tank you drop all equipment, consumables and stuff from him and you don'T tell us- So we login and play with stock and no modules the first time as you usually don't notice this. MARK THE TANK and force us to check equipment first when you do this. Its rude not doing so.

    Removing tanks and replace them without asking (T50-2) isn't going well. I payed to free XP to get there to the T50-2 including its engine. Its like you buy a Ferrari and later it gets replaced with a Fiat.

  83. In your garage the nation selection and type selection is horrid. Tabs would do so much better. Also allow dragging up the tank selection to display more rows. Generally that part of the Garage is horrid if you got like 30+ tanks.

  84. I'd like to have a way to send a compliment like 'good game' or 'well done' etc during the game and after the game, in the same way that I can make a complaint.

  85. Hi Overlord,

    A lot of things which I list are already mention:

    1.) Depot and Shop split? I think it should be one tab, with two options "buy" and "sell". Like in WoWP. In the Garage Interface many information are fighting for to be seen, having "Depot" is a waist of space.
    2.) Garage carousel. Here I think the addition in WoWP would be enough (as you have add just a Tier filter). I like how the filter is above the scroll, so it doesnt take space. But also as can be seen you could add lot of more options right of "nation-filter". I would say the easiest way would be just let the player do the grouping. Example: Add right of the nation-filter (WoWP) a player filter call: "Personal Garage", the symbol could be the Plane (as use in WoWP for the Primary-Filter, which could then actually go). When you click on it, you see first just a "1". If you click on it you can add it. A window pops-up. Now you can drag & drop your Planes/Tanks from the carousel to the "1"; in the order you like. This way you can make a group "1" as you wish and in the order you like; when you are finish just save it. Now if you go on "Personal Garage" again you see a "2", which means, after you had made your one (and save it), you can do your two and again in the form you like (even with the same tanks as in "1"). I think personal a drag & drop menu would the easiest why to do it (as in EVE Online, where it is just a gimmick, without a really experience changing effect or time saving.)
    3.) Plane/Tank viewer. In EVE Online you can see in the market your ship in a 3D fashion (even if it in the game the shape has it no meaning.). As for WOT where shape (slope) has a meaning, it should be in the game. How? To save space add a magnifying glass symbol on the picture of the Tank/Plane details; if you click it a window opens and you can see your plane/tank and can scroll in, look it from all sides.
    4.) Tech tree. Just one thing: SLICK IT DOWN. First: Currently in WOT it just a over dose of to much. The Credit tags and the XP tags on the tanks should be optional (meaning a check box in the corner, with a option if I which to see it). It takes for me a lot of the slickness out of the tree, and adds unnecessary colors to a the overall color theme of WOT (Silver/Black/Withe).
    Second: The tree should be vertical again. As it is in WoWP (but with way less space in between the rows. Meaning, the line to the Yak-7 should be as long as to the La-5.
    Third: Information to the game play. I like the tab on the right in WoWP. I think even in WOT would it be more useful, with a lot of more information (like that the IS-4 line is the armor line and the IS-7 is the fast heavy tank line etc... So with more information then just what a Heavy Tank/Fighter is. The tab should change be every nation and could so give a quick overview what this tree is about and its branches. Something what you get ask often: "What are nation x good for?" "What is the E-50 line good for"? etc... wouldnt less be ask. Also add somewhere the info that for arty is there a global view (left shift), so that now players have that information.). It would make the game so much more newbie friendly (people can make earlier a discussion where to go and WHY. More, then the current in-game NONE information, which leads to that the Newbie just goes for the german Tiger etc... ).

  86. 5.) Garage tab. As in WoWP: Bring in WOT the exterior tab in it; the same counts for modules (add it as tab). Those two just take space in the bottom of the screen (above the carousel, which could be use more better). Never forget, just put stuff in the "first" garage which people use always, soemthing like modules is uses just in the beginning when you first have tank, for the next 100+ battles, where you tank is max out it is more or less useless space. The same counts for camo, after you have it on our tank, it is a waist of space (and should be in the "secondary" tab as it is in WoWP).
    6.) The information penal in the right. It is nice for the early stages of the game, later it becomes more and more useless; and you will find better and more information outside of the game (Advanced tank information in I think that right field should be sacked totally. Add all those information in the modules tab (in the garage tab). As can be seen in youtube vids, Jingles, Quickybaby, etc... they use the modules window to compare tanks. So the field in the right is totally useless (and just takes place. If WG really wants give some basics, then give just basics. Like in WoWP with the stars-rating. As for WOT it should be the three categories: Mobility, Firepower, Protection). To come back to the topic. So add more information to the module details. Like Track HP and Turret HP etc..... and the other information's ( And "basic down" the right information field, add the information in there to the "module detail" and "tank details" and left the right just with some basics.
    6.) I could say a lot more if need. But I also dont know, if this post gets read as Im a little bit late.


  87. I would love to have, instead of garage, open field probably airfield where all of my tanks would be standing next to each other so i can see all of them at one time. Also when you go AFK camera could move around a bit and just show tanks.

  88. I got one more thing: If I'm rebuying tank that I got already elited, it would be nice if I could choose what modules to fit in it, e.g. 105mm on M4 Sherman instead of that crap stock 75mm. It's frustrating when you have to spend creds for modules you're going to sell seconds later...

  89. Right so after all that scrolling the one thing that I think was missed is status indicators for friends and clan mates such as in battle, in garage, afk (either as a option selected by a player or activated after a certain period of inactivity).

    The best way, in my opinion, to implement this is as a colour coding system of peoples names in your lists, which is already in game in a very basic form as red for offline and green for online.

    Just something that's helpful when trying to form a platoon or tank company so that we are able to judge if there is sufficient players available or how long we could expect to wait.
