Wednesday, August 14, 2013

[WoT] ASAP 0.8.8

While this might be a bit late, adding the video on 0.8.8, to start talks on the major (as promised) upcoming update.

Among the big features:
  • Quest system improved and supported in the game client
  • New line of Soviet med tanks
  • National crew voices (finally)
  • Redesigned achievements/statistics tab
  • New map - Tundra
  • Komarin map is back!
  • Super Pershing rebalance (you will get a chance to sell it, if you want to)
  • and some more


  1. Hi Overlord,
    can you be more specific with these changes on SuperP?

    1. We will be changing its armour and doing rebalancing. There is a chance that some won't be happy with it. That's why there will be an option to sell the tank, since you've invested real money into it.

    2. by re balancing does that mean it will be better acceleration or the gun will get better penetration? because those are the 2 things that the SP really needs. also will the t-34-3 be the 7200 gold so that if we do sell our SP we will basically be able to swap it for the new t-34-3.

    3. Rebalancing is on right now. Can't say for sure.

    4. How long will the offer to sell the SP for gold last after the release of the patch? People will need some time to test it, not all can or do go on the testservers.

      Is there planned heavy/med's premium for tier 8 for all banches? The british could use one or two higher tier prem. Or is that dependent on what tanks are awailable for that nation?

      Have you ever consider making Tiger (H) a premium tier 6 with the short 88 and weaker engine, i think it would sell like hell.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Not sure for now.

      There will be some time to test SP on live servers after the update is live. You don't have to do this on a test server.

      As for prems:

      1) Not for all branches. It depends a lot on availability.
      2) It most likely would, but we are not going to do that. T-34-85 would be selling in Russia as hot cakes as well. )

  2. Replies
    1. Don't listen to this Overlord stay off arty for at least one patch :)

    2. Coldt,

      not in 0.8.8. Will be monitoring the situation further.

    3. That sounds like a cop out to me. Arty has been underpowered for the last 6 months and yet WG still continued to nerf it. Either fix it, or don't fix it. You know there's a problem and there are many many solutions, why are you not even trying one of them? My idea of increasing splash radii is quite simply the best solution as it effects ALL tanks rather equally and doesn't punish people who drive superheavies over smaller tanks if you do it right.

      I'm also offended that you'd allow people with a premium tank to refund their gold, yet you don't allow people who spent hundreds of dollars on premium accounts and free XP over the years to get refunds after you bashed the tanks they put so much into into to irrelevance. Seriously, that's fucking sick. You care for the people who buy pontsy little tanks, but not the ones that actually supported your company and your game.

      You owe a refund to arty players, especially ones like me that spent dollar amounts in the thousands, who now feel like they've wasted thousands of hours and dollars to support a game that simply didn't give a shit about them. Even if you buff arty again, you should still compensate us. It's just the right thing to do.

    4. Because in the superpershing case refund is simple. Bought it we change you dont like you sell.

      Where do you cut the line for arties, you don't like it enough? Maybe you sold it to get a newer one. No clear line. Also there were simply way way too much arties in high tier games, something needed to be done. 5 arties in game is too much no matter how you cut it.

      What you can do is make a stand. I didn't like it one bit when they ripped the Pz IV to shreds and then returned it as premium, and i intentionally didn't buy gold in 2 occasions when i could and wanted to.

    5. Coldt,

      you are wrong with that. Rebalance of spgs was needed and while it didn't work out as intended, we didn't owe any refund to spg players.

      Superpershing situation is different. Our policy is not to change prem vehicles. However it was decided to do so. That's why refund will follow.

    6. Then what makes the super pershing a special case? My type 59 was nerfed SEVERAL times then just ultimately removed. Why not just remove the super pershing and find a more fitting tank to fill the role?

      And from me, the first response that popped in my head from your answer about SPG's was, "Fuck you!" Okay, it actually came out of my mouth. You guys fucked up, we suffered, and you say you don't owe us when you owe these super pershing drives for an INTENTIONAL nerf? The only things that would get me back into the game are A: letting me deresearch my SPG's and get tanks that haven't had their stats destroyed, or, fixing tier 10 arty and bringing them to an average WR of 53% like every other tier 10 AND, this is the important thing, AND compensate arty players for ruining their game. Even if it's something like 10g per game played in arty up to a point I'd be happy. Just give us something to say, "We fucked up, we're sorry." Many of us played this game because arty is UNIQUE, it's COOL, it's REFRESHING. Arty isn't the run around, point and click play that tanks are. They take a great deal more control and discipline than any other vehicle. It's strategic, rather than point tactical. And, for me, it's the only thing that set world of tanks apart from other tank games, and the only reason I started playing. It's safe to say that if world of tanks didn't have artillery I wouldn't have started playing. Now I wish I never had. I'd have a much fatter bank account and I'd never be here, pissed off, talking to you, Overlord.

      Hey, if you let me dersearch my arty, I could get me T57 H, Mause, an FV215b, INSTANTLY. That's good compensation, so long as I get the credits I spent on arty back IN FULL.

    7. I have 30 Artie's in my garage, I have added a lot of new ones since 8.6, with US and Germany at Tier 10, Russia and France at Tier 7 and grinding, and the British at Tier 6 (with be Tier 7 tonight). I don't like the over nerf, but something needed to be done. Yesterday it was said on FTR Arty rebalance will be 8.9. I have adapted and I will again. No one owes me anything.
      USMC/US Army 1978-86
      Semper Fi

    8. They owe you on average 2% of your win rate back. I'm a gamer, I care about that, but they can't just give it back so I want SOMETHING!

    9. You are right win rate has dropped for arty since 8.6

    10. Win rate, I care about it a lot, but my biggest handicap is the 3 year old laptop all 11k plus of my games have been played on. 3-17 fps.
      I play all classes lights are especially hard, but I do have all lines to at least tier 6, many higher, with 92 tanks in my garage.
      I look forward to a new computer.

    11. Im suprised there is no arty rebalance .. people went full retard , crawling all over the place , camping in the middle of field , tank destroyers makes now half of team being immortal and it hurts me to watch this ... what about that british TD doing 1-2k hit with 90% hit rate , armor and mobility , what about nerfed arty XP , for 6500 dmg with my GWE100 i get like 750 non prem xp , while some heavy who misses all his shells get 800 xp , what about so much more XP needed to get artillery piece , what about 8 artillery players of random tiers waiting among 2k other tanks?! How is that balanced? I dont even point to regular arty hell as aiming time of 7-8 seconds , reload of 45 sec , hardly 40% hit rate .. so what if we 1 shot some player who just cant use cover? ( and 1 shot occurs in 1 of 20 direct hits , thats 50+ shells fired .. usualy its 700-800 dmg, same or less than any other tank destroyer Oo .. Finally what about last 2 maps? with 90% of hill covered space and almost instant spot. Should really use damage percent , hit rate and win rate instead of listening to lazy heavy tank wannabe TD camp players! Who ever plays with logic dont get shot often. Others complain

      I never complained before , i played arty and i will play it no matter what, but if i dont play it there is no other. People getting lazy , every map now is mostly camp , no arty - lets camp .. and they do it.. gameplay is bad , 50% of team TD's ..

      I dont say BUFF ARTY , im saying something should attract people to play arty again.

  3. I live to see Komarin back :)
    Patch looks promising Overlord don't let them screw it!
    Besides Komarin i look forward to crew voice by nation :)

  4. Concerning Object 140 - from the leaked stats I've seen it has mostly the same stats as T-62A (which is, I believe, considered by many as the best t10 med) plus better top speed, and the devs said it will be different from T-62A. In which way?

    1. @Yurra

      Stats leaking from supertest are very initial. Even those stats that we see on the public test server are not set in stone. There were sometimes really big changes between frist test version and final release. In last 2 years I have seen cases of penetration changed by around 20 mm, top speed changed by 10 or even more km/h or armor losing a few centimeters - these all on public test only.

      So I personally do not care about stats from supertest. There will be changed so many times before release, that IMO there is no point even in watching them :D

    2. Well, from what I've seen there weren't many, if any changes to leaked vehicle stats. I hope you're right Dead_Skin_Mask, I really don't want another clone tank TBH.

      I read somewhere that it had a top speed of 64kmh, so I'd balance it with the much better top speed and give it some 8-ish rounds per minute. Just my 2 cents.

  5. So will SPershing perform worse or just different? Whats the planed MM? Still only up to Tier 9? Will the price change after the rebalancing?

  6. You really changed Serene coast. If I noticed well, you basically even enlarged it? Don't know if you changed the very dimensions of the map but you sure did wiped out/moved whole mountain region from the west side.. and that's great, no more rushing to the hills. The bridge is a nice addon for the east side.. I was hoping for more terrain with shallow waters, but the bridge is fine. I just hope that won't make the east side hardly accessible due to the fact that crossing bridges knows to be dangerous.. :P

    Generally, compared to earlier version of it.. this one is much larger and has a lot of free space to move around.

    Crew voices are lovely addition.. I just wonder will you right on the beginning do the same with whole multicultural EU tech tree? xD

    Statistics update is great and I would love to see the same thing for the WoWp ^^

    Missions tab is nice addon, highly needed.. and as for the new map or.. all "new maps" and changes to German tanks, new tanks etc.. that needs to be checked on the test server before saying anything :P

  7. Hi OL!

    Any news regarding XP for arti, will there be changes in 0.8.8?

    We already discussed it here:

    1. Not in 8.8. Most likely in the next update after it.

  8. Please make that damn premium Pershing tier XI and only put it in matches against other Pershings!

  9. Overall it looks like a great patch. What I didn't understand however were the "quests" Storm talks about. Does this interface deal only with running event missios (declared on portal), or will there be something like "daily quests" within the game (something like World of Warcraft)?

    Also, (given the fact that basic stats are already out), is it possible to disclose the top guns for the new Soviet tier 6,7,8 vehicles?

    1. As for quests:

      it's not only UI that gives clarity and visual feedbacl. It's also:
      - complexity and diversity - more different tasks
      - hierarchy - one quests enables another one

      Difficult to say regarding the frequency - since this is going to be tweakable. I doubt they will occur on a daily basis at first.

    2. As for guns, I'd tell you if I knew. :)

      And Storm is currently offline.

    3. Ah okay, thank you :) The rest of the options seems pretty clear, including the changed German line (will definitely try that out). But perhaps another question: if I understand it correctly, the tier 6 slot the VK3001H is now on is getting replaced by the VK3002M. Does that mean that if I have VK3001H unlocked, I will have the VK3002M unlocked too?

    4. As far as I know, yes it will be unlocked.

  10. When can we expect the testserver for 0.8.8?

    1. I think it would be safe to say that it public test will launched before September (you know that I tend not give dates, right?)

  11. Is it just Komarin that's back, or will Swamp finally return? It'll be nice having a TD friendly map again.

  12. Really interested with the quest system UI.
    I feel that will be base for CW game integrated interface.

  13. Hey Overlord, got 2 questions for you:
    1. Now that ppl are able to sell their SPershing for gold(yes I know the reason why) is there any chance for getting the same on the KV-5?

    2. Quite a while ago you posted an article about WG recording real engine and gun sounds, any news on that front?

    Geist_Krieger EU

    1. Sell KV-5, are you crazy? That thing is a killer, just ask the radio operator.

    2. Yeah well...he got shot to pieces and put back together so many times he looks like Frankensteins Monster. But I got nothing against that weakspot, its just that the tank gets penetrated everywhere, even at the gun mantlet or the extra armored point between upper hull and lower hull. All while not having enough pen himself to fight back efficiently, not after all the normalization changes that nerfed his low pen gun passively to the point of being the worst T8 Prem in my opinion. Back before 8.0 I made 80-100k every match with ease and no prem account and now I struggle to get 40k with prem.

  14. Well it wont be long that WT will introduce its Tanks!

    1. Sure, fake tech trees made by fans out of Blitzkrieg icons.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. I have two questions about this patch, purely for the sake of curiousity:

    1) Will British crews speak in a different dialect than American crews?

    2) Will the Maus be affected by the German changes? If so, how? I am especially curious if any changes will be done to its engine.

    1. 1) Just one, afaik

      2) No changes planned to it.

  17. Could you reveal a bit more about a new rating for players? I can only see on the video that you need to have 1000 battles to have it displayed.

    What will (and, just as importantly, what will not) influence the rating? Things like WR, average base XP, damage upon spotting, cap points etc.?

    Trent (EU server)

  18. "National crew voices (finally)"

    This might sound stupid, but after seeing what some games do, I think it is a valid question: When you say "National crew voices (finally)", do you mean that if my German tank is on fire, I should expect to hear something like "Wir sind on fire!" with English subtitles underneath it saying "We are on fire!"? Or do you mean that if my German tank is on fire, I will hear "We are on fire!", but with a thick Hollywood-ish German accent?

    1. In your example, the crew will speak German and you will see English (or whatever localisation you have got) texts in UI.

  19. Some great news:
    - National crew voices are great addition. Will we be able to choose national voices for every single nation separately or will we have one national voices check-box? Also will British voices differ from Americans ones?
    - Quest system improved and supported in the game client - that is great also. Will it also show current discounts and bonuses?

    1. - See above. Most likely, just one.

      - No, only quests. Specials and discounts won't be there for now.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Nice patch. Recently the game is getting many nice improvements and quests are one of the best ideas ever. You are also very good in events and specials. You improved game greatly in this area after fails in Winter 2011/2012 (special only with discounts on things buyable with gold) and WoT is now in such offers much better then I thought it can be. I am sad that it wasn't like that when I was grinding my first lines. It would be easier and funnier.

    But all this features are not enough for me to play WoT as much as in last 2 years. I tak WoT vacation for some longer time (will be only checking new patches).

    After your inscriptions mistake I started to look for other game, where I can spend that part of my budget which is for gaming and fun :). I checked lists of best f2p games (you with WoT were on many and IMO you deserved such place, congrats). I decided to finally check LOTR Online.

    Well, at the beginning it seemed quite boring after WoT armor mayhem, but I get used to it. And when after a few days I came back to WoT to make some use of this free premium account you gave recently I realised after just 2 battles the huge advantage of LOTRO over WoT - my achievements there (XP and creds) and my fun are not dependant on RNG MM and - most important - randomly chosen teammates. 10 minutes in WoT and I was quite furious cause both battles were lost due to [selfcensorship], who didn't care about defending base or were suiciding and so on. In Lotro I had no reason to get angry (and when I was a little angry I was angry on myself for making mistake).

    These is in my opinion biggest problem of WoT, and after more then 2 years I am totally tired with such teams. I tried platoons (they do not help too much) and Clan Wars (didn't liked it) and decided that need vacation.

    But I have three suggestions to make WoT (IMO) even greater.

    1. You should stop punishing players for the fact that you gave them shitty teammates. Announced bonus for those in losing team, who get medals is good idea, but not to too good. If I make 7k damage, but 5 kills and dmg 7 tanks that survived while missing some shots I will get no medal so no bonus even if I will hugely overperform rest of my team. But some guy who will make 250 dmg only and get sniper in that battle will get bonus. Yet another randomness. Of course, I can stop to take riskful shots to maximise my chance for bonus, but where is fun here? Shooting at barely visible hatches and hitting enemy or killing invisible enemy, who was in obvious hiding place is so nice and funny. So IMO that bonus should be for losing players with best XP. DO NOT PUNISH GOOD PLAYERS FOR THE FACT THAT YOU GAVE THEM NOOBISH TEAMMATES!

    2. PvE. I am not making WoT vacation because I don't want to play tanks or I get bored with the game. I am making vacations due to my rage on [selfcensorship] spoiling my fun with they lack of brains and skill. In PvE there is no such problem. My fun and achievements depend from me alone. If there was PvE in WoT, I wouldn't need those vacation. So I suggest WG to make PvE campaigns for WoT. They can be even buyable for real money (5-10 euro). I would buy them and love to drive my tanks only with AI tanks (and maybe otehr forces) on my side against other AI. And I think that this would be really new mode in game. Not some garage battles or assault or encounter.

    3. Think about lowering MM spread even more. There is so many tanks ATM so it shouldn't be boring to have lower spread, while spread +1/-1 gives bigger chance for decent players to influance every battle. Cause being lowest tier and watching like my 2 tiers higher teammates file is second most frustrating thing in WoT ATM. (I know that it would made some medals obsolete, but I care more about fun then medals)

    See you, I am going to kill some orcs. Without random teamates!! ;)

    1. "like my 2 tiers higher teammates file is second"

      fail ofc :). Would be nice if blogger added comments editing...

  22. @Dead_Skin

    1-Agree, even if I'm not an exceptional player, I hate such "teammates" wich are army of zombies in 70% of loses games (grammar fail), because their is such games where the teammate aren't *****, and the over team is just better.

    2-I didn't remember who exactly but at the begin, in videos of WoT on YouTube's channel, He says that WoT is unique because of those fight, only on PvP, and He was bored with IA.
    The other reason is that, to create a PvE, you need to create (or buy) a system of IA, and I don't think that WG would invest in that because it won't add much players on the game for the money spent for creating IA.

    3-Agree too, A few month ago I had seen a battle of 14 tier 8 + 1 tier 10 in each side, I was shocked because before lunch a battle you see the number of tier 10/9/8/... waiting for battle, and they weren't alone.
    The other problem is when a stock tank is fighting tier +2 wich are full, it's not fun to play... no penetration, useless armor (in 95% of times) and spot is harder with no camoflage ability (for a heavy tank).

    1. @2

      I am not advocating removal of PvP. It still should be core of the game. But some really different mode would be nice, and PvE is a chance to offer players, who are bored with PvP chaos, smth different to do with their tanks.

      Such PvE could be for example mainly for fun and adventure. You would get XP only for crew (not for researching tanks - so people still would have to play PvP to get XP for new tanks). Also credits could be there lower or even removed (again to make people to farm creds in PvP). When you finish such campaign you could get reward tank in the form of captured tank - so for example, when you finish your Soviet campaign, you get captured Panther with Soviet decals and crew (not premium tank, but normal stock Panther balanced for tier VI with L/70) and special medal. Would be awsome IMO. Nice refresh of WoT for people like me, who play WoT more then 2 years

    2. Not bad idea, but i dont want anymore useless medals. Except the medal hunt event, they are only decoration.

  23. I want to write two things, that could be good.
    1. Why arent in the gam for the first victory 2x credit?
    2. For arty nerf and balance. I think it could be better if their damage will be lower. Cause now its not better for a normal tankplayer, cause arty hits you, it can kill you one shot, like before arty nerf. It doest help much, that before onshot he miss 2 or 3 shot. If the damage would be lower in some cases, not all, because there are artys with weaker gun, like birch gun, or the pzsfl4b.

    1. That post just tells you are "normal tankplayer" arty has 40% hit rate , and 1 shot is almost rare as ammorack hit by others ( im talking about high tiers ) usualy its miss or low damage splash , often direct hit with regular 600-700 dmg , rare its over 1k and just couple of oneshots that every arty player live for .. as long you keep moving and taking cover you wont be onshoted , perhaps you will be ignored if you move a lot .. we usualy pick lazy players and campers for safe hit. Not to mention how hard is to grind artillery line with stock guns small maps and every scout running for you. Every 40 seconds i take one shot , if i aimed it .. if dont then i take another 7-8 seconds to aim , if you still sit there , you just deserve to be one shoted . Just consider it .. OR play it. Cheers

  24. Instead of giving bonus XP to the useless cunts in the looser team who somehow manage a battle "hero" award, compensate the players who actually do something usefull.
    And god damm it rework the XP-System completly:

    games like this are driving me mad - fucking bunch of useless heavies - and seeing what huge amount of XP these idiots get for being useless, while the main contributers to the game get peanuts.

    This shit is the reason I stopped playing seriously. Why should I put any effort into this game, when I dont get anything out of it compared to the avg idiot on the server!? Just driving around do BS, teamkilling idiots, jumping of cliffs and generally giving a shit results more or less in the same outcome.

    I m tiered of carrying all these fucking noobs and not getting compensated for it.

    Introduce a fair XP system only depending on peronal preformance already, no team or victory bonus. That also takes care of the BoT/Afk problem. And dont start with the "teamplay argument" pls - this game isnt about teamplay, its about 1 (3) vs 29 (27). Wanna have teamplay go play cpmpany or CW!

    1. 6 damaged, 1 destroyed, whats your problem? I tell you, that the VK can start with the long 88, cause the 105 is bad (cause it dont have the long 105, like the E-75), so what if he was full stock? And if he damaged higher tier, he receive more xp.

    2. 6 damaged ... lol ... wtf are u clown loooking at? That could be 6 no damage hits in tracks or optics.

      No one cares if you are stock or not, what counts is the result.

      All those fucking t9 heavies do next to nothing usefull but still get 1/3 to 1/2 of my XP. And when u compare it to that poor Obj268 it really gets ridiculous.

    3. I'm glad you stopped playing, your temper and foul language/attitude are better suited to a generic FPS game on Xbox Live.

  25. Ähm, Overlord. One question.
    Will World of Warships have (playable) submarines or not?
    What i know is, that WoWS will not have Subs, but there are videos on youtube who are showing subs.

    1. The videos you see on youtube are from Battlestation Pacific/ just fakes. As for subs..the devs said they will not add subs in the game

    2. Thank you. That helped me a lot.

  26. one important question:

    will it be possible to keep the "old" crew voices in english?
    i'm used to them and i want to keep them

    1. yes, actually the new voices will have to be activated from the crew tab in order to use them

  27. Dear Overlord,

    I have the following information on the new patch - I am not sure whether this is confirmed or not, but if it is then lots of players will need free xp reimbursement:

    - Top engine removed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    - Horsepower buff on HL234 engine: 850 to 900
    - Speed buff: 30 to 40
    - Hull Traverse buff: 21 to 30
    - HP buff on HL210: 650 to 700

    In case this is true, then me at least will be counting to get back all the XP - I have spent on the top engine - as free XP. It only will be fair that way I think.

    Many thanks in advance for the reply!

  28. The worst thing that has been done that I would like to see implemented would be a more realistic use of premium ammo. Certain guns were built around APCR/HEAT like the main gun of the E-50M or the Konisch. However, main battle tanks were never given a full compliment of APCR/HEAT in reality. Scrubs going into battle with a full load out of premium ammo does not truly improve their game, but artificially gives them a more pronounced effect on the battlefield. This does not create an environment for them to improve their game since it is artificial. The majority of players I have discussed this with agree the ammo system is broken and skill no longer is as important as it used to be; this has taken something away from the feel of the game IMHO. I am pretty sure the only ones that will argue against this line of reasoning are those that NEED the ammo in order to compete without needing to improve. I want a game that forces players to learn to improve their game from other skilled players, not 'cheat' the system and not feel the need to learn how to play better.
