Saturday, October 26, 2013

[WoT] Double!

Just wanted to thank all those who voted for World of Tanks at Golden Joystick award (and those who didn't for some reason, although not being indifferent to the game).

It's difficult to win a title, but to defend it is obviously much harder.


Hope, you see that the game is getting better and better. 8.9 is a step in the right direction, and it's not the only one that will be taken in the future.

PS: by the way, if you up for a spontaneous meeting in London, I will be available tomorrow at Apollo theatre at Wilton Road, London SW1V 1LG at 5:30pm. Comment the post, if you are going to come. 


  1. The WTF-100 is not a step in the right direction...

    1. No. Burst damage that high makes the game just another shooter. The armour and slow damage are what makes WoT great.

      Neither is the lack of an end game other than CW after 2 years while we're at it.

    2. That was probably a bit pissy. The game itself it great. The design direction is really unfathomable though.

    3. @Neither is the lack of an end game other than CW after 2 years while we're at it.@

      Agree here.

      @The design direction is really unfathomable though.@


    4. What originally drew me to the game was the way armour and low damage output combined with slow tanks made something much more thoughtful than generic military shooters like CoD or Battlefield.

      Things like the WT E-100 that can kill any tank in ten seconds really take away from that. Make a single mistake and and one of those unspotted will destroy you just like a claymore in CoD.

      I really don't understand why WG keeps introducing higher and higher burst damage. Especially since the Sturmtiger is still apparently intended to be added.

      Similarly I don't get what WG is doing with clan wars. I'm no clan wars player and I never will be. WG seems insistant on making CW into the end game for everyone, to the extent that they are putting changes in that the NA CW players hate. This can never get me into clan wars, I don't want scheduled stuff like that, I got enough of it in World of Warcraft raiding. All that happens when WG tries to expand the CW player base is the current CW players have less fun.

      Then there are the CW reward tanks. Its a PvP game of skill. For that to mean anything everyone needs to get the same equipment. I find it extremely odd and concerning that WG is moving towards having more special tanks that most players will never have a chance to get. Especially at T10 which is where the competitive end game should be.

      7/42 is also a bit odd. I would expect WG to use T10 tanks for the competitive play. That'd be a reason to want end game tanks for people who don't do CW.

      Taken together it just seems that WG doesn't really know why the players like their game. It also seems like WG is stumbling around trying to get an end game together without really knowing what we want.


    5. 1. I would argue much about WT E-100 thing, since I didn't have a chance to check it out during the public test. Generally, I tend to rely on supertest results, even though there were a few not the best results from them in the past.
      2. Regarding the Clan Wars, there are big plans for that mode to make it more accessible for players, which includes separation of CW into regular global map and another submode which is going to be less exhaustive in terms of time and effort – at the same time providing a new type of gameplay (garage battles). Plus, the game still needs a more accessible end-game mode than Clan Wars, possible with PvE element – survival, moba, coop, or smth similar. Don't see a problem with T10 being awarded in CWs as long as they don't offer better performance comparing to regular vehicles.
      3. 7/42 appeared to be the most succseful form of competitive play which doesn't mean we are not going to try T10 in esport in future. And again see above for end-game.
      4. Regarding who wants what. The audience is too diverse right now. The needs and wants of different players differ a lot. On every single aspect. Take historical battles alone and you find a hundred of different options.
      And by the above I really mean that historical battles are coming.

    6. Sorry for the typos - was writing on a mobile.

    7. Less exhaustive secondary clan wars is interesting sounding. I'm not wild about garage battles, but in a competitive game mode with premade teams it might work out.

      T10 reward tanks can't be better than normal ones, I agree. The problem is that ensuring that means they tend to have to be a little underpowered. I think Minsk also miscalculated how popular the M60 is with the Americans, it's a point of considerable frustration with them that a major production tank is locked up as a reward vehicle.

      Thanks for responding by the way.

    8. That stuff you said about CW, yo won't get in trouble if that gets posted on forums/other blogs, right?

    9. @I think Minsk also miscalculated how popular the M60 is with the Americans, it's a point of considerable frustration with them that a major production tank is locked up as a reward vehicle.@

      Might be so. At the same time we needed to give a good incentive to play CWs and campaigns.

    10. @That stuff you said about CW, yo won't get in trouble if that gets posted on forums/other blogs, right?@

      Well, it shouldn't - there is no secret that we are working on a secondary CWs (sub)mode which is not global map. Just can't share the details at the moment - our guys will do that when the time is right. Feel free to repost.

    11. LOL WG. Why the fuck we need tier 10? FOR what? Global MAP TIER 8 LOL.
      Again end content for tiers 10 tanks locked by you, wtf to do with tiers 10, sell and buy tier 6 and fucking tiers 8? fucking failers, again removed end game tanks from CWs epic.

    12. Anything relevant next time pls

    13. Why Global map have tier limit 8? Campaignt only last stage with tier 10 tanks. So there is no end game content for tiers10, and you still making Cws both maps for <10 tiers tanks. WTF to do with them? 7/42 is for tier 8 again, Global MAP again tier 8 limit, i have x5 tier 9 and x6 tier 10 and feel completle ussles. If my clan decide to be on Global map, im out froms cw, campaign same shit. tier 6 tier 8 and at the end tiers 10 only. MAKE CONTENT TO TIERS 10 THIS IS TOP'S TANKS.

    14. I remember those days when there was lots of complaining that CWs are only for tier 10 :)

      More gameplay/content is to arrive for tier 10s.

  2. Should be able to get to Victoria for 5.30 pm today 26th

    1. Great. Comment here if smth changes or when you are there.

      I will be wearing grey wargaming T-shirt

    2. Waiting near Apollo theatre next to Victoria station, Wilton road exit

    3. Thanks for the unexpected meeting. Great to know how WG thinks. Nice insights about the future. Hope you have a good flight home.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congrats :)

    It is funny that on forums and some blogs there is more and more whining, while you improved game greatly in last year.

    But to be honest players of most games are mainly whining and writing that game would be great, if it was made by other developer ;)

    Unfortunately I still do not miss WoT strong enough to start playing (already almost 3 months without WoT), but it is not because of the game, but rather of players. Playing solo without random teammates from WoT is a big pleasure. My rage factor went down greatly, since my succes is not dependent from teammates ;) (although we make there some group runs, but they are not mandatory and are only small part of the game).

    Also one of biggest problems of WoT is very rude playerbase. Can you believe that after almost 3 months in other MMO I had seen word noob zero times and idiot one time (the one who said that was immediately kicked out from his guild)? So even if I would love to drive again my tanks, any thought about launching WoT is killed by the fact, that it is like entering a cellar full of sh.... Not because of developers ofc, but because of playerbase. So many people forget in WoT that this is only game and games should be for fun.

    Best wishes, Overlord :)

    1. Thanks, mate.

      Guess, you are somewhat lucky then - personally I haven't seen that much in online games. Probably, I can imagine that in relative small and (hard)core communities.

      WoT has grown that big that you can practically meet a player/person of any kind. In this way the game is mirroring the culture itself.

    2. The greater number of "noob, etc" comments probably arise from the fact there is no respawning or way back into the battle once dead. So if you are the last on your team alive it is possibly to have 14 dead team mates watching your every move. So if you do something they disagree with some folks will unfortunately insult you. Ignore it, 95% of the time they have done worse than you in the after battle statistics.

    3. @ Overlord

      Well, after I started to play that other MMO I found opinion on some forum that it has one of the most friendly communities in online games. The main reasons IMO are: players do not fight each other apart from one PvP area, there are no stats (like win ratio, so people do not care so much about numbers), your XP, creds and other rewards are not dependant from other players (with exception when you make some group runs), game do not have national or historical elements (it is fantasy genre). And last but not least, my guild (and many orthers too) is ruthless for rude people and we have very friendly and nice core in guild, which causes that new people take similar approach very fast.

      @ Phil Brown

      It is not a problem that someone call me a noob. In almost all cases these are guys with stats worse then mine and I can be really harsh in explaining them the reasons of that difference if they piss me off :). The problem is that there are in WoT so many negative emotions and rude people that I feel like entering chamber of terrible smelling sludge even if it is not me, who is attacked. Now I play other game in nice, friendly community and difference is really huge. Even if that other game is less entertaining then WoT (fighting system is much more boring then in WoT) I get much more fun from that game.

      Unfortunately I have no idea how it could be changed in WoT, so probably game have to live with that. Punishing harder and more often, when there is so many players is very hard to do, cause they had to be huge army of moderators.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think this game is one of the best multiplayer titles on the market.
    Enjoy it 2 years now, and have finished almost all important tech-lines for me.

    Lately tier IX (IX because often you play against tier X) & X gameplay is so unfun, i normally only play midtiers now (6 & 7).

    See for yourself:
    Too often you have one like this (maybe not that much of them, but far too much).
    Its unplayable.

    I see just 2 good possible solutions:

    Hardcap the TD`s in tier X. Like max 3 per team.
    More is not fun.

    I think hardcap is the best solution, but with arty WG decided to take the nerf route,
    (so i suppose you will do the same here)
    which all in all worsened arty gameplay a lot. Its still playable, but most of the time unfun and less good than normal tanks. It can perform the role it is build for in CW`s and tournaments,
    but thats it. I wouldnt play them for fun in randoms.

    Nerf the reload time hard, so it gets unfun to play like arty.

    Arty makes nearly the same damage per shot, compared to the hard hitters, but has a REALLY long reload time, AND a very bad aim compared to tds.
    Lets say the bad aim is the compensation arty has to pay balance wise for shooting safely,
    but i think the reload time is fine for the damage per shot potential.

    The solution presented by the devs so far, with same dpm but less per shot, wont reduce the amount of TDs. 750 damage is waaaaaay to high with an even higher ROF.
    Its simply OP in most situations.
    When you look at the hitpoint-numbers a normal tier X tank has, thats easy to figure out.
    But with time i think you will see for yourself, and hopefully you guys find better solutions then.

    Till then i stay mostly midtier. ;-)

    1. Its simple. Now TDS have frontal armour, camo, view range, plasma guns (ye why you need 400 pen on tds?) and hight alpha. For balance you neet take away some thinks. My optuion: NERF tds alpha -200 with ~700 dmg per shot and same ROF tds will be still fine.
      And NERF cammo or view range, becouse 4-5 tds simple wipes all in the ways from bush, they have always first shot advatnage (dont forget rus tds who can disaper at 80 m.).

  6. I still believe it's the best game of this genre simply because I seem to can't be attracted by those other ones.

    As for the things about which I also moaned as the community did.. and which some of the guys above mentioned.. like a lot of tds, some lags.. and a couple of fails by marketing here and there.. those, I hope, you will fix soon

    For TDs.. by my opinion nerf is inevitable.. and not just from 850 to 750, while keeping the DPM same.. it will maybe be needed to change their concept from something like:

    Greatly increasing damage but in the same way decreasing the ROF and DPM.. so that they are actually very hard to play with.

    All of that because I really want to see more light, medium and heavy tanks in the game.. which will be balanced towards each other, while the TankDestroyers and SPGs are a "separate" option which can either help or totally be useless to team [ Like the SPGs are now ].

    And for the end game.. well currently, as I'm also not a CW player, for me it's to research branch by branch of nation trees. Soon the USSR will be done and then I'm moving on to another one.. what I would like to see would be the option to buy all of those unclassified tanks as END-GAME content.. so that I don't end up with one Unique and Special Tier X tank which I DO NOT WANT to play xD

    But more like.. several options for END-GAME content which will be available for me only after I i.e. research one specific nation tree.. so instead of one tank.. I could choose between 7 of them, all different tiers :P

    And in the end.. Congrats for the win xD

    1. Thanks, mate.

      See the comments above - replied to some raised issues.

  7. Fix match maker , no excuses just fix it.

  8. I can enter a game and tell the outcome 98% of the time all becuase mm can't seem to split the players in an equal way . Oh and it is not a coincidence becuase mm can make sure all the good I on one side and the crap on th other.
    The new German tree is mostly crap. The 10 has no armor , no speed and a situational gun. The 9 the same . The 8 should at least have speed , it doesn't .
    7 and down seem to be ok .
    The random map choice sucks . To many times I get the same maps over and over but can't get other maps all night. When you get El Haluf , Redshire, Sand river over and over you realize you in a circle jerk and not in anything random. Please tell me there is a fix for this

  9. It's not difficult to win if you sponsor this farce of an award. *spits out in WG's cheater face*
    Golden Joydick award just got as werthless as the Nobel Peace Prize got when Obama got it.

    1. Any support for your claims? Obviously don't mean the Obama part.

    2. Yeah, it is so hard to accept that millions of people like WoT and forum whiners are not majority....

      I will tell you Bloodmane one thing, I play or played many games that won Golden Joystick. In every one of them forums were always full of whiners, people crying that devs do not care about them, that game will die in one year and after award, there were many posts, that it is ridicoulus to reward such terrible game full of bugs and stupid features with devs who do not listen community. It is really very old song.

      In reality those, who like game, usually do not write on forums in whine threads. They just play, have fun, and then vote (for WoT). The game has lot of players, and rather most of them like it (and rest must be masochists to play the game that they do not like).

      And IMO in that year WoT deserved that reward more then last, cause game was really improved. And - surprise! - many things suggested by community were done. From mine own list of suggestions most points were done in last months and many things I have seen as problems were fixed. And those undone are usually quite fantasy wishes, like PvE version of WoT.

    3. PvE can actually come one day. Joking aside :)

  10. So, this thread is probably as close as it gets, so a minor (really minor) improvement suggestion: So there are machine guns as primary weapons, like the pz 1.C and the new T7 Combat Car. But their shooting (clips, autoloader functioning) is the same as normal autoloader guns. They could be more like actual mg's, no "bursts", instead ability to shoot the mag empty even one by one if wanted.

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