Thursday, August 29, 2013

[WoT] News From the Front

Related to 0.8.8:

  • Superpershing's armour "belt" on upper armour plate is now 2 times wider (hitbox now corresponds to the visuals)
  • E-75's passing ability for bad and medium terrains is improved
  • Ammo sliders have been reversed to previous version. Will be improving the new version.
  • Bugs and glitches related to going into battle have been fixed. Now it should work ok.
  • There will be a surprise related to global rating.
  • British desert camo with blue string will be returned.

Not related to 0.8.8:

  • Haven't decided on KV-1S top gun thing yet. This is being discussed.
  • Object 140 turret will be re-armoured (going to be similar to T-62A) some time in 0.9.0 - need more tests.
  • The concept of historical battles is now more or less finalised and almost ready to go into pre-production. Finally.


  1. Historical battles!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!

  2. Normandy, El Alamein, Ardennec .. more places where the germans will suck. Wonderful :P
    Tho glad to hear, that E75 will be compensated for the lost engine's performance... still not for the Xp tho.

  3. Good players say on forums that German tanks are ok so i stick to that. I see you added Japan in stats nice :)

    As for KV-1S just re balance it and move it to tier 7 find some replacement and be done with it, that way you get to keep the gun.

  4. What will happen with E-50 than? Some movability improvement like E-75 maybe?

    1. Game becoming a little boring without fast medium tanks and you just keep nerfing their speed. There are just few speed high tier mediums left and heavies are just keeping faster and faster, not like. E-50 will be just KT with higher RoF and max speed...

  5. - somehow - and that's surprising given the fact I like armor history - the historical battles do not appeal to me. I am curious what they managed to hammer out, but I am also sceptical, because "10 T-34's vs 1 Tiger" probably won't be fun for neither side.

    - I am curious about that "surprise" in rating, because it has to be something pretty major in order to have its dedicated article. Judging from the comments under Storm's post, I have a feeling that sealclubbers/pedobiri won't be happy about it...

    - that whole Object 140 case somehow smells of "we modelled it, now we HAVE to do something with it", despite it for all intents and purposes being a clone of the T-62A. CW players with T-62A will be happy, they get one extra vehicle with same characteristics, but I think it's a bit pointless. I also think the opinion that it wouldn't fit tier 9 is also strange.

    1. @because "10 T-34's vs 1 Tiger" probably won't be fun for neither side@

      Why not? :)

    2. Well, getting swamped by stock tanks is not fun for the Tiger - and vice versa, being shot at from a huge distance won't make the battles fun for the T-34 either methinks :) Just too unbalanced.

    3. > being shot at from a huge distance
      Like what, 445 meters?

    4. with spotter you can reach 600m digonally

    5. Wow, almost a third of Tiger's effective fire range. That's what I call historical.

    6. Have to agree, effective range of weapons and targeting systems, especially those in the post WW2 tanks would easily be able to cover a 1km square. ~500m is just not realistic.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I have my garage fully prepared for historical battles! I have, as historically accurately recreated as WoT will allow, the T-60, male Renault FT, M4 (105), Hellcat, M53, Pz II Ausf. C, Pz III Ausf. N, StuG III Ausf. F, Pz IV Ausf. H, Panther Ausf. A, and Tiger Ausf. E! I also have a Pz I in the late prototype configuration, in case the decision is eventually made to give that thing a historically accurate turret and armament someday. I have a few more tanks in my garage, but those didn't see combat.

  7. It is thought that the Maus V2 may or may not have fought to defend itself before it was captured, as it was sent to Wünsdorf to fight. Is there a chance that WoT's historical battle mode might include this, at least hypothetical, engagement in the future?

    1. As far as reputable authors are concerned, the stories of Maus fighting are apocryphal. It didn't happen. So I think I remember SerB or Storm answering that it won't happen.

  8. Overlord, any chance for Type 59 players to swap the tank with a T-34-3?

    1. why the hell would you want that?!
      T-34-3 is shit

    2. Thats your opinion, I personally like it more than the Type.

    3. like it?! what is there to like?
      gun depression is non existent, the armor is thinner (turret plus glacis), the gun has bad aiming time and accuracy, lower avg penetration
      it's slower and has a bigger profile

      the tank is a bad joke, just as putting 122m D-25 gun on T-44

    4. So you expect WG to give you a new and exciting tank worth 11k+ (as good or bad it might ever be) in trade for a tank worth 7,5k? Don't you think they want to take the chance and hope you might spend money to get it if you really want it that much?

  9. Historical battles - awesome.
    KV-1S - I think one of the reasons that keeps me from playing right now... next to the endless hordes of idiots in randoms.

    1. True. Hopefully, common sense outweighs at WG and finally the KV-1S will lose its 122 mm "troll - one shot, one kill" gun.

      Side-Note: I wonder whether SerB would fight for a tank (like the KV-1S) if it would be no soviet tank. I doubt it. ;)

  10. What is the thing with german engines ?
    I researched all engines in tiger/panther/td line trough arty line and now I want to know will I have all (new) engines on those tanks after the update

    E75 has now the same top engine as GWE100, but says it goes only on E75 in description.
    What's up with that ?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. When does the mm start working that players that have same winrate play together?Useless to play anymore when there are so big difference between players.

    1. I had the same question earlier. I got the answer that this would be unfair to players... yes because it is "more fair" to meet a player with 80% winrate when you have 40%. It is true.. that it is more fun if you meet payers when you have the more experiene and it is just pup-stomping, but as i said... Overlord in his earlier post, like half year ago, said that it would not be fair... i dont get why but that must be the way since he said it ...

    2. this sounds like a brilliant idea to me. What's even more galling is I am often in a tier v or tier vi standard tank up against killing machines in tier viii's with full spec. Then they have the never to bitch about you camping and sniping!

  13. Are you planning any special event for Soviet tanks on 17 September?

  14. How about you balance people by their efficiency, im getting tired of this bullshit losing 15times in a row, and dont start with that shit "You learn how to play and you will start pwning" It doesent fucking help even if your efficiency is by xvm statistics over nine thousand, and your whole group is full of shit, and your chance to win is below 30% on all the matches... your killing the fun of the game, losing 15times in a row has atleast put me on a paus for a whyle, thanks! And im pretty sure im not the only one who thinks about this.

    1. Have to agree with these comments. While I don't claim to be a brilliant player by any means getting lumped with loads of no-brains who just "Attack!" even when they are defending on as Assualt map is really starting to turn me off the game.

  15. > British desert camo with blue string will be returned

