Tuesday, August 27, 2013

[WoTB] New Screenshots

World of Tanks Blitz is now being tested internally. The game was demoed behind closed doors at Gamescom. At this stage we are satisfied with what we have got - closed beta will show though.

Below are some new screenshots (yes, they are not from PC):


  1. Very nice :) gj men. I cannot wait to try :)

  2. Looks promising. Still unknown how to control the tanks and gun via touch?

    1. We have finalised the controls by now. Sure thing, there might be some changes later on, but it's mostly decided.

  3. Are there any estimates on how many people does WG expect to attract with WoT:B in total? If so (and if it's not a secret), is it tens od thousands, hundreds or millions?

    1. I prefer to think about millions. A lot would depend on how the game would appeal to those who play mostly on mobile - since it would be difficult to attract millions of current tankers.

  4. Maybe you should enhance those shadows a bit.. make them darker a bit :3

    Any ss with UI? :P

  5. Is a Windows 8 app planned too? I think it's the least work compared to Android/iOS because you are not restricted in any way. Playing WoTB on my laptop with touchscreen would be cool!

    1. Right now - no. We are too busy with the 2 platforms, however never say never.

    2. You should give some more attention to the winphone platform, Microsoft would be more than glad to offer support I'm sure.

    3. Yeah, we are actually talking to them, however we won't be able to deliver that much at a time. So, iOS and Android are the top priorities for now.

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, it should. Right now we are working mostly with Nexus 7 though.

  7. Can't wait for this really hope to get on the early testing stage, and idea on timeline Overlord?

  8. Hi Overlord,

    I may been off topic with my two questions. But FIRST, I just drive by to say I love WoWP, cant wait for the brits :) I have seen a lot of UI improvement in WoWP, the Garage-scroll has more filters, the Tech Tree (Vertical Techtree)etc... Historical setups for planes... More user-friendly "Battle-Button". So my First Question is: Will we see something like this in WOT?

    I have also seen that you are going for "Theme-Lines" like:Heavy Fighter, Assault Fighter etc... and even mention it in the Techtree. I really like it. It goes in the right direction; I was also thinking about something like this for WG (I think I posted ones here^^ and in the old Overlord-thread in the forum); but WG has it already (almost) in the game ;) For example the DP-Line or the Assault-Line (IS-7) & Breakthrough-Line (IS-4).

    I was thinking something along those lines for the german tech tree in WOT. More precisely the new Waffenträger-line. For me those Waffenträger were always which goes for: -small chassis,-Turreted,-open-top,-mobil,-and biggest gun possible. So I though something along this line and posted it on the forum:


    As can be seen the "Rheinmetall-Borsig-Line" isnt full, but I think the WG Team can find some nice drawings which will fit (I have some more Rh drawings for the long88, so making it a full line shouldnt be a problem). Also as can be seen I was going for a "LIGHT TD-Line". Meaning: Not as big as the WT E-100, or other german TDs which are already in the game. So that we have more contrast in playstyle/role; thats why I mostly choose PzII, 38t and Panther-chassis.

    So place let me know what you think. Win or Fail? And what could be a problem?

    Have Fun & Fly Save :)
    Your Staufen (sorry for any misspellings)

    P.S. As for the tree you will find some holes, because I havent found fitting Prototyps. As for the VK16.02M he is in stock the same as mention by Doyle PzTracts 20/2 P.66ff, with a 5cmL/60 gun, 80mm front armor (as for elite I thought maybe it could be the L/48. Something like this: http://fhsw.wikia.com/wiki/VK_16.02_%28MAN%29
    As for the VK2801D. It was a suggestion of me. This tank has also forntal armor of 80mm, and should be a LT. Sadly currently has the thread some eding problems so that I just can link the cache: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Wp57g1xtdqkJ:forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php%3F/topic/141263-suggestion-tier-vii-german-light-tank/+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk

    1. If you want look at the spoilers/Techtree/etc, plz use this link: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/288687-brauche-hilfe-beim-dt-forschungsbaum/

      As google translate doesnt feature it.

  9. Heij Overlord.

    Sry for offtopic, but since WOWp second stage starts today: Is it still true that i will extend my WOT premium subscription when i play WOWp and buy premium with my tokens earned there?

    1. Yup. However as far as I know all previously earned tokens will wiped now. So you will need to earn new ones.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Hi Ovi,

    Will there be platoon functionality, say platoons of two? Also if I have an Android tablet and my partner has an iPad, will be have a chance of meeting in the same battle or will there be different servers for different Operating Systems?

    Thank you.

    1. Platoon size will be limited to 2 players.

      Yup, Android and iOS devices will be playing on the same server. So it will be possible to platoon,

    2. Thank you for your answer kind sir.

  12. Hi Overloard

    Will game be released in 2013 or mid 2014 as some sites reported after Gamescom?
    I don't want to post misinformation too WoT:Blitz thread over at TouchArcade forums

    1. Not in 2013, we are only planning to start beta by the end of this year.

    2. Thank you for answering , I know you are a busy man.
      Have a nice day Sir

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Hi Overlord!

    Pls someone from Minsk have "serious discussion" with that pigsty called WG-EU. Yesterday WoWP 0.5.2 went live on Eu-Server and guess what, there was NO advanced warning 1-2 days ahead anywhere to be found (website or forum), no short notice nothing. Many players lost tokens they planed to use on XP-conversion and so on, now they are sitting on a big pile of credits ... .

    The amount of screw ups by WG-Eu is just unbelievable and one starts to wonder why WG-HQ is tolerating this BS.


    1. We are really sorry about that. In this case it was HQ fault, EU server was just the first to get the update this time. So, it could have equally been RU or US.

  15. I am looking forward to this...

  16. Will this work on iPad and htc windows 7.5?

  17. Will be possible to sign up to beta test before release?

  18. Its compabile with sony xperia tablet S?

  19. Hello how will look compatibility on CPUs, speed od CPU, RAM, Android versions and GPU PowerVR SGX which is in much devices?
    (I have Acer Iconia b1-710 with PowerVR SGX531)

  20. Sorry for more comments but i have one more question- how about inviting friends to battle? I hope it will not ne only via FB ( i don't like it xD), Google+ can be good, or the best is inviting/asking for add to friendlist via email or nickname because very much good multiplayer games has this thing bad.(idk how it look on PC version because i have very bad PC, where i can't run this awesome game :'( )
