Monday, August 19, 2013

[ALL] WG at Gamescom: Direct Contact

If you happen to be in Cologne this week, don't miss your chance to step by Wargaming's booth at Gamescom (August 21-25).

It's a decent opportunity not only to grab some WoT/WoWP/WG-branded swag but also deliver your valuable feedback right into the face of developers, and of course learn more about our games - current and future ones.

Personally, I will also be available for chatting and beer-ing these days. Use comments to this post for communication.

See you around.

PS: And WoWP 0.5.1 is now live for EU and NA!


  1. Nice, I'll be there on Saturday, at least that's the plan.

  2. Serb always say "Your opinion is very important to us!"
    I hope you make sure to deliver all the questions you get to him for careful consideration....anything else would be terrible!-)

    1. Yeah, that's a kind of memo actually. Generally speaking, we are eager to hear any kind of feedback.
      The thing is that in many cases feedback alone is not enough to take a decision. However it (feedback) can be rather good in terms of problem identification.

  3. I can't go to GamesCom, but I will follow WG on stream like last year. :)

  4. :) nice, will be any info about CBT for WoT: Generals or Blitz?? or any more??

  5. hey overlord,

    nice you are passing by at gc!

    im there fr and sat.

    id really like to attend the gc party, to chat with you guys... but your company decided to not invite me after all. :)

    can it be that victor kisly didnt like my picture with 12 arties per side and my hint on "world of arties" when i spoke to him and so he decided that i am not to be invited?

    hope we can meet anyhow else though :)

    1. Well, the party is on Thursday anyway :)

      I might get some wristbands for it

    2. hmm, would be strange.

      Last info i got was:
      "The party will be happening on Friday 23rd August from 20:00 until midnight."

      2 years ago it happened that they changed the date like a week before it took place. It happened that i was planning to attend but wasnt able to because of the change of dates from fri to thursday...

      would be nice to be able to attend.. :)

    3. Oh, right. There going to be 2 parties )

  6. Overlord, my newest feedback you will find under your previous post (in case you hqavent read it) - :)

    1. Yup, I saw it. Thanks. I sort of agree on the 1st point.

  7. I will visit your booth on wednesday and i am really excited to see what you prepared this year. I would be interested in a schedule of the activities at the WG-booth to better plan my visit.
    Any chance to see some warship-action (or even get a chance to play it)?

    See you at Gamescom


    1. Warships won't be publicly demoed as of now. We are focusing on WoWP and WoT360 this GC. WoWS time is yet to come.

  8. Will there be any (no need to specify) World of Tanks (PC) related unveiling like the British last time by the way?

    1. Nothing I'm aware of. Will be focusing on other games.

      Need to ask PR guys though, might be something I've missed.

    2. Ah okay, too bad, either way, thank you for your answer.

  9. On the subject of the latest World of Warplanes update, I'm still interested in Oleg Antonov's involvement with Yak. Was the Yak-9U one of the designs that Antonov heavily influenced?

  10. Bear-ing?

    The flight is a little far for a day trip. You get to miss out on questions about the US heavy fighter line. ;)

    1. Fixed that. Thx.

      What exactly would you like to know about it?

  11. Ovi - just a thought, how will I find you for a chat? I have no idea where you will be or how you look like - and I have no desire to speak to EU community management to find out...

    1. We can schedule a meeting here. I'm fine with that. I will be more or less free starting with August 23.

  12. I just read (and confirmed) WG plans to release WoWp in 1 month from now

    the game is in a horrible place - ballz to you, brainz .. nope

    1. Think, I already heard that from you.

    2. good, I need to rub it in as much as I can
      why? because I TOLD YOU SO !!

    3. And your opinion is no doubt extremely important for us.

    4. like a drop of water in a ocean of blood

  13. Looking forward to see you at the Wargaming Party on Friday night.

  14. I'm so sad that i cannot be in cologne then but are there really no plans to make an offline mode in WOWP? It would be real fun and i think it is not so hard to make that.

    1. No, no plans for that. Same as for the rest of the trilogy.

    2. and actually why is that? Or is that a business secret?

    3. Not a secret. It's simple: resources vs scope vs money. There are lots of great features to add, but we have to choose carefully among them and maintain the focus which is online pvp tank battles.

  15. Sorry this might be off-topic, but it has been a long time since I've heard anything about those books you were once talking about on your blog.
    I belive those are out in Russia, any idea of when an english translation might come around ?

    Thanks :)

  16. Too bad I can't come to ask you this, but will Object 268 get it's historical 4 man crew?

  17. I'll be there Friday, I hope we can discuss some matters on the German 2nd TD line and of course JT buff :)

    1. Ok. Again comment here to arrange the meeting.

  18. Hi Overlord,
    I was at the gamescom on trade day because I'm working for a computer game company too. Unfortunately I didn't meet you in person.
    I was also hoping for some big reveal, like the exact lineup of the
    British planes (to Hurricane or not to Hurricane ^^) and a few other things.

    Nice booth and very nice gifts. Thank's for that.

    I also would like to know if you are putting night fighters into
    heavy fighter trees in general if you can't find fitting regular ones, or if they are too cool to pass up? The Blenheim surprised me in that regard.

    So can we expect the Widow Maker in the American heavy tree and the German Uhu in a possible 2nd German heavy fighter tree? Will the B-25 gunship be part of the American heavy fighter tree?

    Will the Brits start with a ligh and a heavy tree right from the start?

    Questions over questions. I wish you a good time at the GC and not too many nagging German fanboys like me ^^

    1. Well, you should have let me know earlier here. Thanks for coming anyway. :)

      We are adding night fighters into regular trees only if they fit them better than any other candidates.

      Yup, brits will start with both light and heavy fighter lines.

      PS: I love fanboys :)
